Overtness and Subtlety

"A gentleman of subtlety comes to grips with another's raw sexuality"

Subtlety is for me.Hints of what lies beneath,tantalize me to endeavor further.Whatever may become of she,and the hints of gifts she may bequeath,lather me into a deluge of fervor.Perceivable and prominent is sheto show what lies vulnerable just underneath,Promptly turning...

We Are One

"Sometimes, love really is all you need."

We are oneWhen we hold hands.Fingers interweavedGripping tightA shared connectionA bond of trustNever letting go.We are oneWhen we cuddle.Your arms around meMy cheek against yoursYour stubble ticklingHearts beating as oneKeeping perfect time.We are oneWhen we kiss.Mouths pressed togetherTongues entwinedSlipping and...

Who is the right one ?

"What path to take..."

 Choices DecisionsDesires which way should be taken Moving nervously forward pushing boundaries into the unknown or chasing old flames who were left for a reason.  The search for connection passion a willingness to help not just themselves but others around them to reach their dream.Looking for not just a lover But...


"Foray into free verse"

We tried to talkBut couldn'tWe were each too hurtAnd scaredAnd surprisedAnd desperate to get backWhat we once had That connectionThere was a connectionWasn't there? They say there are signsAnything can be a signWhat is a sign?I mean itWhat REALLY is...

Life’s Highway

"True friendships will surely transcend."

Roughened pathways and trails we travel. Trials and tribulations, we try to unravel. Souls touched, hearts associated. Paths crossed, memories dictated. Connections made along life's trail. Sometimes continue, sometimes fail. Hearts touching, sometimes at high cost. True friendships made, are...

New Country

"Tunes and songs, poems and connections, that hold us together"

No depression, That country sound, A true freedom, All mine, all mine. A gypsy smoke filled light in a dark world, A voice in the wilderness, A lone guitar, A lone guitar song, All can sing, And make you cry,...

My Lush World

"Eight verses for eight friends, I'm sure you can figure out who you are"

It started with flowers, and a candlelit beach. Took a while, but I dug through your layers of hiding lies. You thought I would be out of your reach, if I knew who you really were.You trust me now.Welcome to...