Wrapping Presents

"Donald and Kay sneak off for a quickie!"

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Ding Dong.  The doorbell signaled that Grandma had arrived for Christmas Eve dinner. Donald opened the door and let her in out of the snow.

“Merry Christmas Mom! Glad you made it here safely!”

“Merry Christmas Donald, where are my grandkids?” she asked excitedly. “I need some help bringing in the food and a few presents.”

“Kids, Gramma is here! Come help her bring stuff in!”

After the kids and Grandma were settled in the living room, Kay came down in her bathrobe. “Hi, Grandma! Merry Christmas!” She said as she gave Donald a quick wink and a smile.

“Grandma, you are ok with the kiddos for a minute while we finish wrapping presents and I get dressed right?”

“Of course!”

“Come on Dad, come help me wrap the rest of the presents! Kids, NO coming into our room while we finish wrapping them!”

“No problem Mom!”

Kay moved out of view and gave Donald a sexy smile with a come hither motion of her finger. He followed her up the stairs, mesmerized by her ass swaying back and forth as she went up the stairs. They walked into the bedroom and she locked the door.

“What, what the, the presents are already wrapped?” Donald looked at his wife in confusion.

She shook her head with a smile and untied her robe.  

“I thought we could use some Mommy-Daddy time” she purred. “We have fifteen minutes!! Let’s make the most of it!”

Donald could not get out of his clothes fast enough. He embraced his wife for a few seconds before throwing her on the bed.

“God I love you!”

Twenty minutes later, they both came down with big smiles and all the wrapped presents. “Thanks for helping me get all of that done, honey!”  

“My pleasure!” he replied with a smirk. “Thank YOU, honey!”

Published 1 month ago

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