Part 6 – A Devious Plan
It was now Saturday night … my last night in New York … and the anticipation was killing me. I’d thought about it all day, even though I had to admit to myself there was no way I could possibly figure it out. All I knew was that it was my turn to get spanked and that somehow, I’d have to make it through an evening with her aunt before I’d find out what she had in store for me. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to know more about it before dinner. While my curiosity was at fever pitch when I arrived at Rosa’s house I wondered if I knew more, might the anticipation get a lot worse, making it even harder to sit through a visit with some old aunt.
We were off to a good start when I picked up Rosa and saw that she had dressed more casually, but on her everything looked more elegant. Her simple top with a V-neck that emphasized Rosa’s modest cleavage and a short, full skirt of a slinky, flowing fabric worked well on her body.
I asked about her aunt and was told that she’d been more like a close, good friend to Rosa growing up and as such, they shared everything. She knew about Rosa’s interest in spanking and that I’d become a part of that interest. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that … someone I don’t know, knowing of my interest in spanking … but there wasn’t much I could do anymore. I wondered if it might become table conversation but dismissed it.
We arrived at her home after a short drive … a larger house than I would have expected for a single person, … very well kept and in a neighborhood of modest, but nicely kept homes. We made our way to the door and went inside without knocking.
“Aunt Amy! We’re here!” Rosa called out. A return call indicated we’d find her in the kitchen. Voices can be misleading, but I immediately imagined someone much more attractive than I’d been thinking, which was confirmed when we entered the kitchen where my first image was of a great pair of legs leading up to tight shorts bent over the open oven. I looked at Rosa and she just smiled as though she’d realized my mental image of her ‘old aunt’ had just been shattered. She turned around and greeted Rosa with a big hug and kiss, and I got nearly the same with a peck on the cheek.
“You two look like you could be sisters!” I exclaimed, trying to cover any visible reaction I might have had. She was gorgeous! She couldn’t have been more than eight or ten years older than Rosa and looked remarkably similar, though not as thin as Rosa, but while she may have weighed a bit more, the extra weight was in all the right places. The word ‘voluptuous’ came to mind.
“You didn’t tell him, did you Rosa?” she asked as though this was a standard gag she’d pull. “You’re not the first guy to come here thinking I’d be some old maiden aunt and realize we look more like sisters!” Rosa laughed knowing she’d gotten me good. I gave her a look that suggested she might pay for it later and got a return look that said she hoped she did.
Amy was about the same height as Rosa but in bare feet, she appeared a bit shorter. Long shapely legs, a bit more padding on her hips and larger breasts summarized the comparative differences, but hair and face were similar. Suddenly for reasons unknown, I wasn’t so worried about her knowledge of our spanking interests!
We had a wonderful Italian meal during which we had a lively conversation. Clearly, Rosa and Amy acted more like sisters and after giving me the explanation of a much older brother getting married and having children early, I understood why they were so close, both in age and relationship. Even after all this conversation, both with Amy and without, I still had no idea what plan or scenario Rosa had up her sleeve … until dessert.
They insisted that I do nothing, so throughout the meal, they would disappear into the kitchen, together and separately and return with more food or to clean up more dishes. We were done with dinner when they both went to the kitchen to get coffee and dessert prepared. They were gone for maybe five minutes, during which I thought I heard them talking to each other but in a low, almost whispery voice. Rosa returned, with Amy following a few minutes later with tiramisu, coffee, and tea.
“So, you’re going back to Florida tomorrow?” Amy asked.
“Unfortunately, yes,” I said looking at Rosa making it clear I wished we could have more time together.
“I think I’ll be planning a trip to Florida in the near future,” Rosa said laying her hand on mine. “That’s if you want me to?” she added with a smile.
“Can’t wait,” I replied. Amy started talking but what got my attention was Rosa taking my hand from where it was resting on the table, down between our seats; like we were just holding hands. After a brief pause, she moved my hand towards her, under the table and placed it on her bare thigh … all out of Amy’s sight. We exchanged a look; mine an appreciation for the feel of her soft and silky, smooth thigh and her for the feeling of my fingers caressing that sensitive flesh. We both acted like we were paying attention to Amy, and even took part in the light conversation, but our real attention was focused between Rosa’s legs … where my hand worked its way slowly towards that heavenly joining of her thighs.
I was just about there, and reached a little further expecting to feel the smooth fabric of her panties between her legs when instead I felt the soft, warm wet lips of her delicious pussy! She wasn’t wearing panties … the realization of which surprised me visibly and I noticed Rosa’s amused reaction to my reaction. As much as I love panties and always prefer a girl wearing them rather than not, there is no way to ignore the instant and unexpected thrill of finding your fingers slip into a slippery, wet, naked pussy.
Sitting in a hard chair as she was and limited in my mobility as I was, I couldn’t do much, but she clearly enjoyed what I could do. By this time, we had finished dessert and Amy stood up, gathered several dishes, and headed for the kitchen. Rosa stood up as well, but very slowly, allowing my fingers more freedom both in movement, and in not having to hide what I was doing. Two fingers slipped inside her easily but only for a moment.
“Oh my God,” Rosa exclaimed and then stood up quickly, hearing Amy returning and not wanting her to see her with my hand up her skirt. “Hold that thought,” she said as I pulled my hand out just as Amy appeared. Together they started gathering dishes from the table. “Why don’t you wait for me in the living room?” she asked.
“You remember I have that errand to run, Rosa?” Amy asked, “I’ll only be gone for a half hour or so.”
“I remember,” Rosa replied as she looked back at me with a look that said, ‘We’ll be all alone!’
I went to the living room, sat on the sofa, and tried to entertain myself with a People magazine. Rosa joined me five minutes or so later, with an excited look on her face. A minute or so later, Amy passed through saying she would gather her things, run her errand and be back in thirty minutes or so.
“I told her we would wait for her to come back before we leave, but we’ll have a little time to have some fun. I don’t think we should do any spanking because we’re liable to be interrupted, but I’d love to pick up where we left off! Okay?”
Trying to stick my hand back up her skirt, I said, “I’d love to get my tongue on that sweet, little pussy!”
“Don’t be rude! You know what’ll happen!”
“Yes, I do … and I can’t wait!”
“You’d better do a good job, or I might have to spank you for that too!”
A few more minutes and we heard Amy call out a goodbye as she entered the garage. Rosa took me by the hand and led me down a hall to a bedroom. Leaving the door ajar she went directly to the side of the bed and sat down on the edge. I bent over to kiss her and felt like my face was getting sucked in.
“We may not have a lot of time,” she said as she pulled away, scooted further back onto the bed, and spread her legs. “I love the way you lick me! Eat me? Please?” she pleaded with a voice and a look I could not refuse. Kneeling on the bed, I ran my hands up her legs, moving to the inside when I reached her creamy smooth thighs. With a satisfied sigh, she laid back, drew her knees up, and spread her legs even further. I was about to lie down myself within tongue’s reach of her crotch when she complained about it being too bright and suggested I turn the lights out.
I went back to the door and flipped the overhead light off, which left one bedside light lit dimly and casting a nice glow over the bed. Returning to the bed, I laid down on my side close enough that I could bury my face in her pussy but started with my fingers running up and down her thighs, teasing her with brief passage through her steamy slit. She made her impatience known so I leaned over to plant a soft kiss with a bit of tongue on her pussy. That’s what she wanted.
I rolled over on my belly and slipped both hands underneath, holding a soft, warm cheek in each palm, while my face insinuated itself in the moist valley between her legs. My tongue went to work on the soft, slippery flesh of her pussy which immediately had her moaning in appreciation. Pulling her to me by lifting her ass, I nibbled, probed, and poked with my tongue to a quick climax, her body going limp in the process. I was about to start in again with fingers and tongue this time when a loud voice shocked me out of my sexual stupor.
“Rosa!” the voice cried, “What are you doing?” I realized it was Amy’s voice before I could turn to see her. “Don’t move! … either of you!” she ordered as we started to get up. My first thought was that she couldn’t have been gone for thirty minutes.
“Aunt Amy! I thought you … I’m sorry, we were just …” Rosa tried to say something that made sense … unsuccessfully.
“I don’t care what you were trying to do. I can see very well what you were doing! … and you know how I feel about that in my house!”
“I’m sorry Aunt Amy, we weren’t going to …” I noticed Rosa now calling her Aunt Amy instead of just by her first name which she’d done all night, except when we first got there, and she had the ‘old aunt’ gag going.
“What did I tell you about doing that in my house!?” she demanded, now standing over us. We were still in roughly the same position … except of course that my face was no longer attached to her pussy.
“We weren’t going to …” Rosa said trying to defend our actions.
“Never mind what you were going to do! What did I tell you about doing that? … and what did I tell you would happen if I caught you again?”
“But …”
“No buts! Answer my question!”
“You told me you didn’t want me having sex with any boys in your house.”
“Finally … and what did I tell you I would do if you did?”
“You said you’d …,” Rosa paused and looked at me, before finishing. “You said you would … spank me,” she said with a contrite voice. I was quite sure this was all set up for my benefit … and Rosa’s, as she was the one threatened with a spanking … but she was playing her role well enough that I couldn’t tell for sure.
“That’s right! … and you know what to do, so what’re you waiting for?”
Rosa looked again at me with genuine sorrow on her face as she lifted one leg over me and slid towards the end of the bed, where she rolled over so that she was bent over the end of the bed, much like I was. If our knees could reach the floor, we’d be kneeling on the floor, and bent over the bed … our bottoms folded over the edge.
In one of the sexiest moves I’d seen all week, Rosa reached back and pulled her skirt up and laid it on her back, baring her bottom after which she folded her arms in front of her and rested her head on them, looking directly at me. Without a word she had acknowledged what was to happen, prepared and presented herself for the punishment she knew she was to receive. Still quite stunned by the whole thing, I don’t know how my face looked, but Rosa gave me just the hint of a little smile … a sad smile, just before she closed her eyes as Amy moved into position ready to begin.
“I warned you, Rosa! I told you how I felt about you having sex in my house! … and now I find you with a boy’s face between your legs spread wide open! I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you’ll learn your lesson unless I give you a good, hard spanking.” Standing at Rosa’s left, with her back to me and the bed, she raised her hand up.
“I’m sorry Aunt …” Rosa said just before the first spank, “Owww! I’m sorry, Aunt Amy … owww! … I won’t do it again!” she pleaded as Amy spanked with speed and force from the outset. For the first thirty or so, Rosa blubbered out apologies and promises to be good, while Amy continued scolding and spanking.
As Amy paused briefly, I tried to get up saying, “I should just leave you two …”
“Stay right where you are!” Amy ordered, “I’m sure you’re as much to blame as she is, so you should certainly be punished as well!”
“You mean you’re going to …” I stammered only half acting.
“Spank you? Of course, I am! You shared in the pleasure, so you’ll share in the pain as well!” I fell back into my position bent over the end of the bed. Looking over at Rosa, she smiled a little more obviously this time and after stealing a look at her now-pink bottom, we exchanged a knowing look. She had set this up for me so that we could both get spanked without the conflict we’d spoken of before.
Determined to enjoy every last swat, regardless of who was getting it, I focused on watching Rosa getting spanked and found myself seriously aroused. Eventually, they both stopped talking and concentrated on the spanking, with an occasional cry of pain from Rosa. I watched her face as she was spanked … an initial grimace followed by a look of pain mixed with pleasure. I watched her bottom as Amy’s hand landed … the fleshy cheeks rebounding with the force, changing color to darker shades of pink and sometimes she just wanted the next one so bad, she’d lift her bottom to meet Amy’s hand. I watched Amy’s hand … rising to her shoulders, and higher, and descending in a long, swift arc to impact with Rosa’s waiting bottom!
I have no idea how many spanks she got … at least a hundred, probably two … but as Rosa’s cries of pain and apology started increasing again, Amy stopped.
“Maybe you’ll take my rules and warnings more seriously now!” she scolded.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rosa replied as she reached back, rubbed her sore bottom, and gave me a look that said, ‘Your turn!’ Indeed, Amy turned towards me with a stern look. I only now noticed again, the tight, sexy shorts she wore and suddenly wished she’d take me over her knee for my spanking.
“I’m not done with you yet, young lady, but I think Mark has been enjoying the show a little too much, so it’s time his bottom started getting punished as well!”
“Please, Amy … don’t spank me! I didn’t know about your rules and …”
“Oh … so it’s Rosa’s fault that I caught you with your face in her crotch?”
“No! No … I didn’t mean it like that! I …” Rosa was smiling so I know she was enjoying the wordplay.
“Isn’t that nice! She gives you a taste of her sweet, young pussy and then you blame her when you get caught!” she said, “Enough! I don’t think you want to make me any madder. Take your pants down.”
“But …”
“Take your pants down … now!” she said slowly enunciating each word. Doing as I was told; I opened my jeans and pushed them down to my knees on the floor. I paused, not sure if I should take my briefs down as well, but the instruction came quickly. “Underpants too! Rosa’s started on her bare bottom … although that was largely her doing as she elected to go without panties tonight … planning all the while to have your head up her skirt no doubt … so I see no reason why your bottom should be spared in any way!”
As I pulled my underwear down, my hard cock sprang out to attention. “See! I told you he was enjoying watching you get spanked! Let’s see how hard he is after I spank his bottom to a nice deep shade of red! Bend over! Just as you were when you were munching on my niece’s crotch!”
Amy moved to my left as she had with Rosa and started spanking … awfully hard! At first, I wondered how much of this kind of spanking I’d be able to take, but as the pain started to turn to pleasure, I marveled at the fact that a week ago, I’d never been spanked and now I have a second woman spanking my bare bottom.
Amy scolded me as well, though mostly for my inadvertently throwing the blame on Rosa. Suggesting that she ought to spank me as well, I looked over at Rosa to see her nodding as though saying ‘Oh yeah, your ass is mine!’ I smiled back hoping I’d still be able to take more spanking after Amy was through with me.
Rosa watched me getting spanked with the same interest as I had watched hers. Later she’d tell me that she didn’t often get to watch someone else get spanked, so she wasn’t going to waste this opportunity. Once or twice when I looked at her, she looked as though she had just finished saying … or mouthing something to Amy but played innocent when I returned a questioning look.
Amy spanked with a steady rhythm and ever-increasing force, though very gradually. She usually alternated between cheeks but might lay five or six in succession on one side. She spanked across both cheeks a few times, but it was a difficult swing for her, and she stopped pretty quickly. She’d probably given me a hundred or so when I thought I caught Rosa saying something to her, and suddenly she stopped.
“Time for a change in position,” she declared, “and I think I should put you guys across my knee! Spank you like the naughty, little kids you are!” She sat on the corner of the bed and patted her thigh. “C’mon! Over my knee! … so, I can spank you like a naughty, little boy!” I stood up and shuffled to her side, while my jeans slid further down my legs. Taking hold of my arm, Amy pulled me down across her sexy bare thighs. I noticed her shorts had slid up a bit to where less than an inch of thigh below her crotch was covered. As I lay across them, I pulled my shirt up a bit, so her flesh met mine once I was in position. She didn’t seem to mind, in fact, she squirmed around a bit to maximize contact, which left me bent across her far leg, my thighs across hers, and my body bent down towards the floor.
“You’re next, Rosa, so come over here and sit next to me,” she said just before she resumed spanking my bare behind. It only took a few swats for me to confirm that I still like the OTK position best. I don’t know why exactly, but I associate spanking with being across a knee even though Monday was the first time in my life I’d been spanked that way. I looked forward to seeing Rosa in this position.
Spanking much like she had before, a steady rain of firm, hard spanks came down on my bare bottom some hurting more than others, but every swat felt good. With my hard-on against Amy’s left thigh, the movement of our two bodies provided enough friction to keep me plenty hard, but I wasn’t expecting her to assist with my climax in any way. Nevertheless, I just loved being across her knee getting spanked … and I loved the fact that Rosa was watching.
I received at least another hundred when Amy stopped and declared my spanking finished. I was both disappointed as I could have taken, and wanted much more, but I was also looking forward to seeing Rosa’s delicious bottom over Amy’s knee. We traded places, Rosa more than willingly laying across her lap. I wished we could turn this around to a spanking she wanted as I would have loved to hear Rosa beg Amy to spank her. Sitting where Rosa had previously, I watched as Amy rubbed Rosa’s bottom, exploring with her fingers a little more than she had with me, but still not touching anything directly. Rosa reacted positively but also gave signals she wanted the spanking to resume. She’d been waiting during both parts of my spanking to get more for her.
I watched in fascination as Amy covered her entire bottom with a steady volley of spanks, though definitely faster than mine. Rosa was squirming in pain and delight after just ten or so, such was the cumulative effect of Amy’s spanking hand. Watching Rosa’s bottom getting spanked was almost as good as giving it to her myself … in this case, better since I was also sitting on a sore, red bottom. I made a mental note to make sure I gave Rosa the best I had when we were finally alone. This was the most amazing scenario, and I didn’t realize till years later how unique it was. I would have to give her a very special thank you.
Nearly hypnotized by the steady movement of hand smacking bottom, I didn’t notice right away that Amy had stopped. She was looking at me when I finally noticed, and she asked me to retrieve the hairbrush that was lying on the dresser.
“Oh please, Aunt Amy!” Rosa begged as I hobbled over to the dresser, “please don’t use the hairbrush on me! My poor bottom can’t take any more!”
“I’m sorry; Rosa, but you deserve it. You could’ve put a stop to it, and you didn’t. In fact, I’m willing to bet you instigated it … sitting there at my dinner table without panties, and shoving Mark’s hand up your skirt!”
“I didn’t! Tell her, Mark!”
“She’s right,” I said in Rosa’s defense both to play along and half hoping I’d end up across Amy’s knee again, “I’m the one who put my hand on her thigh and slid it up under her skirt!”
“Even if that were true … and you both know it isn’t … Mark not being a part of our family, I can only spank Mark so much … but you, Rosa … you get as much as I can dish out!” As I sat down next to her again, she took the brush from my hand and brought it immediately to Rosa’s bottom to begin a long, hard paddling. It was obvious that it hurt quite a bit more than Amy’s hand, as Rosa bounced on her knee, but like every new level of spanking, it became more pleasure than pain which was also obvious in her reaction.
Her bottom was becoming an angry red color when Amy finally stopped. She helped Rosa stand up, and between the sorrowful look on her face and the way she rubbed her sore bottom, I wanted to reach out and console my little girl, but not knowing what Amy had planned next I just remained seated where I was.
“Now … both of you … bend over the end of the bed again. Yes, side by side … that’s it. Lift your skirt, Rosa … good.” We were lying there, shoulder to shoulder with our bare bottoms presented to Amy for spanking and looking into each other’s eyes with anticipation.
When Amy began spanking … sweeping across the four cheeks in a row and then back in the opposite direction … we drank in each other’s facial expressions. Pain, surprise, pleasure, and desire were evident on our faces as we were spanked side by side, like two naughty children. Pain, from the occasional hard or well-connected spank; surprise, when Amy broke the pattern and delivered more spanks than were expected; pleasure, from the well-placed spank or series of spanks; and desire, when we heard the other’s bottom being spanked and you wanted her to get back to you.
There was no scolding, no apologies, and no begging … just steady spanking of four already red, hot buns the owners of which were wishing it could last all night. We squirmed around in our delight and often pressed our bottoms together feeling the recoil of the other’s smacks. I don’t know how long it went on. We gave her no indication that she should stop … quite the contrary as I imagined it must have been obvious how much we loved it regardless of the role we were supposed to be playing. Eventually, it did stop and days later Amy would tell Rosa that we’d each gotten at least four hundred spanks … probably many more … and she only stopped because her arm was tired.
We both looked disappointed when it did stop, but Rosa’s look changed to excitement pretty quickly. We both got up off the bed, Rosa standing and rubbing her bottom again, while I sat on the bed squirming in response to the heat I was sitting on. Rosa and Amy exchanged a look that only they understood, after which Amy looked down at me.
“Now you two get dressed and see if you can behave yourselves! I’m going out for a while, and I’ll see you when I get back.”
“Aunt Amy?” Rosa said as she turned towards Amy heading for the door with outstretched arms, “I’m sorry!” Amy hugged her niece exactly as I had wished I could earlier. They were saying something very softly to each other that I couldn’t hear.
“You two be good!” she said swatting Rosa’s still bare bottom three times to emphasize her command before they separated, and Amy left the room closing the door behind her.
“Rosa! That was amaz …” I said, but Rosa stopped me with a finger to her lips. Listening intently for something that turned out to be the garage door closing, she then went to the window to see Amy’s car back out of the driveway and disappear down the street. Finally alone, she turned back to me with a big smile.
“Did you like my little scenario?” she asked walking slowly towards me with her hand still rubbing her ass, but in a sexy, provocative way now.
“It was amazing! How did you get your aunt to agree to do it?”
“Oh, that wasn’t so hard. She’s spanked me a bunch of times!” With my incredulous look, she added, “We’re very close and she’s … she’s gay … and she loves getting her hands on my body.” My look of shock called for more explanation. “I’m not! … but she’s gotten me through many a dry spell when I’d gone a long time without a spanking. She likes spanking me and she loves it if I let her make me cum afterwards. I’ve returned the favor a few times … it’s not too bad … it can be kinda nice, but I still prefer having a guy’s face between my legs to a girl’s.”
“And you said it wouldn’t work if we both got spanked the same night!”
“Well … it only worked because someone else spanked us both,” she countered.
“I know … but it was amazing, wasn’t it? Especially at the end when she spanked us both at the same time! I’ll never forget the looks on your face!”
“Me too! You know, I’ve never done that before … and I’ll remember it as one of the best spankings I’ve ever gotten.”
“I’m so glad you feel that way. Rosa? I want to thank you … in some very special way. I’ll do anything for you right now … just name it,” I said sincerely.
“Mmm, really? Wanna be my personal, little love slave tonight?” Noticing I looked quickly towards the window she added, “Amy’s not coming back, Mark. We can do anything we want!”
“In that case, where were we when we were so rudely interrupted?” I asked comically.
“You were about to plant your tongue between my legs!” Rosa replied as she stood before me with her legs spread inviting me to finish what I’d started. Falling to my knees before her, I reached around her to take her cheeks softly in my hands and pull us together, until my lips were pressed tightly against her warm, wet pussy. While my fingers massaged and soothed her sore bottom, my tongue explored every crevice and depth of her slippery slit. She came once very quickly and with weak knees made her way to the bed, while keeping my face pressed into her crotch with her hands. Sitting, then lying down, she drew her legs up and spread them wide in invitation to lick her to orgasm again. It took longer, but not by much and again her crotch was flooded with her juice.
We frolicked on the bed for another hour or so, each of us cumming several times, before we realized we need to clean up ourselves and the room before Rosa’s aunt returned. There was a noticeable gloom about our efforts as we both realized the week was over and tomorrow, I had to return home. The gloom continued in the car as we exchanged small talk about my flight schedule and other arrangements for my return trip.
When we arrived at Rosa’s home, she turned towards me and asked tentatively, “Come inside for a little while?”, her doubt driven by her knowledge of the ridiculously early hour I had to get up to make my flight in the morning. “I have something for you.” I didn’t really care if I got any sleep if it meant I could spend some more time with her.
“I’d love to,” I replied with a smile that hopefully conveyed my sincerity. We both cringed a little as we got out of the car, and shared a knowing smile brought on by the soreness in our spanked bottoms. As we walked to the door, I remember thinking that as sore as my ass was … not just from tonight, but from a week’s worth of spankings … I’d gladly lay my bottom across her knee for another one. I dismissed the idea almost as quickly as it came, thinking Rosa had surely had enough.
“Come inside,” she offered after a short, but affectionate kiss at the door.
Her home was small … probably a vacation bungalow turned into a year-round home … but very … quaint was the word that came to mind, decorated nicely with nothing very new or modern, giving it a very homey feel. The door opened directly into a living room of muted earth tones and comfortable old furniture.
“Make yourself comfortable,” she said indicating the high-back sofa, “I’m going to change my clothes.”
I sat as directed and entertained myself with a detailed survey of the room. As I took in the warm atmosphere, my mind drifted away from what I was seeing to a recap of the week’s events. I was still in partial denial at the amazing way the week had played out, but I only had to savor the warmth and sting in my bottom to confirm the reality of what had happened. I felt a sense of pride at having finally confronted my desire for spanking as well as a sadness to think it was over … at least for now.
I was still lost in my thoughts when Rosa returned with two glasses of red wine, but it wasn’t the wine I noticed. She had stripped down to a pair of boy-short panties and a cropped t-shirt that didn’t quite cover the lower curves of her delicious tits.
“Oh, Rosa … you look good enough to eat,” I said as she offered her glass in a wordless toast.
“Hold that thought,” she said. “First, I told I you have something for you.” Not knowing what to expect, and not seeing anything else she could ‘give’ to me, I just looked into her gorgeous eyes. “You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.” Only half hearing what she was saying and not overly concerned about what she had for me, I stared contentedly into her pretty face. “After all, you’ve had so much already. If you don’t want …”
“Rosa? Are you offering what I think you are?” I said with a look of sudden understanding and surprise.
“Well … if you’re thinking about getting spanked, then yes … I’m offering what you think I am,” she replied with a beautiful smile. “I want to take you over my knee and give you another spanking!”
“Am I supposed to like this spanking, or beg you not to give it to me?” I asked in anticipation.
“You’re supposed to love this spanking!”
“Mmm, sounds good!”
“Just a slow, sexy spanking on your bare bottom. My way of saying thanks for a wonderful week,” she said with a caring smile.
“I should be the one thanking you … but I’m not going to turn down such an opportunity.”
“Maybe you can thank me in another way when I’m done. After Amy blistered my bottom with that hairbrush, I can’t take any more tonight,” she said rubbing her bottom in a sexy, playful way. “Stand up so I can take your pants down,” she said more as a request, than a command as it might normally be. I stood up and her hands were immediately working the opening of my pants, after which she pulled them down and had me step out of them. “That’s it. Now … does my naughty, little boy want to get spanked? Hmm? Shall I take you over my knee and give you a good spanking?” As I stood there with a large bulge tenting the front of my underwear, I became aware how much I enjoyed just hearing the word ‘spanking’, especially when referring to my getting one.
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied playfully, “Please spank me? … spank my bottom!?”
“Over you go,” she said as she guided me across her knee, being careful to position the bulge in my underwear between her legs. With my legs reaching the floor and my elbows resting on the sofa next to Rosa’s almost naked, sexy body I settled in, getting comfortable.
Rosa gave me just what she said she would … a slow, sexy spanking … but not on my bare bottom yet. She knew how much I enjoyed having my bottom bared after it had been warmed up a bit first, so she spanked me through my underpants first. She spanked quite hard but interspersed soothing caresses and other stimulation between short volleys of spanks. It wasn’t long before she had me lift up so she could bare my bottom, being even more careful to position my hard-on between her creamy smooth thighs. Squeezing them together she exhibited the hold she had on me, and when the spanking resumed, my squirming added to the stimulation of my hard cock.
Though Rosa would say later that she rarely gave such spankings, she did it like a pro giving me just the right balance of pain and pleasure. She continued ‘scolding’ me by telling me what a naughty boy I was … how only a really naughty boy would like having his bottom spanked. On and on it went until she slipped her free hand underneath me to stroke my stiff member, while the spanking continued. It wasn’t long before I came on the floor beneath me, my whole body going limp despite Rosa’s continued stroking of my sore bottom and back.
As I got up, we wordlessly moved to a position where it was my turn to show my appreciation. Rosa slid her bottom out to the edge of the sofa, spread her legs and rubbed the crotch of her panties repeatedly with each hand in turn. I knelt between her fabulous legs and once more gave her pussy the attention it needed, at first pulling the panties aside to stroke her hot, slippery slit, but then removing her panties and dove in with tongue extended. As I fingered and licked her delicious pussy, her thighs came together to gently squeeze my face between her silky thighs. I don’t know if I want to be completely dominated or not, but I love the feeling of being held between sexy thighs, as though being forced to devour a nice, hot, wet pussy. Slow and playful I was as I lapped at her slippery lips and her climax built slowly as well, and when she did cum, she clamped my head even tighter between her thighs and rocked backward with my tongue still lapping at her steaming slit.
She let me go and we kissed passionately, both realizing this was it … but feeling better about it than we had before. This final, loving entanglement was what we both needed to accept our parting. We said few words as I dressed not wanting to spoil the moment in any way. We kissed again at the door … me fully dressed and Rosa naked except for her crop top. As I walked out the door, I turned to see Rosa turning away from the door, but leaving it open long enough to get a nice long memorable look at her bright, red bottom. That memory would have to last me a while, until we could get together again.