You Want a Sip?

"Why would she share her drink with me right in front of her boyfriend when we just met."

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I walked into the bar. There were people of different ages. Mature, dressed-up, and stuck-up bitches were at some tables. And yes, that’s including the men. They also looked like stuck-up bitches. There were no empty tables. The younger college students were at the bar stools. Some of them looked so young, that I didn’t believe they could be twenty-one. If I had seen them outside of the bar, I would have assumed they’re in high school.

As I walked by one couple in specific, I noticed the girl. She looked young. She had a baby face with long wavy hair. She wore a white dress that split open at the legs on the side I was on. The dress also left her back and arms bare. She also wore white heels. This white blondie in all white was clearly proud of her body. Next to her sat a white boy in a blue t-shirt. He had combed his hair and looked like he was brought there by mommy. She either dropped him off there or he hadn’t learned to present himself like a man yet. They were both probably going to the university that was a few blocks down.

After looking the girl up and down some more, I noticed she held a bright blue drink. It looked like a slushie. A fancy slushy. Finding that an easy topic and being about to pass by behind them, I stopped for a moment between the two.

“What is that drink?” I asked her this as I pretended to give a shit about the drink. “I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

She looked at me and smiled. This baby-faced girl with blue eyes looked naïve. She had the kind of smile that told people that she was a very kind girl that always donated to charities with her daddy’s money. To the right guy, which I was, the smile also said that she would suck a guy’s dick to cheer him up and then explain honestly to her boyfriend why she had no other choice but to suck the guy’s dick because the guy said he would kill himself otherwise. Being a girl that values compassion and kindness, she had to suck someone’s dick so she could feel good about helping someone. Her boyfriend looked like the type who would tell her he understood completely. I knew this because of what happened next.

“Yeah, I’ve never tried it before either. You want a sip?” She asked me, holding the drink out to me. She didn’t even know me.

The boy smiled fully in support of this girl. I looked at both of them, then took a sip.

“It’s pretty good,” I told her. “You and your brother must really like it.”

“Oh that’s my boyfriend,” she said.

I felt bad for him. She had offered to share saliva with a random stranger that had just asked her what she was drinking. I took another sip and handed the drink back to her. She put her mouth right where I drank from the cup and drank with her head tilting back. I watched the smooth white skin on her throat as she swallowed.

“What are you guys celebrating?” I asked.

“Nothing, we just wanted to grab some drinks,” she said. They were both smiling at me.

“Oh, I know that feeling. I follow that feeling every time. I dedicate myself to it.” I said.

“You look like the type,” she said. “You do this three times a week, don’t you?”

She kept talking to me. Why did she keep talking to a random stranger in front of her boyfriend? I didn’t know. I just knew that I never wanted to have a girl like this as my girlfriend. But I did want to fuck her face.

“You know, your face reminds me a lot of my ex,” I said, making a sad longing face at her.

“Awwww.” She melted.

Her boyfriend was now facing forward and drinking his drink. She was still turned around on her stool talking to me. What a shitty low quality girl. She’s lucky she’s pretty and young. It gets her a lot of attention for now.

“Yeah, we just broke up last month. But god damn it, it feels like just yesterday. It still hurts like just yesterday.” I told her.

“You poor thing. Breakups suck so hard.”

“Yeah, seriously. You know the worst part? I can’t remember what it used to feel like to hold her anymore. I remember how it looked. But I can’t remember the feeling of holding her against me while we cuddled. I crave it. I crave that feeling, to remember what it felt like. I remember that it felt comforting. But it’s just not there anymore. The kinesthetic memory is gone.”

She stood up and hugged me. Her boyfriend didn’t look. He was lost in his drink. Or he was just waiting it out. She probably did this all the time and he was probably used to waiting around for her.

“Do you want someone to talk to about it? I’m a good listener.” She said.

“Yeah, that’d be nice. But I have to go to the bathroom first.”

“Okay, I’ll be waiting here.” She said with sympathy on her face.

“God, when I used to be out with my ex, we used to walk over to the bathroom together at bars and clubs. We would wait for each other outside the bathroom. Could you just walk me over? I would feel like a have a caring friend. I miss that part of her.” I asked her this with emphasis on her waiting outside the bathroom but I realized I probably didn’t need to.

She grabbed me by the arm and told her boyfriend that she would be right back. Her boyfriend nodded and told her he completely understood and valued friendships like that.

We walked to the bathroom without saying a word. I just had to look really sad as we walked over. This was the only bar in town that had single good quality bathrooms. No stalls. There were four bathrooms and each room had a toilet and sink. Well decorated and clean kept. There was no doorman, but there was a camera. I happened to have done this before so I knew the camera was just for show.

“Hey, I know this is a lot to ask but could you come in with me? I’ll buy you and your boyfriend a drink for just reminding me what it was like to have the friend in my ex again.”

She made a sympathetic face and agreed. We walked in. I went over to the toilet and pulled out my cock to pee. It was hard. She saw it.

“Oh my god, is that because of me?” She asked. “I’m so sorry. I must have held you too closely and you had already told me that I look like your ex. I’m so sorry.”

I held my hard cock in my hand looking at her. I put a defeated and sad look on my face.

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault you’re so beautiful.” I started to tear up because I knew it would get her.

“Oh, you poor thing.”

She walked up to me and wiped the tear off my cheek. She looked at me with her big blue eyes, cleavage touching my chest.

“You can’t pee like that huh?” She asked. “Why don’t you…rub one out really quick? I’ll stand right here. You can look at me and think of your ex. I know you loved her so much. I can see it in your eyes.

“Really? Is that okay? I know you’re in a relationship and your boyfriend is waiting for you. You don’t have to do this.” I looked really sad again, raising the inside ends of my eyebrows.

“Yes. No. Don’t worry. I’ll explain to him. He’ll understand. I’m a compassionate person. He knows that. I knew I had to find a compassionate and understanding person for myself who understands me. He understands my kindness and appreciates me for it. And I love him for it.”

“Wow, you’re just so lucky. I’m so glad you two found each other. I wish my last relationship lasted. It’s all my fault.”

“Oh no, what happened? Will you tell me about it when we get back to my boyfriend? I want to listen.”

“Yes, I’d like that. But do you think you could just hug me while I try to do this? It would mean a lot to me.

She put her arms around me. I held my hard cock and wrapped one arm around her. I put my hand on her bare back. The small of her back, warm and smooth, was where I would cum on her one day when I was tired of busting inside of her. And it was true that I was sad about my ex. It is easier to cry.

I stood there now. Stroking my hard cock while holding her with one arm. I moved my hand lower on her back, closer to her ass. She just looked at me with her big blue eyes. I moved my hand up to her bare upper back and pressed her cleavage into me. I would get her to at least suck my cock… at least.

I jerked off hard to the moment, holding this white girl against me, and looked at the beautiful face encouraging me to jack off. I let myself enjoy the moment.

End of part one.

Published 3 years ago

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