Rachel Gets Ravaged

"A fate worse than death awaits Rachel in the forest"

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The rustling in the undergrowth outside was barely audible, but it was enough to wake Rachel. She sat up, immediately alert, and strained her ears. She heard a muffled snort. It was one of the wild bush pigs, snuffling around outside her hut.

Rachel reached for her bow, quiver, and knife, always close at hand. She knew there wasn’t time to dress properly if she was to catch her prey, but on this warm night the rough smock in which she’d slept would be sufficient protection. The pig snuffled again, and Rachel drew aside the curtain that hung across the doorway.

She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should wake her brother. No-one was supposed to go anywhere alone. For the last few days, the village had been agog with stories of a boy named Isaac from the next village, who had gone into the forest the week before and hadn’t returned. There were plenty of things that could have happened to him, none of them pleasant, but without a corpse, or at least some scattered remains, the villagers were free to let their imaginations run wild. The forest was full of monsters, some mythical, others real, any of which could have done away with the boy. Rachel had felt a personal pang of sorrow: she and Isaac had fucked several times, in several interesting ways, and he knew how to use his large dick to good effect, but that was all in the past now.

But no, there wasn’t time for that, and it was much easier to track solo anyway. She quickly tied up her blond hair to make sure it didn’t get snagged in any branches and slipped out of the hut. Even on such a calm night the pig must have caught a whiff of her scent, because it looked up and trotted quickly away into the forest. But the darkness couldn’t mask the sound of it moving through the bushes, and Rachel followed, confident that she could keep up with it for as long as necessary.

But the pig was quicker and more devious than she’d thought, and more than once she almost lost it. She was so intent on tracking the signs of its movements that she didn’t notice when she went past the notches scratched in the bark of certain trees, warning people that the land ahead was forbidden territory and therefore particularly dangerous.

But eventually the pig got careless. It came to a clearing in the forest, open enough to allow the moonlight to cast an eerie glow. It paused to explore the ground with its snout, and this allowed Rachel to take aim with her bow, and unerringly bury an arrow in its neck.

The pig squealed and fell to the ground, thrashing around wildly. Rachel was quickly on it, and with one slash of her knife cut its throat. The blood spurted over her muscular thighs as she grasped the creature tightly until it grunted its last.

She was just about to pick up the corpse when she felt something brush against her left ankle. She glanced down and saw a thin loop of pale green vegetation wrapped around her ankle. Irritated, she shook her leg to dislodge it, but to her surprise the creeper instantly tightened, so tight in fact that she gasped with pain. Instinctively she tugged her leg away, which only caused the loop to contract even more.

Shit, she thought, the more I pull, the tighter it’s going to get.

As she looked, the creeper seemed to swell and lengthen, the tip starting to encircle her leg, climbing upwards surprisingly quickly. Then Rachel’s blood ran cold. It wasn’t a creeper at all, it was a tentacle, warm and pulsating, and by now it had wrapped itself around her calf.

She realised she had to act quickly before it crept any higher. She drew her knife from her belt, and raised her arm high, preparing to lunge forward and sever the tentacle at its base. But in an instant, she felt something warm and slimy wrap itself around her forearm, anchoring it in the air. She looked up and saw another tentacle looped down out of the trees, its tip curled tightly around her bare arm.

She tried to reach up with her other hand to snatch the knife free, but, quicker than she could move, that arm too was dragged aloft by a slimy rope. While she was trying desperately to think of a plan, her remaining leg was secured in similar fashion.

With all her strength, Rachel struggled to free herself, but all that happened was that the tentacles gripped even tighter, and to make matters worse the ones dangling from the trees began to draw themselves upwards, pulling her arms with them. Suddenly she felt her shoulder sockets start to strain, and she realised with horror that if they didn’t stop, her arms were in danger of being torn from her body, unless of course her legs were pulled off first. Either way, dismemberment seemed imminent, and she stopped struggling, waiting for the pain. The sooner it was all over the better.

But as soon as she relaxed, the tentacles stopped pulling, and although she was still suspended in mid-air, a slimy rope round each limb, she wasn’t about to be torn apart, not yet anyway. Breathing heavily, she looked around, assessing the situation.

Admittedly, it didn’t look good. She was hanging helpless several feet above the forest floor, and unless one or more of the tentacles released its grip, she couldn’t see how she was going to get free. On the other hand, why would the tentacles just leave her hanging here?

Then she saw, emerging from the dense undergrowth, two further tentacles, writhing their way up towards her helpless body. As they hovered in front of her face, the tip of one of them began to bulge, before seeming to turn itself inside out to reveal a large globular eye which stared at her, unblinking. The other split itself in two to reveal a sharp knife-like projection.

This is it, thought Rachel. It’s going to gut me and suck out my insides. What a messy way to go.

But instead of eviscerating her on the spot, the knife-tentacle ever so carefully slipped its razor-sharp tip down the front of her thin smock, and with a series of smooth, precise movements sliced through the shoulder-loops, then slit it open from neck to thigh. The smock fell away from her body and dropped to the forest floor, leaving her naked and exposed. Her little breasts heaved gently, and she felt the warm air circulating round her cunt. Despite herself, she felt a brief sexual thrill course through her body.

“Okay, either it’s just a sex-starved perverted tentacle beast, or it can’t digest cloth,” mused Rachel. “Or maybe both.”

Then her attention was caught by something else moving in the undergrowth. Something big. No, forget that, something extremely big. Something that was coming closer.

Then it emerged from the bushes. It was another tentacle, but much, much larger and thicker. It was huge and gross and bulbous, and as it reared up towards her she watched as the end unfurled itself like a flower-bud opening, revealing an open maw: not red like an animal’s, but pale green and slimy. She looked in terror for teeth, but there weren’t any, just endless diminishing rings of small writhing tentacles that lined the whole of the insides of the gaping mouth. They seemed to be beckoning to her, welcoming her inwards.

Rachel pissed herself in fear, and she heard her urine splatter onto the forest floor below, as the tentacles that held her tight drew her towards the monstrous green pit. Weirdly, the scent that emanated from it wasn’t exactly unpleasant, but rather fresh and moist like the forest after a cleansing rainstorm. As she was lowered down into the mouth, the little tentacles slimed round her bare feet, then up her calves and thighs. They tickled round her sensitive pussy, and Rachel felt an involuntary sexual thrill as they wriggled round her labia and between the lips, even seemed to linger over the little bud of her clitoris.

Then her sex was gone, swallowed up, followed by her flat, toned tummy and her firm round breasts. To her surprise she could still feel her body, enclosed in a warm, moist, writhing sheath. As the little tentacles wriggled around her throat, she mercifully fainted, before the circular mouth closed over the top of her head and she was gone.




Rachel opened her eyes. Was this the afterlife? If so, it wasn’t as she’d imagined it would be. For a start, she was naked, her body coated in some form of slick, oily secretion that made her skin shine in what would, in other circumstances, be a rather sensual fashion. She was lying on her back on ground that was warm, soft, and rather slippery. As she put her hands down to pull herself up, the ground gave way slightly, like the surface of a fleshy belly.

She cast her mind back. Her memories were not very encouraging, since her final recollection was of being swallowed alive by a gigantic writhing tentacle beast. That said, where was she now? As far as she could tell, she was in a large chamber of some sort, though she couldn’t quite work out where the walls, floor and ceiling began and ended. There weren’t any discernible windows, though it wasn’t dark inside at all. There was sufficient light to see, though it seemed to be coming from inside the walls themselves, a pulsating ever-moving sequence. In fact, the whole room seemed to be pulsating slightly.

Ah crap, she thought, I’m inside it. I’m in its stomach.

She looked around, trying to work out where she’d come in; there must be some sort of entrance hole somewhere, but the surface seemed unbroken. Perhaps it had closed up once she’d been ingested, which would make escape even more problematic.

As she began to explore her strange prison in more detail, she realised that the reason it seemed to be pulsating was because the entire surface consisted of countless tiny tentacles, all writhing continuously. She could even feel them under her feet.

Then she noticed a darker patch on one of the walls. Her heart leapt; maybe that was the exit hole she was seeking. But as she got closer, she realised it was something that had been half-absorbed into the wall, something with limbs and a head. Then her stomach churned, and she almost threw up when she realised what it was. It was the body of Isaac. She knew at once that he was dead, mainly from the fact that his chest and stomach were gaping open, revealing that all his internal organs – his heart, his lungs, his liver, his guts – had been removed, leaving a gaping empty cavity. And his genitalia had gone too, leaving a neat wound between his legs. His face was twisted into a silent scream of pain, and two gaping holes were all that remained of his eyes.

So much for Isaac. But was this to be her fate too? Had she survived being swallowed, only to face further torture and an agonising death?

Just as these depressing thoughts were going through her mind, she saw two slender tentacles dangling from the roof of the stomach chamber, writhing towards her. She tried to move her feet, only to find they were gripped by further tentacles emerging from the floor.

Oh fuck, not again, she thought. The dangling tentacles encircled her arms, and she felt herself lifted off her feet, the loops round her ankles elongating until she was once again suspended in mid-air. Her arms were drawn apart, as were her legs, spreading her thighs so that her smooth bare sex was exposed. She struggled briefly, but suspended as she was, there was nothing she could do to escape.

Two more tentacles writhed towards her out of the walls. Were they going to split her open like Isaac? If so, she wished they’d just get on with it. But instead they began to writhe across her body in a strangely sensual way, moving unerringly towards the twin mounds of her firm little breasts. The tentacles began to encircle each mound, before tickling at her pert pink nipples. Then the tips seemed to open, revealing what looked like a mouth in the centre of each. These mouths fixed themselves to her nipples, and began to suck on the buds, making them harden in an automatic response to the arousal they were experiencing.

Rachel had always had sensitive nipples, but this was a whole new level of boob play. She felt her whole nipple area start to tingle. It was almost as if tiny tendrils had insinuated themselves through the teat holes and were stimulating them from inside. Was that even possible?

But this was only the start. A larger tentacle was waving in front of her mouth, almost hypnotising her. As she watched in amazement, it began to transform itself from a smooth tendril into a perfectly formed (and awfully long and thick) penis, complete with veins along the shaft and a bulbous head with curved rim. Despite herself, she couldn’t help being impressed. If every cock she’d fucked had been that size, she might not have begun to show more interest in women.

As she mused on this possibility, the cock-tentacle (cocktacle?) began to press itself against her lips, trying to force itself into her mouth. Damn, she thought, even I don’t suck dick on a first date. Clamping her teeth closed, she breathed steadily through her nose. But then two smaller tendrils emerged out of the larger one, each of which slithered up one of Rachel’s nostrils, expanding to block them completely.

Now she couldn’t breathe at all. She held out for as long as she could but in the end she had to open her mouth to breathe, and the tentacle shot inside. It immediately swelled to force her mouth fully open, and she felt it pulsating as it expanded down her throat. For a second, she thought she was going to suffocate, but fortunately the tentacles up her nostrils withdrew, enabling her to breathe again. The creature seemed to be intelligent and to have some awareness of human anatomy. Also, it didn’t seem to want her to die: yet.

She tried to gag, but her throat was too full even for that. The tentacle had curved right down her throat and was making it bulge as if she had an Adam’s apple.

Then she saw another tentacle, this time waving between her legs. It too was cock-shaped, and there was no mistaking where it was aiming for. With her legs stretched wide apart, there was nothing to stop it going straight for her exposed cunt. But the damn thing was a tease. It rubbed itself up and down her slit, easing between her labia without actually entering her. Then, as the suspense became unbearable, it slid effortlessly into her. Again, it seemed to swell to fill the cavity completely, her vaginal walls stretching to accommodate it as it began to slide in and out of her. It wasn’t just exploring her; it was fucking her. And it felt good; really good. It even seemed to be throbbing against her special soft spot, making her tingle all over.

That feels so good in my cunt, thought Rachel, but I wish I could reach my clit! As if reading her mind – and maybe it was – a secondary tentacle went for her clitoris, the tip unfurling to form a small mouth which fastened itself over her little bud and began to stimulate it like no one had done before, somehow sucking and flicking it simultaneously.

Then she felt something pressing against her remaining hole: the tight pucker of her arse.

I might have guessed, she thought, It’s already filled everywhere else. This tentacle knew exactly where it was going too, slipping easily into her anus, and with a thrill she felt it writhing deeper and deeper up her anal passage.  Unlike anything else she’d ever put up there, it was totally flexible and seemingly of limitless length. She could see her belly moving as the tentacle pressed against it from inside.

The three “cocktacles” now began to move in unison, pumping in and out of her holes. The one in her mouth was going halfway down her throat with each thrust, and she could feel the one in her vagina nudging against her cervix. And who knew how far the other one had got? It could be right up her entire intestinal passage and into her stomach for all she knew, ready to surge up her throat and meet the one in her mouth coming the other way.

The thrusting became harder; the sucking on her clit and nipples grew more intense. Rachel just let herself go. If I’m going to die, at least I’ll die in ecstasy, she thought, and submitted herself to the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced. It was as if her whole body was overwhelmed by one cataclysmic orgasmic tsunami.

And finally, all at once, the tentacles reached their climax too, and released their loads. Great tidal waves of liquid spilled into her. And unlike the boys who she’d allowed to spill their seed inside her, or on her body, the cock-tentacles just kept on spurting into her. Stuff began to run out of the sides of her mouth and down her cheeks and dribble out of her vagina and anus. She was soon so full that the tentacles had to pull out, although they were still spurting great ropes of creamy mess, which splattered all over her face, tits, and tummy.

Rachel’s mouth was full of goo. Logically, there was no way it could be semen, but it certainly tasted and smelt exactly like it. More streams of the stuff ran out of her anus and vagina, gushing down onto the floor below. If it wasn’t human spunk, it was a pretty good imitation, except that there were unnaturally large quantities of it.

As Rachel tried to breathe normally after her massive orgasm, the tentacles gently lowered her to the ground. She found herself lying, exhausted and gasping for breath, in a pool of the creamy stuff that had run out of her. She dragged herself to her feet, her body aching from the pounding it had received, rivulets of sticky jizz running down her naked body. Blinking, she wiped a strand of spunk-soaked blonde hair out of her eyes.

Suddenly she felt the floor start to give way under her feet, as if it had turned suddenly to quicksand. She almost wept; was this it now? After being fucked in all her holes, was her fate now to be absorbed by the creature? In a matter of seconds, she was up to her armpits, then it was as if something down below had grabbed hold of her feet and dragged her right under the surface.

But instead of suffocating, it was as she was being sucked through a pipe. There was barely time to work out what was happening before she found herself ejected onto the forest floor, naked and coated in sticky slime, but still alive. As she lay gasping, she saw the tentacle which had ejected her slither back into the undergrowth.

She could hardly believe she had survived her ordeal. The creature had gutted and emasculated Isaac, but all it had done was fuck her. She was even back in the same glade from which she had been abducted – her ripped garment, her bow, and even her knife, were still lying where they had dropped (though to her annoyance the corpse of the pig had gone).

She picked up her smock and wrapped it around her naked body and began to make her way back to the village, walking rather uncomfortably as a result of the ravaging her cunt had received. Would they believe her if she told them what had happened? Perhaps it would be easier to say she’d lost her way and fallen into a river, ripping her clothes in the process? She couldn’t answer her own questions, let alone theirs. If it wanted to breed with her, why had the monstrous thing fucked her in three holes instead of just one? Perhaps it had somehow tried to extract the details from Isaac before killing him, and somehow the vital information had got garbled on the way? Probably she’d never know.

Meanwhile, inside her womb, something was stirring. 


Published 5 years ago

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