Regular readers of my sexual exploits will know that I’m a bit of a fan of Brighton’s nude beach, and I try to get down there from London a couple of times a year during the summer. I love the chance to just strip off and enjoy being naked in the company of other like-minded people. And if some of them want to enjoy the sight of my unclothed body, that’s fine with me. This summer, I was especially lucky, because the Thameslink rail company had a promotion for cheap day returns in August, so I really had no excuse not to go.
Looking back, this particular day was full of good omens. Walking up an escalator outside London Bridge Station, the skirt of a lady directly in front of me blew up, revealing that she was wearing nothing but a skimpy thong underneath. And on the station concourse, waiting for the train to Brighton, I stood next to a young couple. She was wearing a pretty, summery dress with no bra underneath, which was delightfully low-cut under the arms so I got a lovely view of her bare side-boob, plus a glimpse of little pink nipple when she leant over. I looked at her boyfriend, and could tell he was enjoying the sight as well.
I was just wearing a light sun-dress myself, with no underwear, and looking forward to wearing even less quite soon. All this voyeurism was getting me horny, so I was pleased to find a pair of seats to myself on the train, where I could read Lush stories on my phone on the journey, touching myself discreetly through my thin dress.
As a result, I was feeling very sexed-up by the time we got to Brighton, and desperate to get naked as soon as possible. It seemed a very long walk down from the station and all along the front until I got to the nude beach, which is situated well away from the main seafront attractions.
I lost no time in finding a spot among the other bare people, stripping off my dress and squirting myself in sunscreen. I arranged my towel, and lay down to soak up some sun for a while. It was warm without being too hot, and I wriggled my toes with pleasure, feeling the heat on my little bare breasts.
After an hour or so, I decided it was time to go for a quick dip in the sea. I noticed some admiring glances as I walked down to the water, and I’m sure one guy was trying to hide an erection.
I enjoyed my swim; the cold water is so refreshing, and really feels good when you don’t have a swimming costume (even a skimpy one) getting in the way. I went back to my spot on the shingle, and was just standing up towelling my hair when a couple of young black guys wandered into view. I felt a momentary flicker of irritation when they settled down just in front of me, laying out a large blanket which they spent some time weighing down with pebbles. I don’t really like having my view of the sea obstructed, especially as the beach wasn’t exactly crowded.
Even so, I couldn’t help peeking when they began to strip off. I’m ashamed to admit that I was curious (as I always am) to see if the cliché about the size of black dicks would apply in this case. And oh my goodness, it certainly did: with both of them.
I was delighted to see that each one had a most impressive length of meat dangling between his legs. Any longer, and they’d have been dragging on the ground. I exaggerate slightly, but not much. And they were both completely smooth around the genital area, not a sign of a dark wiry pubic hair between them. To finish off the picture, they were both uncircumcised, and their prominent knob-ends were thick and well-formed.
Their body language indicated that they were a couple, which was fine and dandy with me, although it seemed a shame that both those enormous todgers weren’t available for the delight and satisfaction of the young ladies of Brighton. But at least I got to admire them, which was better than nothing.
The guys settled down on their blanket, both on their backs, long black dicks resting idly across their thighs. I forced myself to stop staring, and went back to my book. But after a while I noticed that one of the guys had rolled over to talk to his friend, and his dangling cock seemed to be swelling a bit. Before my very eyes, and without any stimulation, it began to twitch and jerk, and stand out from its owner’s body.
Someone was getting a bit aroused, I decided. Not appropriate behaviour for Brighton Beach, which isn’t one of those swingers’ hangouts where you go to get laid, though you do see the occasional incidental erection (as I’d done earlier). A quick dip in the cold sea usually puts paid to that sort of thing.
But this guy didn’t seem to be bothered by his organ’s lively behaviour. In fact, as I watched he began to stroke his friend’s dick, which was soon hard as well. And if the two members had been impressive when they were soft, now they were frankly mouth-watering.
The guys both rolled onto their sides until they were facing each other, doing their best to shield their erections from passers-by. But I could still see them from where I was, and I hoped to God they didn’t realise and stop playing.
I could feel myself getting turned on, and wanting to touch myself. Sitting up a little, I found my dress and casually pulled it over my pussy, and began to rub myself underneath it. I slipped a finger into my slit and felt how wet I was, then concentrated on circling gently round the hard little button of my clitoris.
The two guys were now actively masturbating each other, each with his hand round the other’s dick, stroking up and down. Fortunately, no-one else was close enough to have noticed. Then one of them looked up at me, caught my eye, and smiled.
I blushed all over, though it was they who should have been embarrassed – at least I was strumming myself under my dress! But he whispered at his friend, and they both smiled at me, still rubbing each other’s dicks. One of them mouthed something at me; it looked like “show us”.
Fuck yes, I wanted to show them. I sat up, raised my knees so my genital area was partly shielded, and pulled the dress away so they could see my aroused pussy. I looked down at my labia: they looked every bit as aroused as I felt; puffy and protruding with excitement. Smiling back, I slipped two fingers inside my cunt and began to slide them in and out. With my other hand, I began to stroke my clit again.
Then someone did walk past, and the guys both quickly rolled onto their stomachs to shield their erections, while I pulled out my fingers guiltily. But they were soon off again, and so was I. This time, they began rubbing harder; I guessed they wanted to finish before someone caught them.
In the end, the one on the right came first. I heard him mutter something that sounded like “Aw, fuck,” and as I watched series of huge ropes of white semen shot out of the end of his dick. A couple of them went so far they splattered onto his friend’s face, and the rest landed on his well-toned torso.
The guy who hadn’t come yet looked at me with a big grin on his spunk-covered face. He made sure I could see what he was doing with his hands as he stroked faster and faster at his friend’s dick. It wasn’t long before his friend came as well. As the spunk spurted out, the guy doing the rubbing made sure it went all over his friend’s body, smearing the last drops off on his stomach.
At the sight of their faces and bodies streaked with great loops of white semen, I felt myself approaching my own climax. They watched as I bit my lip, suppressing my cries as I came, two fingers in my cunt and another strumming my clit. I grinned and lay back, my vulva pink and puffed up with arousal.
Immediately, the guys sat up and ran down to the sea, their dicks still half erect, to wash off all the semen, and I turned over to hide my aroused cunt, letting my heartbeat slow down and my breathing return to normal. I shut my eyes and thought about what I had seen. What we’d done had been so naughty, on a public beach, but such a turn-on. I listened for the guys coming back, trying to decide what to say to them. But I heard nothing, and what with the warm sun and the aftermath of my orgasm, I must have dozed off.
I woke up with a start, the sun still hot on my back. I sat up and looked at where the guys had been, but to my annoyance and disappointment they’d gone.
“Fuck, fuck, fucketty fuck,” I thought. I’d really wanted to speak to them, even if just to share a guilty smile and a thank-you. I looked around, to see if they were still in view, and then I caught sight of something on my towel that I was sure hadn’t been there before. It was just a little piece of card. I picked it up, and saw that it was advertising a local café. “The Jam Pot,” it read. “Tea, Coffee, Home-Made Snacks, 3 Church Place, Brighton.”
Church Place? Where the heck was that? I turned over the card to see if there was a little map, but instead there was a hand-written note.
“Thanks for the fun! Why not pop in for a coffee? It’s on us. A & R”.
My heart gave a little leap of excitement; it must be them, surely. I looked at my phone; just after 2pm, already past lunch-time, so a drink and a Home-Made Snack seemed like a good plan.
I slipped on my little dress and Birkenstocks, and walked up the beach, googling on my phone for Church Place. Luckily, it looked to be only a few minutes’ walk away, just off Sussex Square.
By the time I got there I was having second thoughts; did I really want to see the two guys again? On the other hand, what harm could possibly come of it? I walked past casually and peeked in through the window. There seemed to be a couple of girls at one table and a single elderly woman at another. They seemed normal enough, and I banished all thoughts of drug dens and eastern European prostitution rings. I couldn’t see either of the guys, but there was a young black woman behind the counter doing something with the till.
I pushed on the door, and a little bell jangled as it opened smoothly. The elderly woman looked up, and the woman behind the counter smiled in my general direction.
I found a little table in one corner, and examined the menu. Despite it being past my usual lunchtime, I wasn’t actually that hungry, but it seemed mean to just have a “free drink” without ordering something else as well. While I was pondering, the two girls and the older woman both paid up and left, leaving me as the only customer.
I went up to the counter to order. I felt a bit embarrassed as I dug out the card. What if the young woman wouldn’t accept it? Maybe the guys had just picked the card up and decided to play a trick on me?
“I’ll have a piece of that,” I said, pointing at some particularly unhealthy but delicious-looking cake. “And I was given this – is it okay for a latte?”
The girl looked at it and smiled.
“Sure, no problem, looks good to me.”
She opened the back of the display cabinet to get my cake. I suddenly realised I was staring at her chest, and for a good reason. She was wearing a tight white cotton tank-top which made it very obvious she didn’t have a bra on. The shirt clung tightly to the smooth curves of her boobs, and the buds of her nipples were very prominent. Were they always like that, or was she turned on by something? And what was more, I could see clearly the outline of a bar piercing her right nipple. I felt my lips getting dry, and licked them self-consciously. She exuded sexual confidence; I could almost taste the pheromones in the air. I glanced down and saw my own nipples pushing against my dress. I saw her eyes flick up at me; had she noticed me staring?
“There you go,” she said. “Freshly made this morning by my gran. It’s my favourite too.”
“So you bumped into Rick and Aaron?” she said, as she turned round to do her stuff with the coffee machine. Her top clung to her back, and I admired the firm physique of her shoulders.
“You’ve been on the beach, I guess,” she went on. Something about the way she said it suggested that she knew what part of the beach I’d been on. Presumably she’d known where the two guys usually went. I had a feeling she wasn’t averse to a bit of skinny-dipping herself.
“I didn’t get their names,” I admitted, “but they were next to me, and we got chatting. “ (Okay, that was a bit of a fib, but I could hardly say what had actually happened). “And they gave me the card.”
She smiled wryly. “They should’ve been back by now,” she confided. “I said they could go for a swim ‘cos we were quiet, but they were supposed to pick up some things on the way back.”
As if on cue, the door pinged, and the two guys waltzed in, supermarket carriers in their hands.
“Hey, Nat, we got the stuff like you said,” said one of them.
“Cheers, Aaron. Looks like you took the long way round again,” said Nat. “Go on, put them in the back. And I see you’ve been handing out freebies again.” She nodded in my direction.
I gave a little smile and waggled my fingers.
“Hey, you came, that’s cool!” He turned to Nat. “We met …”
“Yeah, Annie, on the beach, and thought she looked thirsty.”
“Thirsty for your spunk,” I thought to myself, naughtily.
“I hope they behaved themselves,” said Nat.
“Sure, of course, they were fine,” I gabbled, but my habit of blushing uncontrollably when embarrassed let me down again.
Nat sighed. It was clear she had some idea of what had happened.
“Jesus, guys, I’ve told you to behave on the nude beach,” she said.
“Seriously, I hope they didn’t offend you,” she went on. “I suppose they got a bit carried away after swimming. Playing with themselves, were they?”
I gave a little smile and a nod.
“Yeah, and Annie played too,” piped up the other guy, Rick.
Nat looked surprised.
“With herself, I mean. While she watched us.”
“Really?” she said with a smile, and I had to admit that I had.
“That’s kind of hot,” said Nat. “I sort of wish I’d been there.”
There was a pause. She bit her lip, realising she’d given her own feelings away. I suddenly noticed that her nipples were hard under her top.
“That would have been nice,” I said. So now I’d admitted that I’d have liked to watch Nat masturbate too.
“Really?” she said.
“Sure. We could have watched them together. They were pretty impressive.”
Nat smiled. “I know. I’ve seen them. And I’d like to have watched you.”
Casually, she moved to the door of the shop, slid the bolts and flicked the sign over so it read “Closed” from the outside.
Whoa. That was a bit sudden. My stomach felt a bit funny. But I wasn’t afraid, just excited. I sensed things were about to get interesting.
Nat came over to me. She reached out and stroked my bare arm, then over my breast, as if checking that I was indeed braless. All my nerve endings were on fire, and my heart was beating like crazy. Her arm went behind me. I leant in, our lips made contact, and then we were kissing. I opened my mouth, and her tongue snaked in, finding mine and twisting round it. Her breasts pressed against mine, and her thigh nudged between my legs, pushing them apart.
Nat broke her grip on me. “Let’s all go in the back,” she whispered.
She guided me through the door behind the counter, pas the kitchen, then into another room, furnished like a sitting room, with a couple of chairs and a sofa.
Nat pulled me onto the sofa. She put her hand on my leg and stroked it.
“As soon as you walked in, I wanted you,” she said bluntly. “In your little dress, with nothing underneath. We get a lot of people in here from the nudist beach, regulars and visitors. I hand out cards too, when I meet people there. Then when I realised you’d seen the guys, I got to thinking. Tell me what they did.”
I looked at Rick and Aaron.
“They got hard, and wanked each other off,” I said, deciding I might as well be honest. “Made each other come. I was watching them. I rubbed myself too, ‘til I came.”
Nat leant over and put her hand on my breast, feeling it through my thin dress.
“That’s what I’d have done too,” she said. “They’re such big boys. So did they both come? Did you like watching their spunk shoot out?”
She put her hand on my bare knee, sliding it up under my dress. I parted my legs, letting her know I wanted her to carry on. She ran her hand up my thigh, then across my plump mound. I was soaking.
I looked over to where the guys were standing. Rick had undone his trousers and pulled out his thick black cock. He was starting to rub it again. Aaron’s shirt was off, and he was pulling his jeans down.
I reached up to Nat, grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt, and dragged it up. She raised her arms and let me pull it off. Her dark skin shone and her firm breasts bounced as they were freed from the shirt. I could see clearly now the silver bar through her dark right nipple.
I pulled her towards me and put her pierced nipple in my mouth, feeling it with my tongue, then sucking gently on it.
“Oh god, yes,” she moaned.
I felt her hand moving right between my legs, finding the tight folds of my labia, then easing them apart to access my slit. I was so aroused that I felt a little squirt of warm juice spurt out over her hand. She felt it too, and pulled her hand out, my juices coating her fingers.
“Jesus, Annie, are you always this wet?” she asked. She licked her fingers.
“I want to taste you properly,” she went on bluntly.
“Undress me then,” I answered, and sat up, allowing her to pull my sun-dress up over my head. Now I was totally naked, my pale skin looking even whiter against hers.
Nat looked at me and smiled.
“Fuck, Annie, you are gorgeous,” she said. “I just love your little tits. And you really are wet down there, aren’t you.”
I nodded, parting my legs, then using my fingers to pull my labia apart, exposing myself fully to her, letting her see my pink wet vulva around my tight hole.
She unfastened her skirt and let it slip to the floor, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any knickers either. Her plump mound was smooth and hairless, and I saw to my delight that she had a little ring through one of her prominent labia. She obviously loved her piercings.
Nat knelt down, and teasingly kissed up my leg, before burying her head between my thighs. I felt her breath on my skin, then her tongue began to lick tenderly around the delicate skin of my labia. One at a time she sucked the protruding folds into her mouth, gently moulding them with her mouth. Her tongue circled around the entrance to my vagina, then slid inside.
As she licked me, her tongue flicking round inside my hot slit, I watched as the two guys finished undressing as well. They were both rock hard, their black cocks bobbing in front of their toned bodies. Each of them must have been a good nine inches long, and made an impressive pair. I assumed they’d start playing with each other, but to my surprise and delight Aaron came over to me, his erection cradled in his hand.
Nat came up for air.
“Go on, Annie, suck him,” she said.
I reached out and took hold of his cock. It was thick as well as long, and I could barely get my fingers round it. I gently rubbed it, enjoying the feel of the hot shaft, which was covered in a network of prominent veins, pulsating with blood. I used my fingers to carefully open the little slit in the tip, and a little squirt of pre-cum shot out and landed on my arm. Not wanting to waste any more, I opened my mouth wide, and closed my lips around his smooth dark purple helmet. I sucked gently on it, stimulating the sensitive ridge with my lips, then breathed in deeply through my nose as he pushed forward, forcing me to take as much of it as I could. I could feel the tip at the back of my throat, while the musky scent of his body filled my nostrils. I cradled his testicles in my hand, tight and gorged with semen.
As I sucked, I felt Nat’s tongue flicking over my clit. She began to build up a steady rhythm, knowing instinctively how to bring me towards orgasm. Then I heard her gasp, and looked over to see that Rick had knelt down behind her, and begun to fuck her from behind. I could hear the slurping of his cock as it plunged in and out. Somehow Nat managed to keep up her rhythmic licking of my clit, and I got back to work on Aaron’s rod.
It was clear that everyone in their little ménage à trois was thoroughly bi, which was fine by me. Under the expert ministrations of Nat’s tongue, I could feel myself getting close to my orgasm. I let Aaron’s dick slide out of my mouth so I could let her know I wasn’t far off.
“Ah, that’s it, harder, harder, I’m gonna cum, ah, fuck yes,” I cried, and she accelerated her flicking tongue. At the same time, she pushed two fingers up into my wet cunt, curving them up to find my soft tender spongy spot. That was all it took to push me over the edge, and I arched my back and kicked out my legs as my orgasm fizzed through my whole body.
Nat sat up, her face glistening with my vaginal juices.
“Nice one, sweetie,” she said. She leant over and kissed me on the lips, and I could smell my fresh juices on her cheeks. Rick’s cock slipped out of her, and he was about to pull her back onto him to carry on when she rolled over onto the sofa next to me.
“Why don’t you fuck Annie for a bit now?” she suggested. “I want Aaron. Then maybe we can swap.”
This was turning into quite an orgy, and I was more than happy to go with the flow. I just lay there with my legs apart while Rick took Nat’s place between my thighs. He positioned his cock at my entrance, and teased me by sliding the shiny black helmet up and down my slit, getting it nicely lubricated with my juices.
“Come on, stick it in me,” I said, and Nat laughed.
“Yes, you too, mate,” she said to Aaron, who was likewise getting ready to fuck her. As his cock slipped into her, she put her legs round his back and began to push back against his thrusts, making sure he went as deep as possible.
Rick grinned, and began to slowly press his knob-head against my tight slit. I felt my labia parting around him as he found the entrance to my vagina, and then my whole cunt expanded to take him as he pushed in.
I relaxed back on the sofa and let him get to work. He was a great fucker, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in again. Each time he entered me, I squeezed my vaginal muscles tightly around his cock, sucking him into me, which he seemed to enjoy.
I looked at Nat, next to me on the sofa while Aaron did exactly the same to her, his thick black dick pumping in and out while her tits jiggled and bounced. Her head was thrown back and her mouth was open; she was really enjoying the moment. I put my hand on her tummy and began to stroke her warm skin. She looked over at me with a grin, grabbed my arm and put my hand on her tit instead. I began to knead her soft mound, pinching the hard bud of her nipple in my fingers.
Aaron grinned too. He turned to Rick.
”Time to swap?” he suggested. “Come on, I want to fuck Annie now.”
“No problem,” answered Aaron. They both pulled out with a slurp, then changed places. Now it was Aaron’s thick cock that slipped into my soaking wet cunt. If anything, it was even thicker than Rick’s, and the mouth of my cunt had to stretch even more to take it. I watched as Rick pushed his cock into Nat’s welcoming hole, and the fucking began again.
“So who’s cunt’s tighter, d’ you reckon; Annie or Nat?” asked Rick after a few minutes.
“Oh, I reckon it’s Annie,” said Aaron, pumping away at me. “You’re pretty tight, Nat, but Annie’s a really snug fit.”
Nat giggled. “That’s probably ‘cos she’s not had it stretched every day by a cock as thick as yours,” she suggested.
“Yeah, you know what they say, once you go black, you never go back,” said Aaron. “Eh, Annie?”
“I don’t care how big it is,” I said, “as long as it’s got lots of cum in it. I want you to pull out and come all over me when you’re ready.”
“You’re a filthy girl, Annie,” said Nat. “I like cum on me too. You do it too, Rick, and let’s see who’s got the most.”
“I’m gonna come now,” announced Aaron proudly. “Just watch this.”
He gave one last thrust, then pulled out and aimed his cock at my chest. With a groan, he ejaculated, a long rope of white semen shooting out of his knob and splashing right across my face. Several more followed, one of which missed me completely and landed on the sofa, but the rest spattered all over my tits and tummy. It certainly was a massive load, considering he’d already come once that day. I breathed in the delightful scent as it began to cool on my sticky body.
With a slurp, Rick pulled out of Nat, and took his dick in his hand. He gave it a squeeze, and spurted all over her. His cum didn’t shoot quite as far as Aaron’s, but it went far enough to cover her tits in several sticky strings, as well as spraying her tummy.
Nat rolled over and looked at me. The semen began to run down her tits in little rivulets.
“I think Aaron wins, just,” she decided. “How do you like that, Annie? You’re well covered.”
I reached up and pulled her down on top of me, rubbing my body against hers so the semen smeared all over our bodies. She licked my face, getting a mouthful of Aaron’s cum, then kissed me, transferring the salty goo into my mouth. I saw Rick kneel down and put Aaron’s dick in his mouth, sucking it clean of the mixture of semen and my vaginal secretions. Amazingly, Aaron’s dick began to get hard again.
“Are you two not satisfied yet?” asked Nat. “Go on then, stick it in his arse.”
Rick leant down over a chair, presenting his bum to his friend. Aaron gripped his cheeks, pulled them apart and without further ado shoved his dick in.
“Come on, Annie, let’s just watch,” said Nat, and we snuggled together on the sofa, our sweaty, semen-smeared, naked bodies entwined, as Aaron rammed his dick in and out of Rick’s arse. I put my arm round Nat’s shoulder and played with her right breast and nipple, gently toying with the piercing. She put her hand between her legs and began to play with herself, flicking at the ring through her labia before curling her fingers up inside her cunt to find her special spot. Eventually, Aaron let out an almighty groan, and shot his load up inside his friend’s bum-hole. With a groan, he withdrew his cum-smeared cock, and wiped it on his friend’s cheeks.
Nat sighed. “I love watching them fuck,” she confessed. “Come here, sweetie.”
Rick stood up and came over, his own cock swinging between his legs, still semi-erect. He turned round and let Nat part his arse cheeks. We watched as he contracted his sphincter and a trickle of Aaron’s semen oozed out and ran down his thighs. Nat giggled. She extended a finger towards Rick’s sticky hole, and pushed it in.
“Oh, it’s all sticky in here,” she giggled, wriggling it around.
She pulled out her finger with a gooey “plop”, and another rivulet of spunk ran out. With her fingers, she smeared the sticky liquid over the cheeks of his arse.
“Such dirty boys,” she purred. “That’s why I love you both.”
Then she sighed and looked at the clock.
“Right, guys, that’s enough fucking for now,” she announced, groping on the carpet for her skirt. She buttoned it up, and pulled her shirt on over her still-sticky tits. “We need to get the café open again, before the afternoon tea crowd start turning up. And this time it’s your turn to look after things, while me and Annie go back to the beach. That okay, Annie? I’m a bit of a mess, and so are you. Fancy another swim to clean off, and a bit more sun-bathing? And you can tell me all about yourself.”
“I think I’d better do that,” I said with a smile. The cum was starting to dry on my body, but I still smelt deliciously semeny.
“You don’t want to spoil your pretty dress on the way,” giggled Nat. “Here; I dare you to go to the beach in just this.”
She picked up a longish t-shirt which had been draped over a chair. I put it on. It did cover my bum and pussy, but only just, and it stuck to my tits where they were still a bit sticky.
“That’ll do,” decided Nat. “It’ll be fine once you’ve had a swim.”
“I won’t keep it on for long,” I promised. “I do need to get a bit more of a tan, or my friends’ll wonder what I’ve been up to.”
“Tell ‘em the truth,” shrugged Nat. “Just say you found a cute little caff and spent the afternoon there. Mention my name, and they can have a free coffee too. I might even throw in a fuck if they’re all as dirty as you.”