
"Just who was the mysterious woman washing clothes in the stream and why must Lady Catherine find her?"

Lady Catherine and her maid trotted their horses through the mist which enveloped the Phoenix Park. She rode with the poise demanded of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy. Despite the brutal murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish, the British Cabinet minister with responsibility...

I am cryptid, made in the minds of the lost and hungering. You might ask whether I exist without them, or, whether I am the sounds of rustling leaves in an empty forest, or, the crunch of a snowy footprint in...

The dreams began exactly three months before, on the eve of Ostara. They were sultry, salty wisps that wrapped around Mary’s subconscious while she slept, filling her mind with images of craggy cliffs topped with grasses that waved in the...

The Three Sisters

"He promised to pull out, but he didn’t, and so they fell."

The orange sun was dipping behind the distant hills, its remaining light shimmering across the still pond. Yesh and Shalay knelt in the soft grass at the edge of the woods, facing the water. Yesh pushed her round, muscular haunches...

One Tool to Bind Them…

"Having the greatest sex of your life sounds amazing, but it depends on the price…"

Melissa sighed as she sipped her cocktail. “I so envy my kids. It was absolutely the best sex of my life – and it will never happen again.”Terry lifted her eyebrows. “You’re sending both of the twins? Is Henry OK...

Feeding The Myth

"Xander finds that some stories passed through the ages are not what they seem."

The flicker of the campfire illuminates our circle of rapt faces, the wood popping and crackling in the dark as Dexter brings his tale to a climax."Terror!" he yells with the gravitas of a Shakespearean understudy. "That's how it reigns."...

The Legend Of Grosse Chatte

"A group of miners search for the truth in the early 1900's."

The campfire blazed brightly in the cool night, it's warmth radiating to the men surrounding it and helping to keep the chill off."Getting pretty cold tonight, boys," announced Henri from the edge of the darkness. "Keep that fire going.""Yeah, Boss," replied Bucky....

Carpe Diem

"How much do you really know about our myths and legends?"

Dear Reader,Nobody believed our story. But the events I relate to you below really happened. It may seem fantastic, but truth is always stranger than fiction.You can make up your own mind—I only want to set the record straight before—well,...