Your Love is Like the Snow Drops

"Love is in the air in the early spring"

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Your love is like the snow drops, standing on parade,

Your kisses are like the crocus, lighting up the glade

I would pick you, if I could and put you in my pocket,

Else I would snip your fair bloom, and put it in a locket


You are my posey, your fragrance sweet yet beguiling,

Like the dainty narcissus, you always leave me smiling


If someone came between us, they would know my ire,

Like the wood anaemome, full of passion and desire


There is no other, you tinkle my bell like a yellow primrose

I cherish the ground upon which your pretty feet repose


Keep me close, let your petals nourish and appease,

Let me hold you to my heart, let me love you, please



Published 8 years ago

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