Part 7- Airports, Trams & Cars
Getting to the airport and on the plane was something of a blur as I’d had little sleep and couldn’t stop thinking of what Rosa and I had done all week. The memory was enhanced by the discomfort I had in sitting on the plane with a still red and very sore bottom. I got home without incident and called Rosa shortly thereafter.
The conversation was upbeat as she had already been looking at her calendar and checking flights to come to Florida within the next couple of months. We teased each other about what we’d do in the meantime; my only option being self-spanking, but Rosa had Amy should she get desperate enough to ask her. She told me she’d finalize her plans during the week and let me know as soon as she could. We hung up after commenting on how much we had both enjoyed a week of daily spanking and how we couldn’t wait to be together again.
The conversation about what I’d do until Rosa came again got me thinking about how much my attitude had changed in a week. While I knew before I went to New York that my fetish was not as strange as I had thought, I only had the letters and articles in Variations to back up that opinion. Now I’d had real experiences with more than one person even, to make me much more comfortable with my desires. I suspected I’d be more likely to broach the subject with someone I thought was sympathetic … possibly even employing a harmless line like Rosa’s “you need a spanking!”
In the following days and weeks, I more openly looked for opportunities in casual conversation with girls I worked with to possibly bring punishment and spanking into the conversation. A few times I suggested that a certain girl was ‘naughty’ based on some harmless mistake she had made, but as no one took the bait, the thread ended there.
I looked at girls a little differently and whether I knew them or not, I wondered if they might be interested. Cute little girls might seem to fit a ‘naughty, little schoolgirl’ role. Bigger or tougher-looking girls would be the ones who would toss me across their knee to teach me a lesson. The usual stereotypes would come into play where girls with a decidedly feminine look would be imagined across my knee, while the less feminine girls wearing leather or mannish haircuts, would the ones blistering my bottom.
Remembering some of the letters I’d read in Variations from so-called ‘real people’ I wondered if any of those scenarios might play out for me in a similar way. I re-read them and thought about them often, but the more I did the less real they seemed to be when viewed in the context of real life. Could there really be a pretty girl working alone at night in a convenience store who would bend over and submit to a spanking regardless of how bad the service she had given me was? Or a woman so filled with road rage that she’d manage to pull me over, bend me over, and work me over with a spanking I so richly deserved? Even so, I was more hopeful that eventually, I’d connect with someone of similar interest. Meanwhile, I knew Rosa would be here in about four weeks … arriving on a late Thursday night flight.
We talked often on the phone but almost always about our favorite subject … references to spanking we’d seen in a movie, TV show, or book, my favorite articles, or letters from Variations … even some of Rosa’s past experiences without details on the particular person. I wondered what phone sex involving spanking would be like. I imagined Rosa scolding me for some alleged mistake and telling me I was going to get spanked and then what? … I spank myself? It sounded a bit weird, so I never brought it up. We counted the days till Rosa’s arrival together.
When the day finally came, we were both so filled with anticipation that just a two-hour delay of Rosa’s flight was a major disappointment. She called me from the airport to give me the unwelcome news that we both moaned about. The delay meant her flight would arrive close to midnight, but it wasn’t like that would make it too late to do anything that night. I’d managed to take the days off that Rosa would be here, so it didn’t matter how late it was, someone was going to get spanked that night! It was just that any delay after waiting more than five weeks was too much.
As far as who was going to get it first, Rosa had reason to be more disappointed as she had won the coin toss we’d done on the phone, which meant she got to choose and of course, as we both would have done, she chose to get spanked first. Like the last time I started inventing scenarios days in advance, the big difference being that there was no doubt whether a spanking would take place even if it simply meant taking her over my knee when we arrived at my house, but I wanted to do something unusual … exciting … provoking.
By the time I got to the airport, I still hadn’t come up with anything special. I checked the flight schedule to find that her flight would arrive almost thirty minutes later than the original delay and as I had arrived early, the anticipation getting the better of me, I now had almost an hour to wait.
I decided I’d go out to the gate and then maybe a coffee bar or restaurant where I could eat or drink something while I waited. To get to the gates at Tampa airport you take an automated tram from the main terminal to the ‘airside’ terminals where the gates are. The tram consists of two cars with handles and poles strategically placed to hold on while you stood for the trip. The length of the ride varied depending on which ‘airside’ you were going to but from doors closed to doors open it was less than a minute on the longest run; short enough that they didn’t expect you to sit down and so there were no seats. Except at the ends where each car had a window that was as wide and nearly as tall as the car, but with a wide flat area below not necessarily meant for sitting; the carpeting probably indicated it was intended for luggage but a comfortable height for sitting and people always sat on them. Kids imagined they were ‘driving’ the tram when they sat in the front of the first car.
The flight schedule had told me which gate she’d arrive at, and it turned out to be the one with longest tram ride. I got on and was surprised when it left to find only one other passenger, and he was in the other car. There are two trams at each airside … traveling in opposite directions on each cycle … and as we passed the tram going in the other direction it only had one passenger. The airport had been surprisingly empty, which I attributed to the late hour, but even so, being nearly alone on the tram was unusual.
That’s when an idea started forming in my mind. Instead of getting off on the other end, I rode the tram back again with a similar result. Only one passenger was on my tram, and the other tram was empty when it passed. I rode them back and forth several times to find the situation the same; until a flight had arrived, and they filled up pretty full, but only in one direction, and even then, within a half dozen cycles or so, they were back to being empty or nearly so.
As the idea took shape in my mind, I got off the tram to find a gate agent. By this time there happened to be one ready to meet Rosa’s flight, even though the flight was still a good twenty minutes out. I commented on the lateness of the flight and the deserted atmosphere of the airport. She replied that I should wait until this flight had arrived to see what deserted was like. She went on to say there was only one other flight coming in after Rosa’s and it was a small puddle jumper that only held twenty or thirty passengers.
I continued the conversation to find out that even after the last flight had arrived the airport would still be open with trams running for an hour or more. I made up a story about my girlfriend getting sick on flights and she’d likely head right for the lady’s room, from which she wouldn’t emerge for a while. Would I still be able to retrieve her luggage if we didn’t get right to the luggage area?
‘Sure,’ she replied telling me that in the worst case that I’d have to go to the luggage office for US Air to get her bags, but we easily had a half hour before even that would be necessary.
I decided to kill what time was left by proving my theory and riding the trams back and forth again. I noticed that the tram returning to the airside was nearly always empty, which made sense since most traffic would be from the gates, not to them. I clocked the length of the run at almost forty-five seconds. I also realized that sitting on the bench in the middle, where the cars were joined, you would avoid being seen by people in the other passing tram as well as those waiting for the tram on either side of the trip.
If you haven’t figured out what I was cooking up yet, let me add that Rosa and I had had some conversations about semi-public spankings and the blanks ought to be filled in for you. We’d both felt it would be exciting to try it and had agreed we’d look for such an opportunity during this visit. It had to be a place where anyone could discover you, but the likelihood that anyone would was extremely low. In other words, you didn’t really want to get caught with your pants down getting spanked, but the fear that someone might catch you would add an element of excitement to an already exciting act.
Her plane finally arrived but it seemed like the whole plane had emptied before I saw her. Even late on a Friday night after hours of airports and flying, she looked elegant and put together. She wore a plain white top with a large neck, showing plenty of skin, but no cleavage and a bit on the tight side as the fact that she was bra-less was obvious. I was glad to see her wearing a skirt, at least partly planned to make her naughty bottom more easily accessible, I was sure. Floral and flimsy and just above the knee, it swished around her as she walked. Simple flat slip-on shoes completed her look of casual elegance. She came to me, arms outstretched, and we hugged tightly. I’m sure we both wanted to grab the other’s ass but wanting to avoid the inevitable comments about ‘getting a room’ we abstained.
After a minute or two of saying hello, we turned and followed the traffic towards the trams. Like several other passengers, Rosa wanted to stop at the lady’s room, which suited me just fine as it would make the tram that much emptier as the rest of the traffic passed us by. By the time we got to the tram, there were several other people waiting to get in the first car, so we chose the other car.
The tram arrived and we all boarded. I went to sit in the middle, as planned and Rosa joined me, while the others stood near the door, ready to exit.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” I said as I reached out to put my hand on her hip.
“Me too!” she replied and then leaning towards me to whisper in my ear added, “I’m tired of spanking myself!”
“I know what you mean! … but why are you whispering? They can’t hear you,” I said indicating the people in the other car whom we could only see through the windows.
“I guess not. Isn’t it funny how you feel like you need to do it more often after you’ve just had a bunch of real ones?”
“Remember, I’m new to this, so I’ve only had one time where I’ve gotten a bunch of spankings, but I’ve probably spanked myself every week since New York!”
“Every week? I’ve done it at least a few times a week and I probably gave my bottom a few smacks every time I got in the shower!”
We arrived at the terminal and Rosa started to get up, but I put my hand on her wrist indicating she should stay put. She looked at me questioningly.
“You know … you need a spanking!” I said as the doors opened, and the other passengers disappeared.
“Ooo! Promise?” she replied, only half joking.
“Yes! … and you’re going to get one!” I said as I turned to sit straight on the bench. She looked at me funny but understood when I took her wrist and pulled her towards me just as the doors started closing. I guided her over my knee, but she resisted.
“Here!? What about the other people?” she said slowly, giving in to me.
“What other people?” I asked pointing out with a hand that both cars were empty. She let up a little and let me put her across my knee. She ended up kneeling on one side and her elbows on the bench on the other.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this!” she cried as the tram started moving and the first smack landed on her skirted bottom. Several more smacks landed before we passed the other tram. Rosa noticed it and tensed up, but relaxed when she realized that even the couple of people on it wouldn’t notice us because of where we were sitting. “Oh yeah! Spank me!” she cried as she relaxed a little, but not completely.
I hadn’t even reached thirty by the time we arrived at the other end. “Let me up!” she cried in a panicked voice. Knowing it took a while for the car to align with the doors I held her for a couple of seconds more to add to her panic, but she was sitting normally well before the doors opened. A couple of people got in the front car, but we were alone again in ours.
“I’m not done with you yet, young lady,” I threatened as the doors closed. “On the return trip, I will lift your skirt!”
“Ooo, are you going to take my panties down?” she asked with delicious anticipation.
“No,” I replied with a long pause, eliciting a pout from her pretty face, “I’m going to take them off!”
“Mmm, good idea! … We’re not getting off the tram anytime soon then, are we?”
“By the time we get off, you’ll have a nice red bottom!” We both looked forward in anticipation of the turnaround trip. “You’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t you?” I asked as we slowed to a stop.
“Oh, yes … I deserve a good spanking!” The doors opened and we watched the people in the other car leave. We waited in silence to see if we would have the tram to ourselves again. I don’t think Rosa could’ve taken it if we didn’t. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, and Rosa was back across my knee before the doors had completely closed. “I’m sorry I’m such a naughty girl, Mark! Spank me! Spank my bottom!” she said just before a flurry of several swats on each cheek landed.
Her skirt was full enough that pulling it up was easy, exposing floral, bikini panties tight enough to create sexy bulges above and below them. The tram was accelerating as I smacked her near-naked cheeks a few times before grabbing the waist of her pretty panties and pulling them down to her knees. Wanting her to have some heat in her seat for the return trip with passengers, I spanked quickly and randomly, easily giving each cheek a good twenty hard spanks.
As we slowed to a stop, Rosa was the one to delay this time, wanting all she could get before having to wait a minute or two for the return trip. She sat up just as the tram stopped and we had only the few seconds delay for the doors to open to get her panties off and into my pocket. We waited impatiently for the doors to close again, but when they started to close, no one else had gotten on!
“Ooo, we’re alone again!” she said lifting her skirt and bending over to place her hands on the bench with her deep pink bottom jutting out expectantly.
“So, you like getting spanked in public, do you?” I asked as I resumed spanking at a quickened pace.
“Ooo, I’m such a naughty girl you have to spank me right now! You can’t wait till we get home!” Rosa liked her spankings to be punishment, even if it was punishment she wanted.
“Yes, you are! … and naughty girls get spanked on their bare bottoms!”
“Yes! Spank me! Spank me harder!” she cried as I stepped up the pace, and then the force with which I spanked her.
We were cramming quite a few spanks into that short, less-than-a-minute trip. By the time we got to the other end Rosa was breathing heavily, but rather than sit on her sore bottom, she stood holding on to the pole directly in front of our bench. The last trip being empty was unexpected, but this one I was sure would be empty. The minute or so we had to wait for others was getting harder to take and we both would have seemed anxious to anyone watching us. As soon as the doors started closing to an empty tram, Rosa lifted her skirt and bent over, holding on to the pole. She was getting more daring, as anyone who squeezed in at the last minute would have gotten a perfect view of her now red cheeks and her sparse patch of hair above her pussy peeking out between them.
“Ooo, you’re spanking me so hard,” she said in mock complaint, as I put my left arm around her waist, holding her against me and keeping her skirt up at the same time.
“But if I don’t spank you hard enough you won’t learn your lesson, will you?”
“Ohhhhh, but my bottom really hurts!” she said at least a bit in truth for she’d gotten quite a few spanks already, and cramming a lot into an abbreviated time, we had certainly accelerated the pace with which I increased the speed and force.
“And it’s going to hurt quite a bit more,” I replied as I spanked away at her hot ass. Realizing she was getting quite hot, I backed off just a bit, and added some soothing caresses here and there. She appreciated some of it but didn’t want me to back off quite that much yet and told me so.
“Owwww! Ooo, you’re probably not even half done with my spanking yet, are you?” she said telling me in code that she expected at least as much more as she’d gotten already.
We continued our game for many more trips back and forth to the terminal, alternating between spanking and just standing a minute at a time. Only a couple more times did we have passengers that we had to stop for, but Rosa was so eager that the extra couple of minutes were agony. When I finally could resume her spanking, she’d want to make up for lost time with harder, faster spanking.
Eventually we were running out of steam, but neither of us wanted to approach a climax since we would have to stop after a minute or so … and when you’re close you certainly don’t want to … probably can’t … stop.
“I think you’ve had about as much as I can give you right now, but I’m certainly not done with you, young lady!” I warned.
“Yes, sir,” she replied meekly.
“This next trip will get us to the terminal, and then I’ll stop, but … I’m keeping your panties in my pocket so don’t think I won’t give you a good hard swat across that beautiful backside of yours if I think you need it! Understand?”
“Yes, sir, I understand … but will you take me over your knee for this last spanking? It’s late, and I’m tired, and it’s getting hard to stand here while you spank me.”
“Fine with me. I can spank faster and harder when you’re over my knee!”
“Ohhh, you’re really hurting my bottom!” she complained.
“Nonsense! Lift your skirt, and get over my knee,” I said as the doors closed on us for the last time. Steady, hard spanks peppered her flaming bottom as she still thrust her bottom up for more, but I knew how she felt. There comes a point that no matter how sore you are, you feel like you could take it for hours more. It doesn’t work out that way because at some point you want the climax that all the spanking was building up to. Rosa wasn’t going to get that quite yet, but if my plan worked out, she wouldn’t have to wait too long either.
This time when the doors opened, we were both waiting to exit. Good thing, because the security guards were waiting within site of the open doors, possibly noticing that we’d ridden back and forth a couple of times or more. We got off as though nothing unusual had happened and made our way towards the escalator that would take us down to the baggage claim area. I checked my watch to find that her flight had landed about thirty-five minutes ago. I hoped her luggage would still be on the belt.
As we stepped onto the escalator, Rosa a step above me, I turned to look at my sexy, naughty girl. Once we were below the floor level we’d left and out of sight of anyone I slipped my hand onto her hot bottom and squeezed her sore cheeks. When she let out an ecstatic moan, I lifted my hand and gave her a good hard swat on her seat.
“Remember, young lady … I’m not done spanking you yet!”
“Well, at least my poor bottom gets a rest until we get to your house.”
“Not necessarily,” I warned as we reached the end of the escalator. Her attention on getting off safely she couldn’t react to my statement, but when she could look at me it was with such a cute face … downcast eyes and bitten lower lip … that I knew she was dying to know what else I had up my sleeve. In truth, I didn’t exactly have a plan but was hoping the deserted airport would again aid in our little game.
Arriving at the baggage belt, I was relieved to find her bag still riding around, and funnily enough, it wasn’t the only one. As she pointed out her bag, I walked towards it and pulled it off the conveyor with a show of great effort as though it was so heavy. In fact, it was quite a large bag, but I remember hoping that more than some of the weight was for clothes and things that would make the week ahead even more exciting.
“Where are you parked?” she asked as I pulled the handle up to drag the big bag behind me.
“On the roof,” I replied hoping that it would be deserted enough. The short-term parking at Tampa Airport is above the terminal itself, so when we got on the elevator in the baggage claim area, I punched nine for the rooftop level of parking. We turned to face each other and fell into each other’s arms. My hands went immediately to her sore bottom, for soothing caresses, rather than spanks.
“Mmm, what’s next?” she asked obviously not referring to the drive home.
“Well, hopefully there aren’t too many cars left on the roof and we’ll be able to find mine easily and get going,” I replied only partly truthfully. What I was hoping was that there would be no cars … or almost no cars … left on the roof and we’d be free to have some more fun. My reasoning was sound as it was short-term parking, and even if you were leaving your car there overnight for a trip, I would think you’d park in the lower levels where your car wouldn’t be exposed to the weather. There was almost nobody left at the airport … not passengers anyway, so hopefully …
We held and touched each other passionately for the slow ride from level one to level nine. When we stopped and the doors opened, I looked out hopefully and couldn’t see any other cars. Once we stepped outside of the building housing the elevator, I did see two other cars besides mine, but they were about as far away from us as possible. My plan could continue!
As I put the bags down behind my car, Rosa commented on my BMW convertible. “Ooo, nice car! Can we put the top down?” she asked like an excited little kid. I looked up at the sky, checking the weather instinctively, even though there had been almost no clouds when I arrived.
“Sure, it looks clear enough. Ooo, look at the stars! … and all the lights!” I said as though noticing the rooftop view for the first time. As I was parked behind the building the elevator came up in, it wasn’t far to walk to the roof’s edge a few parking spaces away. “Come here, Rosa! Look at the skyline!” I said as I reached the edge and looked over. I bent forward over the thick, waist-high concrete wall hoping Rosa would do the same, and keeping in mind that she was still without panties, my motive should be obvious.
“Mmm, nice!” she cooed as she turned to look at me with a funny smile that said she knew what I was up to. Not that I needed to be sure to carry on with my plan, but she confirmed what she thought I was thinking by wiggling her bottom around in an obvious suggestive way. Reaching back, I gave her a good swat on her left cheek. “Ooo, am I going to get the rest of my spanking right here?” she asked hopefully.
“You know we can’t wait till we get home,” I said as I lifted her skirt and let it lay on her back, “you might forget what you’re being punished for.” I resumed spanking and received her approval to the tune of ‘Ow’s’ and ‘Ooo’s’ sounding more like pleasure than pain.
“Ooo, I’ve forgotten already! What am I being punished for?” she asked turning to look at me and my hand smacking her bare behind, “Why are you spanking me?”
“You’re being spanked because you were so late!” I said after a pause to think of an answer, “You knew how badly I wanted to spank you, and all I could think of while I waited hours for you was how much I wanted your beautiful, bare bottom over my knee!”
“Ohh, I’m sorry,” she cried in exaggerated contrition, “I’m making it up to you now, though, aren’t I?” I answered her with a long series of hard swats on both cheeks. I knew I was getting to her when she started dancing on her toes and swaying her hot bottom suggestively. Putting my arm around her waist allowed me to both hold her tight against me as well as slip my hand between her legs for additional stimulation. She responded immediately, her sensuous body motions going into overdrive.
Knowing she was ready to be taken up to, and over the edge, I let go of her waist, so that I could use my hand more effectively on her tits and between her legs. Although clearly reveling in the feelings my hands were giving her, she still wanted to act like she was being punished with statements like, “Ow, my poor bottom!”, “Please stop spanking me?” and “I’ve been such a bad girl! I’m sorry.”
With my fingers all over and in her sopping wet pussy, and my hand spanking with a steady rhythm across both buns, she was fast approaching a climax. Standing nearly erect and pushing back away from the wall with her bottom jutting out, her body stiffened for a dozen or so swats before she came, nearly collapsing to the concrete. Grabbing her quickly around the waist, she instead collapsed against me, her breathy moans and sighs of satisfaction directed at my chest.
“Mmm, that was sooo nice, Mark!” she said before planting a soft, but passionate kiss on my lips. Pulling back and looking me in the eye, she slid a hand down to my crotch, rubbing the bulge that had been there for close to an hour now. “I’m surprised you didn’t take care of this while I was bent over getting spanked!”
“Such a naughty girl! Not only do you like getting spanked up here on the roof, but you also want me to fuck you at the same time?” The look she gave me said ‘come on now, we’re done role-playing’. “I just wanted to make sure your first real spanking in a month was really good,” I said giving her the real reason.
“Thank you. It was! One of the best! So why don’t you do it now?” she asked, breaking from our embrace and bending over the wall again. “… you can spank me again if you want?!” she added as she lifted her skirt to show off her red ass and wet pussy. I responded by smacking her with one hand while opening my pants with the other. My dick popped out ready for action and I teased her with it … running it up and down her slippery slit and butt crack. I was going to cum very quickly, so I wanted to be sure she was elevated to a similar level of arousal. Sliding the length of my shaft back and forth through her crevice I managed to get her excitement up, and keep mine at, or near boiling without coming. Mixing in some hard spanks on both cheeks got her where I wanted so I pulled back a bit, guided my shaft in, and drove it home with a hard thrust.
“You’re such a bad girl, aren’t you?” I asked as I pulled out completely, but slowly.
“Ohhhh yessss!!! Fuck me! … and spank me!” she cried as I stabbed her again with all I had in one smooth stroke. Fucking her slowly at first allowed us both to build to a fast-approaching climax, but the pace increased rapidly. Settling into a moderately fast rhythm, while still spanking her bright red butt we achieved lift-off at almost the same time, mine beating hers by a few seconds. She got her strength back resting her upper body on the wall she was bent over. While I shrunk inside her I lovingly caressed her tortured cheeks and when I slipped my hand into her crotch again, she jumped.
Taking that as a cue, she stood up and turned to fall into my arms again. I had just pulled my pants and underwear up but hadn’t closed anything yet. We kissed hungrily while I had my hands on her hot bottom and she had one hand in my pants.
“Mmm, I think we’d better get going or they’re going to close the airport on us!” Rosa asked if we could go back inside for her to quickly use the lady’s room, and I silently scolded myself for not thinking of that, so we went down to the third floor where ticketing was, and she quickly ran to the lady’s room right next to the elevator. As I waited with my hands in my pockets, I realized I still had her panties.
“You want to put these back on?” I asked as she came out, her panties dangling from my finger.
“Mark!!” she cried, worried that someone would see and when she realized there was almost nobody around, she grabbed them and stuffed them in my face.
“Very nice!” I said as though sniffing a fine wine. We both laughed as I stuffed them back in my pocket and headed back to the elevator and up to my car. We got out of the parking garage okay with only one cashier booth still open and were on the interstate a minute later.
As late as it was, the roads still had a surprising amount of traffic on them. We talked about what we’d planned for the week, most of which centered on someone getting spanked in some specific location or in some specific scenario. It was a beautiful night for top-down driving and at one point Rosa threw her head back and her arms out in delight of the warmth and wind. Then being the naughty girl she is, she remembered her naked state beneath her dress and pulling the hem up, exposed her pretty little pussy to the glorious air.
“Look, Mark!” she said calling my attention to her exposure. I licked my lips indicating I’d love to be between her thighs licking her savory snatch. “I’d better be careful,” she said, “You might spank me again for being such a naughty girl!” That was her way of saying she wanted to be spanked again … and when we got to my house, as soon as her luggage was inside, I sat in an appropriate chair, pulled her over my knee, lifted her skirt, and gave her the most normal spanking she’d had since she’d arrived. She kicked and cried, but all the while doing everything to encourage me to spank harder and faster. Minutes after I finished, we were in my bed satisfying other desires.
We fell asleep naked in each other’s arms, totally spent from a long day of anticipation and an exciting evening of pain and pleasure.