I cannot write. The words won’t come,
They do not flow, they do not run.
No musings glowing on my screen,
Nor rhyming couplets to be seen.
I sit and stare, then stare and sit
And that’s about the size of it.
I’m trying write, my words are stuck
Type, delete, yet still no luck.
My thoughts of you a jumble now.
I’d like to say, but don’t know how.
So I pick at keys to no avail.
I fear this ditty’s going to fail.
Words still don’t come, yet I persist,
Bear with me love, you’ll get the gist.
I’ll try because I love you so,
And swear to tell you all I know
About the things you do to me
Or how our love was meant to be.
Indulge me love, I’ll make you proud
When I express my thoughts out loud.
You’ll know just how I feel for you
And all the things I’d like to do
When finally I hold your hand
In your distant, far off land.
And NOW the words come, finally!
(I’m smiling as I type, you see?)
Thinking of your handsome face,
The way you move, with ease and grace.
Your smile makes my heart skip a beat.
The taste of you is oh so sweet.
My love for you is deep as sea,
Desire still strong as it can be.
I crave your mind, your humour too,
There’s little I’d not do for you.
I’d sail the ocean, soar the sky,
Just ask it, I’d not question why.
Your intellect, the same as mine,
Your skin against me, so divine.
I’ve butterflies, to hear you speak
To hear you growl makes my knees weak,
I love the very bones of you
Don’t need to question “if” it’s true.
I should have just said, “I love you.”