The next morning Leslie called Andrea at the agency and said she would accept the permanent position as Mr. Henderson’s pet, and all the requirements that came with it. Andrea appreciatively thanked Leslie and asked when she could come in to sign the contract.
“Is it okay if I wait until my payment clears? I want to go get a car right away and then I can drive over there and sign the contract,” Leslie explained. She was going to need a car to make the two-and-a-half-hour drive up to the agency and back, anyway.
“Of course. I haven’t heard when Mr. Henderson’s next event is yet, so you should still have time.”
“Thanks,” Leslie said, trying to sound confident, but let out a nervous sigh upon hanging up. She was really going to do this. She kept telling herself if she didn’t like it she could just back out. But she also realized she was taking a step into something that may not be as easy to step away from.
Leslie soon pushed those thoughts aside. Her first order of business had to be finding a new car. She was going to need to get her car towed to the dealership, although she was hoping the dealer would just include that as part of whatever meager trade-in value she would get for it. She had to assume it would be nothing, but she hoped it would help in paying for whatever new vehicle she bought.
After browsing different car sites and reading reviews for a couple of hours, she settled on getting a Kia Forte. It seemed like the best, well-rounded option for her needs. She didn’t need anything with a lot of bells and whistles. She just needed a car to get from here to there. She had considered getting a used car, but all it would really do was reduce what her monthly payment would be. It’s not like she could afford that either without the job, so she decided to get the more reliable option.
Leslie started drawing up a budget, based on her payment from her first job. If that was going to be indicative of what she was going to get paid, she would probably need to work three events like that a month to break even, depending on what her car payment ended up being. She could cut out some things from her budget to tighten it up a bit—indeed she had already done quite a bit of that to stem the bleeding from her bank account—but the math still worked out so that she would likely need three events, or to get paid more per event, to get by. But the math on getting another job was even worse. One event with Mr. Henderson equaled more than 100 hours at $15 an hour elsewhere, and so the equivalent of needing to do three events quickly put into stark view the situation she was finding herself in. She just couldn’t keep living in her small house as she was without taking on this job.
Leslie checked her online bank account midday Monday and saw that a little over $1200 had been deposited. If it weren’t for the car she was about to go get, it would have been enough to get her through the month of July if she had cut unnecessary spending to the bone. But she wanted to put at least something for a down payment, and then there was going to be the added car payment on top of that. But she didn’t have much of a choice right now.
Leslie called an Uber—already making a cut she couldn’t afford into her cash reserves—to drive her to the Kia dealer she wanted to buy from. She had all the information about the car she wanted on her phone so getting a purchase set up ended up being pretty straightforward. The dealer did agree to tow her old car and, to her surprise, offered her a pretty favorable trade-in offer for it, despite the required repairs. After adding in a $500 down payment, Leslie was leaving the lot with a brand new 2024 Kia Forte.
The first thing Leslie did was make the drive up to the agency office outside Washington. It was a good workout for her new car and got her comfortable driving it. She greeted Andrea at the front desk.
“Ah yes, I have your new contract here, if you’d like to review and sign it,” Andrea smiled, handing Leslie a stack of paper.
Leslie started to review it. It looked more or less identical to the temporary contract she had signed, except the time frame on it was essentially “until either party terminated the contract.” She double-checked and, indeed, the full range of sexual activities were included.
Everything looked okay to her and now it was time to review the part of the contract that dealt with her salary. Her pre- and post-hour times were increased to $300 and her working hours were now listed at $600. Leslie did some quick math in her head and figured that an event like her test one, which had gotten her $1,600 pre-tax would now fetch her $2,400. She wasn’t sure what that came out to after taxes, but given it was a 50% increase, that meant that her required three events a month now turned into two events a month to get the same amount of money.
She let out a sigh as she kept reading. She was capped to $5,000 per day which, at $600 an hour would make it more than an eight-hour day anyway. That still meant if there was some event that lasted a weekend, she could potentially fetch $10,000 for it.
Leslie let out a long breath taking this all in. She, of course, didn’t know what type of events she would be doing, or how long or often they would be, but there was potential here for her to make some serious money.
“Oh,” Andrea spoke up, making Leslie nearly jump out of her seat, “Mr. Henderson requests that you join him at his place this upcoming Saturday. Pre-hour starts at noon and he expects the event should last until approximately 8 p.m., post-hour included.
Leslie’s brain went into action. That’s eight total hours. Two prep and recovery hours, leaving six working hours. So that’s $600 for the two hours and … $3,600 for the working hours? $4,200 total? And only a week after her first job? She had to guess at her net take home but she felt confident that would get her through July rather comfortably.
“Do you have any details you can share?” Leslie nervously inquired.
“No, other than I believe you two will be visiting another owner and their pet.”
Interesting. This time they were going to go somewhere else. Leslie finished reading over the contract, signed it, and gave it to Andrea. She felt like she was signing her life away in some respects. Although she felt that way with the car earlier as well. She just hoped these weren’t decisions she was going to regret later.
That Saturday she drove herself to Mr. Henderson’s mansion two hours early, just in case. She wouldn’t get paid for that first hour, but she wanted to make sure she had plenty of time to get ready.
She visited the locker room, swapped into her sandals and collar, and went into the makeup room to start that process. This time she hadn’t done any pre-prep at home so she wanted to do her hair and all of her makeup while she was at it. She decided to change things up and add a few curly waves to her hair instead of leaving it straight.
She had to use an applicator to help her apply makeup to her back as Scarlet wasn’t in. They were being entertained elsewhere so Leslie supposed that meant she wasn’t called in as she wasn’t needed.
Before she knew it, she found herself arriving at the inside of the front doors a couple of minutes before she started her main shift at 1 p.m.
“I love the new hairstyle,” Mr. Henderson complimented as he arrived through one of the side rooms. He was wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts—very nice ones—but it still caught Leslie a bit off guard to see him wearing something less formal than she was used to seeing.
“Thank you,” Leslie smiled with a blush. She found it funny that standing there stark naked in front of him didn’t seem to make her blush anymore but compliments about her hair did.
“We should get going. We want to spend as much time as we can at our destination,” Mr. Henderson noted as the doorman opened the door, and his driver pulled his car—a fire-red Aston Martin—to the entrance. Leslie did not want to know how much this car cost. She then noticed it was a two-seater.
“Where …?” she started to ask.
“I’m driving today. It’s nice to do so now and then, don’t you think?” Mr. Henderson grinned as he walked over to the driver’s side door.
“Yeah, I guess.” Leslie was rather surprised by this turn of events. He was already starting to show her different aspects of his life and personality and Leslie was starting to enjoy it.
The driver opened the passenger seat, allowing her to sit down in the very real leather seats before Mr. Henderson joined her in the driver’s seat.
“Is it, uh, okay for me to ride naked?” She asked as she fastened her seat belt.
“Yeah, it’ll be fine. Tinted windows and all will make sure no one sees. Unless you want to put the window down, that is,” he said as he looked over with a smirk. He then started the car and accelerated away.
Leslie had never had an experience as the one riding in this car. It was buttery smooth and also exhilarating. She decided to put her window down, but only slightly. Enough for her hair to blow in the wind but hopefully not enough that people could see. She could see Mr. Henderson give her a little grin.
“I only wish we could get away with taking you out in my convertible. Maybe we should find a way to do that someday, anyway.”
Leslie had a feeling of excitement jump in her. A convertible? Everyone would be able to see her! Wouldn’t she get in trouble? Maybe he had enough string-pulling ability to prevent that. Also, exactly how many cars did Mr. Henderson own?
“So, may I ask what we’re doing today, uh, Mr. Henderson?” Leslie inquired.
“Oh please, call me Jacob if you don’t mind when it’s just us. That’s not an order, just a friendly request,” he chuckled. “It starts feeling all stuffy when it’s always ‘sir’ and ‘Mr. Henderson.’ As for where we are going, we are going to Mrs. Bellevue’s cottage up near the national forest. It’s her summer cottage—she usually lives down in Louisiana—that she’s currently visiting for a couple of weeks, fortunately for us. It’s about a forty-five-minute drive. There we are going to do something you should enjoy: her property has some great hiking trails on it.”
Leslie got another feeling of excitement. “Hiking? Oh good. I mean, I said I enjoyed the outdoors but I haven’t actually been hiking in quite a while. I do like it, though.” She had, of course, never gone hiking naked before.
“Well, here you go, then. I think you’ll enjoy it. She also has some spots that could be used for camping or other outdoor activities. We’ll have to see what things you might be interested in that she can help set up in the future.”
The offer certainly sounded interesting to Leslie. Especially since camping could be one of those longer-length, possibly 5-digit paydays.
“She’s an owner as well, right?” Leslie asked.
“She is. Zachary is her pet. I … have a feeling you will like him as well,” Jacob quickly grinned over towards her.
A boy? Leslie knew the agency had said they employed men as well. She just figured she might not meet one so soon. She was curious about what he was going to be like. She then realized that he was likely going to be naked too. Having to hang around a naked man for—discounting the driving time—four hours? She wasn’t sure how that was going to go.
“How many male pets are there?” She was actually curious about this.
“I don’t know for sure. The numbers heavily favor women, as you might expect. But I know of at least a half dozen owners with male pets. The owners, as you might expect, are almost all women.”
Leslie let out a little giggle. “Of course. Have to ogle their sexy beefcake men, right?”
“You’re more on target than you may realize,” Jacob responded with his own laugh.
The conversation then stalled a bit, and Leslie looked out the window and watched as the trees flew by outside.
Jacob then spoke up again. “Say, would you be willing to masturbate yourself while we are driving there?”
Leslie wasn’t entirely sure if this was a contractual request or just a personal one. He didn’t stipulate, so she assumed it was the former. But also, the thought of getting off while riding in the car suddenly made her a bit excited.
“Uh, sure!” she acceded.
She scooted down in her seat and spread her legs. She licked her fingers and reached down and started rubbing her labia, and then around her clit. She then inserted a finger inside herself and let out a soft moan as she slowly started to finger herself. She tried to do it in a way so that her palm brushed up against her clit as she moved her hand back and forth.
She was hoping Jacob was still paying more attention to the driving than to her as she started to finger a bit more aggressively, inserting a second finger. She started to squeeze one of her nipples with her free hand, and she started to squirm slightly in the seat from the feeling.
The sensation of riding in the car—the bumps on the road, the force of swinging around turns in the road—caused this masturbation session to feel quite different than any she had in the past. The feeling of the wind blowing by her and knowing she was doing this right next to someone else just added to the excitement she was feeling.
She started to moan louder as she continued to work and she started to feel hot. Her heart pounded as she reached over and pushed the button to open the window all the way. The wind from driving down the road at 60mph hit her naked skin, causing a slew of goosebumps to spring up, but she didn’t care. The breeze blowing past her nipples just excited her even more and helped her cool off.
The car started slowing down and she heard the turn signal turn on. She opened her eyes and noticed they were driving through a town, before closing them again. She heard what sounded like a truck pull up alongside the passenger side, but she didn’t care. The thought of the driver next door looking down into the car and seeing her aggressively masturbate herself just made her even more excited. Her hand was drenched and she was constantly moaning at the pleasure she was giving herself.
The car moved again, turning onto another road. She started squirming in her seat in anticipation before all the muscles in her body started to tighten. The orgasm hit her harder than any had recently, even the one from the previous week. She was able to let out a shuttering moan before finally relaxing back down in her seat.
“That sounded good. I wish I could say I saw it all, but you know … At least it sounded good.” Jacob commented.
“Yeah, I get it …” Leslie breathed. She lifted her left hand and saw her pointer and middle fingers dripping with juices. “Do you … wanna taste?” She offered to Jacob. She wasn’t even sure why the thought came into her head. She just felt it would be hot if she offered to let him taste her.
“Oh, uh …” For the first time, Jacob seemed a bit flustered himself. He took a glance to make sure he was on a straight stretch of road and quickly leaned over and sucked her two fingers, cleaning them of her juices. “Pretty tasty,” he remarked after smacking his lips.
Leslie giggled. “I think I made a mess on your seat.”
“Well, there is a towel in the glove compartment. You can wipe it off when we get there.”
During the last fifteen minutes of the drive, Leslie caught her breath as what she had just done ran through her head. She had not only masturbated in a moving car, she had done it with the windows down and potentially had let someone else see. Her heart was racing as she thought about it. She would have never, ever even dared to do such a thing even a week ago, but now here she was. And it was exhilarating.
Soon they arrived at a pretty sizable cottage hidden away in the woods. Jacob parked the car near the entrance and exited. Leslie did the same, getting the towel out and wiping down the seat —and herself—before closing the door and joining him.
This is when she spotted him: a black male, probably over six feet tall, standing there naked with a collar around his neck. He was also very well equipped, even though he was soft. She hoped he was a shower and not a grower. He also was wearing a leash that led to a plump lady, probably in her 40s, who he was standing next to and who was easily a foot shorter. She was also wearing a small backpack.
“Jacob! Good to see you. I was surprised to get your call asking to do this on such short notice. You said it would be worth it. Ah, is this the reason why?” The lady then turned her attention to Leslie.
“Indeed it is. Leslie, this is Greta Bellevue.” Jacob motioned towards the lady, who then took Leslie’s hands in greetings.
“It is so nice to meet such a lovely young lady.” She then turned back to Jacob. “I think this is the loveliest one you have found yet. How do you keep finding such girls?”
“Just lucky, I guess. Leslie practically fell in my lap here.”
For the first time, Leslie felt a bit awkward in her role as a pet, at least outside of the nudity. The two owners—or at least Mrs. Bellevue—were talking about her as if she was an object or not even there, and it rather unnerved Leslie. She supposed different owners would treat pets differently.
“Oh, really? I had to interview six prospects before I landed on Zachary here. And that took forever, trust me! Not a lot of men sign up for this gig! But it was well worth it,” Mrs. Bellevue expounded, giving Zachary’s arm a big welcome grasp at the end. Zachary smiled in response.
“You ready to go, Greta?” Jacob then asked.
“Ready when you are!” she cheerfully smiled.
“Leslie, here. I hope you don’t mind, but this is part of the conceit for today,” Jacob whispered to her as he leaned in and clipped a long, black leather leash to the ring on her collar.
Leslie wondered what the whisper was about. He didn’t want Greta to hear? Maybe he didn’t approve of it but it was part of the deal for doing the event for the day? Leslie was already starting to observe the differences between owners. While Jacob and Radek seemed to be quite familiar and similar, she could already tell that there were some potential differences or friction between Jacob and Mrs. Bellevue, despite their initial friendliness.
“Alright, let’s go!” Jacob then declared in a normal voice.
“You two lead us on! Zachary knows where to go. You can just walk alongside him, Leslie,” Greta instructed.
Leslie and Zachary exchanged glances and slight shrugs. He then headed towards a path into the woods and Leslie sped up to get alongside him. There was something erotic about walking through nature naked, she thought. Like this was some sort of “natural order of things.” Being natural in a natural place. Well, aside from the makeup, collar, and leash, she supposed.
After a few minutes, she decided to speak up to Zachary. “So, what caused you to join this?”
Zachary looked over in brief surprise at being addressed but quickly answered. “You mean becoming a pet? The usual story: I needed money, but didn’t want to do any of the usual boring shit. I figure that’s how a lot of people end up being pets. Wanted to see what it was about. I don’t have any problems with this sort of work. I know a lot of guys who wouldn’t be caught doing this even with a seven-figure paycheck. But it’s alright.”
Leslie felt this was comparable to her situation. She could see how a lot of men would see being led on a leash and being “owned” by a woman as something less than manly, and was impressed with Zachary that he saw it otherwise.
“So, is Greta a good owner?” she inquired.
“Hell yeah. Her place back in Louisiana is even better than this one. I get paid to chill out naked, jack off, and fuck women,” he then glanced over at Leslie and let out an awkward chuckle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so crass there.”
Leslie let out a little laugh. “That’s okay. I get it.” Leslie could definitely see the advantages for a certain type of guy who was okay with the premise of the job. Although she realized that it was quite likely that the next woman he was going to get to fuck was herself. That caused her heart to start beating a bit faster. She supposed he realized that as well.
Zachary tried to compose himself a bit again. “Anyway, but you can see why this job sounds pretty sweet for a guy like me.”
“Yeah, I suppose so. Once you get over the initial hangups, I can see how guys might like it. I guess with a lot more women than men, there is a lot of demand for you.”
This is when she thought she heard Jacob mention her name, and her attention shifted to trying to eavesdrop on the conversation happening behind her.
“It was amazing. She didn’t half-ass it at all. She even gave the driver of a big truck a show at a stoplight. You know those cartoons where the character’s eyes bug out in front of them when they see a pretty girl? I thought the driver’s eyes were going to do that straight through the window.” The pair then let out a laugh.
Leslie blushed right red. She was embarrassed but also excited that the driver had actually seen her sitting there in the car furiously masturbating. She wondered what was going through his head, having pulled up to a red light only to look over and spot her doing that in the car next to him.
“Damn gurl, you got off in the car on the way here?” Zachary asked, sounding impressed. Having clearly overheard the conversation as well.
“Yeah …” Leslie let out, sounding rather embarrassed.
“It’s all good. Ms. Bellevue enjoys watching me jack off as well. She’ll even try to record stats on it. Like how far it will shoot, or how much I cum. It’s a bit weird I suppose, but that’s what she’s into.”
The image Leslie got in her head made her laugh. She imagined Mrs. Bellevue stretching a tape measure from Zachary out to where his cum landed on the ground, using a magnifying glass to get an exact measurement. Then she got another thought in her head. Zachary cums so hard and so much that Greta feels compelled to measure it? Her potential future session with Zachary was sounding increasingly intimidating.
Leslie continued chatting with Zachary about his time as a pet, as well as what he liked to do generally as the group continued to climb. The hill got moderately steep in some places, with Leslie almost having to get on all fours at one point and Zachary helping her over some roots.
Finally, the group arrived at a flatter area on the top of the hill where the trees thinned out a bit. Several rocks and mossy logs were lying around.
“This seems as good a spot as any to stop to eat,” Greta noted, pulling off her backpack and setting it on the ground. “I’ve got ham sandwiches and chicken sandwiches for people to choose from, and also some water.”
“Chicken, please,” Leslie requested. Greta fetched a ziplock bag with a sandwich in it and tossed it to her, shortly followed by a bottle of water. Leslie tried to find the cleanest, least damp part of a nearby log and gingerly sat down on it, before taking the sandwich out of its bag and chomping on it.
This break let her better appreciate the fact that she was just out in nature, “as nature intended,” so to speak. She felt both vulnerable and excited. She wondered if this was what it felt like to be a deer frolicking around in the woods, free to do what they wished, but also wary of any nearby predators.
“Do you mind if I take some pictures?” Greta then asked, pulling a big camera from her backpack.
Pictures? What kind of pictures? Where were they going? Technically, her contract didn’t allow for taking pictures that were shared outside of the agency or other owners, but Leslie still felt a bit of unease. She gave a nervous glance at Jacob. He just acknowledged with a slight nod.
Greta at first took some pictures of Zachary by himself. She took pictures of him in various poses including sitting on a log and leaning back against a tree.
“Leslie, do you think you can lay on your back on that log over there?” Greta then asked her. She pointed at a rather sizable log with a good deal of moss growing on top.
“Uh, sure. Just on my back?” Leslie asked, unsure of the exact pose she was looking for.
“Yes, for now,” Greta responded.
Leslie initially straddled the log and then sat on it, then laid down on her back, flicking her hair to the side so her face wasn’t getting blocked. She moved her far leg so her knee was up in the air. She could feel her perky breasts pointing up in the air. She let out a sharp breath of excitement as she heard the clicks of the camera putting images of her naked body into the camera’s memory.
“Yes, like that, good!” Greta complimented. Leslie heard several more shots being taken in quick succession as Greta walked around her.
“Now, do you think you can lay on your side, facing me?” Greta instructed, and Leslie complied, presenting a big smile towards the camera as more photos were taken.
“Now, can you sit on the log, facing me, with your legs wide, and your hands on top of the log on either side of you?”
Leslie thought she knew what she was asking and put herself in the position she thought she wanted. “Like this?”
“Yes, yes.” The camera clicked several more times. “Now, can you lean your head back?”
Leslie leaned her head back as instructed, looking up at the sky, which was mostly blue but had a few fluffy, white clouds slowly passing over. It let Leslie temporarily put her mind off the photo shoot that was currently going on.
Greta had her do several more poses before she decided to take some shots with Leslie and Zachary together. Leslie thought she might have them do some lewd poses, but they were all pretty normal, aside from the fact that they were both naked. Greta even let them do some goofy shots like having them stand back-to-back, making finger guns, and making duck-lip faces. All in all, Leslie felt like she had quite a bit of fun posing for Greta.
“Excellent! I’ll go through these and pick the best ones to put on the agency’s image board. I think this will be a popular series!” Greta happily chirped as she put all of her things back into her backpack.
Leslie was allowed to relieve herself behind a tree before the group made their way down the path they came. Leslie made sure to try to check herself for any ticks or any other gross bugs, having spent time sitting on and leaning against trees during lunch and the photo shoot, but she didn’t see anything. She made a note to make another check once they left the woods entirely.
Leslie’s legs were starting to ache a bit by the time they finally exited the path back out to the cabin. At one point she had asked how long the trail was, and the reply was about three miles each way, so she had walked six miles in approximately three hours, and up and down maybe about 1000 feet of elevation. Maybe if she were in better shape it wouldn’t be a problem, but she wasn’t used to walking quite this much.
“Phew, that is always a climb, but worth it!” Greta exclaimed once they returned. She was red-faced and breathing hard, but otherwise doing pretty well. She took a seat on a bench that was part of a set of four that were all on either side of a campfire pit outside of the cabin. They looked like they were all cut-in-half logs, smoothed and finished and set upon little stands. She rummaged through her pack and pulled out her camera again.
“I think I know what you two will enjoy next,” she grinned. Zachary, can you sit across on that bench?” She pointed at the bench directly across from hers. Zachary walked over and sat on it, as directed.
“Leslie, I would love it if you started pleasuring Zachary for me.”
Leslie figured this was coming sooner or later. She half expected it when they were doing their photoshoot at the top of the hill, but doing it now made sense as well. She glanced over at Jacob to get confirmation, and he once again silently nodded at her.
She took a deep breath and got on her knees in front of Zachary. “Hi,” she nervously remarked up to him once she was in position.
This was the first time she had been with a guy for several months—since she broke up with her last boyfriend. And it was going to be the first time she had done anything more than kiss a guy before having gone on a few dates with him first.
“Hi,” he chuckled back with a friendly smile. It wasn’t a bragging look or anything, but a look of happy anticipation. The anticipation was also clearly working on his cock, which was already starting to harden and rise. To Leslie’s chagrin, it looked like he wasn’t just a shower.
This was going to be the real test: this was the one thing she had resisted agreeing to when she first applied for this job, relenting in the end to drop that objection. Now she was almost certainly going to find out what she actually felt about doing that. She could feel herself slightly shaking and tried to prepare herself for what was about to happen. It’s just a job, she told herself in her head.
She took his cock in her left hand and started slowly moving her hand up and down it, making sure to brush her thumb up against his head when her hand was near the top. She then added her other hand, moving it up and down the lower portion of his shaft—it was certainly big enough to accommodate both of her hands. She made sure to look up at his face occasionally to gauge his reaction to what she was doing.
Once it got a bit harder, she moved her lower hand down to start fondling his balls, and she leaned in and fit her mouth over it. His cock was girthier than any she had tried to suck before, but she thought she could manage. She gently moaned as she tried to work her way down, fitting as much of it in her mouth as she could. She still couldn’t deep-throat and knew there was no way it was all going to fit, but she was going to try to fit as much as she could.
As this was going on, she could see out of the corner of her eye Greta starting to circle them, and she could hear more photos being taken. Leslie could feel herself blush over the fact that pictures of her doing this were going to be posted somewhere for other people to see.
Saliva started spilling out of her mouth as she pushed down as far as she could. She wasn’t even sure if it was half his cock, but it was the best she could do at the moment. Both of them were letting out soft moans as more photo clicks sounded nearby.
When Leslie had sixty-nined with Lucie, she could largely put everything out of her head and concentrate on that. But with the camera clicking, she was finding it a bit harder to zone in and was quite a bit more aware that she was being watched. But perhaps that wasn’t the worst thing. She was there to give a show, and so that probably should be part of her consideration when doing this.
“I think that’s good. Now, Leslie, can you get on your knees behind the bench, here, put your arms on top, and have Zachary fuck you doggy-style?” She pointed at a spot next to the bench Zachary was sitting on.
Leslie made a garbled, mouth-filled “Uh-huh” sound. She pulled herself off of Zachary and stood up, taking in a gasp of air as she did so. Zachary stepped aside to give room for Leslie, who got on her knees where she was instructed and leaned over with her forearms resting on the top of the bench. She raised her butt into the air to give Zachary access.
Leslie had quite the feeling of trepidation at this point. He was huge! She’d never taken in anyone this big before. She hoped that the position would at least make it easier to handle, but she was trying to brace herself for what might be coming. The final barrier that would make her a full-fledged pet.
Zachary first ran his finger against her opening and clit. Good idea, Leslie thought, make sure I’m nice and wet first. She let out a light gasp at the feeling. She could tell Zachary knew what he was doing, and she could feel herself start to get hot again. She started to hear some squishing as he ran his fingers through her increasing wetness. It felt and sounded like she was as ready to take him as she ever was going to be. She started feeling antsy in anticipation.
Zachary then positioned his hands on her hips and slowly pushed himself into her. “Oh my god!” was Leslie’s immediate reaction. She could feel her vagina stretching, but she could also tell Zachary was taking care and time not to cause too much distress. He obviously had experience with this before.
After the initial insertion, which felt like it knocked the air out of Leslie, Zachary started to slowly work back and forth. The initial feeling of pain and stretching was replaced with the sensation of absolute fullness within Leslie. It felt amazing! Everything around her started to melt away as she grasped the sides of the bench, moaning loudly as Zachary thrust in and out of her.
Zachary increased his pace, and Leslie could hear more camera clicks. Her grasp on the sides of the bench strengthened as if she might need to hang on just to keep from being thrown from it. But it felt so good—so tight. He filled her up so well that he was hitting every available erogenous zone inside of her. Her moans started turning into screams with every exhale due to the exhilarating feeling, and she could already feel herself building rapidly inside.
Zachary increased his pace even more and was now pounding her hard. Her soft screams turned into louder ones. Leslie was already feeling a bit light, and the environment around her started feeling like it was in a big haze. While she was always smaller than her past boyfriends, she never felt particularly dainty during sex. But she felt small here, like a toy Zachary was carefully, but forcefully playing with.
“Okay, now, Zachary, while staying inside her, can you pick her up and change your positions so you are sitting and she is on top of you, reverse cowgirl?” Greta instructed.
What? Leslie thought, but couldn’t verbally get out. Before she knew what was happening, Zachary wrapped his arms around her midsection, picked her up, and swung her around with his cock still firmly inside of her as he moved to sit on the bench, resulting in Leslie sitting on top of him. Leslie thought the sensation was akin to her going around a sharp turn on a roller-coaster, and she might have yelled out in excitement if it was a different situation.
Zachary started to immediately start pounding up and down again, his hands on her waist now. This sensation was a bit different than before. The angle he was entering her caused his cock to push and rub up against her G-spot significantly more now.
Leslie lost all comprehension of the outside world at this point. Her mind was white as Zachary continued to slam into her. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she was now screaming at every thrust. The feeling in her was accelerating rapidly, and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold it off. Zachary then moved both of his hands up and started squeezing and massaging her breasts and nipples.
It was finally all too much. It was like a nuclear explosion inside of her. If Leslie had been able to articulate it, she might have described it similarly to a passage in the Lord of the Rings made by Gandalf when he died: “and I strayed out of thought and time.”
When Leslie was able to ascertain herself again, the orgasm was just starting to subside, but Zachary was still pounding her. Had she lost consciousness? Zachary wasn’t acting like she had, but she almost felt like it. She didn’t have much time to evaluate her feelings, however, as she could already feel herself building again. Within a couple of minutes, it hit again. Either she was more prepared this time, or the second one wasn’t quite as strong, as she could sense this one. She could feel her vagina tighten around Zachary—at least as much as it could, and she let out a long and sustained “fuck!”
This finally seemed to be too much for Zachary, who let out a large moan and grabbed her breasts. Leslie could feel his cock pulsing as he released a flood of cum into her. Leslie found herself half-limp, gasping for air as she felt Zachary’s cock slowly but surely petering out.
“You okay?” Zachary asked, brushing away Leslie’s hair on the side closest to him.
“Uh-huh,” Leslie mumbled through parched lips, shaking her head in the affirmative.
“Here, have some water,” Greta suggested, fetching her bottle from the backpack and handing it to Leslie, who accepted it thankfully before downing the entire remaining contents.
Zachary put his hands on her hips and lightly pushed up as if to ask Leslie to extract herself from his lap. She let out an “oh…” as she realized that, yeah, he might like her to do that, and stood up, although she was a bit wobbly. Zachary helped steady her as she sat down on one of the other benches. She could feel the stream of combined juices running down her thigh.
The next little while felt like a daze to Leslie. She vaguely remembered shaking Greta’s hand and hugging Zachary goodbye, before getting back into Jacob’s car and leaving. The next thing she knew, Jacob was shaking her shoulder.
“We’re back,” he remarked.
Leslie groggily looked around. They were in the carport at the front of his house, and it was now dark out. “What …?” she asked in a daze.
Jacob let out a small laugh. “You crashed the moment you were in the car and slept the entire way back. That must have been one hell of an experience. It looked like it.”
“Yeah,” Leslie responded simply. She was slowly starting to wake up again and soon found that she was a bit achy.
“Are you good? Do you need to spend the night?” Jacob asked.
Leslie stretched and shook her head as if to clear the cobwebs. “I—I think I’m good. I just need to take a shower, and I think I’ll be fine.”
“Alright, but if you still feel out of it after your shower, just let someone know and we’ll put you up in a room. I don’t want you driving back at night while you’re in a daze.” Jacob commented with concern.
“Sure …” Leslie acknowledged.
Leslie made her way to the shower and turned it on a bit hotter than normal, just to shock herself back to being fully awake. Here, last week, she wasn’t even sure she could commit to this job because of the expectation of perhaps having to have sex, and here she was suddenly having the best fuck of her entire life with a guy she had only met a few hours before.
Her week-ago self would have pulled her aside, slapped her around, and asked what she was doing. But her week-ago self also didn’t know just how fun this job was to do. Leslie had discovered that she was just scared of trying new things. Afraid she might be too nervous to go through with it, or would let people down if she tried, or would find herself ashamed of herself for doing it. But that’s not what she was feeling at all. It wasn’t pride. She wasn’t about to go around bragging about it. But she was content. Happy. Having fun. And looking forward to what things she might do next.
She touched herself lightly again as she thought about some of the things that had happened: masturbating in the car and having another driver see. Having her fuck session photographed for others to see. The thought of having others see her sent chills through her, despite the hot water. She wanted more of that. Maybe at some point, she could bring that feeling up with Jacob. Then again, the entire point of this job involved having people watch her.
She finally turned off the water and evaluated herself. Yeah, she felt pretty good to go home at this point. The fogginess was pretty much gone now. She returned to the locker room and put her clothes on.
On the way out, she ran into Jacob, who let out a little laugh when he saw her.
“What?” Leslie asked with amusement.
“I just realized that this is the first time I’m seeing you wearing anything, at least in person. You were already naked when I arrived for the interview, and you’ve always been naked around me here. It just feels a bit different.”
Leslie let out a laugh of her own. He was right. This was the first time she could think that she was with him and not naked. It almost felt strange. Imagine that? Being naked around him being normal and wearing clothes being strange.
“Are you good to go? Do you need to stay here?” He then asked.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m looking forward to our next event,” Leslie replied with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m already formulating some ideas about that. Stephanie or Andrea will let you know when something is organized.”
“Well, uh, goodnight then, I guess,” Leslie replied, suddenly getting a little feeling of nervousness.
Jacob leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Good night, Leslie.”
Leslie blushed, then exited into the lot where her car was parked. Her heart was pounding. She thought about the conversation that she and Zachary were having before. It took a certain type of person to get past the initial conceit of this position, but once one could do that, it allowed for one to have a lot of fun and new experiences. Apparently, she was one of those people who could do that.