Wrong Number 2: Her First Taste

"Now her lesbian side has been awoken, Rachel needs to find someone she can seduce."

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So much had changed in Rachel’s life over the last week. It seemed longer, but only a week ago, Rachel had received a text that had changed her life. Philipa had sent her a message meant for her ex, and by the end of the night, they were both masturbating to each other’s naked bodies.

Ever since that night, Rachel had thought about women in ways she never had before. Work colleagues, friends, and even strangers in the street. If she saw a woman in a short skirt, or with nice tits, she would feel her pussy moisten. It had gotten so bad she’d had to stop wearing panties because soon after she had put a fresh pair on, they were soaked. On Tuesday she had even come dangerously close to getting caught masturbating at her work. Thankfully, she had avoided that. Hearing her phone buzz she looked.

“Hey, sexy lady.”

Rachel saw the message from her new, long-distance lover and smiled.

“Have you had any thoughts about what we talked about?” Philipa continued.

Every night that week, the women had called each other for phone sex. Sometimes just over the phone, sometimes with a video chat, so they could watch each other cum. Watching her young, lesbian lover cum had become the highlight of Rachel’s day.

It wasn’t until the third night that Philipa suggested that it was high time Rachel lost her Girl-Cherry. She had asked, was there anyone she knew that she would want to seduce? Throughout the week she had thought about this, and finally, today, she had an idea. Thinking about her niece’s babysitter, Alice, a young eighteen-year-old, skinny blonde, with small breasts (28C), but a round, perfectly shaped ass, that now, with her lesbian side awakened, Rachel was desperate to tongue-fuck.

“Well, there is one girl, my niece’s babysitter. We often see each other if I’m looking after my niece and she takes over, or vice versa,” she typed nervously. “But I wouldn’t know where to begin.” She hit ‘send’. It wasn’t long before she had an answer.

“Well, you could copy how we met. Send her a photo that you sent me, then immediately text her again and say it was meant for someone else.”

Rachel’s eyes widened at the message. It was a brilliant strategy.

“I’ll try,” she typed. Closing her messages, she opened WhatsApp and found Alice, calling up a photo she had sent Philipa last night. It was a good photo, showing off her breasts and her freshly shaven pussy, along with a message saying she wished they could meet so she could taste her first cunt. She didn’t dare send it yet, so she put her phone down and went to pour herself a glass of vodka.

By the time she got back, she was aghast to see that, when she had put her phone down, she must have accidentally hit ‘send’. What’s more, there was already a reply.

“Wow, such a naughty girl. I didn’t know you were lez. Your girlfriend is lucky to have a hot thing like you.”

Reading, then re-reading the reply, Rachel couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It made her clit throb. Taking her phone in her hand Rachel slowly typed out her reply.

“Oh, my god, I’m so sorry.” She started typing. “That was obviously not meant for you. Please delete it.” Sipping her vodka, she hit send. A quick response came soon after.

“I’m not going to complain.” Alice followed the line with a wink emoji. “And I’m certainly not going to delete such a delicious photo.” Her eyes widened at Alice’s message. Rachel felt her pussy moisten at the thought of the young blonde seeing her naked – and liking it. What’s more, Rachel wondered how wet Alice’s pussy was right now. Licking her lips at the thought she typed.

“This is all so new to me.” Thinking about what else to say, she then went on to explain the events of the last week. How she had “met” Philipa and been introduced to lesbian masturbation. After a few minutes, her phone buzzed in reply.

“Ooh, so were you planning on having phone sex tonight?” Reaching down, Rachel lifted her skirt and started lazily dragging her fingers up her slit.

“I was…but I think Philipa is busy tonight.” Slipping a finger in, she hit ‘send.’ Her phone buzzed soon after.

“Aww, such a pity. I’m sure she would love to see you. I wonder if she knows how wet you are? Are you wet?” Desperate to show her how wet, Rachel took another pic, this time close up to her obviously wet pussy.

“God, that looks so tasty.” Was her reply, and then. “So you really haven’t tasted pussy yet?” Then finally. “Such a shame.”

“Why? Are you volunteering?” She typed it out but didn’t send. Could she? Dare she? Finishing off her vodka, she hit ‘send’ and waited…and waited. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she saw the four-word reply.

“I’m on my way.” Nervous beyond belief, Rachel changed into a tight, sleek dress that showed off her figure. It seemed like hours, but it couldn’t have been more than half an hour before she heard the buzz of her front door.

No going back now, she thought to herself.

Opening the door to see the teen in all her glory, her long, blonde hair was up, wearing a top that showed off her little breasts and leggings that accentuated her nice ass.

No words were spoken as Rachel let her in. The door had barely closed before both women pounced. Tearing at clothes, it wasn’t long before Alice had been stripped to just her panties. Rachel having not worn either bra or panties, and her dress being very easy to take off, was soon completely naked.

“Well?” Alice asked. “Isn’t it time you tasted your first pussy?”

Alice continued, spreading her legs invitingly. Rachel didn’t need her to ask twice, getting on her knees and beginning to kiss up the blonde’s legs to her small, blue panties. Hesitating, she smelled the sweet aroma, and she felt hands on her head, guiding her. Licking the girl’s pussy through the flimsy material Rachel heard the teen gasp with pleasure.

“Oh my, you have been thinking about this, haven’t you, you naughty girl?” Not replying, Rachel just pulled the panties aside and devoured her clit, licking with abandon. “Fuck, you naughty slut, you’re going to make me cum in record time.” Hearing the girl moan, Rachel pulled away, only long enough to pull the sodden knickers off completely, and returned to eating. Soon, Rachel’s tongue was soaked with the teen’s juices.

“Fuck, naughty girl, for an amateur, you seem to be good at this.”

Feeling the blonde’s pussy begin to spasm as her orgasm grew closer, it wasn’t too long before Alice arched her back and Rachel stopped her assault. Gasping to get her breath back, Alice looked at Rachel like a starving man looks at his first meal.

Pulling her down for a kiss, Alice positioned Rachel so that she sat on the young girl’s face. Rachel moaned as she felt her first female tongue lick her sweet, wet, dripping pussy. Playing with her nipples as the girl expertly licked her cunt, this was better than she had dreamed. Feeling her orgasm approach, Rachel rode her new lover’s face. Rachel screamed out as she orgasmed, cumming harder than she ever thought she could.

Getting up to get more Vodka, Rachel turned round to see Alice lying on her front. The temptress’ ass just begging to be kissed. Swallowing the Vodka, Rachel snuggled up to Alice, starting to kiss her neck from behind, then kissing down her naked body. Reaching the teen’s luscious ass, Rachel kissed first the left cheek, then the right, then,n pulling the slut’s ass cheeks apart, buried her tongue deep into the girl’s asshole.

A great moan escaped Alice’s lips as Rachel’s tongue fucked her tight ass, pulling her up to get her on all fours so she could really lick. Rachel savoured her lover. Reaching between the girl’s legs she stroked her clit as she kept up her assault on the young girl’s ass hole.

“Ooh, naughty girl.” Alice moaned as Rachel felt her pussy moisten. “Do you like that, naughty girl? Do you like the taste of my asshole?”

Too busy to answer, Rachel just sped up her assault on the teen slut’s clit. But, God, she was enjoying it.

“Oh, my, naughty girl, you’re good at this. You’re going to make me… make me… make… Aah.”

Feeling the girl’s teen cunt spasm a gush of juices escaped as she screamed with pleasure. Both girls gasping to get their breath back, Rachel looked at her young teen lover.

“Why did I wait a week to do that? I’ve been wanting to taste pussy all week,” Alice replied, reaching out to stroke the older woman’s clit as she purred.

“You’ve been wanting to do that to me all week? I’ve been wanting you to do that to me for months.” Her eyes widened at the revelation. Rachel took the girl’s hand and guided her to her bedroom.

“Well,” she whispered in Alice’s ear. “Let’s make up for lost time.”

Published 2 years ago

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