XTC’s Collection of Dirty Little Secrets, Vol 2

"XTC tells you the story of how Jade plows Malcolm's ass."

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XTC here again. If Sara’s tale made you horny enough to return, then welcome back. If you’re a newcomer, then it’s very nice to meet you. Make yourselves comfortable. For those who don’t already know me, I’m XTC; the keeper of dirty, little secrets. I’m a watcher of people, and you will learn a lot just from watching people. I was there when Sara got gang banged in volume one, but in this particular tale, it was my friend, Jade, who informed me of Malcolm’s dirty, little secret. Jade, a high priced Dominatrix, is a fellow keeper of secrets in the vast network of watchers that I control. Mind you, I don’t black mail anyone. I only watch their kinky performances, and then retell them to you. Every player’s name has been changed. I don’t wish to get anyone into trouble. I’m not cruel.

Well, now that the pesky housekeeping business has been taken care of, let me introduce you to this volume’s main attraction. Malcolm Edward VanGraff, III comes from an old money family. Never having to work for anything, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. When Malcolm, Mal to his friends, turned 30, his father died, leaving him in charge of the family company. To the surprise of many, Mal flourished, as a CEO, but as he grew older and more responsibility was laid upon his shoulders, he grew cranky and restless. He slept with his secretaries, fucked around with his wife’s best friend, and even bought hookers, but nothing eased the restlessness. He got bored with each and every fling, until the night he met Jade. Enough from me, Jade tells the story much better than I do.


Sitting in his favorite bar, he spotted an elegant Asian beauty. His gaze traveled down her petite form. Dressed in a black dress that left her back bare, she was the epitome of exotic sultriness. Her long, black hair hung down her back to her waist. But, what drew him to her like a moth to a flame were her eyes. She had the loveliest almond shaped eyes; the color of Peridot. He thought he was being covert, but she was well aware of his perusal. She turned to face him directly.

Dressed in a stuffy business suit, he sat in an overstuffed lounge chair; his legs spread in an attempt to project his masculinity. Black hair, laced with a touch of grey, contrasted ice blue eyes. She could tell he was in his late forties, but his age enhanced his looks. It was obvious he was from money; Versace is not cheap. The suit looked tailor made for him, showing off his broad shoulders. Jade deduced that this man was a powerful man. He was just the way she liked.

Mal sauntered over to her, and said, “I could spend hours between your legs; teasing…sucking; tasting you.”

Her green eyes glanced at him, then down his body. “Another man in need of some punishment,” she thought.

“Really now, and pray tell, why would you think that you’re worthy enough for me?” she said, bluntly.

“Honey…I’m worthy enough for any woman, and I ALWAYS get what I want. And…I want you,” his cocky voice replied.

“You can’t handle me,” she stated, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

“I’m Malcolm Edward VanGraff, III, and that alone allows me to handle anyone,” he retorted.

Jade sat back in her chair. Tilting her head to the side, she stared up at him. Mal loved hard to get women, and there was something about her. She was different from his other conquests. She had an air of confidence about her.

“I could care less who you are, Malcolm Edward VanGraff, III, and I stand by my statement. You. Can’t. Handle. Me,” Jade told him.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because, I discipline over confident, bad boys, like you. I spank their asses, tease their cocks, and if the mood strikes me, I fuck their asses with a strap on. That’s why,” she informed him.

She watched him turn away and slink back to his seat. Smiling, Jade was confident that he would be back. The speculative look in his eyes assured her of this.

Mal stared at Jade’s naked back. Stunned beyond words, his thoughts were a jumble in his head. That tiny woman disciplining him! He wanted to laugh, but found that he was more turned on than amused. He watched her leave the bar. Gracefully, she approached his chair and handed him a card. Then, she left, leaving a cloud of delicate scented perfume in her wake. Mal looked at the card; just a phone number was printed below the word “Jade”. Over the next couple of days, he studied the card. Countless times, he picked up the phone to call, only to hang up. At odds with himself, he battled the powerful CEO who wanted to remain in control, but erotic images of him lying over her lap; ass red filled his mind. Finally after much debate, Mal called the number.

“Jade?” he said, hesitantly.

“I was wondering when you were gonna call,” her exotically accented voice purred.

“Yes…well…,” he started.

“Apartment 101. Townsend Tower. 5 PM,” she said, and hung up.

“Townsend Tower…Damn! That place is exclusive. She must be well off to be there,” he muttered.

The hours until 5PM drug by slower that molasses. Finally, at 4:45, his driver dropped him off at the glass doors. He told him to wait there until he returned and disappeared into the building. The receptionist told him to take the elevator to the top floor. Mal got in the elevator, and using the key card given to him by the lady, he rode to the penthouse. When the doors opened again, he stepped out into her apartment. Not only was this woman rich, she was filthy rich. No wonder she was unimpressed with his talk.

“Malcolm, pour yourself a drink. I’ll be out shortly,” Jade said, via intercom.

Armed with a healthy dose of bourbon, he shrugged out of his suit jacket and sat down on the baby soft leather sofa. Looking around, he noticed priceless works of art, oriental rugs, and expensive electronics. He was studying her collection of music, when she walked into the room. Dressed in a loose, emerald kimono, she glided over to him and handed him several leather straps.

“Take off your clothes. Fold them neatly. Put the outfit I gave on,” she told him; voice hard.

Mal balked.

“Now. Shall I help you?” Jade said.

Irritated, but intrigued, he yanked off his tie and shirt. Draping them over the back of the sofa, he pulled his belt off and stepped out of his pants. His cock was semi erect; trying to poke through the front of his silk boxers.

Next came his socks and shoes, and finally his boxers. He stood proudly in front of her; shaft steadily growing harder. Untangling the mass of leather straps, Mal buckled the first set around his waist. Slipping his rock hard prick into the smaller of two circles, he deduced that the other circle was for his balls, as he was familiar with cock rings.

Pleased with his work, Jade stepped up to him and loosely gripped his shaft. He was firm and getting firmer by the minute. She tightened her hand. Using his dick, she led him to a wooden bench. Mal felt himself being guided to his knees. The alpha male in him wanted to rebel, just from being led around the room like a dog, but he could not deny the fact that he was hard as a rock and hornier than hell.

“Grab the handles on the floor, Mal,” Jade said, “Don’t let them go…”

“Why?” he questioned.

“It’s not wise to question an order given to you, but since you’re ignorant to the proper way at this time, I’ll answer your question, Jade told him.

“You need to hold onto the handles; first, because I said to; and second, because you’re gonna need something to hold onto for leverage,” she informed.

She had answered his question, and at the same time, evaded it. Taking a deep breath, Mal leaned over the bench and gripped the handles; his naked ass high in the air…vulnerable. His legs trembled slightly; all his weight was centered on the bench, thus forcing him to concentrate on keeping balance. He felt her soft hand rub his left cheek in a soothing circular motion. Her other hand rubbed his right ass cheek in the opposite direction. It was getting increasingly hard to concentrate on his balance. She was opening and closing his ass; indirectly stroking his cock. The cock ring allowed him to get harder, but restricted any blood from draining; his cock was hard as steel and so red that it was almost purple. He could feel every beat of his heart, right in his engorged shaft. Mal just knew that if he got any harder, his cock was gonna burst.

Jade reached between his thighs and tugged on his pole, making him groan in need. He could feel her hot breath on his exposed sphincter; her lips brushed against it slightly. Pre cum oozed from his piss slit, as she tortured his purple shaft. A flick of her tongue over his tightly clenched, brown hole had him on the tips of his toes; his knuckles white. The tip of her tongue circled his anus in wide circles; slowly narrowing in on his winking rosebud and still her hand jacked his cock. Sweat poured off his forehead, as he panted. His ass hole was slick with her spit; he didn’t think it could get any better, and then, she pushed her tongue deep in his ass. Mal arched his back sharply; howling from pleasure so intense that he saw stars. She tongue fucked his ass in time with her strokes, and soon he felt the familiar tingling in the base of his cock. Her hand glided easily over his shaft, which was soaked with his pre cum; his ass hole was relaxed from her strong tongue. Mal braced himself to cum. The contractions started strongly, but his jism never came. The cock ring was tight enough to let him feel the pleasure and keep him in agony at the same time.

Jade pulled her tongue out of his ass and grinned triumphantly, as his hole was slow to close. She walked around in front of him and yanked his head up by the hair. Mal was breathing heavy and sweating profusely. Her free hand untied her kimono; she shrugged it off her tiny body. Mal’s eyes bulged. This petite woman sported a strap on that measured eight inches easily. She braced one foot up on the bench, allowing him to see the other end of the toy embedded deep in her fur lined slit. She stroked the dildo, making the other end thrust in and out. Jade moaned softly; stroking faster. Her pussy gushed tiny spurts of cunt cream with each pump; her gaze unfocused. Managing to regain her control, she guided the head of her toy to his lips.

“Suck my cock, little boy,” she crooned, “Suck my cock, so I can make you cum harder than you’ve ever came before.”

Mal’s cock swelled even more, making the cock ring tighter. The latex glans nudged his lips and reluctantly he opened his mouth. Jade, giving him no time to think thrust her cock in his mouth. Gripping his hair tighter, she moaned.

“Suck it harder…like my bitch is supposed to. Fuck my pussy with it, sissy cock sucker!” she growled.

Mal sucked the dildo hard, using his teeth to grip it. He pushed it back and forth, jabbing her dripping cunt. She grabbed the sides of his head and began fucking his face; shoving her cock down his throat…somewhat like he would have been doing to her had the roles been reversed. Tears ran down his cheeks, as he gagged with each thrust. Finally, Jade pulled out of throat and returned to his ass.

As Mal lay there catching his breath, he felt a large glob of spit hit his loose ass hole, and then he felt the bulbous head of the dildo probe. Deeper and deeper the toy went, until the head embedded itself in his virgin ass with an audible popping noise. Mal gritted his teeth; his asshole was burning. His sphincter was slowly gobbling the dildo, until her thighs were flush with the back of his. She started thrusting, angling her hips so that the tip of the toy bumped his prostate with each thrust. Mal, grunting loudly, felt pleasure explode, as the burning ceased and the pressure increased. Jade unbuckled the cock ring, letting it fall to the floor, and then grabbed his hips and rapidly snapping hers back and forth. The steady pressure to his prostate was exquisite. His cock was spewing huge globs of cum. She fucked his asshole hard.

“Cum, bitch! Doesn’t it feel good…huh…my cock in your ass,” Jade sneered.

Mal, with a death grip on the handles, felt hot cum race up his shaft. His balls tightened. Roaring, he alternated between shooting large jets of cum and having cum drool from his piss slit. He slumped over the bench, as Jade pulled out of his ass. He could feel his anus quivering, as it snapped shut. Mal was exhausted; he’d never came without using his hands before.

“Get dressed,” Jade said, already redressed in her kimono, “I’ll see you next week.”


Well, friends, I guess Malcolm found something new to occupy his mind. Jade told me that he’s been coming to see her every week, and she’s reformed him. I heard that he divorced his wife and has devoted himself to being her full time slut. I bet he’s very busy, between work and being Jade’s slut. Maybe, she’ll tell us another story here soon, but in the meantime, I’ve been working on another volume about a kinky whore named, Chyna Grove.

Published 13 years ago

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