Beer, Boobs, and a Glass of Something Creamy

"In which I flash my boobs and drink lots of cum. Again."

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My husband is a bit of a “real ale” nut. Whenever we go to a different pub, he always has to check out what beer it’s serving, and whether it’s proper cask ale or not. Nothing gets him more excited than trying a new beer, unless it’s one from a brand-new brewery, in which case he practically has an orgasm in his trousers. And apparently “cask beer” isn’t the same as “craft beer” either. Or at least not necessarily.

Not that I mind particularly. My dad was a bit like that too, so I got used to family days out being organised around where there was a good pub, and once I was old enough to drink (legally) he’d refuse to buy me anything other than “proper beer”. So, I grew up with an appreciation of good British ale, and I don’t drink mass-produced lager unless I absolutely have to.

But Jim is a bit more serious about it even than that. He’s a member of the Campaign for Real Ale (or CAMRA for short) and helps to organise a beer festival that takes place every year in a local park. This year, they were a bit short of people to help out behind the bar on a couple of days, so he twisted my arm. I’ve done a bit of part-time bar work at university, so I know how to pull a pint properly, although at CAMRA beer festivals the beer is usually served straight from the barrel, so it’s just a case of turning a little tap thing and watching it pour out into the glass, making sure it doesn’t go too far over the line.

It was a hot sunny day, and I’d been told that it could get very warm inside the marquees, so I dressed accordingly. I wore a tank top with low-cut arm holes, which I thought would help keep me cool, and a short, loose skirt. Instead of one of my sensible bras, I put on a pretty bikini top (red with white polka dots) that supported my boobs but didn’t cover up very much.

I’d been a bit worried that I’d be the only girl working behind the bar, but Jim told me that a woman called Claire would be there as well, along with her boyfriend. I’d met Claire a few times before and liked her a lot. She was a bit of a flirt, but good fun to be with, so I began to think the day might be enjoyable after all.

Even better, it turned out that Claire had helped out at a few beer festivals before, so the bar manager asked her to show me the ropes and keep an eye on me until I got into the swing of things. She wasted no time casting an approving glance over what I was wearing, and even pulled my shirt up to have a proper look at my bikini top underneath.

“That’s cute,” she said. “The guys will love that, especially the way it shows through your t-shirt.”

There was already a queue of keen drinkers outside, waiting for opening time, so it didn’t take long before everyone was busy serving. Some of the drinkers were clearly out to try as many different beers as possible and took care to tick off each different one in their booklets. But there were other groups who were just out to enjoy a few drinks with their mates, and soon the marquee was full of the sound of drunken banter and revelry.

Claire and I got a few cheeky comments from some of the younger guys as we served them, but we were both used to that sort of thing and gave as good as we got. We were allowed to have a drink ourselves, as long we didn’t get too pissed, and after a couple, I began to feel quite relaxed.

After a while, Claire nudged me.

“Here, Annie, have you noticed the way lots of people seem to ask you for beers from the bottom row?” she observed.

I gave it a moment’s thought.

“Possibly,” I admitted. “Maybe there are some nice beers down there.”

“Or maybe it’s because when you bend down, they can see down the front of your shirt at your tits!”

“Claire!” I said, pretending to be shocked. But then I realised that she was right, at least about the way my shirt front hung open and my tits swung about when I was bending down.

“I’m not surprised they’re so keen for a good look,” she went on. “Maybe you should take your bikini off and give them a proper treat.”

At first, I just laughed, but then I got a bit turned on by the idea. It was hot, and my bikini was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, and I began to wonder if I dared take it off. My tits aren’t exactly massive, so all people would get was a little bit more bare flesh from certain angles. Surely there wasn’t anything wrong with that.

So, the next time we were next to each other, I whispered to Claire.

“You know what you were saying earlier, about giving them a treat? I think I will.”

Claire looked shocked, then delighted.

“You’re kidding. Would you really?”

“Sure, why not? You should do the same. I bet we’d sell a lot more beer.”

“I don’t know, it sounds a bit slutty.”

“Oh, come on, it was your idea. And anyway, I often don’t wear a bra when it’s hot. Look, I don’t even need to take my shirt off. Just give me a hand and unclip me.”

I turned my back on the waiting punters, and Claire put her hand up the back of my t-shirt and untied my bikini. Deftly, I doubled up my arm and slipped one strap down and off, then pulled it through and down the other sleeve.

“Ta-daa!” I said, turning round with my bikini top in my hand, my little bare breasts swinging under my shirt. “Who’s next?”

“Cor, fuckin’ hell,” said one guy. “I’ll have a half of that one,” pointing at a barrel on the bottom row.

I took his glass with a smile and bent over to fill it. As I was leaning over, I peeped down the front of my shirt, and could see my dangling boobs and exposed nipples. I blushed: they were a bit more visible than I’d thought they would be. But it was too late now, and I handed the guy his drink.

“Cheers, great stuff,” he said, and I wondered if he meant the beer, or my boobs.

While I’d been getting the beer, Claire had popped behind the rack of beer and taken her bra off too. Her boobs were quite a bit larger than mine, and she had big dark nipples that really showed through her shirt.

“Erm, wow!” was all I could say when I saw her. She jiggled them about a bit.

“Come on, back to work,” she said. “Look at all the people waiting.”

Now, even more people seemed to want to be served by us. The bar manager soon noticed what was going on, and he made us move to different parts of e bar, to try and stop all the customers bunching up in one area.


After a while, it was time for our break, and we went to sit in the staff tent to get a bit of peace and quiet. If anything, it was even hotter now, and we were both warmer than ever, even in just our t-shirts.

“I wish I could take mine off completely,” moaned Claire.

“Me too,” I agreed. “I wonder if I can tie it up a bit at the bottom.”

I tried to pull my shirt up and knot it, but it was too small and there just wasn’t enough spare material.

“Bugger,” I moaned. “If I had some scissors, I’d cut the bloody bottom off.”

“I’ve got some in my bag,” said Claire, “If you’re serious.”

“Go on then, it’s an old shirt,” I said. “Just a couple of inches should be enough. But be careful!”

Claire found her scissors and, once she’d made the first cut, made quick work of the bottom three inches or so of my shirt, just above my belly button. I wiggled my tummy and giggled.

“How about you now?” I suggested, and Claire nodded, handing over the scissors.

I made a few tentative snips, but somehow I got a bit lost round the back and ended up taking off much more than I’d meant to. I bit my lip and looked a bit worried as Claire stood up and looked at her now very short shirt.

“Shit, Annie, you’ve cut way too much off,” she moaned.

It was true; I had. Even when she was standing normally, the material hung loosely off the curve of her big knockers, barely covering them. And when she stretched up, the material rose up as well, leaving an awesome couple of inches of the bottom of her boobs clearly visible.

“You pillock, I’ll have to put my bra back on now,” she moaned. “Else I’m just showing way too much bare underboob.”

“No way!” I said. “You look awesome. Cut off a couple more inches of mine, then we’ll be the same.”

She gave me a look, then quickly cut off a wide strip. I raised my arms and couldn’t believe what she’d done. As the shirt rose up, practically the whole of my boobs emerged from underneath; not just the bottom half, but even my nipples. I might as well have been wearing nothing, except that, because I was almost covered, it was way sexier.

“You slut, Annie,” giggled Claire, as if it was my fault and not hers. “Anyone can see your nips now!”

Just then, the bar manager came round to tell us to get back to work.

“Jesus Christ, girls,” he said when he saw what we’d done. “We don’t have a licence for that sort of thing!”

“Oh, cool it, Ron,” said Claire. “Just think how much more beer we’ll shift now.”

And she was right about that. In fact, if it did nothing else it helped to sell a few more of the beers on the upper racks. Now that both Claire and I showed off as much if not more boob when we reached up high, the upper casks were soon flowing. I have to admit, I enjoyed the sensation as the shirt lifted up off my boobs each time, the air circulating for a few seconds around my exposed nipples while the beer flowed. Not only were the top casks becoming more popular, lots more people were ordering pints instead of thirds or halves, because they got a longer look! I could have got a chair and stood on that, I suppose, but it would have been much less fun. Once, when Claire was handing over a filled glass, I crept up behind her, put my hands up under the front of her shirt and squeezed her bare tits. In revenge, she pulled my top up completely, giving everyone a proper look at mine.

Just in time, before things went too far, it was time to close up. We just had to clean up the bar and leave the place to the security guys who would keep an eye on the beer until we re-opened the following day.

Jim came over, and I lifted my arms and kissed him, letting my t-shirt rise up and bare my little boobs again. I rubbed them against his chest as we snogged.

“Fucking hell, Annie, what have you been doing?” he said with a long-suffering grin. I explained what had happened.

“You have got to get these girls back again next year,” said Ron. “We’ve sold shitloads more beer than any other day, and it’s mostly thanks to them.

“You look bloody hot, the two of you,” said Jim.

“I am a bit,” I admitted. “Hell, now the public’s all gone, I don’t suppose anyone’ll mind if I strip off a bit more.”

I pulled what was left of my t-shirt off over my head, and sat down at one of the plastic tables, completely topless. My little tits felt a bit sticky, so I wiped them down with my shirt.

“I should have done this earlier,” I said, “it’s much nicer.”

Jim shook his head with a wry smile. “For fuck’s sake, Annie, you really don’t care, do you?”

Now, you have to remember that I was a bit drunk by now, otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have done what I did next. I leant over and grabbed at Jim’s crotch, feeling his cock curled up inside his trousers. I squeezed it gently, then began to pull down the zip of his fly.

“Whoa, babe,” he said, trying not to laugh, “What’s this all about?”

“Oh, come on, the work’s over, let’s have some fun,” I said. “All this flashing my tits has got me horny.”

As I spoke, I delved into the front of his trousers, found his cock, and scooped it out. As I cradled it, I felt it already start to swell.

“He’s up for it anyway,” I giggled, and pulled Jim towards me. I leant over, stuck out my tongue and began to lick at his knob. I kissed it, then sucked the whole of his helmet into my mouth.

“Go Annie,” cried Claire. “Give him a good one.”

I looked up and saw that her boyfriend had got his hands up under her top and was kneading her bare tits. She pulled her top up to give him full access, and I could see how aroused she was; her nipples were huge and hard.

I gave Jim’s cock a pump with my hand and sucked another couple of inches into my mouth. He was fully erect by now and felt extremely hot and hard. I licked at the underside of his knob, over the sensitive “v” of skin, and he swore under his breath. I loved sucking his knob and knew just what to do to give him maximum pleasure. While I knew he loved to fuck me, I also knew that by taking him in my mouth and using my tongue I could tease and stimulate him much more effectively that just having him hump his prick in and out of my pussy-hole. And I knew he loved the sight of my lips wrapped around his erection.

Not surprisingly, in no time at all the news got round that one of the bar girls who’d been flashing her tits was now completely topless and sucking her husband’s cock, and soon we were being watched by about a dozen guys.

As I slurped away, I saw one of the other guys unzip his trousers and pull out his own cock and start to wank away at it. His looked quite small, but then another one joined in, and his cock was bloody enormous.

“Shit, Annie, look at the size of Eric’s dick,” said Claire.

I made a primitive grunt in my throat meaning “Fuck yes,” but with my lips clamped closely round Jim’s thick prick I couldn’t really articulate anything else. I sucked as hard as I could on him and slid my tongue round the part of his shaft that was in my mouth. From the sounds he was making, I could tell he was close to coming, so I flicked my tongue round the edge of his helmet.

That was all it took. “Shit, fuck, babe, I’m coming,” he groaned, and he pushed his prick deeper into my mouth. Then he came, spurt after spurt of hot creamy semen filling my mouth. I sucked on his prick until I sensed there was no more to come and let him slide out of my mouth. I opened my mouth so he could see his semen sloshing about, then gargled it about inside my mouth to savour the flavour better (I love the taste of his cum), before swallowing the lot.

That had been fun, but I still felt horny, and several of the watching guys were still stroking their erections. Then a very naughty thought crossed my mind. A few months previously Jim and I had watched a porno video of a Japanese girl who had filled a whole glass with semen, and then drunk it all down in front of the camera. We’d talked about how it must have felt as all the cum slid down her throat, and I had said (in the way you do) that I’d do it if I had the chance, assuming that the chance would never arise. But now maybe it had.

“Hey, babe, you remember that vid with the Japanese girl?” I said, “Do you reckon we could do it here? These lads look up for it.”

Jim looked at the other guys and smiled. “Yeah, I think we could.”

“Okay, boys,” I said. “Here’s the plan. I’ve always wanted to swallow a glass full of cum. Anyone who’s up for it, I’ll give you a blowjob, but you have to come into this glass. Then at the end, I’ll see if I can drink it all down. How about it?”

There was an enthusiastic murmuring of agreement among the assembled guys. Someone got a half-pint glass, and we were ready to go.

The guy with the big dick, Eric, was the first to step forward, stroking his knob to keep it hard. I bent over and took the shiny purple knob in my mouth. I rubbed my lips up and down the shaft, moistening it with my saliva, then licked around the rim. It was a real turn-on sucking away at him while all around the other guys were eagerly waiting their turn, some with the dicks already out in their hands, others just rubbing the front of their trousers.

After a few more minutes of sucking and slurping I could tell that Eric wasn’t far from coming. I took his dick out of my mouth and pointed it at the glass. Eric gave his shaft a few more pumps, before shooting several substantial ropes of cum into the glass. Thick rivulets of semen ran down the sides and pooled in the bottom.

By this time, most of the other guys had their pricks out and were stroking them with gusto. Only one guy, who was very pissed, seemed to be having problems getting it up, and in the end, he jizzed prematurely all over his hand, before sitting down on the grass looking disgruntled.

In all, there must have been about a dozen to fifteen guys in the marquee. They all stood in a kind of semi-circle around me, each with his prick out of his trousers, wanking away. I felt a shiver of anticipation run through my body.

“Come on boys, who’s going to be next?” I whispered. “Just one thing; no pics. If I see a phone other than his,” (meaning Jim) “this stops. Agreed?”

There were nods and grunts of agreement all round. No one wanted to spoil the fun.

“Does that mean I can take some?” said Jim, hopefully.

“You’d better,” I said emphatically. “I want to look at them later. Just no headshots of anyone, okay?”

Jim nodded his agreement and pulled out his phone. He took a few shots of me holding the glass with Eric’s cum in the bottom, then stood back and waited to see what would happen next.

A couple of guys stepped up together next, stiff cocks in hand. One of them waved the other forward, inviting him to go first, but I had a better idea.

“It’s okay, I’ll do you both,” I said. They both had lovely plump cockheads, and I enjoyed sucking first one and then the other into my mouth, stroking their shafts and cradling their ball sacks. The one on the left was the first to reach his climax, and as he let out a massive groan, I pointed his dick into the glass and watched as he spurted out several thick creamy strings of jizz. I went back to the other one, and it wasn’t long before it was shooting its messy load into the glass as well.

I saw a couple of nice plump dicks next in line, and wondered if I could manage both at once.

“Come on boys, I want both of those together,” I said with a grin, and the two guys edged up to me and put their dicks next to each other. I opened my mouth wide and engulfed them both. It was a while since I’d had two like this, and it was lovely to feel them rubbing against each other in my mouth. Sometimes guys get a bit funny about their stiffy frotting up against another one, but these two didn’t seem to mind at all. One of them let out a squirt of pre-cum, which tasted lovely.

After I’d deposited two more loads of cum in my glass, the next guy asked if he could put his dick between my little boobs and have a tit-fuck. Feeling generous, I agreed, and he slid his erection, which was long and thin, between my two mounds and pumped away eagerly. It was easy enough to suck another dick while he was enjoying himself, and soon the glass was getting quite full.

I heard a groan from where Claire had been watching, and was amused to see that she’d pulled her skirt up and was getting a jolly good fucking from her boyfriend. She saw me watching and laughed.

“Don’t worry, babe, I’ll send him your way when he’s about to come,” she said. “I don’t want you to miss out on his spunk, it’s delicious.”

“I think I’m gonna come now,” her boyfriend grunted, so Claire made him pull out and stagger over to me, his sticky dick waving in front of him, glistening with Claire’s pussy juices. I gave it a quick lick just for fun (Claire’s juices tasted delicious), then let him shoot his load. His cum was quite thin, but there was a hell of a lot of it, and after he’d finished I had almost a full half-pint glass.

“Here, I think I’ve got a bit more,” said one of the first guys I’d already milked. He’d obviously got himself hard again, and after he’d given himself a few more rubs he produced several more squirts of muck.

“Any more for any more?” I asked, but everyone seemed spent. I was left holding a glass almost totally full of fresh semen. I smelt the familiar pungent tang of cum. Now that I looked at it, it seemed like an awful lot of thick warm salty cream to have to get down my throat. Oh god, what had I let myself in for?

“Bloody hell, love,” said Jim, “That’s a lot of cum you’ve got there. Are you sure you can manage it all?”

“Could be worse, it could be a glass of BrewDog,” said someone at the back, and there was a chorus of agreement. I smiled.

“Okay, here goes,” I said, and raised the glass to my lips, then took a mouthful. It tasted much as I’d expected, but I just wasn’t used to having so much in my mouth at once. Quickly, I swallowed, and let it slide down my throat.


“Wow,” I said, “That was creamy.” There still seemed to be an awful lot left, but I decided I’d better just get it over with. So, I took another large gulp, swallowed, and followed up with another mouthful. That went down too. I could almost feel it pooling in my stomach, but the glass was well over two-thirds empty.

“Here goes,” I thought, and tipped the last third of the glass straight into my mouth. It was probably a bit much, and I almost choked, but a couple of gulps and it was down my throat. I grinned and opened my mouth to show the guys that it was all gone and raised my arms in triumph. There was a massive round of applause and cheering.

“Well, that’s my helping of protein for the day,” I giggled.

“Come on, you cum slut,” said Jim. “I think we’d better get you home.” He found a clean beer festival t-shirt behind the bar, and I put it on. Rob brought his car round and Jim and I got in the back.

“Bloody hell,” he said, “I can smell the cum every time you breathe out.”

“You know, I think I’m the only one who hasn’t actually come yet,” I observed.

“We’d better do something about that,” said Jim, and as Rob drove home through the evening traffic, I lay back and put my legs on his lap. He pushed my skirt up, pushed my panties to one side, and began to masturbate me. Sliding his fingers in and out of my soaking wet vagina, curving them up to tickle my g-spot, he soon had my juices flowing out onto the seat. As he moved to my clitoris, I began to gasp with pleasure, finally orgasming noisily. I could feel Jim’s erect cock pressed against me through his trousers, and I knew that we’d be fucking properly as soon as we got back to my place. I’d have done it right there, only there wasn’t much room.

“Are you sure you two will be okay?” asked Rob with a smirk as we pulled up outside my flat. I felt sure he’d been glancing in his mirror at what we’d been up to.

“Cheers, mate, I think we’ll manage,” said Jim. I reached up and pulled my panties off and handed them to Rob.

“Thanks for the lift,” I said. “Here’s a tip for you.”

“Go for it, girl,” he said, sniffing them with a smile.

I ran up to the door and felt Jim’s hand up my skirt and groping my bare bum as I fumbled with the key. He began tugging at my shirt as soon as the door was shut, but I wriggled free and ran up the stairs, pulling off my shirt as I want. I’d meant to get to my room, but Jim was too quick, and too horny. He grabbed me on the stairs, turned me round, and pulled my legs apart. I kissed him hard and roughly as he got his jeans down and pulled out his hard cock. For a second, I felt it press against my vulva, then in one thrust he was in me. I was still very wet, and I put my arms around him as he slammed his cock in and out of me.

“Oh yes, that’s it, fuck me, fuck me, fuck my wet cunt,” I whispered in his ear, knowing how much he loved it when I spoke filthy. I could tell from the sounds he was making that he wouldn’t last long, and sure enough, it was only five minutes before he shuddered and shot his load of spunk up inside me. It was nothing more than pure animal fucking, which was just what we both wanted.

As he pulled out with a “schlurp”, I looked at his wilting cock, slick and sticky. I lay there, beginning to get my breathing under control, while he put his fingers back inside my pussy and scooped out a glutinous mess of spunk and pussy juice. He held it over my face, and I opened my mouth to let it gloop off his fingers and onto my tongue. I licked my lips as I squeezed my vaginal muscles and felt more of it slop out from my hole and onto the carpet. 

“Eat me,” I whispered, and he did, sucking the last of his ejaculate out of me, before bringing me to another orgasm with his tongue on my clit. Shagged out, in more ways than one, we dragged ourselves up to my room and collapsed on the bed in a sweaty, sticky heap.  And that was how the day ended.

Thanks for reading my naughty story. Please give it a “❤️” if you liked it, or even a “” if it really hit the spot. Thank you!

Published 2 years ago

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