Jimmy Hunter was the only boy in his immediate family. In the house he lived in with 7 females all older than him, 6 sisters and his mother. His father had died shortly after he was born and his sisters that were able to leave had not gone off to set up their own home. All stayed at home for their mother and family.
It was summer, school just let out for the vacation season. The days were hot and the nights seemed to be as equally hot. We were going through a mild drought this time of year which doesn’t help the passing fiery summer days.
Marie, the mother, usually busy with work and not home much.
His oldest sister was 6 years older than him and the ages came down a year at a time. In order of oldest to youngest they were:
Elise at 21 years old. She had shoulder length hair dyed a deep red, and a set of breasts that anyone would love to have, really firm and big. She was fit and always at the gym to keep her tight body at its best. She was really outgoing and loud, but had never found the right guy.
Dawn was the next at 20 years old. She had very dark shoulder length hair and her breasts were a little smaller than Elise’s but still a great size. She too went down to the gym a lot and was just as fit as her older sister. She was the shyest of the sisters but still had no problem with going out.
Stacy was next, 19 years old with long blonde hair. Her breasts were a moderate size but she had the most perfect legs you could imagine, long and sleek. She was the fittest of the lot due to the fact she danced a lot and hoped one day to go pro. She was the flirt of the gang, never one to back away from anything or anyone. Stacy recently graduated before summer and stays around and enjoying the comfort of close family.
Andrea was next. 18 years old, she too was blonde, but her hair was shorter than Stacy’s. Her breasts were also very large, only just smaller than Elise’s. Again, like her sisters, she was a gym freak and was in really good shape. She was sort of in between the personalities, not really shy or flirtatious. Andrea will be a senior in the local high school next year and, like the rest of her family, is pretty good with grades.
Stephaney or Steph was next at 17 years old. She had hair like Dawn, really dark, but much longer. Her breasts were big and she had a wonderful habit of only wearing tight fitting tops. She never went to the gym, but was just naturally blessed with a perfect figure that all the others were jealous of. She was one of the outgoing gang who stuck together a lot more than the others.
Kelly was the youngest being only 16 years old. She had blonde hair that flowed down to the middle of her back, and she has a nice great pair of breasts that sits on her thin body. She went to the gym like the others and it showed on her perfect hourglass figure with a really tight ass. Like Dawn, she too was a bit shy.
Then there was Jimmy or Jim who is the only boy. At 16 years old with short brown hair that he kept cut close to his head. His body was in good shape, not the muscles of a body builder or anything, but not fat either. Just a normal guy he runs for an hour a day to keep himself fit. He hadn’t had any luck with women since he was, well, any age really. Just graduated the middle school before summer vacation, next year he will be attending the high school with Kelly, Steph and Andrea.
“Hey Jim, Got a good day planned?” Elise’s voice came into his ears as she made her way into the living room dressed in a tight fitting, white, cotton T-shirt and tight jeans.
“Nope, you?” Jim asked back.
“Just the same as always, gym then TV.”
Jim looked at the clock, 9 AM and Elise was already off to the gym. “You are crazy you know that don’t you?” Jim said smiling as his oldest sister grabbed her gym bag and packed her stuff into it.
“What do you mean crazy? I’m just err… focused.” Elise smiled back at her seated brother before looking at the bright sun outside.
“Look Elise, anyone who goes to the gym at 9 AM is crazy. I run for about half an hour at 11 then again at 4 and that’s plenty for me” Jim said shaking his head.
“Well little brother,” Elise said as she moved over to stand right behind him. “Maybe if you did come to the gym with me you wouldn’t be soooooo…. fat.” Elise joked as she leaned down and gave his ear a little lick.
“Hey, I’m not fat!” Jim said in mock anger at his sister who smiled and nodded sarcastically at him before grabbing her bag and heading for the door.
“I’ll be gone for about 2 hours. Mom and the others are still in bed so be quiet will you? They had a bad night. See you later.”
“Yea see ya.” Jim said. He watched his sister’s sexy ass sway out the door, before he settled back to watch some more TV.
An hour later and it was Steph who was the next to show her face.
“Hi Steph.” Jim said as he saw her walk into the room.
“Hi Jim. Elise gone already?” She asked.
Jim nodded.
“I don’t know how she and the others do it, do you?”
“No idea.” Jim said watching TV.
“I mean, I never go to the gym and look at me, I’m fine.” Steph said pointing out the obvious to her knowing brother.
“You have no idea.” Jim said quietly, admiring her body as she gave a twirl.
“Hi you two” Dawn came walking in past her sister, sat on the sofa next to Jim and grabbed the remote from him.
“Hi” Both Jim and Steph said together.
Soon all the women were up and rushing around the house. Andrea, Dawn and Kelly all quickly rushed off to the gym after breakfast leaving Jim, Stacy, Steph and their mother, Marie, in the house. Being Saturday, none were at work and, as usual, the house would be hectic with all 8 coming in and out of rooms at irregular intervals.
When the whole family was together, they sat around the TV with their dinner. Jim, Elise and Mom sat on the sofa, Stacy sat on the chair next to them, Andrea, Dawn and Kelly were all on the floor. Their favorite place when eating or watching TV, although currently doing both right now.
When they were all finished Elise and Jim got up and took everyone’s plates into the kitchen putting them in the sink to be washed later before returning to their seats.
“That was great Mom, really nice.” Kelly said, which all the others agreed.
“Thanks, I do my best.” Marie said to her kids. It was so nice that they had all stayed with her when normally they would have flown the nest.
The house they lived in was a nice size. It had 3 large bedrooms, an attic conversion, a big kitchen, a large living room and a big garden. The bedrooms had been divided up between the girls with Kelly, Elise and Dawn sharing one room and Steph, Stacy and Andrea sharing another. Marie had one to herself and Jim had the attic all to himself.
“Well it was excellent Mom but, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go to the john.” Jim said getting up and heading for the stairs.
Elise watched her brother walk out the room and waited until he had gone upstairs before excusing herself and following.
Jim opened the bathroom door and walked straight into his oldest sister.
“Oh, sorry Elise didn’t see you there.” Jim said, apologetically, as he stepped past her. With the tight space between them Jim had to squeeze past Elise who made no attempt to move out of his way causing him to brush roughly against her massive breasts.
“That’s a hard thing to do.” Elise said, smiling, and pressing forwards a little bit, into her brother.
“What is?” Jim asked as he finally got past his voluptuous sister and stood on the top of the staircase and looked at her for the answer.
“To miss me.” Elise smiled, showing and licking her canine teeth like a vampire would before biting a victim’s neck.
Jim smiled back and shook his head as he walked down the stairs. “God what is she doing” he thought as he reached the bottom step and opened the door to the kitchen.
Back at the top Elise was leaning against the door to her bedroom thinking about her brother. She didn’t know why, but recently he had been having a real effect on her, not the sort a brother should have on his sister.
Soon all the girls had dispersed. Steph and Andrea were up in their bedroom, Stacy and Kelly were in Stacy’s bedroom and Dawn was out at the gym. Jim was up in his room listening to his music when Elise came in.
Jim didn’t hear her enter as he had on a pair of headphones the music was loud. Elise smiled as she walked up behind him and kneeled down so her breasts were just behind his head about an inch away. Elise watched her brother slowly nodding his head to the music that was playing in his ears. She slowly placed a hand on his shoulder and he spun around quickly. Not realizing that Elise’s massive breasts were right behind his head, he pushed his face right into them.
“OHHHH” Elise moaned as she felt his face press between her thick cotton covered breasts but he also quickly, pulled back and away.
“God Elise, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were there.” Jim told his sister, almost pleading with her.
“Oh no, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been so close to you.” Elise said as she moved her breasts around under her top rearranging their positions until she was satisfied with them.
She looked up to see Jim watching her. Not seeing that she noticed him staring, he carried on until she moaned lightly, this brought a red flush to Jim’s face as he realized she had caught him.
Elise had always been close to Jim, maybe more so than with her sisters. After all, he was the youngest and dad had died soon after he was born so he didn’t have that male influence in his life to talk to. He was somewhat isolated in the family. Elise had taken over as a sort of surrogate parent when she was 14. Their mother was 15 when she had Elise and now had 7 kids to look after. She had needed all the help. Elise was more than happy to take on some of the responsibility in her sibling’s upbringing, thus allowing Marie to go off to work.
Not much had changed now during summer break. Elise, not having outside work, mostly stayed at home and looked after the place. Dawn was a hairdresser, Stacy was a waitress, Andrea was a cashier during school vacation, and Steph and Kelly worked at the university campus for a family friend helping with clerical work. Jim was enjoying the summer off and hadn’t really bothered about a job. His sisters and his mother had said they made plenty enough for him and Elise to live on as long as they made sure the house was clean when they came home. Naturally they agreed and the arrangement was made.
“So what are you listening to?” Elise asked her embarrassed brother who was desperately trying to cover his growing erection under his hands.
“Nothing much. Did you want something?” he asked hoping she’d say no and leave. Unfortunately for him, she didn’t.
“Yes actually, I did. Could you give me a hand with the washing up please? That’s our job remember?” Elise said while putting her hand on Jim’s. The one that covered his crotch.
“Sure, just wait a few minutes will you?” Jim said quickly trying to push her hand away from his crotch.
“Jim, come on, Mom said we need to get it done now.” Elise lied. What had actually happened was their mother had said it needed doing before they went to bed, but Elise was desperate to get her brother to stand up with erection intact.
“Okay, I’m coming.” Jim told his sister. Luckily, he had stalled long enough to get his boner down. Standing he turned off his CD player and turned to face his sister who was almost visibly disappointed that his erection was gone. “Shall we?” Jim asked walking past his sister who got up and followed close behind him.
Once downstairs they got to work on the dishes, Elise washing and Jim drying. Elise kept getting little glances of her brother looking at her incredible breasts, causing her to start to get hot and push out her chest a little more every time he looked. Jim would cough and try to not look but his eyes were drawn to her and she knew it. Elise was now really hot, her tight cotton panties were starting to get wet as she continually teased her little brother. Finally she thought it was time to give him a real show he wouldn’t forget.
Dropping a fork to the back of the sink she quickly leaned over the sink of soapy water to grab it. Not being the tallest person in the world and having such huge breasts, she dunked them into the water making sure they were covered about halfway up the flimsy cotton T-shirt that, as you can imagine, became almost see-through instantly. She had a quick look at Jim who was looking at her curved, tight and supple ass. Smiling she wiggled it at him and that snapped him out of it. Realizing he had an erection he quickly sat on a nearby chair to finish the drying.
Elise watched him sit and knew the reason. She then pulled herself back from the water and stood up straight.
“Oh shit!” she exclaimed loudly causing Jim to look up quickly at her. His eyes were met with the sight of her massive breasts half showing through her soaked shirt, her nipples hard with little droplets of water falling from each.
“What happened?” Jim asked almost laughing at Elise as she stood hands on hips in front of him.
“I must have dropped them into the water when I leaned in for the fork. Shit! Look at me” she said as she cupped her breasts and pressed them together for her brother’s enjoyment.
“Oh wow. You better go get changed. I’ll finish drying these” Jim said as he admired his sister.
Elise nodded but didn’t move from the spot. She slowly rubbed her breasts a little more noticeably at him and watched his reaction or, should I say, his cock’s reaction. She watched as it throbbed underneath his tracksuit pants. Realizing his sister was watching him he quickly covered himself and crossed his legs his face going bright red once more.
Elise smiled before turning and giving him a good view of her ass before walking off to the stairs and out of sight. Jim watched her every move before composing himself and quickly finished the drying.
After he was done Jim made his way upstairs to check on Elise, secretly he wanted to see if she had changed yet. Jim arrived at Elise’s door which was left slightly open, poking his head around he saw his sister. She stood facing him with just a small pair of white cotton panties on that were shaped like a V high over her hips and tight into her pussy resembling a thong. Elise was also wearing some long white stockings.
Jim almost choked as he saw her massive breasts on display. It almost seemed like this was for his viewing pleasure. They looked big when she had on a tight top but loose they were even better. She had high firm breasts, a full DD cup at least, with no sag at all. Just like the sort you see on porn…