You Can’t Always Get What You Want. Part 2 of 3

"He saved her, but in truth, she saved him from himself."

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Chapter 5

You’ve Got a Friend

Gemma had been excellent support for Heather. She had loved Gary once when he was a gentle, loving man. She tried to tell herself, he’d be that way again. That was never going to happen.

Jayjay tried his best in his own clumsy was, but it was Gemma who had truly helped her through some of her darkest hours. Heather couldn’t understand how, even though she was free from the nightmare her life had become, she was still haunted by it. Gemma was having problems with her flatmate, so she moved into the pub across the hall from Heather and Jayjay. Gemma and Heather had become great friends, and they both helped out around the bar, being excellent support for Stella.

Jayjay and his manager jointly owned a small talent management company. So, during the day, he’d go into the office. Jayjay was very focused on developing young bands and artists. He would always have one of these bands or performers as a support act. If it were a singer, his own group would have to do double duty as the back-up band for the up and coming singer and then Jayjay. Jayjay often hoped of the talents he fostered, ‘One day I’ll be playing support for them rather than them for me.’


Move into the new apartment.


The apartment building has been granted the Certificate of Occupancy, so Jayjay made arrangements to have Heather’s furniture moved in from the lock-up.

“We need to go shopping to furnish the rest of the apartment.”

“The rest of the apartment? How big is it? I had nearly a full house of furniture, isn’t that enough?”

“We might need a bit more.”

Excitedly, Heather exclaimed, “Before we go shopping, I need to see the apartment. You’ve been so secretive about this whole thing.”


Walking up the path, landscapers were putting the finishing touches to the beautiful gardens surrounding the building. They approached the building’s front door, and Jayjay swiped his watch past the sensor on the key panel, and the doors opened. They entered an impressively imposing foyer. The building has three floors, not including the ground, taken up by the lobby, car park, and service rooms. Each level only has two apartments except the Penthouse, which occupies the top floor on its own. The Penthouse isn’t much larger than the others except the rest of the roof area is taken up with rooftop gardens and a few private deck areas.

In the lobby, there are two elevators. The first services the first two floors of apartments; the second is exclusively for their apartment, the Penthouse.

Again, he waved his watch at the sensor and the doors closed behind them. He pulled her to him, and they kissed as she melted into his arms. The doors opened as he lifted her dress off over her head. They fell into the small lobby, then he quickly removed her bra and panties. She hungrily pulled his shirt off and tugged at the belt of his jeans. He waved his watch at another sensor and the front door unlocked. They rushed into the unfurnished apartment, eager to devour each other. Standing naked, Heather pushed his jeans down around his ankles when they heard voices. They looked up as two workers walked into the room. Heather squealed as she jumped behind Jayjay.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Jayjay smiled nervously, “Hi, Jenny, Mick. I didn’t expect anyone to be up here.”

“Sorry, Jayjay,” apologised Mick. “We’ve been checking what needs to be finished with the landscaping of your gardens.”

As Jayjay pulled up his pants, Jenny slapped her colleague, “Turn around so the lady can cover herself.” However, Jenny was looking directly at Jayjay’s excited erection.

All Heather could do was run to another room as her clothes were in their foyer.

Now with his pants up, Jayjay discussed with them, the details of what was left for them to do.

After saying their goodbyes, Jayjay smiled as he overheard Mick say to Jenny, “That was close. They would have caught us doing what they were about to do.” They both laughed as the elevator doors closed.


“You can come out now,” Jayjay called, chuckling.

She came out from her hiding spot, “It’s not funny, and you wouldn’t shut up talking to them. How come you know them?”

“Jenny is head of the landscaping company, and I was just discussing what they’ve got left to do.”

“Landscaping? What landscaping? We’re on the third floor in an apartment.”

“Come on. I’ll show you our gardens.”

She went to their lobby to retrieve her clothes to find them all neatly folded.

Catching sight of the first of the gardens and deck areas, “Holy shit! How can we afford this?”

He smiled, “I know a guy, and did a good deal for me.”

Heather glared at Jayjay, not content with his answer.

Everywhere she turned, she saw something else she loved. After looking through inside, “This place is bloody enormous!” She exclaimed. “Every bedroom has it’s own en-suite.” She thought for a moment, “Darling… This place is big enough that Gemma could move in as well. What do you think?”

“Yeah, I suppose so. We can give her a call to have a look at the apartment,” smiling cheekily, “Right after we finish what we started.”

He dropped his pants, lifted her onto the kitchen bench and buried his face between her thighs, bringing her to a fast climax. Sliding her further onto the countertop, he climbed up to make love in their new apartment for the first time.



They called Gemma, asking her to come up. Jayjay followed Heather and Gemma around, smiling like the cat that caught the canary every time they got more and more excited about decoration ideas.

After showing her around, they asked if she would like to move in with them. “I’d love to, but I don’t have any furniture. You know I’m between jobs, which is a polite way of saying, I’m unemployed, so I would struggle to afford anything.”

Jayjay hugged her, whispering, “Don’t worry about that. We’re going shopping for furniture tomorrow. You come with us. I’ll cover it. It’s all good”

She snapped back, “I can’t let you do that.”

“You can, and you will. You’ve done so much for Heather. This is the least I could do.” Jayjay kissed her cheek. “I told Heather, I’ve been lucky and made some excellent investments over the years. I’m feeling it’s time I settled down and spent some of it on people I love. So, seriously don’t worry about the money, I’ve got it covered.”

They both hugged and kissed him.



Gemma’s birthday was the week after moving in, so Jayjay said he was taking them both out on the town. Dinner, dancing, whatever they wanted. He arranged for Alfred, his favourite limo driver, to pick them up and drive them wherever their hearts desired. When they arrived home, Gemma hugged Jayjay, thanking him for a wonderful night, and then she kissed him. With Heather standing right next to them, he began to feel a little uncomfortable as Gemma’s kissing continued and was becoming more passionate. When she finally let him go, feeling embarrassed, he was surprised that Heather had simply left them to it and had poured them all some more champagne. Exhausted after a fantastic night, they thought some relaxation in the spa out was in order. Out on the deck, they stripped down to their underwear and climbed in. The girls’ lingerie didn’t cover much and, once it was wet, hid even less.

Sitting quietly, Heather broke the silence. “Sweetheart, it’s been a wonderful night, but I think there is one more present ‘you’ could give Gemma for her birthday.”

“Sure, what’s that?” he asked innocently.

Gemma gave Heather a concerned look, wondering where she was going with this.

With a cheeky grin, Heather continued, “Gemma and I talk about all sorts of stuff and the other day she let slip that she was missing her fuckbuddy.”

Shocked, Gemma squealed, embarrassed, “I didn’t say that. Jayjay, honest, I didn’t say that.”

Heather scoffed, “You might as well have. I can read between the lines, and I know you’re missing his cock. Missing him, and that’s okay.” Heather squeezed him under the water as she continued, “Admit it, Sweetie. You’d love nothing more than for your favourite cock to fuck you senseless.”

Gemma spluttered, embarrassed as Jayjay coughed, “Excuse me. I’m right here… Um… it’s my cock you’re talking about, and there’s a person attached to it.”

Heather squeezed his cock under the water again. “Come on. You’re as hard as a rock. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t like to fill her up a few times just for old times’ sake.”

It was Jayjay’s turn to splutter, unable to put a sentence together, so Heather continued, “Right. Just as I thought, so it’s settled then.” Heather kissed him passionately, did the same to Gemma then got out of the spa. “Just make sure when you come to bed, you’ve still got a little left for me. I don’t feel like DIY tonight.”

Jayjay and Gemma watched her walk away with a little more sway in her hips than usual. Jayjay looked more than a little stunned. “Well, that was unexpected.”

Gemma moved over to him. “Sweetie, you don’t have to. I understand and accept, you’re hers now, and she’s yours. I couldn’t be happier about that.”

“Are you kidding? If Heather says I should fuck you for your birthday, then fuck you I will.”

She smirked, “What a hero. You almost said that with a straight face.” Gemma stood, removed her panties, then sat on Jayjay’s lap. “Oh my god, she’s right. You are hard as a rock. Let’s shower and go somewhere more comfortable.”


They showered under the deck shower then settled on the deck lounge with a view of the city skyline.

Now, more comfortable, they just lay holding each other like they used to. Gemma asked softly, “How did Heather know? I honestly didn’t say anything, but she’s right, I have missed you terribly. Just holding you like this is so nice.”

Jayjay replied by way of a passionate kiss, starting the ball rolling. He gently kissed down her neck to her breasts, evoking a long soft sigh. “You know me so well,” she cooed.

“I’m just kissing them,” he replied.

“Yes, but in exactly the right spot. I didn’t think I could get any wetter, but when you did that, my pussy flooded,” she giggled.

“We’ll see what else I remember.” He kissed his way down her stomach until he reached his target. “Good heavens, you are wet.”

“Good heavens is right. That feels heavenly, and yes, you haven’t forgotten…” unable to finish her sentence as the fastest climax she’d ever experienced shook through her. Arching her back off the lounge, she quickly grabbed his head, pulling it into her. Her moans rapidly escalated to squeals of pleasure. She had to push him away when she thought her head was going to explode. He kissed his way back up her body then waited for her to recover before sliding in easily. His strokes, slow and deliberate. Deliberate may seem an odd way to describe it because, well, he wasn’t fucking her accidentally. It was just that he was steady and consistent until she was rising to another climax, then his pace quickened. His goal was to attempt to orgasm together if he could, and that was definitely deliberate. The goal nearly achieved, she was well into her orgasm and beginning to subside when Jayjay grunted and let loose, sending Gemma to another climax.

They finished as they had started, just holding each other, enjoying being together.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” came from Heather standing naked in the open door.

“How long have you been there?”

“I arrived just as you were on the home straight going for gold. I was getting a drink of water. I heard a familiar grunt and thought I’d take a look. I never imagined I’d be interested in being a voyeur, but actually, it’s much better than waiting alone, wondering what you’re doing. Perhaps next time, if you don’t mind, I might stay and watch.”

Gemma sat up, exclaiming, “Next time? You mean, you’re going to lend him to me for more than just my birthday?”

“Why not? I’m sure we can come to an arrangement that suits everyone.”

Gemma leapt off the lounge and hugged Heather.

Jayjay laughed, “Are you my pimp now?”

Gemma quickly put her hand between her legs and ran to the bathroom. “Excuse me. I’m about to dribble on the floor.”






Chapter Six

On The Road Again


While the band had gigs around town, Heather and Gemma would usually go with Jayjay. Now he had another tour of the other major cities and large country towns around Australia, so they stayed home.

When his ex-wife Allison was in the band, it was easier to fend off the groupies, but with Heather a couple of thousand kilometres away, it would be more difficult. Now that he was getting older, it was not the problem it used to be, but it still happened from time to time.


They’d been on the road for nearly two weeks and were setting up in Toowoomba, Queensland. A fan approached during a break in the soundcheck while he was talking on the phone with Heather. “I have to go, babe, there’s someone here who want’s to talk with me. I’ll call you later. I miss you, and love you so much.”


Jayjay, feeling a little defensive, smiled at the fan. “Hi, Leanne, how have you been? It’s been a while.”

Leanne kissed him on the cheek. “Yes, it has, darling, and I missed you last time.”

“I’m sorry about that, but I was married.”

“Yes, you were, and we both know how that turned out. I was there on that night when you said your goodbyes.”

Jayjay frowned. “That was a low blow… Anyway, I have a new woman in my life, she’s the girl of my dreams, and I’m not going to ruin it. She’s perfect in every way. I’m so sorry, but I can’t.”

She sighed, “Being married or having a partner shouldn’t stop you. I’ve got a husband. That’s him over by the door.” She turned and waved to him, and he waved back, “and he’s been watching us every time. He likes to watch me with you.”

More than a little surprised by this revelation, he asked, “Do you do this with all the bands that come into town?”

Beaming back at him, “No. Just you. It was my husband’s idea. We’re both big fans and Drew thought I’d like to do it with you. He knows how I lust over you, and he thought he’d like to watch. He was right. Every time we did it, Drew was watching, and as soon as you left, he dived in to clean me up and then fucked me like he’s never fucked me before. He was fantastic. When he saw you were coming back to town, he’s been like an excited puppy, fucking me every time we’re alone and sometimes not even waiting for that.”

Jayjay smiled apologetically, “I’m truly flattered, but I can’t. I just can’t.”

Not wanting to take no for an answer, “Where is she? I want to talk with her,” Leanne said, looking around, hoping to see the woman who had tamed Jayjay.

“She’s not here. She’s back in Melbourne.”

“Great. What she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her, I won’t tell.”

“Yeah, but I’ll know, and I won’t do it.”

“Fine. Get her on the phone. I want to talk with her. If I hear it from her, I’ll walk away and never bother you again.” She stared at him with a look of determination, then continued, “If you don’t, I’ll find out who she is and tell her we did it anyway.”

“That’s blackmail.”

“Let’s call it incentivisation.”

She stood with her hands on her hips for a moment; then she slumped about to say something; however, Jayjay felt he had no choice. Pulling out his phone, he pressed redial.

Heather answered quickly, “Hi, darling, that was fast. I didn’t think I’d hear back from you that fast.”

Leanne held her hand out for his phone, asking what her name was.

“Heather,” he said, then explained, “Sweetheart, there’s someone here who wants to talk with you. Her name is Leanne.” And he reluctantly handed over his phone.

Leanne turned and started walking towards her husband, Drew while talking with Heather. Jayjay was called back onto the stage by the sound engineer. He was reluctant to leave, imagining that his new relationship was about to explode. While trying to listen to the sound guy explain his issues, he kept looking over at Leanne and Drew. The next time he looked over, Drew had his phone and was talking to Heather, then he handed the phone back to Leanne, and he had a massive smile on his face, so Jayjay could only hope it was going well.

Then Leanne and Drew walked up to the stage and called Jayjay over. Before handing the phone back, Leanne said to Heather, “Thank you so much, sweetie, and I’ll talk with you later. I hope one day I can meet you in person.”

She handed the phone to Jayjay. Still unsure what to expect, cautiously he brought the phone up. “Hi, Sweetheart, it’s me. So, what was that all about?”

Heather replied, “Sounds like fun. It’s all fine by me. That Leanne sounds like a live wire.”

Still confused, “What’s all fine with you? I have no idea what’s going on.”

“Don’t worry about it. You just have a great show, and afterwards, Leanne and Drew will take care of everything. I love you, and I’ll speak with you later. Okay?”

Jayjay, still having no clue what was going to happen, “Yeah, sure. I love you too.”

Then she hung up. Jayjay looked at Leanne. “What the fuck just happened?”

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it, sweetie. I’m looking forward to enjoying a great show tonight, then Drew will pick you up after you’ve packed up. We’ve got a motel room instead of doing it against the wall in the back lane, although there’s a certain excitement in doing it like that, don’t you agree? … Oh, and Heather tells me you’re great with your tongue. Gotta confess I creamed my knickers when she told me that. I’m gunna have to jump Drew in the car park in a minute. You have a great show, and I’ll see you later tonight, sweetie.”

She turned to Drew, “Come on, darlin’, I need you to fuck me out in the car park. You go ready yourself for me. I need to speak with Jayjay.”

Drew shook Jayjay’s hand. “Thanks so much for this, I really appreciate it. I’ll see you at the stage door after the show.”

When Drew was out of earshot, she grabbed Jayjay’s hand and looked into his eyes. “I need to tell you, I would never have told Heather any lie if you’d not done it. I was ashamed of myself as soon as I said it. I was about to take it back and apologise when you got out your phone. Drew would be very unhappy with me if he knew what I did to get you to agree, so…”

He stopped her. “Your apology is accepted, and say no more. I’m flattered that you’d go to such lengths and Drew need never know. It’s our secret. Okay?” He gave her a gentle kiss. “I hope you enjoy the show and I’ll see you later.”

“Thanks so much for doing this. You won’t regret it, I promise. Now I better hurry off to Drew before he gets too far without me or gets himself arrested.”

They both laughed as she strode away.

As she walked away, Jayjay stood stunned and said aloud as he walked back to the sound engineer, “What the fuck just happened?”


After the show


Another great night onstage. The band was tight, and the audience was on fire, ready to have a great time. As arranged, Drew was waiting eagerly for Jayjay at the back door and escorted him to his ute. It was a short drive, and Jayjay was surprised that the motel was a much more beautiful place than expected.

Opening the door to the room, Leanne approached wearing a dressing gown, handed him a towel and kissed him.

“The band was fantastic. You were fantastic. It was your best show ever.” Pointing to the bathroom, “I thought you might want a quick shower. I’ve just had one and feel much better for it.”


When he came out with a towel around him, he was surprised by the sight of four people all only wearing underpants, Leanne seductively lying on the bed in a black lace G-string and Drew sitting in a corner chair. On a large T.V. was Heather and Gemma back home in Melbourne. Drew had taped his phone to the top of the T.V., and Heather had done the same. This was to stream the action both ways via their phone cameras and show it on the T.V… Crude, but effective.

As Jayjay came into view of the phone camera, Heather and Gemma excitedly waved, “Hi, sweetheart. They tell me the show was great and you were fantastic. I hope you don’t mind, but Gemma and I are going to watch and give you a score out of ten.” They both giggled and held up their paper and felt-tipped pens.

Jayjay chuckled nervously, “I’ve never had performance anxiety before, so congratulations. I have a serious case right now.”

“Aww, don’t be like that, Sweetie. I’m sure Leanne can fix that for you.”

Puzzled, he asked, “You’re okay with all this?”

Heather chuckled, “I heard this saying just the other day, and I think it’s appropriate. It’s not cheating if your partner is watching.”


Leanne held out her hands, “Come on, baby, join me on the bed.”

Jayjay dropped the towel and climbed on the bed. Leanne asked, “What’s wrong, sweetheart? I thought you’d be more excited than that.”

“Like I said before, performance anxiety.”

“Ohh, sweetie.”

Then he heard Heather giggle, “If you do what we discussed earlier, he’ll be harder than granite in no time.”

Leanne had him lie down and after some gentle coaxing with her hands then her mouth, sliding her tongue up the underside of his cock, he was indeed ready for action. Heather and Gemma started chanting, “Sit on his face, sit on his face.”

Not needing further encouragement, Leanne quickly removed her panties. Jayjay looked at the T.V. and then at Drew to see that Leanne was the last to be completely naked. The girls in Melbourne were gently rubbing themselves and Drew held an impressive erection firmly in his fist. Not quite the size of Jayjay but certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.

Soon after she lowered herself onto his face, everyone complained they couldn’t see. So Leanne and Jayjay moved around so his head was at the foot of the bed, then she straddled him again. There were cheers of approval from everyone.

Now they were facing the camera and much closer to see what he was doing and how it affected Leanne. It wasn’t long before they could hear Leanne’s increasing moaning and the occasional grunt or sigh from Drew, probably stroking himself. Jayjay became aware of familiar moans coming from the T.V. He looked up at the T.V. Although it was upside down from his position, he was surprised by what he saw.

Caught up in the moment, Heather and Gemma were enthusiastically kissing and fingering each other. Leanne came twice straddling his face before he heard Heather’s climax, quickly followed by Gemma’s. Some grunting from Drew that he could only assume he was putting a run on the board, and Leanne was scoring her third.

Jayjay was the only one who hadn’t scored a run yet, a fact of which Leanne was all too aware. She gathered herself as quickly as she could and shimmied along his body, impaling herself on Jayjay’s upstanding piece of granite. Leanne rode him like that for a while. When he moved to change positions, he saw that Drew was stroking himself again, and the girls had moved to a sixty-nine position with Gemma on top. Watching her tongue lapping at Heather’s vagina became very distracting for him but extremely arousing. He moved so he had an uninterrupted view of the T.V. The girls then rubbed their pussies together.

Jayjay kept a steady rhythm but was paying more attention to Heather and Gemma than to what he was doing with his cock. The girls watched, and Heather said to Jayjay, “You should be paying attention to Leanne, not us. I know you can fuck better than that, so get to it or I’ll turn our end off so Gemma and I won’t distract you.”

Leanne sympathetically kissed him. “It’s okay, I understand. They do look hot, your two girls, but I think you’ve just been told. Best get your mind on the job.” She kissed him again.

Feeling more than a little embarrassed, he did as he was asked, and Leanne responded with a loud squeal of approval, causing cheers from his Melbourne fan club.

Leanne’s moaning took on rhythmic quality in time with Jayjay’s thrusts. Gemma started chanting, ‘Stroke, stroke, stroke!’ with Heather quickly joining the chorus. Leanne’s orgasm was rapidly building, and when her climax peaked, the cheer squad cheered with approval. Jayjay tried to ignore them as he was getting close. Heather and Gemma both recognised the signs and started their chant again, culminating in a cry of “There he blows!”

As Jayjay rolled off Leanne, exhausted, Drew dived in between Leanne’s thighs and frantically began cleaning up Jayjay’s deposit.

Leanne smiled, “He’s never had it so fresh.”

After she’d had a small orgasm on Drew’s tongue, he quickly scrambled up to guide his erection into his wife. He could hardly contain his excitement and enthusiasm, pounding his cock into her as if his life depended on it.

Jayjay was watching his Melbourne fan club on the big screen enjoying themselves and now caught up in their own kissing, caressing and rubbing their pussies against each other. He found watching Heather and Gemma like this to be exceptionally arousing and was stroking his cock covered in his and Leanne’s juices. “I didn’t know you two were into that.”

Heather looked up with a mischievous grin, “Neither did we, but I think we like it. If you’re a good boy, maybe you can join us when you get home.”

Gemma smiled, “It is very nice but no substitute for cock.”

They both laughed, then Heather added, “Particularly your cock, darling. We’re missing it already.” They sighed.

Leanne climaxed again from Drew’s frantic fucking, catching everyone’s attention.

She moved so she could suck on Jayjay’s swelling erection with her arse in the air. Without hesitation, Drew moved back in, taking Leanne from behind. She got Jayjay to sit up so she could be appropriately spit-roasted.

On seeing this, Heather chirped, “That looks fun. When you get home, I want to try that, and I bet Gemma would like it too.”

Gemma smiled sheepishly, and Heather squinted at her. “You’ve already done it, haven’t you?”

Then she looked up at her T.V. to see Jayjay was looking away. She continued, “With him. You’ve been spit-roasted by Jayjay and someone.”

Jayjay, finding it difficult to concentrate with Leanne sucking like a Dyson on full power, turned and looked directly at the camera on the phone. “Don’t be angry, sweetheart, it was a long time ago, and we can organise something when I get home, can’t we, Gemma?”

Gemma agreed as Heather replied, “I’m not angry. I’m too horny to be angry. A bit jealous, maybe, but not angry… I’m hungry for a spit-roast so as soon as you get home, we’re gunna arrange one.”

Jayjay and Gemma agreed in unison.

Wanting to change the conversation a bit, Gemma nudged Heather. “Look at the guys. Looks like a race to see who’s going to cum first.”

They started debating who was most likely when Drew coughed, “Sorry, girls, amusing as it is, your discussion is really distracting.”

Leanne wasn’t distracted because not long after that, she squealed as she climaxed, causing a chain reaction of Drew followed then by Jayjay. The cheer squad erupted into applause.

After a brief recovery, Heather asked Leanne, “Do you and Drew ever come to Melbourne?”

“Sure,” Leanne replied, “my mum lives there. We visit as often as we can. Why? What’s on your mind?”

Heather hesitated, “Oh… perhaps I should talk with Jayjay first.”

Jayjay sighed, “It’s okay, darling. I’m fairly sure I know where you’re going with this, and it’s okay.”

Heather smiled. “I love you so much, Jayjay.” Then she turned the conversation back to Leanne, “Jayjay’s tour has got another three weeks before he’s back home. We’ll pay for you both to fly down so we can meet you in person.”

Excitedly, Leanne’s eyes lit up. “That sounds awesome. I’d love to meet you both in person, but you don’t have to pay.”

Jayjay interrupted, conspicuously looking at Drew while talking to Leanne, “You know she has an ulterior motive.” Gesturing his head towards Drew, “Are you okay with that?”

The penny dropped for Drew as his face lit up, followed by Leanne grinning like a clown at the carnival back at him.

“Ohhh… Spit-roasted, she wants Drew’s cock for her spit-roasting, and I’m guessing Gemma will want a couple of goes at it as well,” Leanne quipped.

Heather and Gemma were grinning like idiots. Jayjay asked again, “Are you okay with that?”

“Look what Drew allows me to do with you. It doesn’t matter whether I’m okay with it or not. For me to say ‘no’ would be hypocrisy on a grand scale. If I don’t like it, I just have to deal with it and build a bridge, won’t I? I know he’d never ask, but I also know it’s an experience he’ll never forget. So, I won’t deny him this. I’m sure I’ll enjoy myself too.”

Heather beamed, “I love this woman. I can see we’re going to be good friends.”

Leanne looked back at Drew. “Who’s a lucky boy, then? You’ve only had my pussy to play with all these years, and now these two gorgeous women are offering their lovely pussies to play with, in Melbourne. And beautiful pussies they are.”

Heather and Gemma were beaming and had spread their legs, waving their hands around as if presenting prizes on a game show.

Jayjay smiled, “Well, that’s settled then. Sweetheart, you’ll get a few spit-roasts, and Drew will get to fuck my girls. Heather will call you later to make the arrangements.”

Leanne gave Jayjay a big kiss, and Drew shook his hand, quietly saying, “Thanks, mate, I genuinely appreciate this.”

Heather stepped up to the phone-camera taped to her T.V., making her look huge on the big screen. “I wish I could kiss you right now,” as she blew Jayjay a kiss.

“Me too, sweetheart.” He blew her a kiss in return, then continued, “I’m sorry, but I’m getting drained, and tomorrow is a big day.”

“Okay, darling, but before you go, do you have any more friends like Leanne you’re going to meet up with?”

He laughed, “Not anymore, but if anything unexpected crops up, I’ll get them to speak with you first.”

Everyone laughed.



The tour continued without incidents, either professionally or personally, although Heather and Jayjay had Leanne and Drew to thank for the idea of catching up and watching each other via a phone link-up plugged into the T.V. They did this most nights, watching each other masturbating. It was mostly the two of them, but Gemma joined occasionally, bringing the added mutual eroticism of Heather and Gemma together.

On the night Jayjay returned home, Heather and Jayjay asked Gemma to join them, but she insisted his first night home should be all about the two of them. Gemma said she’d join them the following night. The next weekend was when Leanne and Drew arrived for a week of fun and spit-roasting. Good thing they’re not vegetarians. They’d better not overeat.


Thanks for reading and please leave a comment.

Part three might not end the way you want, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.


Published 4 years ago

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