You Can Use Mom’s Panties 2

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I had just masturbated in my bathroom while staring at my naked reflection in the mirror. I fingered myself while rubbing my twenty-year-old son’s cum all over my nipples. I had his cum on my fingers because he had just masturbated right in front of me. He jacked off into a pair of my panties and I took the panties afterward and smeared the sperm with my fingers.

I had lied to my family and snuck home from my daughter’s soccer games. Why did I do this? So I could come home and look at my naked son.

He wanted me to see him stroke his cock.

I wanted to see him stroke his cock.

So I did.

I went upstairs and stood at his door watching him while he jacked his cock for me. Afterward, I walked away and gave myself an orgasm while standing in front of my bathroom mirror.

Now I had reluctantly climbed back into my clothes again. I had to go back to the soccer games since I’d stranded my daughter and husband there. I wasn’t feeling any guilt about this either. I was strangely calm, as if this was meant to be and had finally happened. I brushed my hair, grabbed the keys, and headed for the front of the house.

“Greg!” I called gently from the front door. “I have to go back to the soccer field.”

I heard his feet hit the floor as he got up from his bed and walked to the landing at the top of the stairs.

Damn. He was still naked.

Yes, his cock was hard again.

Yes, I was still a bit wet and this didn’t help me any.

“C’mon, baby,” I laughed. “You can’t just walk around naked like that. Get dressed.”

He looked down at me and said, “You don’t want to see me like this?”

“I do, baby,” I replied. “I did. Why do you think I came back? But we can’t just have you naked all of the time.”

“Don’t go just yet,” he said. He took his cock in his hand and started stroking it.

“Baby, no,” I told him. “There isn’t time. Now put that monster away.”

He kept stroking. “It won’t take me long, Mom. As long as I can see you.”

Damn it.

I wanted to see it.

“Surely you don’t need to cum again so soon?” I asked him.

“You bring it out in me, Mom,” he replied while stroking that thick, hard cock. “I can’t help it.”

I sighed and put my purse down on the floor. “Okay, baby,” I told him. “Stroke that thing, but hurry.”

Now, of course, I didn’t need to be here for him to masturbate. I wanted to be there for it, though. I leaned back against the door and crossed my arms across my chest. I didn’t anticipate that the movement would just emphasize my breasts.

“Yeah!” he moaned. “I love your body, Mom. You’re so freaking hot.”

“Do you mean this body?” I teased. I ran my hands up and down my sides, slowly across my breasts. Then I did a slow turn for him, allowing him to admire my backside and legs. When I turned back around to face him, he was shooting his cum onto the stairs!

“Yes!” he moaned loudly.

I stood there mesmerized as he shot his hot cum out onto the stairs. The mom in me wanted him to stop and clean that up right away. The woman in me wanted to be lying on the floor underneath him and catching those hot squirts onto my naked breasts. Then I would smear it all over my nipples and lick and swallow his thick juice from my fingers.

“That’s amazing, baby,” I said huskily. “I like seeing that hot cum shoot out of your cock. How did it feel?”

“It’s always great, but it’s even better with you watching me, Mom,” he said.

I found myself slowly climbing the stairs. I reached the steps below where his cum had landed. I couldn’t believe he had that much in him after cumming earlier.

“Get me a tissue, Greg,” I told him. “No, wait,” I giggled. “Get me a bunch of tissue.”

He turned and padded over to the bathroom and came out with the tissue.

“Here ya go, Mom,” he said. Damned if his cock didn’t look like it was on the way to getting hard again.

I took the tissue from him and used it to wipe up his cum from the wooden stairs. As I looked up to hand it to him, I caught him staring down my shirt from where I was leaning over. His cock was hard again.

From where I was standing a few steps down, his hard, throbbing cock was now at my eye level. It had a drop of cum oozing out.

“Here, baby,” I said softly. “Wipe your cock off before it drips onto the floor.” I handed him the wad of tissue and he rubbed the head of his cock with it. Then he stood up tall and proud with his cock just a foot away from his mother’s face. He flexed his muscles and his cock bounced.

Have you ever been in that type of situation where all you want to do is reach forward and guide your son’s hard cock into your mouth? That’s where I was at that moment in time.

So I did what any loving mom would do in this situation. I told him to get dressed and that I wanted him to clean the stairs properly before we got back from the soccer games.

He reluctantly did my bidding. I could hear him opening drawers in his room as I went out the front door. I got back to the fields in time to see the last half of my daughter’s second game. I felt no remorse about what had happened with my son. I only felt a bit guilty about lying to my husband to go back home.

The rest of the day went by like a normal Saturday. We had a nice lunch. My husband and son did the lawn while Jenna and I did some shopping. Jenna had two of her girlfriends over for pizza and movies and they ended up spending the night. Greg took his girlfriend, Crissa out to a carnival that came to town. When Greg came back home, the girls were all still up and they popped popcorn and flirted with him. Greg ate up the attention but finally went upstairs to his room.

Whenever Jenna has her friends over, my husband usually shuts himself in the bedroom. So at midnight, with my husband sawing logs in our bedroom, I found myself being the responsible parent and going around to check on the girls. I could tell they were going to be up all night so I told Jenna to grab sleeping bags and for them to just crash in the den.

“Sure, Mom!” Jenna said. “As soon as this movie ends.”

Since they weren’t in any hurry, and I didn’t want to hear them running up and down the stairs all night, I decided to just get the sleeping bags for them. I went upstairs, pausing for a second to recall what had happened there that morning. True to his word, Greg had done a good job cleaning. I couldn’t see any stains on the steps.

I went to the closet near Jenna’s room and grabbed all of our sleeping bags. I was walking toward the stairs when Greg opened his door.

He was just wearing a pair of boxers. Damn, he had a nice body.

We met each other’s eyes as I approached with the sleeping bags. I looked at him. He looked at me. He touched himself, obviously adjusting a growing erection. My eyes followed his movements and I raised my eyebrows questioningly at him.

“Hey, Mom,” he said softly.

“Hey baby,” I said back. Then I turned and called Jenna to catch the sleeping bags. Greg stepped back a bit to make sure he was hidden. I tossed the bags down to Jenna and she ran back to the den. I turned and looked into Greg’s room. He was looking at me. I nodded.

He pushed his boxers down to his ankles and stood there with that glorious cock of his at full attention.

I stood in the doorway again, half in and out of his room. From where I was, I could see down the stairs and also into his room. I’d be able to know if someone was about to come upstairs.

“Do it,” I whispered to him. He immediately began stroking his cock.

He wrapped his index finger and thumb around it and began to slide it back and forth. I wondered if that was enough of a grip, but it seemed to be working for him. I stood in the door staring and smiling as he jacked off his cock for me. I could hear the girls giggling downstairs. We were safe for the moment.

“Does that feel good?” I whispered with a grin. “Are you stroking your hard cock for me?”

“Yes,” he moaned back between clenched teeth.

“You’re naked, baby,” I told him quietly. “You’re stark naked in front of your mom and you’re jerking your cock. This is wild.”

“Un-huh,” he mumbled. I could tell he was already close to cumming.

“Are you going to cum for your mom?” I whispered. “Are you naked in front of me? Are you jacking off right in front of your mother? Are you naked right now with your sister’s friends just downstairs?”

He started stroking quickly now.

“Are you going to cum for me, baby?” I teased him in a whisper. “I want you to cum now. Cum quick before the girls come upstairs.”

“Yes! Yes!” he moaned. I could see the muscles on the side of his ass tighten up as he stroked faster and faster. I knew it was about to happen. The second he froze his hand on his cock and started to shoot, I quickly moved in and caught his load in my cupped hand. It felt so hot and sticky as it splattered into my hand.

“Oh wow, Mom!” he exclaimed as he stroked it again. His next spurt landed partly in my hand and partly up my wrist. I caught it all, cupping my hand underneath his cock as he milked it.

I never touched him. He spilled all of his seed into my hand. When he was done, I stepped back into the doorway. I held up my cupped hand to show him all of his cum.

“Goodnight, baby,” I told him. I closed my hand tightly so I wouldn’t lose a drop and stepped out of his doorway, using my other hand to close the door. Once his door was closed, I quickly pulled my hand up so I could lick the cum that had landed on my wrist.

I quickly went downstairs. I told the girls to get some sleep at some point tonight and I went straight to my bedroom. My husband was still asleep. I quietly went to the bathroom and closed the door.

I opened my hand and looked at the sticky mess my son had just shot into it. I looked into the mirror.

There was no way I could undress and get naked without spilling his cum. I did what I could. I reached over and pulled my shirt and bra up to my neck and quickly grabbed my left breast, smearing the cum all over it. My nipple turned hard fast as my palm spread my son’s sperm all over my tit. Using my free hand to keep my shirt and bra from falling, I then did what I had to do. What I needed to do. What I was dying to do!

I lifted my cum-smeared hand to my face. I took a good sniff, breathing in the scent of my son’s cum. Then I licked my hand clean.

Seconds later, I was pulling off all of my clothes and smearing the cum from breast to breast. When both nipples were coated with his cum, I twisted them between my thumbs and index fingers. I watched myself in the mirror as I worked my breasts and nipples. As the cum started to dry, I began to lick my fingers. I eventually swallowed the rest of the cum that hadn’t been absorbed or dried up on the skin of my breasts. I hadn’t been so excited and turned on since the days when I did this with my brother’s cum juice.

I got down on my knees and then collapsed onto my back on the small rug in front of the bathtub. I reached down and pushed two fingers past my oozing wet pussy lips. I pushed them in knuckle deep and then slid them upward, coated with slickness. My two fingers slid upward until they split apart at my throbbing clit.

I lay there naked on the tiny bathroom rug and fingered my clit until my body shook with the second orgasm of the day. As the spasms rocked my body, I clenched my teeth and groaned quietly.

I awoke about fifteen minutes later. I had cum so hard that I had passed out! I struggled to my feet. It was the reflection of a wild woman that greeted me in the mirror. My hair was a mess. My breasts were coated in sticky and dried cum. I slipped my panties back on and crawled topless into bed.

When my husband woke up and found me like that the next morning, he quickly stripped me of my panties and was fucking my pussy in no time! He slammed into me hard and I took it from him, moaning deep in my throat as he fucked me. When he warned me he was about to cum, I told him to cum on my breasts. After he pulled out and shot his load all over my tits, he collapsed onto the bed beside me. In seconds he was asleep again and I’m glad he was. I didn’t want him to see me smearing the cum onto my fingers and then licking them clean before I fingered myself to another orgasm. I came to flickering images in my brain of first my husband fucking me and then my son taking his place.

Published 1 year ago

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