The Curious Case Of Mrs Smith – Novel Version Chapter 9

"Was Mrs Smith allone after all? It'll take a welsh-irish bond to solve the case"

 Ciara switched off the navigation outside Wendy's shop.After Bronwyn and Harrison had left, she had called Nelson to inform him of the new developments and he had agreed to give her another day off. Ciara knew he was invested in...

Brooke Becoming A Content Creator Part 1

"What is a paypig and why were those women calling her son that?"

The warm afternoon sun slanted through the living room window, creating a streak of golden light across the floor. Ben lounged on the couch, absentmindedly flicking through his phone while the muffled hum of vacuuming drifted from the other room.Brooke,...

True Love Waits. Part 2.

"When a Western boy met an Eastern girl - a romance."

"Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be. Separated as we are, thousands of miles between us, we come together as if willed by destiny."***He slowly opened his eyes to find himself staring up at a...

I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and let them into heaven. I cant live with that. People trust me...