This love's my ascensionLifting me above the othersBringing light to my soulCasting out my troublesYour heart's my religionAt your feet lies my altarBless me with your sweet kissesAnd keep me safe foreverYour word is my gospelVerses sang to my heartCarry...

Score 110 110
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150 words 150 words


"There’s only one thing to do with fishnets…"

Taut twines of fabric tether to your skin and form soft square pillows, pleading to be touched, to be teased, to be kissed.Toes twitch and curl with every throb of excitement and anticipation as my eyes feast on your glorious...

Fuck. Was that the front door? Fear hits me in the heart as they push me off from on top of them and out of them at the same time, panic in their eyes and a finger to their lips.“I’m...

Score 110 110
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103 words 103 words

As I part my lips from your soaking wet folds, I study you in an instant.Your open mouth, escaped whimpers evaporating into the air.Your breasts lifting and falling with your heavy breath, nipples taut and proud.The fine down that runs...

Score 110 110
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101 words 101 words

Our sweat-sheened skin slides and squeaks across the shiny surface of the blow-up bed you laid me upon.You led me by the hand through the crowd of revellers, just as I was guided through the throng of people escaping persecution.I...

Score 110 110
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100 words 100 words


"Sensory overload…"

Run a fingertip over your parted lips, gently bringing blood to the fore, deepening their colour.Wet that finger with the tip of your tongue and snake it down your throat and between your exposed breasts. Inhale as you grab your...

Score 110 110
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836 words 836 words


"An edgy short…"

Sharp ropes bite into my wrists with every involuntary squirm of my body. The stiff back of the chair that my hands are tied behind pushes at my straining biceps. Every muscle in my body is taut. Aflame with the...