You Need A Spanking – Rosa – Pt 4

"Finally it's his turn!"

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Part 4- I Need a Spankin’ 

I’m the kind of person that can get very distracted by work, but as I started my day, all I could think about was Rosa … both what had been and what was about to be.  The anticipation was killing me already.  I’d had trouble falling asleep the night before as I played out all sorts of scenarios in my head, but finally decided to leave that planning to Rosa and thankfully fell asleep.  Now I had to occupy myself to get the time to pass as quickly as possible and so I attacked my tasks for the day with renewed energy.

My plan worked in that I immersed myself in my work and managed to avoid thinking about spanking quite successfully; however, the extra energy I applied to it made me finish earlier than anticipated so by noon, I was nearly finished for the day.  I’d already resigned myself to waiting until Wednesday night, but now I had even more idle time on my hands to get through, so I called her … only a little hopeful about today.  I got her voicemail and left her a message, telling her I’d be back at the hotel by two o’clock at the latest. 

After lunch, I finished the little bit of work I had left and leaving the project in others’ hands for the balance of the day, headed back to the hotel.  As I drove, I decided what I would do the rest of the afternoon.  Ordinarily I’d look forward to an opportunity to just lay by the pool and read a book, but it didn’t have the same attraction today.  The book I was in the middle of was quite good, but I had doubts that it would be interesting enough to keep my mind off of Rosa … and the spanking I so desperately wanted her to give me. 

It was only one-thirty when I entered the hotel and went to the main desk to check for a message.  Disappointed that there was none, I began planning my boring afternoon lying about and reading, though not much planning was really needed.  I basically needed to go to my room, change into some swim trunks and take my book to the pool.  As the elevator doors closed, I caught a sideways glimpse of a female security guard who had a familiar look to her but tossed the feeling away as not likely.  

Arriving at my room, I dumped my backpack on the desk and turned on some TV news just for noise.  I slipped off my shoes and sat on the bed watching some news story of minor interest.  I was about to get up and get myself together when someone knocked on the door.  It was a firm, but not hard knock I thought as I went to the door trying to imagine who could be at my door.  Opening the door, I found the security guard I’d just seen in the lobby with her back to me looking up and down the hall. 

“Mr. Davis?” she asked without turning … the voice familiar but out of context. 

“Yes,” I replied simply. 

“Mr. Davis, we’ve had a complaint about some unusual noise coming from your room,” she said as she turned to face me bringing a full smile to my face as I saw it was Rosa.  With just a hint of a smile, she managed to stay in character, though I could not do as well as she had.  I instantly knew what was going to happen and became very excited.  It was now just a matter of when and why. 

“Um … I,” I stammered, a bit giddy and trying to get a hold of myself.  She wore navy pants and a light blue shirt covered with the usual complement of patches and badges, her hair tied back in a ponytail that spilled out the opening in the back of her baseball cap. 

“This is not a laughing matter,” she warned, “there’s a little bit more than just noise involved in this complaint.  We shouldn’t discuss it here in the hall.  May I come in?” 

“By all means,” I said managing to get reasonably back in my role.  I stepped aside to allow her entry to my suite.  She walked past me into the sitting room as I closed the door.  Resisting the temptation to give her a big hug and kiss, I walked up to her and stopped a few, respectful feet away.  “I don’t know how there could be any noise coming from my room.  I haven’t been here all morning.  I just got back a few minutes ago,” I said deciding that I needed to stick with the truth since I had no idea what kind of scene Rosa was planning … except for the part where I end up over her knee with my pants down. 

“The first complaint was made last night … um,” she paused looking at a clipboard she carried, “around ten o’clock.  The noise had been going on for more than an hour.  They called back about ten minutes later, before we’d had a chance to act on the complaint and said it had stopped … and so there wasn’t any need to do anything about it any longer.”  I noticed that she picked the time we were together in her van as the time for the noise and assumed it wasn’t coincidental. 

“Oh … last night … and they decided not to formalize the complaint?” I said nervously. 

“That’s right.  But then the people on the other side of your room came down to the office with a similar complaint.  Apparently, they didn’t want to make a scene last night, but felt differently this morning … especially considering what they thought was the cause of the noise.” She played her part well in this ad-lib scenario we played out.  I had a feeling where she was going with this and thought I knew how to play along. 

“What … um … what did they think was the cause of the noise?” 

“Well, that’s what makes it a little different.  They said they were sure there was a girl in this room who was being punished for something …” she said with a slightly sinister smile, “… spanked actually … was the way they described it.  They said they couldn’t imagine how else such a sound would be made.” 

“Well, I assure you there was nobody getting …” 

“Noticing the complaint was about the same room as the one last night, I spoke to the original couple.  They agreed … said the sound was unmistakable … clearly this girl … or woman was getting spanked.” 

“I don’t know how they …” 

“They actually heard bits of the conversation … said her name was … Rosa?  They thought they heard her begging … not to be spanked.  Let’s see … ‘Please don’t spank me again, Mark!’ is what they said they heard.” 

“That’s ridiculous!  How could they …” 

“They said that the spanking noise started again at that point, but only lasted a few minutes before it stopped altogether.  They decided it was none of their business … ‘after all, some people like that kind of thing, don’t they?’ … the wife said to me.”  Rosa was amazing … staying in character and presenting a real and credible threat to me. 

“Utter nonsense,” I declared, “not an ounce of truth to it.” 

“Mind if I look around the room?” 

Nervously, I asked, “Can you do that?  I mean without …” 

“No, I can’t … not without a warrant … unless you say it’s okay.  I won’t be looking in your bags or through your personal effects … and if nothing happened, then I won’t find anything, will I?” she challenged. 

“Be my guest,” I said without a worry. 

She nodded and set about her search.  She looked behind furniture, in drawers, even in the refrigerator; all the hotel’s property, before she made her way towards the bedroom, stopping in the bathroom on the way.  I followed once she was in the bedroom.  Following the same method as before she looked around the room and furniture and then started opening drawers.  Finally at maybe the fourth … a wide shallow drawer in the desk in the corner of the room she found something interesting. 

“Well, well … what’s this?” she asked as she pulled something out.  I couldn’t see the contents of the drawer as she stood in front of it.  “A hairbrush by itself wouldn’t be so unusual but sitting in a drawer next to these …?” she said turning to show me two paddles … one thick and round, like a ping pong paddle and the other long and wide with large holes drilled in it.  Both of light-colored maple, there would clearly be no other reason to have such implements than for use in spanking.  “… or this!?” she exclaimed as she produced a leather tawse from the drawer as well. 

At first, I wondered how those things had gotten there, but then remembered I’d given her a key to my room.  I also wondered how long it took her to come up with this plan, but regardless of the answer I couldn’t wait for the final stages of this scene to play out.  I wanted to rush to the part where she spanks me but remembered that Rosa liked this role-playing and felt it was in both our best interests to play along. 

“Um … I … okay, so I had my girlfriend Rosa here last night and she … she likes a little spanking … from time to time,” I said nervously, then added, “… but clearly that’s not any of yours or anyone else’s business, is it?” 

“Ordinarily I’d agree with you one hundred percent.  What kinks and fetishes you and your girlfriend are into is no business of mine.   But unfortunately, you allowed others to hear what you were doing and people who don’t understand such … interests … may conclude that this kind of thing goes on here all the time.  Management gets very nervous about such things.  The hotel manager said if I confirmed the guest’s suspicions that he wanted you out of the hotel.” 

“What?  You’re kidding, right?” I said trying to sound indignant. 

“No, I’m afraid I’m not.  They prefer not to take any chances.  You may as well start packing up your things.” 

“Wait … hold on a minute! You can’t do this!” 

“Um, yes, we can.  No one bothers reading all the fine print on the check-in forms, but they give us the right to deny service to anyone whose behavior we deem inappropriate.” 

“I can’t believe this!  Surely there’s got to be some way to straighten this out?” 

“I assure you the manager won’t be swayed on this.” 

“Is there some other way?” I asked wondering when she’d offer to spank me in exchange for her silence.  “I mean what would’ve happened if you hadn’t found my … um … the implements?” 

“Well … I guess there being no evidence we couldn’t do anything but give you a strong warning … at best.”  She was dragging this out … and enjoying it by the look on her face. 

“So … is there anything I can do to convince you … um … that you didn’t really find anything?” 

“I don’t know …” 

“Please … um …” I paused looking for her nameplate. 

“Call me Brenda,” she replied. 

“Brenda, you can call me Mark.  Please help me here.  I don’t want to have to find another hotel and possibly explain to my company why.” 

“Well, maybe,” she said looking at me as though sizing me up, “… maybe there’s something.”  She paused again. 

“Tell me … if it’s reasonable, I’ll do it!”  I moved closer to her as she turned toward the desk and picked up the long, drilled paddle.  Running her fingers up and down its length as though appreciating the craftsmanship, I saw that sinister smile again. 

“It occurs to me that while spanking your girlfriend’s hot, little bottom may have been entirely harmless, I’m still taking a chance letting you off the hook.  What better way to extract my own compensation then to give you some of what your girlfriend got last night.”  She stared at me now, knowing we were right on the tipping point. 

“What!?  You’re going to spank me?!  Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too far?” I said trying unsuccessfully to sound outraged. 

“You don’t have to accept.  You can still pack up and leave.  Frankly, that would be easier on us both!” 

“I … um … well, I guess …” I faltered … which Brenda took as acceptance. 

“Bend over!” she ordered, “Now!  Hands on the bed!”  I turned to face the bed and slowly bent over.  Looking back at her I saw her draw the paddle back but turned back before the swat landed over my work pants. 

“Ow!” I said instinctively.  ‘Oh’s’ and ‘Ow’s were all I could manage as the six hard swats landed right across my bottom.  I couldn’t believe I was actually getting spanked and while I would have preferred an OTK spanking I was ready to take anything Rosa would give me.  Knowing she didn’t intend to paddle me all night, but also needing to help her with transitioning from stand-up paddling to spanking across her knee I thought I’d offer an alternative. 

“Um … Brenda … I didn’t actually use any of those implements last night.” 

“Oh really!?  Was she a naughty, little girl who just needed a good hand spanking on her bare bottom?” she said in a teasing tone.  Throwing the paddle down on the bed she grabbed the armless chair from under the desk, pulled it out and sat down patting her thigh indicating I should lie across her knee.  Not wanting to question her method, although I wished she’d pull my pants down, I bent over and laid myself across her inviting lap.  She adjusted my position so that I was canted forward with my forearms resting on the carpet and my bottom on top of her thighs. 

“I think you’d do well to remember,” she scolded, “that I’m the one doing the spanking here and I don’t care how you spanked your naughty little girlfriend.  I’ll spank you the way I want to.  Is that understood?” 

She reached back to the desk, picked up the hairbrush before I barely got out a “yes, ma’am”. 

“Good, ’cause I want to use the hairbrush on your bad, little bottom!”  I was still reveling in the intense feeling of just being across her knee, knowing I’m about to get spanked when the hairbrush impacted first one cheek, then the other.  Back and forth she spanked each cheek in turn, not very hard at first though she was gradually building the force … testing me to see how much I could take.  It wasn’t hurting too much since I was still fully clothed, and I’d certainly spanked myself harder. 

“Ow!  Oh, Brenda!  Please don’t spank me with the hairbrush,” I said playing along. 

“Oh, does it hurt?!” she taunted, “In a few minutes you’re going to wish I was only spanking you this hard!”  On and on at a moderate pace she continued spanking me, building the force to the point where my cries of pain were a bit more real, but I still loved every stroke.  After several swats on each cheek in rapid succession, she stopped suddenly. 

Squeezing my cheeks roughly she said, “Such a bad boy!  If you’re going to give spankings, you’d better be ready to take them too! … and now you’re gonna get it with your pants down!  Get up!”  I clumsily managed to get to a standing position, whereupon she immediately started opening my pants.  By the time she got through the belt, hook, two buttons and a zipper, her patience had run out and she yanked them down and dropped them, falling loosely around my ankles.  Noticing my fierce erection, she rubbed her palm on the thin fabric of my underwear saying, “Ooo, is my naughty boy getting aroused from laying across my firm, sexy thighs? … or do you just like having your bottom spanked?”  

“Mmm, I’d love to feel those thighs against my cheeks, Brenda!” I said trying to maintain a climate of punishment and suggesting another way in which she could dominate me … holding my face to her crotch with her thighs. 

“Would you now!?  Well let’s see if we can increase your torment!” she said as she stood up and started opening her blouse.  “Get you thinking about my hot, wet pussy … and how you can’t have it until you’ve been properly and thoroughly spanked!”  Pulling her blouse open revealed a sexy black lace push-up bra that made her modest breasts delightfully succulent.  Standing next to me, she slapped my hand when I reached for the right one as she was pulling the blouse off.  “Keep that up and they’ll be more and more spanking before you ever get your hands on any of this!” she threatened as her hands went to the waist of her pants and opened them.  Unhooking the waistband, she pulled at the opening to tear the zipper down and started pulling them down over her hips.  My eyes went wide when I saw a garter belt, then boy-short panties and finally stockings completing every naughty boy’s ultimate dream outfit for the one who spanks his bottom. I couldn’t wait to be back across her knee! 

“Oh, Brenda!  Very nice!” I said as I reached for her ass for a quick squeeze, while she struggled to get her pants over the sexy black heels I hadn’t noticed until now.  She stood up and gave me three hard spanks on my underwear. 

“You’re gonna pay for that, you know!” she said facing me now.  Adjusting her sexy underwear here and there, I moaned audibly as she pulled her panties up into her crotch such that they outlined her pretty pussy, and pulled further, separated the lips into a well-defined slit. 

“I’m sorry, Brenda.  Please don’t spank me anymore!  Why don’t you make me lick your pussy and make you cum!” 

“Maybe … maybe if you’re a good boy, you do as you’re told and take your spanking without a lot of complaining I might let you put your tongue between my legs! … but you’ve got a lot more spanking coming before that ever happens!  You’re going back over my knee … but let’s get this boring shirt off first!”  Grabbing at the tails of my shirt, she pulled hard opening some buttons and popping others off completely after which she pulled the shirt down over my shoulders and off.  With my pants around my ankles, the only clothing I now wore was my underpants as she pulled me back down across her knee.  With clothes out of the way and feeling my bare thighs across hers, the rush of being upended across her knee for another spanking was amazing. 

My hopes were answered as I felt her hand begin spanking my less-protected bottom over my underpants.  Again, building the force as she went along, though much quicker this time, it wasn’t long before the perfect balance of pain and pleasure was reached as she spanked my buns back and forth again, giving equal time to each fleshy cheek.  Harder and harder she spanked pushing my limits such that by the time she finished I wondered if I could take such a spanking on my bare bottom.  I wouldn’t think of backing out before she’d given me at least all I’d gotten so far all over again on the bare, but I worried just a bit about the pain.  I started realizing that the combination of fear and desire was part of what was so exciting about getting spanked. 

After squeezing my tortured cheeks hard, she sentenced me to a bare-bottom spanking.  “You know … we’ve only just barely begun!  You have so much more coming on your naked bottom! … and I don’t think I’ve even hurt you yet!” 

“No, it hurts quite a bit, ma’am!  Please!?  Please don’t spank me anymore!?  I’ve had enough!” 

“Enough??  Not hardly!!” 

“Then please don’t pull my underpants down?!” I pleaded as genuinely as I could manage, though I desperately wanted to feel her hand on my naked cheeks. 

“You haven’t really been spanked until you get it on your bare behind!  Remember what I said about complaining!  If you want a taste of my hot, wet pussy I’d better hear nothing but ‘Yes, ma’am’ coming from you!  Understand??” 

“Yes, ma’am.” 

“That’s better.  Now get up and pull your underpants down!!”  Again, I clambered off her and seeing her tight black panties, I couldn’t resist slipping my fingers between her legs to touch that delicious bulge that was her pussy.  With surprising speed, Rosa picked up the hairbrush and delivered at least half a dozen really hard swats on the closest cheek.  “Mustn’t touch what isn’t yours! … until you’re asked to!” 

“I’m sorry!” I cried in reaction to real pain. 

“We’ll see how sorry you are!  Hurry up and get those underpants off!  I want you naked and over my knee … NOW!”  Doing as she asked, I tried to step out of the pants and underwear pooled around my ankles.  When I struggled and took too long, I felt the hairbrush again on the other cheek, throwing me off balance and nearly falling over on the bed.  As I turned towards her, my erection hanging out like an empty flagpole she pulled me quickly back across her knee.  “Now you’ll feel what a real spanking is like!” she said as she resumed spanking with her hand. 

Finally!  The ultimate spanking!  Over her knee getting spanked on my bare bottom!!  I loved the sound of her hand smacking my bottom!  I loved the vulnerable position across her knee with my bare bottom presented to her for her to do her worst … or best, depending on your point of view!  I loved the accumulated sting and heat building up in my cheeks and the effect it was having on my front side!  I loved being this submissive ‘boy’ taking his punishment from a sexy, dominant woman!  It was all I hoped it would be and more, and I loved getting spanked! 

She continued spanking me with her hand, meting out series of spanks as few as twenty, and once almost fifty before pausing.  As my bottom got hotter and hotter, her soft caresses and massage in between felt better and better.  At some point I couldn’t object to my treatment anymore, resorting to desirous ‘oh’s’ and ‘ow’s’ in response to her spanking hand and audible moans in between. 

“Hmm … sounds like this isn’t much of a punishment anymore?” she queried as one hand soothed my hot cheeks, while the other explored the crack between.  “Are you enjoying this spanking?”  As much as I wanted to say ‘Yes, keep spanking me!’ I kept silent to avoid blowing my character.  “Answer me!” she said as several swats of a paddle landed hard on my sore bottom.  I looked back to see she had picked up the small round paddle and was poised to begin another attack on my ass. 

“Oww!  No, ma’am!  It hurts!!” I cried out truthfully in response to her paddling. 

“Good!” she replied as the paddle landed repeatedly on my sore bottom. This was a whole new level of pain that took a while to feel as good as her hand had become.  I felt like my ass was getting numb and that I could take almost anything, but every once in a while, she’d throw in a really hard one to dispel that belief.  If she strung several of them together, she’d have me wriggling on her lap trying to avoid the next one … which of course didn’t work.  Several times she’d laugh … a laugh that was halfway between amused and evil … at the effect her paddling had on me. 

While individual swats of her paddle were really painful, I still loved it.  I wanted to try other positions and other implements … like I wanted to get every experience in on my first real spanking.  Quickly I realized this couldn’t happen and looked forward to future spankings to experiment.  Meanwhile Rosa kept upping the ante with ever-increasing force in her paddle, but I still took it and even if I cried out or jerked around on her lap, I didn’t try to make it stop.  Later she’d tell me I’d taken much more than she’d expected for my first time, which caused her to question just how severely I’d spanked myself. 

When she did pause, she’d alternate between hard squeezes and soft caresses of my tortured bottom.  I particularly like when she’d scrape her fingernails across the tender flesh … lightly at first but increasing the pressure of these as well.  Shivers running up my spine, my back would arch, and I’d draw in a breath sharply, and breathe raggedly as she reached the really sore spots of my behind. 

Grinding my hard-on against her thighs I think she wanted some stimulation as well.  “Well now … do you think you’ve had enough?  Have you learned your lesson?” 

“Yes, ma’am,” I cried between labored breaths. 

“No, you haven’t!  Twenty more … hard ones!” she proclaimed immediately followed by the first of twenty harder than any I’d gotten yet.  She’d pause a bit longer between each … two or three seconds … and counted them down so I knew exactly how many more brutal swats I would have to take.  As the paddle landed harder and harder on my sore cheeks, I couldn’t believe how much more it hurt then when I’d paddled myself.  It hadn’t dissuaded me from my desire for spanking, but it was quite literally an eye-opener to say the least.  After the final excruciating strokes landed, her hands immediately began to soothe my flaming bottom, starting with a fingernail scrape that I reacted even more violently to. 

“Mmm, there’s a good boy … took his spanking without too much whining or complaining.  Is your bottom nice and hot!? … and painful!?” she added as she squeezed both cheeks really hard.  “Ooo, that hurts, doesn’t it?” she asked as I tensed in reaction, “but then spanked bottoms are supposed to hurt … a lot!”  I moaned an affirmative reply as she alternately soothed and aggravated the pain.  “Yes, but spanking naughty boys always gets me really hot! … and wet! … between my legs!  Are you ready to give me something to repay me for the good, hard spanking I gave you?” 

“Oh yes, ma’am!” I replied enthusiastically.  She didn’t stop me as I slid off her lap to kneel in front of her.  She stood up directly in front of me, the tight crotch of her delicious panties staring me in the face, her musky scent revealing her state of arousal. 

As I pressed my face to her crotch, my lips to hers, she said, “No point wasting any of that with my panties in the way.  Take them off!”  Reaching around back, I pulled gently on the elastic to pull them down over the cheeks I’d spanked yesterday, and I suddenly wondered if they still showed any sign of the punishment I’d inflicted upon them.  Circling around to the front I pulled them down letting the sights and smells of her delicious cunt fill my senses.  With her legs together the perfectly straight line of her slit that started within the fine hair on her mons and disappeared between her legs raised my arousal level, both figuratively and literally.  I love the sight of outer labia that close up together to hide all the soft, delicate folds of flesh of female genitalia … a slippery slit just waiting for my fingers or tongue to spread it open and sample its tender contents.  Leaning forward, I placed a delicate kiss on the slit, slipping my tongue in between for a quick lick.  She moaned loudly in appreciation. 

“Mmm, get my panties off!  I want to feel your face between my thighs!”  I slipped the panties over one raised foot, then the other and brought them to my nose to breathe in the wet, aromatic crotch.  “Ooo, I’ve got a feeling my naughty boy knows his way around a hot, wet pussy!  Come over here, naughty boy,” she said as she stood at the end of the bed, sat down and slid her way about halfway up.  Spreading her legs, her fingers slid down her thighs to open at her crotch, offering her pussy to me.  “Come!  Touch me … lick me … eat me! … make me cum with your tongue!” 

I laid down on the bed, positioning to plant my face at ground zero which left me bent over the end of the bed as though ready for another spanking.  Delicately at first and later ravenously, I feasted on her captivating cunt making her cum once almost immediately and again a few minutes later.  As I lapped at the flesh of her crotch, I felt a different kind of appreciation for licking the pussy of she who had just spanked my bottom to such a painful and aroused state.  This first association of spanking and cunnilingus was to become permanent for me, to the point where the first thing I want to do after a good spanking … no matter how hard I’ve been spanked … was to bury my face in the crotch of my spanker and give her a good tongue lashing between her legs.  In fact, regardless of who’s giving or receiving, licking my partner’s pussy is my favorite post-spanking activity. 

As the shuddering aftershocks of her second cumming settled down, she closed her thighs on my head, entrapping me in the clutches of her dripping wet cunt.  “I think I need something more substantial between my legs!  I hope that cock of yours is still nice and hard!”  Releasing me from the trap she’d sprung on me, I gradually stood up to show just how nice and hard I’d become whilst pleasuring her pussy.  “Mmm, very nice.  Lay down on the bed,” she said as she rolled to the side.  Taking her place on the bed she took my dick in both hands as she lifted a leg over me to straddle my body.  She stroked my stiffness for short time, kissed it softly and then lifted herself up ready to impale herself on me. 

Her cunt literally dripping, I slid inside with ease and moaned loudly as she took me to the hilt.  Knowing it wasn’t going to take much to make me cum, she didn’t start fucking immediately choosing instead to writhe around on top of me for a while … stimulating herself while tormenting me.  Reaching for her pussy, I stroked her clit in an attempt to catch her up to my state.  Slipping her hands underneath me, she lifted herself slightly, and me with her, so her hands could get to my sore buns.  Sitting down again, she pressed my butt into her hands, which squeezed and clawed at my tender cheeks serving to accentuate the pain I felt there and lessen my arousal for just a bit.  As I cried out in painful arousal her fingers spurred me on and we both knew it was time. 

Slowly at first, but with a rapidly increasing pace she bounced up and down, fucking me like I’d never been fucked before.  Everything was coming together quickly … the tight, wet sheath that enveloped me … my sore, red bottom still stinging with the memory of a good spanking … and our collective arousal.  Nearing our climax, she stopped moving and let me raise myself up inside her.  Placing her hands at my waist almost looked as though she was pulling me up into her.  I came first, but she quickly followed as I continued fucking well past ejaculation. 

Staying in character there was no post-coital tenderness; rather, she remained atop my prone body, until I’d shrunken inside her, but with her eyes closed savoring the afterglow.  

“Mmm, that was pretty good,” she said as her eyes opened slowly.  “We’re almost even now.”  As she rolled to her side and off the bed, she stood at my side still looking down at me.  “Now, I don’t want you thinking that behavior such as yours gets you a nice, hot pussy for you to play with, so I want you to come over here, kneel on this chair and bend over with your hands on the bed.”  She’d taken the chair she’d sat in when spanking me and put its back up against the end of the bed. 

“What … what’re you going to do?” I stammered, trying to return to my character. 

“I’m going to spank you again so the last thing you remember about our encounter is the feeling of my hand smacking your sore bottom!” 

“Do you have to?” 

“No, I don’t have to … but I’m going to … so get over here … now!”  Getting off the bed I noticed a bit of a smile on Rosa’s face.  I got into place as she requested and was immediately rewarded with a flurry of spanks on alternate cheeks.  As sore as I thought I was I expected it to be excruciating, but it wasn’t as bad as I had expected.  “Now, you’ll take your girlfriend somewhere else the next time you feel the need to spank her?” she asked after a few dozen smacks. 

“Yes, ma’am!” 

“Good,” she said simply before resuming her spanking, “because next time I’m not going to be so nice!”  She paused as she started looking for her panties I’d discarded on the floor.  “You stay right where you are!” she commanded as she put them back on, spanked me another dozen times or so before pausing to find her blouse and pants.  Repeating the cycle of spanking me ten or twenty times and then putting an article of clothing back on, she smacked my bare bottom at least seventy times before giving me her final command, “No more spanking in my hotel!” and leaving the room. 

I stayed where I was, savoring the feeling and the position I was in.  I’d put myself in various spanking positions as a way of feeling what they may be like, but I didn’t have a sore, red bottom at the time.  I could easily imagine Rosa returning to spank me over and over again and found myself getting hard again at the thought.  

Looking behind me I could see my butt in the mirror and was quite surprised … not at how red it was, but how black and blue it wasn’t!  I figured the hundreds of spanks and swats she gave me had to have left more bruising than what I was seeing.  I got up to get a closer look and was twisting around and sticking my butt out to examine the damage when the phone rang. 

“So … how red is it?” Rosa asked. 

“Excuse me?” I said wondering how she knew I was looking. 

“You’ve looked at it in the mirror, haven’t you?” 

“Um … yes … but how did you …” 

“Never seen a first-timer who didn’t look at it the first chance they got.  Not as red as you thought it would be, is it?” 

“No … it isn’t … and you spanked me really hard!” 

“I know!  I’m down at the hotel bar.  Come down and have a drink with me before I have to go to my aunt’s?” 

“Sure,” I replied with a laugh, “I’ll be down in a few minutes!”  I looked at my butt again and even squeezed it some to be sure I wasn’t imagining the pain I’d been in just a short time ago.  I shook my head, not knowing what to expect and started to find some clothes to put on to go downstairs.  I threw on a t-shirt, shorts and sneakers and headed out. 

The bar, being a portion of the open atrium area of the hotel, was visible from the floors above and the glass elevators.  I could pick out Rosa from the elevator once I’d gotten to the third floor.  I could see that she’d changed clothes to play her part in our scenario, because now she wore a colorful skirt and blouse, her hair flowing over her shoulders. 

“Thank you!” I said as I reached out to hug her, “It was everything and more than I expected.”  Pulling back a little she looked into my eyes, judging my sincerity and being satisfied gave me an affectionate kiss. 

“I’m glad you liked it.  I assume you’ll want to do it again?” 

“Definitely!” I said without hesitation. 

We sat down and I looked around for a server to bring me a glass of wine.  We talked about our day, how she’d come to be here this afternoon, and where she was going tonight and so on, but I wanted to get back to our mutual favorite subject. 

“You really surprised me with that scenario!  And you really stayed in character, right to the end!” I commented. 

“Yeah, I’ve always thought it was more fun when there’s a reason for getting spanked.  I even like the act of thinking up and planning the scenario.  Unless it’s very complicated, I prefer it to be something of a surprise.  It seems more realistic in a way and responses don’t sound as scripted … they’re more spontaneous.” 

“Do you ever just spank someone … or get spanked as just another form of foreplay?” 

“Yes, and it can be nice … but I think I have to be in a certain mood … and even then, I’ll usually invent some reason for punishment.” 

“I’ve often imagined semi-real scenarios where a spanking might be introduced … like a secretary who’s made a mistake, or you hurt someone’s feelings … and the remedy is a spanking.  But that’s pure fantasy because who would actually suggest it when people generally think of it as something weird or at least, kinky?” 

“So, you’re like … reading a report your secretary just typed and she’s made a lot of mistakes so one or the other of you suggests a spanking? … only if you’ve both had the feeling that the other is into it, and you’re just trying to find a way to introduce it into the conversation.”

“Yeah … but how do you find out if someone is into it?  I mean, you can’t just come out and ask them?” 

“You’re right, but there are ways.  Other people …” she said with a frustrated look on her face, “… would pick up on my ‘you need a spankin’ comment.  If you’re into it, there’s a hint, but if you’re not it doesn’t sound as suggestive as an actual threat.  You’ll see … you’ll get a little more comfortable with it and realize it’s not so weird, and eventually you’ll find ways to bring it up without risking your reputation.” 

“I guess I’ll just have to wait to see if you’re right.  One of my favorite fantasies, which would involve whoever I happen to be thinking about at the time, would be as simple as someone just coming right out and asking.  If it’s pure fantasy, why can’t I imagine a gorgeous girl, with a perfect little bottom coming up to me and asking, ‘Oh, Mark … I’ve been such a naughty girl!  Will you take me over your knee, pull my panties down and give me a good spanking?  Please?’  … or the reverse where she’d suggest doing the same to me?” 

“See, but you have a reason in there!  She said, ‘I’ve been such a naughty girl’!  You’ll likely take it one step further and ask her what she did that was so naughty.  That’s what I mean about inventing a reason.  Now a scenario where there is no reason … no punishment … would be, ‘Oh Mark, you know what I’d really like?  A spanking!  Take me over your knee and spank me!’  That’s just pure foreplay.” 

“That’s really what I meant.  It seems so much less believable or likely, but it’s one of my favorites.  If you said that to me, you’d be over my knee in a flash getting spanked on your delicious bottom!” 

We talked for another half hour or so about other preferences, likes and dislikes.  Things like favorite positions: beyond the obvious OTK like bent over a chair, lying on a bed over a stack of pillows, bent over at the waist … favorite implements: we both like paddles and hairbrushes and Rosa said she liked straps when she really needed a good hard one … favorite underwear: we both like all kinds of panties except thongs as they did little to contribute to a spanking and Rosa preferred briefs on her naughty boys to play up the ‘little boy’ aspect of it … favorite techniques: alternating cheeks, one cheek at a time, fast, slow, slow building to fast. 

I was depressed when it was time for Rosa to leave as I wanted to spend more time together even if my bottom couldn’t take any more spanking tonight.  She made me feel a little better when she said she had no other plans for the week or weekend and that we could do something every day taking turns who gave spankings and who got spanked.  The following night it would be her turn and we were going to have dinner at her place.  I asked if I should bring anything special to which she replied, “… A bottle of wine and a nice strong arm … oh, and the toys I left in your room!”  When I asked if she had any scenario in mind, she simply replied, “We’ll see.”


Published 2 years ago

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