Part 4 – The Stranger
Having someone actually watch her getting spanked sparked a new desire in Audrey to really get caught and have a total stranger watch her getting her spanking and I had an idea just where and how to do that.
I took her to the park and the specific bench where years before now, I had had my own semi-public spanking from Rosa, where a woman didn’t actually see me getting spanked, but knew what was going on and once out of sight called back to Rosa encouraging her to ‘give it to me good’.
It was early on a Sunday morning. Audrey didn’t really like the time of day but had to concede we had no other idea that wouldn’t involve many people watching and a fear of someone overreacting. Sitting on the bench we could see across the lake and while the bushes surrounding the bench had grown quite a bit taller, they offered no more visual protection than before.
I put her across my knee and gave her a good warmup spanking while there was no one in sight at the park. After that, we held and fondled each other as we waited for an opportunity to present itself. I was hoping I’d see a jogger or walker on the other side of the lake heading this way so I could time the spanking for when they arrived. We both agreed it would be better if it were a woman rather than a man. As people started showing up to the park, we had no specific prospect yet, but were sure we would soon.
“I think I should have a really red bottom when they see me!” she said and was quickly back over my knee with her skirt up exposing her naked bottom which got spanked quite vigorously to get the color in her cheeks she wanted.
Frustration was starting to set in when I spied a girl in athletic shorts and tank top speed walking on the other side of the lake heading towards the road that crossed the end of the lake to our side. Pointing her out to Audrey, we watched with anticipation. Depending on where she turned when she reached our side, she would either come straight toward us, or loop around back of us, passing us as she headed back to the other side, the latter being the preferred scenario. Thankfully, that’s where she went.
We listened carefully as she passed a good ten yards behind us and that was our cue to begin so she’d start hearing it as she was moving away from us. Audrey lay back over my lap and with a look that said ‘make it good!’ lifted her skirt exposing her bright red bottom! I started a bit lighter, but quickly built intensity and with it the sound as I shaped my hand to make as much contact with her round bottom as possible. Her moaning was genuine as the spanking progressed just the way she liked it. Given the noise we were making, we couldn’t tell where our spectator was at the moment, so we just continued confident that she’d pass by any moment.
What we didn’t know was that she had stopped speed walking, or any walking for that matter, when she heard the unmistakable sound of spanking as well as Audrey’s vocal pleasure. She approached carefully, holding back just out of sight for ten smacks or so, debating what to do. Should she just pass by as though nothing was happening? … turn around and avoid us? … or reveal herself and what? … watch? Her curiosity got the better of her and she stepped into view, her mouth open as though not believing what she saw. We both looked up, taking notice of her as I continued spanking.
“I’m sorry,” she said doubtfully, “what’s going on here?”
“I’ve been a naughty girl!” Audrey said in her whiny, little girl voice, “So daddy’s spanking me on my bare … my bare hiney!”
“Yeah, well that part’s kinda obvious. The question is why here and now?”
“Audrey knows that when she’s naughty she gets spanked right away no matter where we are! You can stay and watch if you want to?” I offered as I stopped spanking briefly and noticed the girl had her hands on her own bottom, probably subconsciously.
“Um … I don’t know,” she started and took a couple of steps but stopped when I started spanking again.
“I really wish you would!? The humiliation will add to the punishment of my naughty one!”
“Oh … well … maybe for a minute or two,” she replied as I stepped up the spanking while Audrey started complaining.
“Oh, daddy! It hurts! My bottom hurts,” she cried and after a pause added, “SO good!”
“Oh my god!” the girl said, clearly enjoying what she was seeing … and hearing! “Ooo! Mmm, can I … ask you a question?” she stammered.
“Sure! What’s your name, by the way?”
“Oh, I’m Linda. I can’t believe you’re doing this! … right out in the open!” she said with a clearly aroused voice.
“I thought we explained that? What’s your question?”
“Yeah, um … do you think that, when you’re done you could maybe, um … do that to me?” Audrey and I shared a big smile thinking ‘Well, that’s unexpected!’
“Maybe? If you asked really nicely!” I offered while spanking even harder, giving Audrey something to keep her bottom warm in the interlude.
“Oh my god!” she said again, reacting to the harder spanking. “Will you pull my pants down and give me a spanking over your knee?” she said quickly, desire pouring out of her mouth.
“Have you had enough, Audrey?”
“Yes, daddy … for now,” she said clearly wanting more after I dealt with Linda. She climbed off my lap and stood to the side, gesturing for Linda to take her place. She took a single step towards me, stopped briefly, and then moved to stand directly in front of me.
“Have you been a naughty girl too, Linda?” I said as I pulled her shorts down slowly to mid-thigh. “Do you need a spanking?”
“Yes, daddy!” she said in a small voice, “I should get spanked on my bare bottom too!” she added as she stepped closer, right between my legs. Going back to her waist I pulled her little bikini panties down and had her down over my left thigh in one continuous motion. “Oh god! Ow! Ooo! Oh my … ow! Ow-ow-ow-ow-oww!” she cried as the first spanks fell on her big, jiggly bottom!
The exclamations continued almost non-stop as I watched her bouncing butt reacting to her punishment. Not knowing her at all, and especially her limits, I had to be careful not to exceed them.
“Oh, daddy! Oww! I think I’ve had enough!” she said in a choked voice.
“Naughty girls don’t decide when they’ve been spanked sufficiently!” I scolded. With Audrey, that statement would mean we weren’t even halfway yet, but with a stranger, I felt I had to honor her request … but not before a little finale.
“Ow! Ow-ow-ow!! Please stop, daddy!?” she cried in reaction to five fast spanks on each cheek, and then repeated them for a total of twenty before stopping. Breathing erratically, she got up off my lap and rubbed her squishy cheeks urgently. “Oh my god,” she said yet again, “That was … Ooo! That was amazing! Thank you!”
“You’re welcome,” I replied.
“Now you’ve got a nice pink bottom,” Audrey said touching her sore cheeks softly. “You haven’t been spanked in a while, have you?”
“I’ve … never been! This was my first! … and it was everything I imagined it to be!” Now it was our turn to have a shocked look on our faces, unbelieving that she would choose to get her first in this way. As I thought about it more though I figured I would have done the same thing before I’d gotten my first spanking, had the opportunity presented itself.
“So, you’d do it again?” I asked.
“Would you like to do it with us again,” Audrey asked, surprising and pleasing me at the same time.
“Oh! Yes, I would, but maybe not like this?” she questioned holding her arms out indicating the outdoor public nature of her first spanking.
“No! Next time will be a nice, long sexy spanking in Mark’s house, okay? Give me your phone number and I’ll call you!” They exchanged phone numbers and Linda finally pulled her pants up and left, but not before giving me a little kiss on the cheek and another ‘Thank you!’
“Audrey! You are such a naughty girl!” I said after she left, though close enough apparently for her to hear me, and for us to hear her giggling.
“It’ll be fun! You know how much I enjoyed watching you spank Diane! … and I’ll love having Linda watch my spanking too!”
“Come here, you!” I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her down over my knee again.
“Ooo yeah, daddy! Warm my bottom up for the ride home! I think I’ll need a paddling when we get there!”
So, Audrey finally got a true public spanking in front of a total stranger, although Linda and her fat, little bottom didn’t stay strangers very long. As we talked about the day later that afternoon, I wondered if there was a next step to this; an escalation to something even more overt! Like maybe an unexpected spanking with several people watching?
“I don’t think so,” Audrey said, “I’d definitely do this again, but more people? No …” She paused clearly thinking about it. “Well … maybe!? Got any ideas?!” she asked giggling.