I drive to the hotel with visions of our online encounter the previous day playing through my mind, threatening to distract me from the road ahead. I am also wondering what you might have in mind for me today; apart from simply a fuck, that is. I’m not sure what the hotel and rooms will be like, but I gathered from you that they were of a luxury class, with an open balcony and views of the grounds. I wonder what ideas I could have to excite you, but suspect that you are already well-advanced in your own preparations.
I arrive at the hotel, which is indeed very grand, and ask for you at Reception. They call your room and you answer to say, “Send him up.” I smile to myself at your double meaning, intentional or not, and follow instructions to the third Floor. I tap gently on the door and you immediately open it wide; you have been waiting while I drove there, and using the time, it seems, to dress and prepare yourself immaculately. That has given you confidence and you smile widely, with the pink tip of your tongue between your bright white teeth, surrounded by shapely red lips. “Thanks for coming!” you say, and guide me into the large room, which is indeed luxuriously and comfortably equipped. The large double bed you slept in last night- one of two in the room- is still very disturbed by your latest restless sleep. The maid has not yet visited your room.
Once the door is shut behind us, you immediately pull me towards you, pressing your body against mine. One hand is on my ass, to press me against you, while the other is behind my head, pressing my face towards yours so that you can give me the deepest of passionate kisses; your tongue probing my mouth and flicking my tongue. You are clearly hyper-excited, partly by the anticipation of my arrival, but also driven by your own internal fantasies and dreams. When you finally pause to take a breath, I gasp and say, “Michelle, I know why I’m here, but can you tell me what you really want? I’m up for anything, but I don’t want to disappoint you, so just tell me what you want today.”
“Well,” you say, “that is a very big question, after all the dreams I’ve been having, Simon. I can only answer it by saying that I want you on that chair, on that desk, on that coffee table; I want you in the shower, against the wall, on the floor, on the beds; I want you on the balcony, I want you out in the open grounds, on the grass, up against a tree; I want you in my hands, between my breasts, between my lips and down my throat; I want you between my thighs, deep inside my pussy, and deep in my ass. I want you to squeeze slowly into me, I want you to stroke slowly in and out of me endlessly, I want you to thrust hard, deep and fast into all my holes; I want your cum to fill my ass and my pussy, and run down my thighs; I want my mouth to be so full of your cum, that it has to dribble out, between my lips, and down between my breasts; I want it to trickle down my throat before I have to swallow it all in one great gulp; I want to be bathed all over in your sticky cum, and then gently washed clean by your soapy hands and to start all over again! If all these things could happen at the same time, I would be in PARADISE!”
“Wow,” I say, a little taken aback, “You don’t ask for much, do you! That’s a fantastic menu to choose from, but I think it can all only happen at once in your imagination, as I’m not Superman! It seems to me that we could complete one or two of those wishes today; it’s just a question of which! Let’s just settle down here for a few minutes, and see what comes up!”
My cock already has, of course, while you talked of your desire for me, and my mind is racing with all those possibilities, but gradually, I form a plan to satisfy your urges or at least some of them. I say, “OK, let’s start with a shower. I’ve been driving for hours, remember. Then we will take it from there, but you’d better hang the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.”
You do that, and say, “Mm mm, now we won’t be interrupted, and you can have your way with me!” We move to the bathroom and strip naked together, running the shower to reach a comfortable warmth first (I never trust Hotel showers, even First Class ones!).
I compliment you on your lingerie, which is very sexy and you say, “Yes, I also thought you could fuck me in that. Perhaps we should dress again after the shower?” I suggest we wait and see what happens, but that thought enters into my plans for the time ahead.
We face each other in the shower, and you press me close again, but now naked, with the water flowing down between us, between your breasts, squeezed against my chest, and down my cock, squeezed against your belly, pouring from my balls and your pussy, and down our legs. We both soap our hands, to explore each other’s bodies- front and back, side to side, up and down- until we are thoroughly cleansed.
My cock is obviously at attention and you slide down to your knees, under the flow of water, to take me into your mouth and gently suck me, swirling your tongue slowly around the head, and relishing the feeling of it pulsing inside your mouth, as the blood rushes through my veins. They are standing proud along the outside of my cock too, visibly throbbing as you suck me, staring up into my eyes.
I suggest that we need to pause a while, and you reluctantly stand, taking the chance to squeeze your breasts on either side of my cock as you rise to your feet. We hug again and turn off the flow of water, to step out and dry each other. That too is done slowly and sensually, with our hands exploring every nook and cranny of each other’s bodies with the soft and luxurious hotel towels.
As we are finishing the task, there is a polite knock at the door, and the maid outside says, “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to be disturbed, but this is the last chance for me to do your room before I go off shift for the day. Do you want me to leave it until tomorrow?”
You look at me and say, “Just give us five minutes, and I’ll let you in.”
I put on some briefs and you recover the lingerie set you wore. It is a beautifully fashioned bra and panties set, in black, and the bra emphasises your shapely breasts, raising them slightly, to create that wonderful depth of cleavage which I had seen on screen only yesterday. We put on the soft white bathrobes provided by the hotel, and you go to the door to let the maid in.
The maid clearly understands that we are preoccupied with each other, and apologises again for the interruption, but thanks us for understanding her predicament. While she repairs your bed and cleans the room, she glances frequently at us, and when she goes to clean the bathroom, I suggest that we move out onto the balcony to have more privacy. We do so, and sit in the afternoon sun, while the maid finishes her tasks. I say “I think the balcony was one of the places you listed earlier for a fuck?”
“Mm mm, I sure did,” you say, and allow your robe to part, showing me your body encased in black bra and undies. You stand in front of me, with your back to the balcony balustrade, which is made of glass. I stand too and slip the robe from your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor around your feet.
As I move towards you, the door from the balcony slides open, and the maid says, “Do you want me to clean out here?” She sees us standing together and raises her eyebrows, understanding the situation immediately; “No, probably not” she says, and smiles as she adds, “Have a nice day. I’ll be back tomorrow.” and leaves the room to us alone.
“I’m glad we’re alone again,” you say, “but I did want to show you the view from the balcony anyway.” We stand alongside each other, trying to admire the view of the parkland, with its woods and streams, but really just wanting to admire each other. I tell you again how gorgeous your lingerie is, but how well you wear it too; it suits your body perfectly. It is all you are wearing now and you say, “Yes, I thought it was beautiful, and that you’d appreciate it.”
I slip off my robe too, so we stand alongside each other at the balustrade, looking out at the grounds, and the occasional passer-by three stories below. They are few and far between, but it reminds us that we are a little ‘on display’ out there.
“You know, it’s strange, but I think it can be very sexy to fuck without taking your panties off… or mine, that is. I think you’d have to remove yours!” you say.
I agree and say, “Should we tick the balcony off your to-do list right now?”
You laugh and smile, turning your back to me and leaning slightly forwards over the balustrade. Standing behind you now, I slip off my briefs and press my erect cock against your ass, enclosed as it is in black silk, and enjoy the sensual thrill as I move slowly up and down against your ass, pressing firmly between the cheeks, but denied entry by your panties.
You lean forwards even further over the balcony, but when I put my thumbs to your waistband, ready to pull down the panties, you say, “No, Simon, just pull them to one side and fuck me like that. I want you to fuck me now, here on the balcony, while I watch the world pass by, and know that no one below knows what we’re doing out here.”
I lift your ass slightly, to get my fingers between your legs, and grasp the crotch of your panties, pulling them firmly aside, to give me access to your pussy from behind you. Your pussy lips are already very swollen, with all the pent-up anticipation, and moisture is dripping from them, ready to lubricate my way into your widening entrance. I bend my knees to get a little lower and introduce the tip of my cock between your pussy lips. It slides effortlessly along between your lips and nudges your swollen clit with each stroke. I say, “Michelle, I don’t want to risk pushing you over the edge, but I need to lift your ass a little, to get inside you.”
You are impatient now and say “Just do it, Simon. Fuck me here and now. If I fall, at least I will die happy!” This shocks me a bit, but I lift your ass and press myself smoothly inside you, lowering you again so that I can stand fully embedded deep inside you. I stand like that for a moment or two, twitching my cock deep inside you, in the way I know you enjoy. But you start to lean further over the edge, lifting your body off my cock, pivoting on the edge, then swaying back again to receive the full length. I stand still while you do this numerous times. I reach forward to play with your breasts as they hang and sway backwards and forwards over the balustrade. I can see that there are people below, but I do not think they look up at us.
We move together now, in and out, the side of my cock rasping slightly against the edge of your panties as it forces in and out of you. There is certainly something exciting about fucking like this, and our movements gradually speed up. The thrusts could not be any deeper but now come faster and faster. You start to breathe very heavily and groan more and more loudly; I can tell that you are about to come, and I try to coordinate. You push down harder and harder, while I also move more urgently until you suddenly stop and let out a loud scream. Your pussy tightens in spasms around my cock, which promptly unloads a torrent of cum deep inside you.
I collapse forwards over your back, and look down to see our departing maid look upwards, perhaps a little startled by your scream! She laughs and waves to us as you hang half over the balcony, with your breasts now exposed, having been shaken from the grasp of your bra by all the movement, and my balls possibly visible pressed between your open thighs, while cum runs down the inside of them. We are a little embarrassed (but not much), and as I withdraw to allow yet more cum to flow out of you, it drips down the glass balustrade. We don’t know how much the maid can really see from ground level, of course, but she shouts, “I will clean up out there for you tomorrow!” and turns away.
“Wow, that’s service!” I joke, as we straighten ourselves up and move into the room to recover.
“Am I even going to be here tomorrow?” I ask.
“Oh yes, you are!” you say, “We haven’t even started to plan the team visit yet, and I’m booked in for another day, so stay tonight and tomorrow. Maybe we can tick more off my ‘to-do’ list? That was absolutely fantastic, Simon, there’s something very animal about being fucked from behind, especially when your panties have just been roughly pulled aside like that. And to do it in the open air, and in public view, just adds more and more to the thrill. Thank you so much.”
“No, thank you,” I say, “but if I am staying, I will need to eat. Shall we dress now, and go to eat in the restaurant? I think we should test the facilities properly before we arrange for the team to gather here, don’t you? And anyway, you know how much I like eating out.”
You laugh and agree, so we dress for dinner in their very best restaurant.
Maybe the conversation will drift to other opportunities to enjoy ourselves tomorrow?