Would You Like Ketchup With That? 6

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Hi. My name is Jenny, or at least that’s the name most everyone uses. Everyone but Violet. She’s sort of my girlfriend, only I’m not a lesbian. I think? I’m not really attracted to other girls. Just her so I’m not sure what that makes me? Or if it even matters. I ask her and she just smiles, shaking her head as she brushes my hair back behind one ear, then runs her thumb slowly along my jawline to my lips.

“You’re my dirty girl.”

That’s what she calls me. Her dirty girl. I can’t help but shiver whenever she says it, her thumb pressing against my mouth, chuckling softly as I relax, parting my lips for her, my hands trembling on my thighs.

“Isn’t that enough?”

I seek out her eyes, feeling like a deer blinded by headlights as she locks her gaze on me. Her smile is full of cruel promises as I suck on her thumb, my tongue sliding slowly over its fleshy pad. 

We’re not lovers and I’m not in love with her. I am in love with what she does to me, though. She’s discovered a part of me that I didn’t even know existed until recently, taking control of desires so intense they scared me more than a little. And each time I came back for more. I was hooked on her in the worst way.

So, yeah. Hi. My name is Jenny, and I’m an addict and this is my story…


“Would you like ketchup with that?” she asked, leaning slightly out the drive-thru window to hand me my drink and a bag, just enough to draw my gaze to a pair of breasts that were as close to perfect as you could get and still be natural. It was impossible not to notice the strain they put on the buttons of her uniform blouse. I was vaguely aware of my heart pounding against my ribs so loudly that I am sure she could hear it.

Two days ago I had woken in her bed after being spanked, my hands suspended from a hook in her ceiling, a Hitachi vibrating wand pressing against my clit, desperately begging her, tears running down my cheeks, to let me come. When she finally relented my orgasm was earthshattering. Orgasms. She made me come over and over for her, each one flooding through me with an intensity unimagined as I beseeched her to stop, unable to take any more. She finally took pity on me and helped me to her bed where, exhausted, I fell asleep in her arms.

She’d sent me home the next morning, laughing when I asked when I’d see her again.

“That’s up to you, pet,” she said with a wink, the by now familiar pop of the ‘p’ in pet. “You know where to find me.”

I’d resisted for an entire day. It hadn’t been easy. She was never far from my thoughts and it didn’t help that my bottom was still sore from the spanking she’d given me. Still, I felt the need to fight the urge. This wasn’t good for me, after all. The things she had done to me. The way she made me feel. The fantasies my twisted brain had spent the day concocting… It wasn’t normal. That night, I’d lain in bed, my tender flesh still smarting from the blows of her crop, replaying it in my mind, my hand resting just above my pussy, fingers tracking the elastic band of my panties as I fought the urge to slip them beneath it. I tried to pretend that I wasn’t so turned on that my panties were starting to soak through. Or how good it felt when my sensitive nipples, swollen and hard with lust brushed against the smooth material of my nightie.

Eventually I gave in, or at least in part. Restlessly, I pushed the covers from me and slid out of bed, my breath quickening as I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I tried not to think about why as I undressed in a hazy dream-state of lust, an incredibly kinky idea forming in my mind. If I thought about it too much, I’d chicken out, so I didn’t. I grabbed several leather belts from my closet.

There’s a small balcony outside of my living room that’s accessed by a sliding glass door. It’s big enough for a sturdy wooden chair and a small table. I moved carefully in the dark, not wanting to give any signs of life. It was late enough at night that there was a good chance no one would be wondering through the parking lot. My apartment was on the second story, so low enough that anyone looking up would be able to see me through the wrought iron railing that enclosed my small porch.

Silently, shivering, the slight chill a reminder that I was completely naked, I slunk out onto the cement slab, cautiously looking around. All was quiet, although I could hear the sound of a stereo playing somewhere in the near distance as well as the sound of the occasional car passing by on the street.

“This is the worst idea ever,” I whispered to myself as I sat down on the hard cement, setting my phone and the leather belts I had collected down beside me, and slid my legs through the rails so that they were spread far enough apart to expose my pussy. The cool air felt nice and the thought of displaying myself like this, despite my lack of audience, was making me wet. Licking my lips, I played with my nipples, at first just brushing my fingers over them until they were nice and stiff, and then pinching and pulling gently at them as I considered how far I was willing to go, my heart beating faster every time I heard a stray noise. Door opening and closing. Dog barking. Car passing. Anything that made me think that I might be discovered at any moment.

More than once I nearly panicked and abandoned my vague plan, but each time, I talked myself out of retreating by playing with myself until I was too turned on to listen to reason. Until I knew, without a doubt, that I was committed.

I picked up one of the belts and positioned it behind me, the thick leather pressing against the small of my back. With shaking fingers, I pressed myself into the metal, threading the belt through the rails and buckling it as tightly as I could, trapping me against the barrier. I did the same with a second belt, only this time, It circled my upper body, just under my armpits and above my breasts, leaving them, as well as my face, pressed between the smooth vertical rails. Then, with my feet dangling over the edge, I reached for my phone, finding it by feel, and hit call…

“Please don’t pick up,” I whispered, my voice shaking, my breath coming faster and shallower with every ring. “Please don’t pick up, please don’t’-“

“Hello, dirty girl.”

I swallowed. She sounded sleepy. I’d probably woken her up. I wondered if that would make things better or worse. Maybe she’d be too tired…

“Hell, Miss,” I said, speaking quietly into the phone. “Sorry for calling so late… I… couldn’t sleep…”

Biting my lip, I turned on the video and held the phone out so that she could see my predicament.

“Ah,” was all she said and then was silent.

I began whimpering softly, waiting and wondering and hoping and scared – a confused jumble of emotions that threatened to bring me to tears until finally, she broke the silence.

“You look very pretty, Jenny. Did you do this just for me?”

I nodded, sucking my lip between my teeth and worrying at it for several heartbeats.

“Yes, Miss. And… for me, too. I think?”

I heard her chuckle, a sound both warm and cruel.

“You regretting it?”

“Yes. I was… almost hoping that you didn’t pick up.”

“Almost.” Another chuckle. “How wet are you?”

“I think there’s a small pool forming between my thighs, Miss,” I admitted, my face heating up with embarrassment.

“When was the last time you came, pet?”

“When I was with you. Miss.”

“Good girl. It’s late, and I’m tired.” As if to illustrate the point, she let out a soft yawn. “After I hang up, I want you to take a couple of pictures for me and send them so I can add them to my collection.”

“Yes, Miss.” She must have picked up on the disappointment in my voice. Her amused chuckle had an edge to it that sent shivers up and down my spine.

“Be patient. It gives me an idea. See you at the drive-thru tomorrow. And no coming. You can tease yourself to your heart’s content, but you only come when I tell you to. Right, dirty girl?”

I managed a slow nod, my eyes focused on my toes dangling below me, until, eventually, I found my voice.

“Understood, Miss.”

She hung up, leaving me in silence. Sighing, I took several selfies and texted them to her obediently before undoing the buckles and slinking back inside and crawling back into bed, desperate to get myself off after my adventure, despite her orders, yet not daring, knowing that I would regret it if I did. I spent the rest of the night fighting the urge to reach between my thighs and pleasure myself. She had said I could tease myself as long as I didn’t come. The problem was, once I started, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop, so it was best that I tried to think of something else, only… it was impossible. Eventually, I did finally doze off, although my dreams were so erotically charged that, by the time I woke up the next morning, the sheets beneath me were wet and smelled of ripe pussy.


I sat, nervously in my car, doing my best to appear calm and composed, tapping my nails on the steering wheel as the car ahead of me ordered. I’d taken my time this morning and put a lot of thought into this moment. Probably too much time, and too many wardrobe changes, re-thinking and overthinking everything. Eventually, I just closed my eyes and stopped worrying about it before I drove myself crazy. Oh, and yes, I was a good girl and didn’t make myself come. That said, I’d been teasing and edging myself off and on all day, up to this very moment.

Finally, the car ahead of me moved up, and it was my turn. I took my foot off the break and my car rolled slowly forward to the speaker.

“May I take your order?”

Thankfully, it was her voice. I’m not sure what I’d have done if someone else had been taking orders today.

My lips trembled, my hands clutching the wheel in an effort to keep them from straying between my parted thighs. The image of me on my knees, my face pressed against her pussy, my tongue lapping at her wet slit, my hands cuffed behind my back filled my thoughts with such intensity that it took me a minute to realize that I’d been parked at the speaker box longer than necessary. Trying to pull myself together, I took a deep breath and ordered my usual.

“Fries and a Diet Pepsi?” I managed, trying not to blush, suddenly aware that I was leaking all over my seat and that my fragrance was humiliatingly noticeable.

“Anything else?” she asked through the speaker box, adding, so quietly that I could barely make out the words, “dirty girl.”

I could almost picture her sardonic smile and one raised eyebrow as she asked. I swallowed and managed to mumble negatively before pulling forward with a jerk, stopping the car suddenly at the window, my smile sheepish in response to her chuckle.  

“So eager,” she mouthed, before going on in her normal voice. “Fries, no ketchup, and one Diet Pepsi,” she announced cheerfully, with her signature ‘p’ pop, her breasts straining against her top, as she passed me my order, fingers coming in contact with mine, this time for longer than was necessary, hanging onto my bag for longer than usual so that she could get a good peek into my car.

From the waist up I looked somewhat presentable. I’d chosen a bright red knit top that was at least one size too small and clung so tightly that it left very little to the imagination. My nipples were so swollen and hard that it was impossible for her not to notice, although her attention was quickly drawn further down.

The crotchless panties had been a valentine’s gift from a boyfriend a couple of years ago. I’d tried them out that evening and since then they’d been hiding in the back of a drawer. This was the second time I’d worn them. A pair of black lace pull-ups, and black pumps completed my outfit. I’d also taken a few moments before pulling into line to carefully print ‘Dirty Girl’ with a black sharpie on the inside of my right thigh so that she couldn’t miss it.

I watched her eyes sparkle as I spread my thighs further apart so she could see exactly how wet I was for her.

“Mine,” she commented quietly, her toothy grin full of promise. “Expect a text when I get off work. Have a pleasant day. Come again.”


Your place. 9PM. NO Coming! LOL

That was it. Just enough to leave me on edge, mentally, physically, and emotionally for the entire evening, wondering what she planned on putting me through tonight…

Again, I’d put a lot of thought into what to wear, wanting to look my best for her. It wasn’t about impressing her, I think, as much about wanting to spark that look of desire in her eyes that I’d come to crave. Or maybe I just needed her approval. Something else to be completely uncertain about…

Eventually I decided on a backless sundress with a flower print. Very feminine and I liked the way it hugged my figure and showed off plenty of skin without making me look too slutty. That and a pair of soft pink panties. I put out snacks, too, just in case, and poured myself a glass of wine to calm my nerves before settling in on the couch and flipping through the channels on the TV, unable to concentrate on anything other than our evening together. I wondered how it was possible for the time to pass both too fast and too slowly as it neared nine o’clock. I also wondered at how it was possible for my panties to be as wet as they were without even touching myself. I thought about changing to a clean pair, changing my mind only because I knew Violet would enjoy my embarrassment if, or rather when, she saw them.

The last ten minutes had me nervously pouring myself a second glass of wine, one that I had plenty of time to finish seeing as the doorbell didn’t ring until quarter after…

“You look pretty,” she said, popping her ‘p’ as she admired me from the doorway before brushing a kiss against my lips. She was dressed casually in a pair of shorts, a Mickey Mouse tee, and a light hoodie and yet still managed to exude an overwhelming amount of sex appeal.

“Thank you, Miss,” I gushed, blushing, hungering for another kiss, one that lingered and led to other things, perhaps. She disappointed me, in that at least, moving past me towards the couch and plopping down comfortably on it, setting her handbag next to her. She kicked off her sneakers and peeled off her socks before planting her heels on my coffee table, glancing once at my empty glass and then at me, an expectant smile playing on her face. Her nails had been painted a lovely shade of blue.

“Umm… would you like something to drink?” I managed, my voice soft and – there’s really no other word for it – submissive.

“I’ll have whatever you were having, pet,” she replied, an impish grin on her face. “First, though, bring me your laptop, okay?”

Nodding, my fingers clutching at the skirt of my dress for some unfathomable reason, I fetched it from the bedroom and handed it over to her before heading for the kitchen.

“Password, Jenny.”

“I…” clutching an empty wine glass I turned, regarding her, my mouth slightly agape as I met her stare. There was no way I was going to share my password with her, no matter what our relationship. It quickly turned into a battle of will, her eyebrow slowly lifting. I was suddenly aware of the clock – a birthday gift from an Aunt who had gotten it into her head that I was into art deco – ticking ever louder as each second passed.

“Password. Pretty please,” Again. This time with more force, her lips forming the shape of kiss with each pronounced ‘p’, her smile wicked and full of cunning.

‘I am not sharing my password!’ The words formed in my head, but refused to come out, instead, I meekly bowed my head, my eyes focusing on her pretty feet resting on a magazine.

“LoveStoned. One word. Capital L, capital S.”

“Cute,” she grinned, her fingers tapping my keyboard as she accessed my entire life while I stood watching, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Wine, pet. Changing your password to DirtyGirl. One word. Captial D, capital G. Don’t worry, I’m not going to peek into your journal or your email. Just thought it would be fun to watch some videos or something.”

I set her glass down on the table and simply stood there, unsure of what to do next. Should I sit? Continue standing? Run to my bedroom, shut the door, and hide under the covers? It didn’t help that she was content to ignore me while she played around on the internet, the tip of her tongue peeking through her lips making her look sexy cute. I felt a sudden desire to kiss her.

After what felt like forever but was more likely a couple of minutes, she stopped, apparently finding what she was looking for.

“Why don’t you turn on the TV. It has Bluetooth?”

“Yeah. Yes. Miss,” I stumbled with a nod, reaching for the remote.

“Awesome. More fun to watch on the big screen. Turn off all the lights, too, and then come sit next to me. And don’t look so nervous. It’ll be fun, Jenny.”

Yeah, fun. For her. Still, I did exactly as she said, plunging the room into darkness, the only source of light the 42inch screen against the wall.

“Good girl,” she purred, patting the cushion beside her, leaving me with no choice. I sat, my hip brushing hers, hands folded carefully on my lap, my feet flat on the floor and my knees pressed together tightly, pretty sure they wouldn’t stay that way long.

“Show time,” she announced, giggling a little as she changed the settings so that my computer and my television were linked.

“Think you’ll enjoy this one, pet,” she teased, opening up a video, obviously on a porn website, called ‘Blonde Girlfriend at Adult Theater’. I groaned, closing my eyes momentarily, blinking them open again as she put her arm around my shoulders and guided my head until it was resting against hers as she hit play.

The video looked like someone had just used their phone to film and the girl, who was probably about my age, while pretty, wasn’t porn star quality. For some reason that made watching the action even hotter. Sort of like being invited into someone’s most intimate moment. It started out in what was obviously a porn theater. It was somewhat dark and there were glimpses of the action on the screen as well as a lot of moaning and grunting. It didn’t waste any time getting to the real action. She, the girlfriend, was lying naked on what appeared to be a padded bench or maybe a couch, surrounded by several guys. She was smiling and obviously into it. They were calling her all sorts of names as was whoever was filming her. Her boyfriend, if the title was to be believed. Nasty little slut. Cock sucking whore…

“Imagine if that was you,” Violet murmured in my ear, and I felt a burning heat worming its way through me as I watched her, her small hands wrapped around two different cocks, slowly jerking them off while another guy was pulling his out and slapping it against her cheek until she turned her head and started kissing and licking it. I relaxed, barely aware that my feet were slowly sliding away from each other. As my thighs slowly parted the hem of my dress worked its way up them.

“It’s making you wet.”

I didn’t bother to reply. She already knew the answer. I felt her hand resting just above my knee, her fingers stroking my bared thigh as I watched, mesmerized, my panties feeling like they’d soon be soaked through.

On screen, the girl was ‘forced’ to take the cock, the stranger grabbing her hair and pushing himself into her wet and willing mouth so she could suck it, while jerking off the other two guys. They were all older, like in their fifties maybe? Somehow that made it even more degrading in my mind. One of the guys being jerked off started playing with her tit, stroking it, teasing her stiff nipple, pinching it. Someone else knelt down and started sucking the other one while another guy was forcing her legs apart. I mirrored her position, spreading mine as well, barely aware of Violet pushing my dress up and exposing my wet pink panties.

“She looks like she’s enjoying herself, dirty girl.”

“Yes,” I breathed, aching to touch myself. Or be touched, my own nipples stiff and hard as they tented the material of my sundress.

“Go head, Jenny. Don’t be shy.”

Blushing, I reached down between my spread thighs, her fingers lightly stroking my thigh, and started rubbing myself through my panties. It was incredibly embarrassing. Humiliating, even. Still, I couldn’t stop myself.

“That’s my good girl. Play with your nasty little cunt until you can’t take anymore. No coming, though. If you do, I am going to make you pay dearly. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Miss,” I managed, eyes glued to the screen as someone knelt between her legs and started roughly licking her pussy. She moaned, releasing the cock in her mouth. It was glistening with saliva. Dripping with it, even, a thick strand of it connecting the head to her mouth. Turning her head she guided the cock in her right hand to her mouth.

“Wouldn’t you love to be used like that, pet?”

I shuddered at the thought, my hips lifting slightly off the couch, my breath catching. I had to force myself to stop what I was doing for several seconds, for fear of not being able to stop…

Laughing softly, she moved her hand from my thigh and carefully pulled the strap of my dress from my shoulder and down my arm, reaching over me to repeat the process, so that I was exposed from the waist up.

“I love your tits, Jenny. And your pretty little pink nipples.”

Bending over, she took one in her mouth, and started teasing it with the tip of her tongue, driving me insane as I watched the guy licking the girl onscreen push her thighs further apart, then move out of the way so another guy could take over. He had his cock out and was stroking as he got between her thighs and lay upon her, pressing his thick cock against her wet pink pussy.

“He’s going to fuck her,” I moaned, pausing once more.

“Mmhm,” she murmured, the sound sending pleasant vibrations though my swollen flesh.

Violent moved on to my other breast as I watched one of the guys shoot a rope of jism onto her tits.

“Fuck,” I managed, imagining myself like that, being used like that, while Violet watched me being degraded, egging them on while she filmed me…

The guy she was blowing came in her mouth. Another on her stomach. One on her face. The guy fucking her pulled out and came on her pussy. More joined in. Soon, there was cum all over her. They turned her over so that she was on her hands and knees fucking her from behind while she sucked on another cock, coming on her back and her ass. I loved how her tits jiggled every time someone thrust into her and how her skin shone with cum.

One guy shoved his cock into her ass, his fingers digging into her hips as he used her roughly. Her voice was ragged as she moaned and whimpered and cried out, her orgasms blending into each other until she eventually collapsed, looking exhausted. By that time I had my hands inside my panties, stroking myself, my fingertips between my swollen lips, my clit engorged and almost too sensitive to touch.

“Should we watch another?” Violent mused as she fondly pushed my hair behind my ear, kissing the tip gently.

“Not sure I can take another,” I whimpered, my eyes threatening to roll back in my head as I forced my hands away, reluctantly, from my dripping wet pussy.

“Perfect,” she replied, cheerfully popping the ‘p’ as she searched through her bookmarks and loaded up another video titled Slut Wife Gangbanged, leaving it paused. It looked like it had also been shot inside an adult theater.

“One sec,” Violet told me before digging through her handbag and pulling out a dildo. I recognized it immediately. It was the same one that she’d mounted on the headlight of my car that night in the park. I felt my face grow hot remembering how I’d stood there with it buried in my cunt, humping it until I came like a lust crazed animal, my face buried in her beautiful wet pussy, tongue fucking her like a lust crazed beast…

“Don’t worry pet. It’s clean,” she grinned, licking the suction cup on the base as I watched, wide eyed, and then mounting it carefully upon my coffee table so that it stood straight up near the far edge, directly in front of the TV. It looked incredibly obscene.

“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable?”

I didn’t bother playing dumb. I knew exactly what she expected of me. I stood, my eyes glued to the rubber cock, barely noticing the frozen picture on the screen. Violet sat back, clearly enjoying this and watched as I licked my lips thoughtfully. I could have pretended that I didn’t want to do this, but it would have been a lie.

I shed my dress, pushing it past my hips and letting gravity do the rest, and then stepped out of it. Hooking my thumbs into my panties, I paused, my lip tucked between my teeth, doing my best to keep my breathing steady, failing miserably.

Eventually I decided to leave them on and circled the low table. It was sturdy enough, I thought, to hold my weight. Positioning myself, I moved the gusset to one side and squatted, knees bent, reaching for the sex toy so that I could guide it against my dripping wet slit. I fought the urge to look over my shoulder at her, torn between wanting to see the gleam of lust in her eyes, yet afraid that, if I did, I’d be too embarrassed to go through with this. Taking a deep breath, I lowered myself, steadying with both hands, just letting it slip into my hungry pussy, gasping softly as it forced my walls apart. I’d forgotten how big it was.

“God, I wish you could see yourself, dirty girl.”

I replied with a whimper as continued, not stopping until my ass was resting on the table and the cock was buried inside of me. It hurt and yet it felt amazing at the same time.

“Hands behind your back.”

I hear the soft clink of chains and easily guessed what was next. Handcuffs. Dutifully I reached behind and let her imprison my wrists.

“I’m going to make it as hard on you to come as possible. I want to make this last. Maybe all night. Maybe never.”

My heart was pounding against my ribs as she tenderly pulled my hair behind my head, trying it in a loose ponytail before abandoning me.

“Show time,” she announced, and the video began. This one took place in someone’s living room. Once again, it looked homemade. Once again the girl was pretty though this one had dark hair. I counted a dozen guys in the room with her ranging from young, fit, and hot to older but not bad looking.

“Guy filming is her husband. Can you believe that?”

I watched as they pushed her down on the coffee table. Someone had thoughtfully put a thick looking foam pad on top of it. She was naked, of course, her pussy shaved, her nipples swollen and hard. Most of the guys already had their cocks out and were stroking them, although she had her hands wrapped around two of them while a well hung guy had his head pressed against her lips until she parted them, taking just his head in her mouth. One of the older guys didn’t waste any time. While her legs were being pulled apart he sunk his hard prick into her glistening wet snatch and started fucking her, slowly at first, and then faster, and harder, while the guys surrounding her were calling her all sorts of nasty names.

Fascinated, I watched, trying my best to lift myself up off the table and down again while impaled. With my hands locked behind me it wasn’t easy, but with great effort, I managed, never once taking my eyes from the spectacle before me. I could feel my juices dripping down the dildo and was pretty sure that I was making a small pool on the surface of the table. I heard Violet moan softly behind me and imagined her playing with herself while watching along with me. Or perhaps her attention was solely on me? Unable to tear my gaze from the screen I had no way of knowing.

By the time it was over I was breathless and damp with perspiration. And frustrated. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t make myself come. It had nothing to do with her sitting behind me and watching. That actually made me want to push myself over the edge more. It was the lack of being able to touch my clit and to properly fuck the rubber monster inside of me.

“Enjoying yourself, Jenny?”

Her tone was mocking. I answered with a soft groan of frustration.

“No? I have just the thing to help you out.”

She moved in front of me, her shorts unbuttoned revealing a pair of red lace panties that I was certain were soaked with her juices. While she still had her tee on, her nipples were pushing against the light cotton, leaving obvious dents. What drew my eyes, however, was the slender silver chain that dangle from one hand, a painful looking clamp attached to each end.

“I need you to hold still for me, dirty girl.”

She didn’t need to ask. I was transfixed with fear, my gaze focused entirely on the metal jewelry as she opened up the first clamp and attached it to my right nipple. I couldn’t stop the gasp of pain which amused her enough to giggle.

“Don’t be such a baby,” she teased as she pulled the chain taut and wrapped it around the base several times before measuring it out up my unadorned tit, frowning as she undid one of the loops and pulled it taut once more. This time, apparently pleased at the results, she attached it as well. Again, it didn’t take a genius to figure out her game. If I lifted myself up off the dildo…

I groaned, closing my eyes at the realization.

“Clever girl,” she teased, bending, her hands on her knees, so that she could kiss me tenderly.

“I’m going to keep making it worse until you come, dirty girl. Much as it hurts, you really should try your hardest. Oh, and I’ve been filming you. Might be fun to watch later. Might be fun to share, too.”

The next video was “Gangbanged Girlfriend.” More of the same, only this time, the star of the show was handcuffed and kneeling as at least a dozen men fucked her mouth, some of them coming on her face or on her tits and a couple of them coming in her mouth. The sound of her slurping away was both erotic and disgusting. The sounds I made were nearly as bad. As she’d suggested, I did my best to fuck myself while watching, crying out with pain each time I lifted myself up, the clamps tugging at my tender nipples until tears ran down my cheeks. Still, I didn’t stop and, after a while, I found myself getting closer and closer, each spike of pain pumping me full of endorphins. I began to fuck the cock harder and harder, getting closer and closer, my cunt clamping around the toy, letting gravity take over so that it pushed deeper and deeper into my wet quivering cunt.

“So close, pet. Only sixty seconds left on the video. Hurry!” she cheered me on. I felt her behind me, kneeling on the table, her hands running up and down my back, my flanks, cupping my tits, kneading them. I could hardly breathe. Suddenly my nipples were freed from the torturous clips and blood rushed agonizingly into them. I am sure I screamed as my climax hit me, sending waves of pleasure to battle the pain in my tits. I felt her hand slipping between my thighs, her deft fingers seeking out my clit and prolonging my pleasure. I came again, just as powerfully, maybe even more. The video had ended, not that I really noticed. I was too lost in ecstasy.

“Good girl,” she said into my ear, her warm breath feeling amazing. I came again, the rubber cock deep inside me. I was too weak to fuck myself anymore, but she kept playing with my clit until I came once more. And then, she stopped, her arms around me, pulling me back into her embrace, her tits pressing against my back, her voice soft and soothing as she praised me.

I think she helped me up. She must have. I was in no shape to do it myself. I do know she led me to my bedroom, undid the cuffs, and settled me under the blankets, my head cushioned by my pillow as I drifted off into dreams, her arms around me, holding me gently, her voice soft. The last thing I recall was her voice.

“Sweet dreams, pet.”

Published 5 years ago

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