It had been months since Susan had spoken to Aiden apart from exchanging basic acknowledgments when they passed each other in their driveways coming and going from their respective homes. At first, it had been difficult to enforce the end of their affair. While Susan avoided sending mixed signals to the boy, he had continued to leave the blinds of his bedroom window open for her to see him if she happened to look in that direction at the right time. Susan had closed her own curtains to block him from looking in on her, especially in her more intimate moments.
However, she hadn’t been perfect in resisting the temptation to peek in on the neighbor boy from the secrecy of the attic from time to time when her horniness got the better of her. She’d even brought up some cushions to make herself more comfortable as she spied on her young next-door neighbor. She knew it wasn’t strictly playing by the rules, but reasoned that as long as she did nothing to actively encourage him, it wouldn’t hurt to secretly take advantage of his performances.
When are you going to grow up and get a real man? Susan chastised herself as she awaited Aiden’s appearance. It wasn’t that she couldn’t get a man. Susan may not have looked eighteen anymore, but she still received her fair share (and maybe more) of male attention. The problem was that attention was often from the doctors she worked with at the clinic. Half of them were married and the other half were arrogant as fuck. Actually, the married ones were also pretty arrogant, come to think of it. But those were the men she saw day in and day out, and she couldn’t picture herself pursuing a relationship with any of them. Besides, with the hours she put in, there was little time for serious dating, and even when there was time on her days off, she was usually so exhausted, she couldn’t bear the thought of navigating a relationship with anything more demanding than the remote for her TV and a bottle of malbec.
So, Susan reconciled herself to a solitary life for the time being and made do with masturbating to the little shows that Aiden continued to put on. She remembered how stiff he’d been when they first met, how she had worked to introduce him to the world of sex, training him in the ways she loved to be pleasured. She vividly recalled the feeling of his lips everywhere on her body, kissing, sucking, licking, brushing, the feeling of him hardening in her hands, the hot solid weight of the thing as it pulsed with excitement at her touch, the feeling of him pushing against her opening, past it, filling her up with his impressively large cock. She’d had to go slow at first until he learned to control himself, but with practice, he’d managed to regularly satisfy her needs with less and less guidance from her.
She missed Aiden. It wasn’t just the sex, either, but his youthful energy and endearing naivete. Being with him, Susan had experienced the exciting sense of sexual discovery again for the first time, seeing it vicariously through his eyes. She knew that so many first times are mediocre at best, so she’d done everything she could to make sure his had been special. But she also knew it couldn’t last, so she had freed him from her to go find a girl his own age who could love him in the way he deserved. She knew he hadn’t taken it well. Otherwise, why go on with his regular displays, jerking his cock in his window for her to watch? The question she was more reluctant to answer was why she went on watching. But at least she was trying to be a responsible adult. All Aiden had tried to do was regain her attention.
And of course, she had to admit – as she lay naked in her dark secretive spot in the attic, resting on a pile of cushions, and gazing across the gap between their houses to his bedroom – he hadn’t been entirely unsuccessful. Susan waited and watched. Just as she found herself considering whether to pull up some porn videos on her phone, she caught movement in Aiden’s room. Susan straightened up and scooted closer to her window to get a better view.
Aiden was there, but there was something different about how he was acting. Usually, he’d get right down to business as soon as the door to his room was closed, stripping naked, and standing in the window with his fist wrapped around his hard cock. But he wasn’t undressing now, nor was he facing the window. He had his back to her, ignoring her. The fleeting thought that he’d finally lost interest in her left a blunt pang in her heart. It was probably for the best, Susan considered, but it was still sad.
She watched for a moment longer, and was about to give up on Aiden’s show. She thought it had been a good run, but was overdue to come to a final close. She gave one more glance, and noticed that Aiden was still standing, looking away from her. What was he looking at? His head seemed to be moving, pausing, nodding, bobbing, as if he were talking to someone. Was there someone there with him? It was probably just his mother, Nina. Susan had found Nina friendly but a little uptight and rigid. She imagined that the older woman was admonishing her son about his messy room, or some other teen-boy drama. But then Aiden began to sway in a slow sexy rhythm as he removed his shirt. Susan admired his athletically toned torso, and remembered the feeling of it pressed against her naked body.
A large number of questions flooded Susan’s mind, but in the next second, most of them were answered as a small, black-haired, brown-skinned girl stepped into view. She put her hand to Aiden’s chest, and traced the contours of his muscles. Aiden moved in for a kiss, holding the back of her head and pulling her into him. His other hand began to glide up her side and over her breast, giving it a soft squeeze.
The girl’s hand went to the front of Aiden’s pants and awkwardly rubbed the growing bulge there. In response, Aiden confidently slipped his own hand under the elastic waistband of the girl’s leggings and buried his fingers in her pussy. The girl’s head tilted back with her eyes closed. Even though the sound couldn’t travel to Susan’s ears, she still clearly heard the girl’s loud sighs and moans of ecstasy in her imagination.
Susan had known in an abstract way that this day would come. It was what she had intended when she broke things off with Aiden. But now, seeing him with another woman – a girl, really – she found herself becoming jealous. It had only been months since Aiden had last touched her like that. Susan had been his first, and it was Susan who had taught him how to treat a woman. By all rights, the pleasure that girl was receiving should rightfully belong to her.
Susan was feeling so many emotions – jealousy, anger, grief, relief, confusion, sadness. But underlying it all, Susan was undeniably turned on. She watched the couple, and imagined herself in the girl’s place, receiving all the attention Aiden used to give her. Susan’s hands had gone to her own tits, her thumbs flicking across her nipples as she spied on them. Now one hand descended to the spot between her legs, finding it hot, wet, and needy. In spite of what Susan had intended in setting Aiden free, she missed him- the feeling of him; his young, eager body pressed against hers, his hardness growing quickly in her hands, her mouth, entering her, filling her up, thrusting enthusiastically, inexhaustibly until he exploded deep inside her.
From her secret observation spot in her attic, Susan watched the couple as they began to undress, tugging urgently at each other’s clothing. Even though Aiden’s figure was familiar to her, she still found herself admiring the virile young man in the nude standing in the window. Perhaps he got off on the exhibitionism. If he did, Susan had had no reason to complain as it had certainly supported and sustained the desires that she denied herself when she broke up with him.
The girl, Susan couldn’t deny, was a cute little thing; all excited nervous smiles, her fingers fidgeting with her hair. Susan’s eyes scanned her body with not a little envy of the girl’s soft youthful curves. Her breasts were modest but perky, each topped with a dark little nipple that made Susan think of Hershey’s Kisses. Her tummy had a slight curve to it – though not enough that Susan would say she was fat. Altogether, Susan thought she was the adorable sort of girl you just wanted to wrap in your arms and cuddle like a puppy.
Aiden dropped to his knees in front of her, hooking his fingers into the sides of her leggings. He pulled them down to her knees revealing a dark, neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair. He buried his nose in it as he went to work tonguing her clit. The girl responded by clutching fistfuls of his hair in her hands. She tilted her head back, eyes shut, clearly enjoying Aiden’s attention. Even though Susan couldn’t hear her, she couldn’t help but imagine little satisfied moans and sighs escaping the girl’s lovely young throat.
Without removing his face from between her thighs, Aiden used his hands to guide her back down onto the bed, chasing her clit with his tongue as she shifted her butt backwards until her head was resting on his pillows. Susan focused on the expressions forming on the girl’s face, and could tell that Aiden was putting the lessons she’d taught him to good practice. After a few moments, the girl’s eyes squeezed tight and she opened her mouth wide in a silently orgasmic cry. Susan couldn’t help but feel a little proud.
Aiden’s face finally lifted from the girl’s pussy. His grinning mouth, cheeks, and chin were glistening with her juices. He said something. She responded. He began to kiss his way up her body, briefly pausing at her chest to give a little attention to each of her nipples, before carrying on up her throat, over her chin, and reaching her lips. If she minded tasting herself on him, she didn’t show any sign. She returned his kisses passionately, and wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.
Half a moment later, Aiden pushed himself away from the girl and flopped onto his back beside her. His erect cock was unmistakable beneath the fabric of his shorts. The naked girl grinned and climbed on top of him, straddling him. She leaned over him, briefly kissing him again on the lips, and then began to slide down his body. Her beautiful round brown ass lifted into the air as she bent at the knees. When she reached the waist of his shorts, Aiden lifted his ass from the bed, and she yanked them off, tossing them to the floor. Susan couldn’t stifle a small groan of anticipation as the full glory of Aiden’s big beautiful cock came into view. From the looks of it, the girl was equally impressed.
Susan spread her legs a little further apart. Her fingers began to rub more quickly and firmly in circles around her hot desperate clit. The girl’s mouth descended to the head of Aiden’s cock, and Susan could almost taste the recollection of his salty precum on the tip of her tongue. She watched avidly as the girl’s lips parted to take him into her mouth.
But then she faltered. The girl could only fit so much, and even that, it seemed was cumbersome for her. She worked awkwardly at the blow job for a few moments. Susan watched Aiden’s face change from excited to patient to slightly frustrated. Finally, he motioned for the girl to stop what she was doing. They exchanged a few words, and then Aiden stood on the floor while the girl got onto all fours on the bed, with her ass facing Aiden’s cock. While Aiden hadn’t gone soft by any means, even from this distance, Susan could tell he was no longer at peak hardness. However, Aiden gave himself a few quick strokes, and slipped his penis between the girl’s thighs, sliding it along her slit to coat it in her warm juices. Soon enough, his erection returned to full power. When he was ready, he pushed slowly into her.
Susan remembered the delicious sensation of his cock, pushing against her own entrance and past it, sliding into her slowly and letting her feel every millimeter of him fill her pussy, just as he was doing to the girl now. The memories of her time with Aiden and the intense feelings she was giving herself finally tipped her over the edge. Susan moaned loudly into the dark attic as she found her release, flooding her body with a swarm of tiny electric sparks, fading to a beautiful warm afterglow. Her clit felt too sensitive for more now, so she simply relaxed into her cushion bed and continued to watch – more out of lingering curiosity than the horny voyeurism that had just gotten her off.
As Aiden pressed further into her, the girl looked over her shoulder and visibly gasped with an expression on her face that suggested that pain and desire were fighting for dominance of her pussy. Susan found herself wondering how much experience the girl actually had. Could her tight little cunt handle a cock like Aiden’s? Susan had always considered Aiden to be well endowed, but she’d also known how to handle him. The girl seemed to be struggling. However, Aiden didn’t push her. He went slowly and gently until she relaxed. He said something to her. She nodded. Her hand went to her clit and rubbed circles just like Susan had been doing a minute ago. He pushed a little deeper inside, and began to shift his hips back and forth in small cautious motions.
She could see Aiden’s face focusing intensely on the girl’s ass, trying to concentrate his way into an orgasm, but also holding back for fear of hurting her. He seemed uncertain of himself, a far cry from the confident man she’d built him into when they were together. After a few more minutes, Aiden halted everything and pulled out. They exchanged some words. The girl looked relieved as she sat up on Aiden’s bed. Aiden stood in front of her. She took his cock in her hands and started jerking him off, occasionally rubbing his head across her lips and flicking her tongue over the very tip. Their lips continued to move silently as they traded sexy sentiments to each other. Finally, after a moment, Susan saw Aiden’s body tense up, and watched his face take on that almost panicky look that men sometimes get just before they blow their load.
The girl stroked him fast and hard until his cock began to throb uncontrollably in her hands. A split second later a shot of thick white cum shot from his cock, splashed against the brown skin of her chest, and ran down between her little tits. More ejaculations followed the first but with subsequently less and less force, until there was just a small dribble. Looking like she’d just finished a marathon (albeit towards the back of the pack), the girl kissed the final drops of cum from the head of his cock. She smiled up at Aiden. The boy grinned back at her with the sort of mildly praising expression a parent might give to a child’s artwork. It had been a performance worthy only for the fridge door, not the wall of an art gallery, Susan thought to herself smugly. The girl might be younger and prettier than her, but she when it came to actually satisfying Aiden, she was no competition.
It’s not a competition, Susan forcefully reminded herself. Nevertheless, as she stood from her comfy little spy spot, she smiled to herself. She didn’t mind that Aiden was dating a new girl his own age. She’d wanted that for him, wanted him to move on from her. However, she never wanted to be replaced again, the way that her ex, Gary, the shit, had replaced her so quickly when their marriage had failed. She wanted to stay special to Aiden, and for him to remember her fondly for everything she’d given him that he couldn’t get from the girls at his school. So, Susan allowed herself a little private schadenfreud, and found it nearly as satisfying than the orgasm she’d just given herself.