WWT: Rachel’s First Touch 1

"The beginning...a tentacle monster takes its prey."

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There was only the need.

We spawned beneath the surface of the water, spreading out unseen through the oceans. Our thoughts melded into one incessant murmur, muted and toneless when the needs of our flesh dominated the hive mind.

I needed to ejaculate.

There was nothing else until I did. Our bodies were these slippery appendages, a mass of tentacles and a small, bulbous head. Not much more than we needed.

Once our kind had spread enough, we would change again, creating flesh suited for any world we inhabited.

But there was that need…

Each tentacle extended into a phallic shaped, capable of hardening and softening at will. As efficient as these bodies were, engineered long before we set a single suction cup on the surface of this planet, their libido was uncontrollable. Any assignment would be abandoned by any members until the need was met, utilizing anything to bring the completion.

To spread our seed.

I saw the legs in the water, her face looking down from her breathing apparatus. They would swim like this, gazing down at our world, allowed the illusion they were the dominant species. Her golden hair was tied back, her thighs visible in the water, those feet splashing in and out of the water as the human went above me oblivious.

The blue fabric hugged her genitals, not that the protective clothing ever stopped us. Her pink coverings were so flimsy, clearly designed to attract mates, riding up the cleft of the buttocks, showing skin in the right curves. There was nothing about the waist, her breast tied up in a separate, matching piece.

It would be that much easier to use her.

We had studied the species, vapid and vain, and yet sometimes the right receptacle for our attention.

She would do.

I swam, my arms and legs moving me forward, closing the distance in second. I curled around, my suction cups attaching to her thighs. My tentacles climbed up her leg, creating the chemicals she needed for arousal.

The girl giggled, her hands touching me tentatively. She wasn’t afraid, laughing at my attention, even as I moved closer and closer to the ill-covered sex.

I reached up, the tip of my phallus touching at her vagina.

Then she reacted.

Her hands shot down, trying to cover herself. I pulled back, then pushed forward again, this time worming underneath her hand. Only then did she understand what was happening. She could hardly swim and stop me, her species so unaccustomed to the water. I pressed my advantage, finding her opening.

I slid underneath her hands, then past the bottom covering, prying up underneath the string and pushing underneath the fabric.

She was so vulnerable now.

She was trying to make me stop, still unsure as to my real attention. I slithered up her thigh until I clung to her buttocks. My phallus found its way to her, a suction cup pulsing on the top of her sex, the perfect place to stimulate the female of this species.

She stopped struggling.

Her hands went up, trying to keep herself afloat as I used a feeler on her, rubbing and thrumming against the ridge right above her opening. I used another tentacle to slide away her bottoms, letting these float freely up to the surface where she made an attempt to grab them.

Another tentacle moved up the inside of her thigh, positioning right at the opening between her legs, coiled, ready to extent and strike.

It was as if in that instance she realized that she needed to resist. Their species had so many cultural norms relevant to copulations.

Yet they were all too willing.

Across the water, I knew that dozens of my kind were having their way with other humans.

None of them would speak of it.

“Rachel, are you okay?”

I heard the voice under the water as my phallic shaped tentacle pushed up in between the folds of her vagina. She gave out a startled squirm as I entered her, not sure what to do with herself. In her hand was the garment I’d freed as she flapped against the top of the water, trying to keep breathing as I pushed in and out of her.

“I’m… fine…” She gasped. “My bottoms just came untied, turn around for a second.”

I thrust in and out of her, the ridges in my tentacles causing her intense pleasure unlike any human penis. I slid in and out, driving my organ up and into her, keeping her impaled onto my wide and hardening organ.

I could not deny it. Though initially repulsed by this species, this one felt special. Her hole squeezed back against me, causing my appendage intense pleasure. I wanted to let loose my seed inside of her instantly, and yet I held back.

For the first time delaying gratification.

She let out a series of moans, increasing in their intensity. Responding to her, I kept a suction cup on the outside of her sex, increasing the drumming tempo.

She let out another groan, then began to scream, losing her ability to remain above the water. The seawater muffled her expression of pleasure, but I could feel the shakes and jolts her orgasm under the water. She twisted, turning and writhing, drawing out every last sensation from the tentacle inside of her.

Something about her release prompted me, pushing me past that strange reluctance. The phallic tentacle contracted and then expanded inside of her, spraying out my ejaculate in several heavy spurts of relief.

If she hadn’t been underwater, the translucent white fluid would have been leaking out of her. Instead, it mixed unnoticed with the ocean.

She came up for air, breathing quickly before submerging again.

I was finished, trying to extradite myself from her quivering sex. But she grabbed down at me, keeping me from jetting away.

Underneath the water together, she closed her hands around the tentacle inside of her sex, forcing it to remain inside of her. She used me, pumping my deflating phallus inside of herself until finishing again, those cries of pleasure turning into delightful air bubbles escaping from her mouth.

She let go and I disappeared.

Still thinking of her as I found a current.





Published 5 years ago

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