Taking Control Part 6

"When desire meets submission: master and slave commit"

PreparationAs the car passed by the familiar city buildings Ava came to a momentous decision. This meeting would obviously change everything for her future. For her compliance to Lorenzo's will. The start of a whole new life path, leading her...

Correcting The Boss

""Thank you for correcting my mistake and for catching me in a lie. Thank you for not allowing me to get away with anything.""

Even though I am Evan's boss at the office, he is still my dominant and has my full consent to set expectations, challenges, and sessions as he chooses. Naturally, I trust his professionalism completely, even at work. A perfect example...

Nostalgia Isn’t What It Used To Be

"a familiar sight takes them back in time to find some things don't change that much at all"

Jade slipped her dripping fingers from her body with a broad smile on her face. She didn't always have the time or inclination to read the stories published on the website, but she felt it had been her best decision...

How Is Your Memory?

"If it had happened yesterday, it would have been lost, but this was stored in the part of his memory that still worked"

Bureaucracy had enabled him to earn a living for over twenty years, but now, on the other side of the fence, it felt like a chore and one that he found exhausting.Her questions had a clear purpose, but he struggled...

No Evidence

"A naive Asian office worker seduced a handsome IT specialist."

My company recently moved into their newly built office building. It was sleek and modern, with a high-tech security system that required employees to swipe their ID cards to enter. I needed an ID card, so I headed to the...

Call Handler

"Someone has to answer the final calls and emails before the business closes"

It wasn't a big surprise when the news came; the business had been quiet for a long time. Agreeing to go down with the ship was an easy decision for Bella. A month's pay with very little asked in return?...

At The Office- Leanne, The Boss’s Daughter

"I woke her up and then she woke me"

.“Monday fuckin’ morning,” I grumbled, pulling the plastic two-step stool from the cleaning room, “I hate fucking Mondays.”I am the manager at our offices with a husband and wife pair of CEOs. Having a background in construction, though, lends me...