Then, once my pussy is open, and well lubed, I get the big boi dildo we have, I connect it (suction cup) to the outside wall of our shower tub. This has been one of my big fantasies that have become a reality. I move my legs over the walls of the tub and in this position I penetrate myself on the big boi dildo. It is the perfect position, to simulate Yanni when he fucks me, and my legs are over his shoulders. It is there for me to lay on the floor and push my pussy against the massive head of the big boi and I impale myself with this big boi. The dildo is about 10 inches long and about 2 and ¾ inches in diameter. My legs are over the outside wall and my pussy lines up perfectly like if it was Yanni. Now I am fucked and happy. I push myself all the way into the dildo and about 9 and ½ inches go deep into my love canal. Now I begin jacking off and I cum fairly quick.
I have been able to hold my cum going for about 30 to 45 seconds giving me pleasure after pleasure. Like females in their orgasms that get multiple orgasms at one fucking. Yanni and I have been able to create this pleasure for the both of us. Many times when the mistresses are horny and call on us for their pleasure we always manage to give them several orgasms at one fucking. We first give them much pleasur while penetrating their pussy with a vibrator. Once we have them cum-ming then we switch to our own cocks and we drop our loads inside their pussies. Usually they cum big time.
In these love making the mistresses have asked for DP many times. Yanni and I are ready to comply and satisfy them. But I digress. Back to me on the floor being impaled by my big boi, which is connected to the outer wall of the shower tub. I stay there for some time enjoying the pleasures that the big boi provides by its sheer size. Oh yes, size matters. When that big boi goes pushing into my insides I fell all its girth very sexually delicious. Leaving it inside of me causes pleasure big time. My love canal (rectum) feels filled because the dildo girth pressures against the walls of my insides. Once I am thouroughly satisfied then little by slowly little I begin removing myself from the dildo.
After that wake up sex I take a quick shower, get dressed and go to the kitchen to prepare me some breakfast. As I get into the kitchen I see a post it note telling me that they (Yanni, Gaby and Nancy) went shopping. I am surprised that the mistresses took Yanni shoping. Usually Yanni and I go alone or one of the mistresses go with either one, Yanni or I, but never both mistresses. I ate Bkfast and cleaned after myself. The mistresses don’t like to see the kitchen messed up. I leave all very clean and go to our room (Yanni and I) to tidy it up. Once I finish with those chores I start to clean the house. You know, vacuum and/or moping the tiled floors. Pass a duster over some surfaces and rest a bit since the mistresses and Yanni must be arriving any minute.
I turn the TV and begin watching one of the old Bogart movies. Yanni and the mistresses did not get in until later on the afternoon. I even dozed off in the couch and Yanni woke me up. The mistresses were all giddy and laughing. Yanni’s mouth kisses me and I feel his tongue dancing inside my mouth. Then Yanni tells me that we need to talk. We go to our bedroom where I twirl Yanni around and I begin exploring Yanni’s mouth with my tongue. I pushed him onto the bed and begin playing with his cock to get it hard so that he can give me a quickie. I am always the one that starts with that. This time Yanni stops me and tells me that we need to talk.
To prepare my next part of this story, I must inform all you readers that although Yanni and I are husband and husband, Yanni is the gay that is effeminate.
Since we got together, Yanni has been improving much on his psycological problems. When we have our sex shows at our basement, I have been the one taking away from him the gangbangs. In the basement our mistresses protect us, if we do not want gangbang, we don’t get gangbanged. However, by now, I am pretty much the insatiable whore that wants a cock in my pussy all night long. Many times Yanni prepares some of his other boi friends which he knows well, and I get all the loads in my love canal that they can drop on me. We, Yanni and I, also get fucked by the lesbian friends of our mistresses and their strapon dildoes. But I digress again.
So, Yanni’s chromosomes formula (my guess) is heavily loaded by the female “X” and weak on the male “Y” chromosomes. I, on the other hand, have my “XY” formula properly balanced. How I became gay?, well I began masturbating myself with “things” up my rectum. One thing led to another and fairly soon I got my wife, Gaby, to fuck me with a strapon dildo. I also convinced Gaby that she could not go through life without tasting another woman’s pussy. I told her that pussy juices are an afhrodisiac of the most flavorful kind. Nancy and Gaby are nurses and it seems that Nancy had been making moves on Gaby and I said to go ahead and fuck Nancy. Wait for an appropriate opportunity and ask Nancy to invite you, Gaby, to her house. Gaby said that Nancy’s face illuminated like a Christmas tree. Nancy took Gaby to a lezbo bar that she frequented and that in the bar Nancy kneeled in front of her, and under the table and ate Gaby’s pussy and Gabby had a huge orgasm right then and there. Then Gaby did the same for Nancy and Gaby was hooked into the lesbian sex. I continued fucking Gaby or Nancy and then I had two lesbian fighting for my boy pussy.
We went on a sex show once and we saw a pummel horse being used as a sex rack where a boi, or a woman, would be strapped on to it, ankles and wrists, and the ass floating in the air for easy penetration. I wanted to try that and my mild BDSM started and my looking for more dildoes started. I would get tied to one of those horses, blindfolded and gagged and I would be fucked by I don’t know how many lesbians. I really did not want a male cock inside of me. One day I was on the horse and my two mistresses got Yanni to do me for the first time. I did not know I was being fucked by a boi until I felt his cock throbbing inside of me and eventually his veins also throbing and depositing his semen load inside my boi pussy. I felt that warm cum on my “G” spot (prostate) and had the cum of my life. It was incredible. That night I got several semen loads inside of me. I felt like a kid in a candy store. All that liquid moving inside and beginning to trickle down my legs was fuck heaven and since then I have been insatiable. I have become a slut, a whore and the central depository of all semen from bois that fuck me. (Yes, we have been careful and no, I do not have AIDS)
Let me get back to Yanni. He began telling me that he finally wanted “the change”. What? I said. Yes, he decided to convert to being my wife. He would still fuck me like our mistresses with a strapon dildo and he would continue loving me for ever. It took me some time for me to accept Yanni’s decision but eventually I came around (no pun intended).
I am going to leave this here since the conversion process is long winded. Yanni did begin using all the female clothes they bought today. And there were some surprises with the clothing . . . . . .