Young Blood Runs The Hottest

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It was Friday night. The weekend. Most people were excited to have these golden days arrive, but they didn’t mean much to me. I had no plans – again. The weather was supposed to be fairly decent and I was thinking it might be a good time to work in the yard to prepare it for the upcoming summer.

Sitting there in front of the television, I was staring mindlessly at the countless images that flashed in front of my eyes. Eventually I deciding it was too nice a night to be sitting inside so I grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV as I stood up. Quickly placing about eight bottles of beer in my cooler and loading it with ice, I headed out to the back yard. About a hundred yards or so behind the house, in a very secluded area of the back yard, I had a fire pit in which I immediately went about building a fire in as soon as I opened a bottle of beer.

Within minutes I had a nice, medium sized fire going and sat down on the lawn chair, stretching my feet out in front of me. The early springtime air was refreshing and surprisingly quite warm. With the heat from the fire wafting across me, it was becoming uncomfortably warm very quickly.

Enduring the increasingly uncomfortable warmth for as long as I could, I stood up and removed my shirt and pants. Sitting down again, I watched the mystical dance of the flames jump and dance in the air as the delightful night air played with my privates. “Ahhh. That’s better,” I said to one of the cats that had decided to join me. He just looked at me for a second then after deciding my pile of clothes was a perfect bed for him, he laid down. I lit a cigarette and began to relax.

I don’t know how much time had elapsed but I knew the fire needed tending so I leaned forward to rearrange the wood in the fire pit and tossed on a few more pieces of wood for good measure. The cat stayed dozing on my clothes even as I sat back down and grabbed another beer from the ice chest. I heard the neighbor returning home but with it being dark and their driveway about one quarter mile away, I knew they’d not see me so I didn’t think anything about it.

It was probably about forty-five minutes later when I heard a very slight noise behind me, off to the right. I turned to see a person that I could tell from the light of the fire was Sandy, the eldest of the next door neighbor kids. She was about twenty or so I knew, but I didn’t know why she’d be coming down here at this time of night. Leaning forward to cover my male anatomy, I greeted her as she steadily approached.

“Hi!” she exclaimed cheerfully as she quickly spread a blanket on the ground beside me. “I saw the fire when I came home but I didn’t know you were out here,” she continued as she sat down Indian style on the blanket.

“No problem, but why’d you bring the blanket if you didn’t know I was here?”

Without hesitation she told me she thought she’d just relax and watch the fire. “You don’t mind if stay, do you?”

The light from the fire illuminated her young beauty. Her face was nearly perfect and her long blonde hair sparkled in the firelight.

“No, I don’t mind a bit,” I said, realizing at that instant my clothes, now abandoned by the cat, lay out of my reach and that I was sitting there stark naked with a raging erection being held down by my arms that were crossed over top of my lap.

We talked for several minutes, all the time with me leaning forward. She shocked the living hell out of me with she said next. “Ya know, you can lean back and relax. I’ve seen hard cocks before, and I’ve enjoyed a few as well.”

I just looked at her. What I was feeling was a mix of extreme sexual arousal, uneasiness because of her being less than half my age, and confusion as to why she was coming on to me. She just sat there, legs crossed and leaning back on her outstretched arms. I scanned over her. Her face, those large and so firm looking breasts, her flat stomach, and her legs. The shorts she wore were very, very short and exposing everything up to her crotch.

Eventually, I did lean back but I crossed my right leg over my left, still trying to hide the thick and throbbing shaft of lust. Finishing my beer, I asked if she was old enough to drink beer. She said yes, so I handed her one as I took another for myself. After she opened it and took a swallow, she said something else that sent both the fear of God through me as well as a torrent of desire for her.

“Maybe I should warn you,” she said softly as I rearranged the wood in the fire again. “If I get drunk, I usually end up naked and attacking someone.”

Still facing the fire, I couldn’t prevent a huge smile for covering my face. Having beaten the dilemma I had earlier about her age, I let my hormones and humor take over. As I sat back in the chair, I didn’t cross my legs this time and looked at Sandy. “You want another beer?” I asked with a grin on my face.

She produced one of the sexiest giggles I’ve ever heard, but said nothing so I leaned back and stared at the fire again. Before I knew what was happening, I felt her soft, warm, smooth fingers wrapping around my erection. A moan escaped me as she skillfully massaged my now more anxious than ever skin. I was enjoying every second of her touches and without too much more coaxing, could have proven it without a word.

She suddenly pulled her hand back, wrenching me from my elation. I turned to look at her and saw she had stood up and was now stripping. Less than a foot away from me, this firm, young, shapely female was stripping!! Her shorts were down around her ankles and I saw a neatly trimmed strip of hair emerging from between her firm thighs. Mesmerized, I watched eagerly as she slowly pulled her snug tank top off, exposing a most beautiful set of breasts. So full and firm, I reached out and rubbed the back of my hand over her hard nipple.

“Oh God,” she gasped. “Don’t do that or I’ll go totally nuts!” she puffed softly. Ignoring her warning, I allowed my hand and fingers to enjoy the firmness of her body, allowing my hand to roam freely over her nakedness. Her sighs and moans were combined with a silent invitation as she parted her legs. My finger slipped easily into the hot pond of arousal I found in her trough of pleasure which I massaged gently for a few seconds before standing up and stepping over to her.

I put my hands on her narrow waist and just looked at her for a second. Almost instantly, she had pressed herself against me, easily raising her leg high and trapping my rod in between her legs as she lowered it. As my cock throbbed wildly from the enticement her body produced, it easily worked it’s way in her equally anxious slit.

“OH MY GOD!” she moaned as she rocked her hips slowly but rhythmically back and forth, forcing my shaft to massage her clit. Incredibly, she continued getting wetter and wetter until I knew she was there. Her convulsions of satisfaction gave me sensations that are difficult to describe as I felt her continued release. I held her tight enough to prevent her from falling but loosely enough to not inhibit her movements. I honestly began to wonder if she was ever going to stop cumming, but I admit I enjoyed every drop of her juice that my cock was being engulfed by.

“Oh shit! You’re so thick!” she whispered as her body went lip in my arms. “I’ve never felt anyone as wide as you! That was incredible!” she managed to vocalize while she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath. Slowly lowering her to the blanket, I was treated to having my gleaming flesh brush against her several times before she was on the blanket. She laid down on her back, still panting heavily from her orgasm.

I knelt down by her hips and stroked the length of her thigh.

She knew my cock was still screaming for some more attention from her and I again felt her hand wrap around me and with a most enticing teasing way, she stroked my full length.

From the fog of delight that I was in, I heard her ask, “How do you want to get off?”

I remained silent for a while, enjoying every molecule of her skin that embraced my flesh.

“You can do anything you want,” she stated softly. After a brief pause, she reiterated, “And I mean anything.”

Without a word I moved myself to between her legs, which she parted wide for me as my head slid down between her thighs to the juicy sweetness of her young pussy. I was on my knees, bent down so I could begin enjoying her. I was savoring her every drop and soon, somehow, she had slipped her feet under me and was giving me one of the most extremely pleasing foot jobs ever. The satin smooth flesh on the soles of her feet, the delicate and erratic tickling her toes gave my shaft and my balls, combined to shove me deep into the world of utter and grateful disbelief.

Her foot massage slowly terminated as her hips lifted higher and higher, signaling to me that my mouth and tongue was hitting all the right spots for her. Our tempo increased in unison until she was grabbing my hair, almost pulling it out by the root as she climaxed again. She let go several huge gushes of the drink I had craved for years as I had watched her mature into a young woman.

When I thought she had descended about half way from the pinnacle of her sexual hike, I moved my body over top of hers. The heat seeking missile between my legs easily found it’s target. The head of my cock pressed against her slippery pussy lips, met slight resistance, and when she moved her hips just a little, my entire thickness and length became instantly buried deep inside this sexual gift underneath me.

We both were moaning, groaning, and gasping with gratification as I stroked back and forth. I was enjoying the perfect tightness of her body around me as she was enjoying my mastery at coaxing her to yet another orgasm. The sensation transmitted to me as my body brushed against her smooth skin added to my enjoyment.

“Oh, please!” she whimpered as her body tensed rapidly. “Oh please! Oh please!! OH SHIT!!” were her last words before she was bucking like a wild animal under me as I continued to ride her. It was all I could do to refrain from cumming, but I wanted to extend the pleasure for both myself and her for as long as I could.

Thankfully, her body soon went limp, signaling the completion of my mission. I pulled out immediately, knowing if I took even one more stroke within her tightness, I’d be a goner.

Feeling her body still trembling and twitching under me as I straddled her, my full sac pressed firmly against her thighs, I saw she was smiling. I tried to see her face more clearly but the fire had burned down to a low glow and it was all but impossible to see her clearly.

I felt her hands on me. They were still shaking from her intense release as she ran them down over my chest to my navel. After pausing a second, her hands traveled those final few inches. Her fingers engulfed me as she began a hand job on me, much to my enjoyment. She manipulated me to the edge of release and pulled me back, time after time. All the time she was watching me intently.

“So, why haven’t you told me how you want to get off?” she asked as her hands skillfully continued to please me.

“Because I don’t know,” I honestly admitted. She never broke her rhythm as she continued to massage my cramped crotch muscle with one hand as her other hand reached for something at the edge of the blanket. She held up the item in front of me so I could see it was a bottle of lubricant.

“I told you, you can do anything, and I enjoy anal in case you’re wondering,” she giggled while waving the bottle back and forth. Her other hand continued to stroke my pulsating flesh rod as she added, “Or I can suck you drier than a dessert,” she continued as I heard her lick her lips.

My brain was sizzling as it tried to determine which way I most wanted to enjoy the ultimate pleasure this firm, young, sexy, naked present under me offered.

Did I want a blowjob?


Doggie style?

My torment was soon relieved when she told me to lay down and patted the blanket. Quickly positioning myself on my back, she went down on me faster than a jetliner with no engines.

After her tongue had teased me a few times, her wet, slippery lips supplied the perfect tension around my thickness as her mouth took me in. Her head lowered. I felt her tongue stroking the sensitive underside of my cock. She massaged me with her lips as her tongue continued pleasing me. Her head slowly lowered more. I was now over halfway into her mouth and I felt the softness of her hands touch my
balls which were full to the point where my sac was tight and on full alert. I raised my hips from the mind-blowing delight of her hand on my balls, forcing my pulsating pole the rest of the way into her mouth.

The head was being pressed into the top of her throat, but that lasted for only a second or two. She relaxed her throat and pressed her face deep into my crotch, forcing the tip of me well into her throat.

“Oh fuck!!” I groaned as my control left me. Instantly I was firing shot after shot of my thick cum into her throat. She not only took every drop eagerly, but she was moving her head rapidly in short up and down motions, coaxing more and more from within me as the ever so slight touch of her fingertips against my balls forced me to give more than I thought I could.

She didn’t release me from her mouth until my cock had completed it’s
transformation from the hard and throbbing mass of flesh it was a few minutes ago, into the limp, glistening slag it now was.

“Why didn’t you want to fuck my ass?” she asked, laying down beside me. “I’ve seen you staring at it often enough that I thought you’d want to enjoy it.”

Since my brain was still trying to get reassembled in my head, I made a reply that I couldn’t believe I was saying. “We can save that for next time.”

“It’s a deal!” she exclaimed as her hand began playing with my embarrassingly small and lifeless cock. “None of the young guys seem to like it, but I want to try it,” she added as a slight twitch of life re-entered my penis.

Noticing the effort my body was voluntarily making to produce another erection for her, she rose to her knees and swung a leg over me. Her still saturated pussy took me comfortingly into the warmth between the softness between her lips. Feeling the smoothness of her pussy sliding repeatedly over my slowly but steadily stiffening cock, she told me she was hoping she could have it before she had to leave.

After what seemed like an eternity for me, I was soon hard once again and was positioning myself behind her raised ass. It’s shape, firmness, and the satin softness of her skin all combined to finish getting me into full hardness once again.

She reached between her legs, capturing my dancing cock and coated it heavily with the lubricant she had brought. I grabbed my rod and moved toward her as she separated her ass cheeks. The tip of my cock was pressing firmly against the puckered flesh guarding the sanctum she offered to me. Pressing firmly but slowly against her rectum, she was helping the cause by pushing back toward me.

Feeling her body surrender the virgin tightness of her young, heavenly ass, I was on my way to helping fulfill her desire, but that’s another story…..


Published 15 years ago

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