[Then, now that she had taken two loads from each of the men and one from me, we took a shower together, where she had no shortage of soap and frictioning hands as we felt the freshness of her wet body; running my hands in her wet black hair was worth the trouble all of itself.
We all laughed and joked like old friends. Then, as all good things must come to an end, we toweled ourselves and dressed back into our street clothes. She had a spare dress—of a beautiful royal blue—in her large purse, and she put it on. With unreal speed, she made herself beautiful and glamorous again with burgundy lipstick that fit her complexion to a tee.
Once we had grabbed our jackets and our fedora hats, we headed out on the street. It was really late; well past midnight. We hopped and squeezed ourselves in Lloyd’s 1942 Cadillac and he drove us to Horn & Hardart, knowing it would be open with probably not a customer in sight, as the late-night couples usually went to smaller diners at such a late hour.
“It’s probably going to be only us and Old Lou; oh, I love your perfume, honey!” said Earl, who was sitting beside Wendy and cuddling her.
“Who’s Lou?” she inquired.
“He’s the old cleaner guy,” I explained. “He’s there, washing the floor and making sure no late customer is breaking the glass panes or anything; I’ll introduce you; he’s a great old chap!”
“Mmhh…” Wendy smiled. “Maybe this old cleaning man is going to get some extra tip tonight!”
I grinned as I kept caressing her thigh under her dress; she had dispensed herself with putting back her stockings and her bare skin was ungodly smooth after her shower.]
When we got inside the H & H automat restaurant, which had a short staircase leading down to a spacious dining room, Old Lou was there all right, cleaning the floor and singing “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah”. There was no one else. He was the proverbial white-bearded, Afro-American wise man—the kind-hearted, sixty-year-old man, benevolent and humble.
Yet I made no mistake; he had large hands and his arms had lots of wiry strength stored in them; such strength could be unleashed if needed. I saw him once throwing a drunk guy out; he had lifted him like a half-empty sack of potatoes.
“Hi Lou!” I said. “Meet Wendy! Wendy, this is Mr. Lou!”
Lou greeted Wendy with a fatherly grin and a humble nod, raising a straw hat that had seen better days.
“Hello, Miss! Rough company you got yourself in! Just ask me if you need help against these bad boys!” Lou replied in a joking tone.
“And you, daddy-o,” he said to me, “take good care of this lady! If you don’t give her the love she deserves, she can always come and see me!” he added, pointing at himself with a pressed thumb on his chest. Being called “daddy-o” in a friendly tone was one of the highest marks of acceptance a white man could get from an Afro-African man.
“Oh, Mr. Lou,” Wendy chimed in. “I always like to give love to wise men like you; here!”
She smooched him on the cheek, wrapping her little arms around his neck and making him smile, her silky skin brushing his white beard in the process; she looked like a pin-up girl in a royal-blue dress in the act of kissing an African Santa Claus wearing a beat-up jacket with elbow patches.
I heard her breathing heavier as she smooched him and pressed herself against him, producing a surprised expression on the old man’s face. He was no doubt feeling her breasts pressing against him.
Then I heard two new voices that sounded like lads…
“Did you see this? That’s disgusting!”
“She kissed and hugged him!”
We all turned and looked at the newcomers. They were two white lads double-dating with their girlfriends. They must have been about nineteen or twenty years old; the girls could have been eighteen. The guys had their varsity jackets, but the way they walked and wore their fedora hats indicated they were reaching their twenties. They also wore a white shirt and a tie under their lad’s jackets.
Their girlfriends were really pretty, fair-skinned both of them.
I suddenly recognized the one with the taller guy. She wore the same dusk-pink dress and dark-green cardigan she had been wearing when I spotted her on the sidewalk in front of this very restaurant eight days before. She was an alluring brunette whose pretty face looked like it was made to be kissed and receive loads of cum.
“Lucky guy!” I thought, “Maybe conservative and prejudiced, but a lucky son of a gun!”
She presently spoke to her fiancé (I noticed her engagement ring)…
“Come on, Steve! Let them be! This is my nineteenth birthday, so please, don’t make trouble! Let’s take our seats there…”
“Well, if I were you, Mary, I certainly wouldn’t spend my nineteenth birthday near such local rabble!” the other girlfriend chimed in.
This one stood about five feet tall, maybe five-one. She was an impish-looking blonde, the type you always saw neatly dressed with a snobbish look about her face every hour of the day. She wore a golden-yellow scarf and an expensive greatcoat, green in color, that was wide open and letting me see a navy blue jersey with a large white letter “H” in front. Her small breast shapes were tantalizingly nubile. I felt something stirring down in my pants. She was the most youthful-looking of the foursome; I was thus surprised to learn how old she was when Mary spoke…
“Oh, Ethel!” replied Mary. “Don’t say such bad words about fellow human beings! You disappoint me; at twenty years old, you should know better!”
Ethel’s boyfriend, who displayed all the signs of a college snob, sided against Mary: “Well, I’ll say it! I’m not going to sit down and eat here with such people in the same room!”
He spoke loud enough for us to hear. As he talked, his eyes never left Wendy. None of my friends moved nor said anything; I sensed all my fellow lifters were looking at Wendy. I looked at her; my jaw dropped. She was a blonde now! She had been so womanly to us in the showers that I had forgotten she was a witch.
“Well, handsome lad, you can leave if you want! No one’s twisting you’re arm, but I can tell that you would love to stay!” the suddenly blonde witch said loud and clear to Ethel’s boyfriend, her words echoing through the spacious dining room.
“Come on, Robert! Let’s leave!” Ethel said while pulling her tongue out at Wendy, acting like the impish snob she was.
“All right! Let’s leave…” Robert said in a surprisingly reluctant tone. Steve nodded, but Mary was against leaving…
“Hey! I’m hungry and this is my birthday! This food is hot and waiting for us to drop nickels, open the glass door and help ourselves. The dining room is big enough for all of us, isn’t it?”
She smiled at us, silently apologizing with a friendly, adorable face, but her three companions were dead set in their view.
“We’ll have a sandwich at my parents’ house, now, come on! We’re leaving!” said Steve in a commanding tone. Mary looked angrily back at him.
Neither Steve nor Robert stopped gazing at the blonde witch. I could tell they were fascinated.
“None of you fellas want to leave,” the Witch said. “I know it. Do you want me to tell you what’s really on your mind?”
“Well, yes, Ma’am, go ahead. What’s on my mind?” asked Steve in a defiant tone.
“You would love to stay here and watch some of my friends fuck your fiancée on that table here, while you and your friend will be fucking me on that table over there!”
Steve’s and Robert’s faces turned ghostly pale. None of the girls spoke. The four sweethearts looked like they had just seen a phantom! They were no doubt already phased out by the Witch and her uncanny ability to become a blonde at the snap of her fingers.
Steve was the first to recover. He was a tall, energetic young man; perhaps he had been captain of the football team.
“Let’s leave. Now!” he ordered Mary, Robert and Ethel.
“You do not want to leave,” said the Witch in her calm, confident voice.
“Oh yes, we do want to leave,” replied Steve, “and we are leaving right n… Hey! My nose! What’s happening?! What’s happening?!”
Mary and the snobbish blonde screamed in shock and terror! Robert’s jaw dropped as he held himself onto a table.
Steve’s nose had grown a full six inches of length!
“What’s happening, Steve?” the Witch echoed using an amused tone. “I’ll tell you what’s happening—you’re a little dirty liar, Steve! You do want to stay here. You do want to fuck me on that table over there while you watch your pretty fiancée get rear-ended by my friends here! This is what you really want in your heart of hearts, Steve.”
“No! I would never allow such a thing!” Steve replied. “I would never even allow myself to think about… Aahhh! My nose! My nose!”
Steve’s nose was now a full twelve inches long! We all watched in shocked silence.
The heavy silence was broken by the snobbish blonde, Ethel, and her annoying little bitch’s voice…
“No! That’s silly! Let’s get out of here!” Ethel shouted in panic.
“Ethel!” the Witch shouted back. “Ethel, you wouldn’t leave, wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t deprive yourself from your greatest fuck ever, wouldn’t you?”
“Me?! Letting these, these men touch me?! I would never allow this! Never in a million years!”
“Your heart tells me otherwise, Ethel,” said the Witch, snapping her fingers. “You see, Ethel, my friends here would love to give you a rough shaking on a table, and I know that you’ll greatly enjoy it.”
“Aaahhh! My nose! My nose!” Ethel screamed. Her nose had grown a good six to eight inches long.
“Ethel, Ethel…” the Witch said in a half-scolding, half-playful tone. “Don’t lie to yourself, Ethel. Do yourself a favor for tonight. Be true to yourself. Live out your most secret, unspoken fantasies.”
She then turned to the other girlfriend… “And how about you, Mary? Would you like to have some amazing playtime with a couple of my friends here?”
Mary looked directly at me. I could tell she recognized me. She looked down to the floor; her cheeks blushed to a crimson red as she gently nodded with a face a man would die for. Her nose kept its size.
Our group looked at the two young couples, who were looking back at us. Both lads were intensely eyeing the Witch, while I was eyeing Mary. Yes, I was going to fuck that stranger girl! Oh, this was going to be a genuine boffo!
Old Lou—I had completely forgotten him—quickly went upstairs to bolt the doors and close for the night; he would later tell me that he placed a sign that said: “Closed for urgent plumbing repairs.”
Once he was back down in the dining room, he fetched a series of tokens and played the juke-box, telling us the music would be heard as normal by any policeman who would walk near the front door, since he was in the habit of doing his cleaning job while listening to records with tokens the management gave him. The other noises could draw unwanted attention.
The dining room being downstairs, it was completely hidden from street view.
Mary let herself be approached by Earl and Big James, who both beat me to the start. She looked straight at me as Earl kissed her and gently stroked her chestnut hair while Big James ran his meaty hands on her bust, his dark-brown fingers sharply contrasting against the dusk rose of her dress as he cupped her breasts under her green cardigan.
The chestnut-haired girl, Mary, uttered warm moans under Earl’s kisses and she ran her hands over Big James’s paws as he kept caressing her breasts through her dress. Big James was towering above the girl, who stood around five feet three.
At my right, I saw the Witch telling the two lads—Steve and Robert—not to be shy, that they could grab her and take all her clothes off. And nearer to my left, there were Lloyd, Slim Jim and Anvil-Face Henry who rushed at Ethel and grabbed her.
Ethel’s shoulder-length blonde hair was suddenly acquainted with the touch of black men; the blonde presently yelped with savage excitement as the Olympic weightlifters lifted her like a feather and put her down on a table that Old Lou had just cleared for action by removing the salt and pepper.
“You’re a bitchy, snobbish little one! Aren’t you?” bellowed Lloyd in a scolding tone as he grabbed her varsity jersey and pulled it all the way up to her neck while she was pinned with her back against the table.
“You called us local trash, eh? You need a good thrashing! That’s exactly what you need, little white lady—a mighty-good thrashing!” added Slim Jim as he urgently pulled her white blouse out of her skirt and yanked it up to her neck, tucking it against her rolled-up jersey and exposing her small bra, which covered a beautiful pair of firm, small breasts, as she yelped in wild arousal.
“And that’s exactly what you gonna get, little Jezebel! A good thrashing!” Henry announced while he slid his hands under her skirt and took off her panties all the way down her petite legs and past her white socks and saddle shoes, before tucking her skirt all the way up her waist and unceremoniously uncovering the golden bush of her cunt.
I looked on, utterly fascinated, as Anvil-Face Henry began Africanizing the snobbish blonde’s pussy with his tongue, soon forcing her to moan out of control! The jukebox played Chattanooga Cho-Cho by the Glenn Miller Orchestra.
Old Lou was wise indeed to put on some music; a policeman patrolling the sidewalk and hearing faint moans and whimpers through the locked doors, in the still of the night, could mistakenly think that girls were being molested.
The ex-con ate Ethel’s pussy while the snobbish blonde screamed… “This not possible! Not possible! Aaahhh! Aaahhh! Aahh, yes, I must be punished! I’m a bad, snob girl and I must be, aaah, punished! Yes! Yes! I love your tongue inside me! Yes! I’m a little snobby girl and I, aaah, ooh, it’s so good!”
Lloyd and Slim Jim gleefully pulled her white bra and raised it all the way up against her tucked-up jersey and blouse, revealing the ungodly, forbidden sight of Ethel’s white tits, small with pointy nipples of a delicate rose with pale, fading areolas. Her naked breasts looked preposterous in this public space.
Slim Jim assaulted these nubile breasts with hands and mouth, while Henry (the ex-con) kept eating her pussy. Ethel went crazy and screamed her forbidden delight as she felt their African-thick lips on her white girl’s breasts and right on her pussy entrance. I was as hard as a horny centaur from watching this!
Robert heard his girlfriend screaming and saw her breasts uncovered and three black men pleasuring her girly assets. He forcefully kissed the Witch, who swiftly undid her dress buttons and got undressed with preternatural speed. Before I knew it, the blonde Witch was topless and letting both lads suck her nipples; she kept telling them to take their time in the same tone as a school teacher talking to her students.
Mary was also topless; her brown nipples were now coated with a sheen of saliva at the tips of a gorgeous pair of perky breasts, perfectly pale and fresh-looking! I was dying to get a taste. Big James kept kissing her nipples and running his hands around the contours of her whiteness as he further lowered her wide-open dress and her cardigan.
She quietly whimpered with pleasure as Big James unfastened her thin belt and removed her cardigan and her dress, letting them fall at her feet while she looked at Earl’s ebony muscles and became positively shocked and in awe in front of this African Adonis.
Earl finished undressing himself and showed her his growing dick, thick-based and baobab-shaped.
Mary took this medium-brown dick in her dainty hand and made Earl buck-hard. Looking at Ethel being pleasured on her table, and following the same example, Big James lifted Mary off her feet. I stepped in and removed her saddle shoes, then her white socks, discovering and touching her pale and rosy feet. She wore no stockings. She was now wearing only her white bra and panties.
Once she was on the cleared table, I held her delicate ankles and started kissing and licking Mary’s feet while looking at the uncovering of her vulva; Big James’s meaty hands grabbed her panties and feverishly pulled them down her thighs while the girl started panting and moaning in anticipation.
“Oohhh! Yes… Yes!” Mary purred as she felt Big James’s hand on her intimate hair—a dark, generous triangle that stood watch over her inviting slit.
Earl explored her pussy with a finger that came out covered with glistening juices when he pulled it out of Mary as she moaned and purred. I kept caressing the silky paradise of her lower legs and feet. She looked straight at me as I helped Big James spread her legs wide, while Earl fondly kissed and kneaded her free-moving breasts.
“Aaahh! I’m taken by pirates! I surrender!” Mary bellowed when Big James sank his huge dick inside her wet pussy. Earl held her wrists while James began hammering the white girl with powerful dick thrusts, putting all his 250-plus pounds of weight behind each stroke and subjecting her to a savage pounding!
Her breasts were absolutely gorgeous to watch as they jiggled away while Mary’s head was bobbing on the table between her arms, her wrists held by Earl. Big James was now grabbing her lithe waist and fucking her with unbridled abandon on the creaking table.
Ethel was being similarly dealt with. Anvil-Face Henry was pounding her with urgent dick thrusts while Slim Jim and Lloyd, both grinning, held the loud-moaning blonde and kept playing with her breasts. Henry told her it felt gee-whizz good to be punishing the snobbish girl she was. She asked him to punish her harder while Old Lou was watching the scene and masturbating; he was stark naked.
The Witch was Eve-naked and kneeling on a chair. Steve, the taller one, was fucking her like a dog, from behind, and he visibly enjoyed every second of it. At the same time, she was pleasuring Robert’s dick, giving him an expert mouth job while the lad gently stroked her long blonde hair and let out loud grunts of primal appreciation. Steve looked immensely happy to be having such a great fuck.
“Hey, Steve! She’s a real tight one, isn’t she?” I yelled at the happy lad, who was avidly watching his fiancée get repeatedly galley-rammed by Big James’s nine-inch gun and moan like crazy. He was also watching Ethel as she was triple-teamed on the other table; he was in fact watching her more and more instead of his fiancée.
“Oohhh! Oohh! Yes! Yes! The pirates… they gang-fuck me… on the deck… on the captured ship… I let them do everything they want…” Mary moaned while biting her lips amid her intense whimpers. Earl, the middleweight lifter, was face down on her moving breasts; he engulfed one in his mouth while Mary ran an accepting hand through his woolly hair.
Then, she became all spasms and tremors under James’s heavy pounding; she tightly wrapped her legs around him, giving me an amazing show of girly feet as she crossed ankles above James’s jumbo buttocks. She climaxed and detonated from within…
“Ooohhh! Yes, yes, yes… Oohh, my God! Oohh, my God! Ooaahh, yes… The pirates… all of them Africans… They make me happy!”
“Hhhnnnrr! Nnn… djjhh!!!” Steve uttered as he filled up the Witch with his seed and kept hammering her doggy style, while he just watched his Mary climax in the arms of these two strangers of a different neighborhood.
My attention was brought back to the creaking table where Big James was now urgently pounding the whimpering girl; her chestnut hair was now a disheveled tumult while her breasts were jiggling to a blur under Earl’s grinning face. Mary kept moaning and yelling “The pirates! The pirates!”
Big James thundered in a massive ejaculation, ramming Mary so hard that even Earl couldn’t keep the table from sliding a few inches; he bull-rammed her three or four times while spewing his bolts of African semen, and the wild-moaning girl climaxed again as she received his steamy load.
“Oohh… Thank God it’s my safe time of the month…” she let out amid her panting, while Big James pulled his big toy out of her conquered pussy. I saw his huge dick all glistening with white-girl juices.
Since Earl was still on the other side holding her hands, kissing her and playing with her breasts, I moved in and took my turn inside Mary. I was stallion-hard and penetrated her with a loud cry of victory.
I began fucking her gently, remembering her as she was a week earlier when she was strolling on that sidewalk and I had been too shy to say hello. Now, she was looking at me intensely as I grabbed her thighs and felt the silky warmth of her fair skin.
She wrapped her legs around me and pressed her pelvis hard against my crotch, meeting my impaling dick as she kept looking into my eyes.
Earl looked a bit disappointed at himself; he had to wait for me to finish. He kept holding her wrists and watched her small breasts jiggle along with her bouncing nipples, fascinated by his own saliva coating these girly tabs.
“Wh… What’s your name, Mister?” she said as I pounded her like a complete savage.
“Oh… I’m Dean! Hrr! Hrr! Nice to meet you, hrr, hrrr… Miss!”
“I’m mmhh… oohhh… Mary! I’m also, ooohhh, really delighted to… Oohhh! Meet your meat, I mean, aahh, I’m, aaahh, I’m all mixed up and sh… shaken right now, ooaahh, yes! Yes! Ooohh… I love having you inside me, Dean!”
“The pleasure… Hhrrr! The pleasure is shared!”
Having seen how much she enjoyed a rough fuck, I fired on all cylinders, hoping I would last long enough for her to hit her jackpot one more time, but I was so ungodly aroused to fuck this complete stranger that I soon felt the surging tide of an all-encompassing climax. I grabbed her wonderful hips and I bucked her with a stallion’s thrusts as my dick ran out of control…
“Oohh! Mary!” I shouted as one epic load of cum shot out of me, all at once, and she looked at me while taking my hot semen inside her. Her green eyes were shining with passion, and perhaps something more.
Steve was looking at me with murder in his eyes. My using Mary’s name while shooting my load didn’t go down well with him.
I stooped down and kissed her lovely breasts while she panted heavily under me, trying to catch her breath. Something pushed me and prompted me to take my encounter with her to something more than just a wild night of sex.
At last, I tasted her lovely nipples on top of her pleasure-swollen breasts! Her girly firmness smoothly yielded under my mouth as I filled my nostrils with her maid’s scent. Then, I went further up and kissed her lips. I told her where she could find me. In a whisper to her ear, I told her where and when I trained, that she was sure to find me there at that place and at these times and days of the week. My schedule was as regular as a Swiss clock.
Then, I left Earl with my belle. He flipped her around and bent her over the table; he then started to gently fuck her vagina as she kept purring in female delight.
Ethel was presently pounded in the exact same way by Slim Jim, her white butt uncovered and her skirt down her saddle-shoed feet while she still wore her navy-blue jersey. Henry and Lloyd were standing by with their dicks covered with fresh cum as they watched the snobbish blonde hit another orgasm…
“Oohh yeah! Ah, yeah, ah, ah, aah, aaah, aaahh… I’m a bad, bad girl! I’m… Ah… aaah, yeah! Aaahh I love this!”
She was clutching the table’s edge with her hands, her face resting and sliding sideways on the tabletop as she took the furious punishment on the creaking table. After gleefully fucking her like a dirty bitch for some time, Slim Jim exploded inside her, running his coal-black hands around the curvy contours of her butt as he made the girl feel his hot sauce.
The jukebox was now playing Don’t Sit Under The Apple Tree by the Andrews Sisters.
Slim Jim moved out from Ethel. I watched with utter disbelief as Old Lou, stark naked, walked in and took his turn inside the blonde. This was something that was never supposed to happen!
The sixty-something cleaning man, his dark-brown hands holding the sides of her varsity jersey, began fucking the twenty-year-old white girl with unadulterated bliss, singing “Zip-A-Dee-Doh-Dah” while he banged her like a prancing stallion.
Ethel couldn’t stop whimpering. She submissively took her continued punishment and let out loud moans when the old man pressed himself against her and cupped her breasts from behind, under her jersey, as he kept drilling her. She felt his all-African power right down to her very bones as her whimpers filled the room!
“She must have very sensitive breasts,” I thought, as the white girl hit a higher-pitch register and began moaning and begging the grunting old man to keep going and to pound her harder.
As if it were acknowledging the old man’s moment of glory, the juke-box played Zip-A-Dee-Doh-Dah by the Pied Pipers.
The old man, his white beard against Ethel’s shoulder, experienced the privilege of hearing her hitting a loud climax in his arms, as he kept cupping her fresh breasts in his years-weary hands, before he joined her in bliss and released his manly spunk inside her, pressing himself against her, growling loud and moving his pelvis like a dog as he finished emptying his load.
Like Mary, Ethel thanked the Lord she was in her safest days of her month. Lucky girls.
I watched Earl as he forcefully pounded Mary’s snow-white butt while she took him bent over the table; his hands were pressed on her delightful curves as he emptied his load inside her butthole; he had ass-fucked her behind my back. I’d be damned! I hoped I would meet her again, so I’d get the chance to do it myself. I was far too tired to try this right now.
I then witnessed the Witch get urgently fucked on her table by Robert, with her legs and feet propped up, just like I had done on her own kitchen table eight days before, when she was a raven-haired fortune teller. Now she was a blonde witch getting fucked like a whore at Horn & Hardart while the juke-box played Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition by Kay Kyser, a wartime hit from five years before.
Robert growled and ejaculated inside her with lackluster energy; his climax was nothing to write home about. Then, I saw Steve do something unexpected; he angrily looked at Mary his fiancée and walked straight at Ethel, who was still bent over her table, exhausted and basking in her post-climax bliss. She was by herself. Lloyd and his fellow black lifters had put back some clothes on and were dropping nickels into the automat food service displays. They were hungry.
After spreading his tall legs wide to line his erect dick with the short girl’s entrance, Steve ragingly grabbed Ethel’s butt and he began rear-ending her. Steve watched Mary, who looked back at him and started to cry, as he kept angrily fucking Robert’s girl, who was whimpering loud and greatly enjoying the ride, holding the edge of the table with white-knuckled hands and letting her face slide on the tabletop as Steve kept powerfully rocking her.
Then, he exited her pussy and immediately sank his hard dick inside Ethel’s asshole. She went nuts with unrestrained pain and pleasure, screaming like a bitch, as Steve powerfully hammered her wonderful butt. She eventually climaxed and called Steve’s name!
By that time, I had grabbed Mary’s derriere and I was presently fucking her from behind as she remained bent over our own table. My rod was too tired for trying sodomy, so I hammered her pussy, and that was more than enough to drive Mary off her rocker.
“Oohhh… Oohh! Dean! Oh, Dean!” she kept purring as she received my ramming assaults, calling my name while turning her head to the other side, where she would not have to watch her fiancé cheat on her. She kept calling my name loud to make her message very clear. I couldn’t care less about Steve; I contemplated Mary’s fair-skin beauty and took unfathomable pleasure in fucking the teenage girl as her lovely chestnut hair kept wildly sliding on the tabletop. I was glad that the pleasure was lasting long enough to become a life-altering experience.
I blissfully exploded inside Mary while holding her delicious butt, which was rather slender, yet it looked quite curvy against her tiny waist; her curves were gorgeous. What an amazing fuck she was! I felt like making her my wife. Wendy could only give me witch love; Mary would give me a woman’s love.
The jukebox was no longer playing. When he ejaculated inside Ethel, Steve seemed to completely forget about Mary.
“Oh, Ethel! I love you! I’ve always loved you!” he shouted at her as he shot his bolts of cum inside her ass.
“Oh, Steve! Steve! I love you too!” she cried as she welcomed his cum flood.
“Ethel, will you marry me?”
“Yes. Yes, Steve! And I’ll let you do this to me anytime you want!”
Robert had completely forgotten his Ethel, who obviously was no longer his. He was being given another black-magic mouth job by the Witch.
The raven-haired Witch was kneeling in front of her student, sucking and licking his cock with a snaky tongue while massaging his shaft. I have no idea how she did this, but Robert’s all-mighty scream filled the room as he exploded, then she swallowed all his lad’s cream.
Mary got up from the table. She kissed me gently and asked me something that greatly aroused me even though I was spent after such prolonged festivities.
“Dean, would you like to watch me kneel down, naked as I am, and lick the dicks of your friends? I’ll finish with you!”
I nodded, silent in shocked excitement.
Mary, pristinely beautiful from her dainty feet all the way up to her chestnut-brown hair, gave an amazing show of female splendor as she knelt down, sat on her heels and invited Big James with a wide smile.
When the big brown man stood in front of her, his large hanging dick right at her face, Mary grabbed the flaccid toy and began massaging it, putting some life back in his spent manhood.
Then, she pushed the skin to the base and licked the very sensitive glans that she had just uncovered. Big James let out a loud growl as his dick quickly grew back to its battle-station length. It grew as hard as the deck of an aircraft carrier while the white girl kept licking the tip of his dark cock and massaging the base of his shaft.
Before long, the heavyweight lifter was groaning and grunting in out-of-control delight, stroking Mary’s hair with a feverish hand as she kept pleasuring him with her tongue. He couldn’t hold it any longer. He screamed like an African banshee as loads of semen powerfully spurted out of his pulsating cock.
Mary kept licking it and received his hot sauce on her pretty face. She licked off his cock and swallowed everything. She looked at me and smiled proud as she finished her helmet polish job.
The Witch congratulated her and invited Ethel to kneel beside Mary, so both girls could work together, with no hard feelings, and give a double lick job to each and every man in the room.
Ethel obeyed the Witch’s command. The naked blonde knelt down beside the Eve-nude brunette, and the unbelievable scene began.
Lloyd had his cock licked very thoroughly by the pair of white-girl tongues. He lasted three minutes; while he kept stroking both girls’ hair, he growled his delight and spewed his seed on Mary’s breasts, Africanizing them with unfathomable joy. Seeing the beads of seed that glistened on her boobs got me horny again.
Then came Earl, whose warm sugar stick was worshipped by the licking girls. Ethel polished his balls while Mary ran her tongue back and forth his thick shaft, before concentrating on the tip of his cock; she soon milked out a final ejaculation that was not very large, yet it was creamy and Mary had some porridge to lick and swallow as she cleaned Earl’s cock while Ethel kept kissing his contented rod.
Slim Jim’s intense blackness had both girls’ full attention. The pair of tongues double-teamed the head of his dick and before long, his mouth was opened wide and he spewed out two bolts of cum that landed on Ethel’s face.
Ethel and Mary did likewise for Anvil-Face Henry, who screamed “Mamma mia!” when he intensely ejaculated on Mary’s forehead. He had no idea where his sudden use of Italian came from; he must have heard it in some gangster movie.
Some distance away, Steve was punishing the Witch, who was on all fours with her weight on her elbows; she was taking the tall lad’s pounding with her butt protruding and her face sliding on the flagged-tiled floor. Steve was rear-fucking the raven-haired girl the same way I had done her in the showers. Her legs and feet were a joy to watch in this position.
Steve was yelling at her angrily, blaming her for his broken engagement with Mary while he kept drilling the whimpering Witch. Then he thundered a victorious ejaculation, filling her up while Robert was watching and masturbating.
The cleaning man had fed the jukebox another nickel. It was now playing Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive by Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters.
Old Lou had some steam left. He replaced Steve behind the Witch and started pounding her with surprising vigor for a man of his years. The Witch moved herself out of his hands, but it was only to change positions. She laid herself down on the floor and received Old Lou in her waiting arms as he set himself on top of her and forcefully re-entered her.
The Witch wrapped her legs around the old cleaning man and he began pounding her while Bing Cosby was singing and advising him to latch on to the affirmative and not to mess with Mister In-Between. He certainly wasn’t drilling her half-hearted. He was fully committed to the act. She kissed the African Santa look-alike as she let him use her all the way, full steam ahead. She knew from very long experience that one shall never underestimate an old man. He roughed her up all right and she was delighted.
Old Lou exploded inside the Witch and shouted “Oh, yeah! Oh yeah… Coming to town! Nnnrrr!”
It had suddenly occurred to Robert that he could get his dick double-licked by Ethel and Mary, whom he was thrilled to try. They gave him the same treatment as the five weightlifters, who were presently sitting at a table and eating.
Robert had his cock double-licked as he caressed Ethel’s hair and contemplated Mary’s naked body, which he of course had never got to see before. When he shot his load, he gleefully splattered Mary’s boobs as he screamed his joy.
Steve came to claim his own turn. He passed me without a glance, and took Ethel’s face, rejecting Mary’s offer. Ethel let him grab her blonde hair and use it as handles as he roughly face-fucked her until he shot the very last of his cum stores. Ethel swallowed his syrup while looking straight up at her future husband.
I watched in complete awe, unable to wrap my head around all that had happened over these last few hours; so incredibly eventful! Being in the social circle of a witch could get really exhausting.
Then, I felt a hand, the small hand of a woman taking hold of my tired dick. It was Mary. She knelt at my feet and kept looking up at me as she started to lick my tired cock, making it surprisingly hard, then she took me in her mouth. Her green eyes never left my gaze as she engulfed my entire length and coated my big toy with her spit.
She used her hand to make a nice twisting motion. She never stopped looking at me as she sucked my dick; she gave me an intense thrill that went far beyond a mere exchange of carnal pleasure.
I lovingly caressed her chestnut hair as she kept pleasuring me. She was doing it with love. She was teaching me the difference between having a fuck and making love.
I had no idea how she managed this, but my dick was once again flagpole hard, all seven inches of it.
I made a decision; I gently pulled myself out of her loving mouth and knelt down, where I kissed her and gently persuaded her to lie down on the flagged-tiled floor of Horn & Hardart.
When I laid myself down on top of Mary, she looked at me like no woman had ever looked at me before. Now I understood what it meant to make love, to love and to be loved. The jukebox was now playing Nat King Cole’s (Get Your Kicks on) Route 66.
I wasn’t entering Mary’s womanhood only because I found her pretty and adorable. I was doing it because I felt a lifetime bond uniting us. I asked her to marry me a few weeks later, but I’ve always felt that we actually had our wedding on that flagged floor, when I took her and she received me with joy, kissing me and wrapping her legs around me, almost bursting with happiness when she felt my hot seed spilled inside her.
I buried my face in her scentful hair and kissed her neck as I powerfully ejaculated and felt her hands running all over my meaty back; then, she turned her face toward me and our lips met; our breaths mingled as she received my last drops inside her.
We all had a late meal together. Mary sat with me. Ethel was leaning on Steve, who looked like a changed man. Ethel was a lot less snobbish; it seemed that the prejudice had been hammered out of her and it needs to be said that my friends and Steve gave her a royal thrashing.
The raven-haired Witch told us that black was really her natural color. I wasn’t ready to believe her. She was sitting on Robert’s lap and it was clear that the poor fellow was hopelessly in love with her. She’d take him with her until she’d get bored. Witch love is what it is.
A woman’s love is the real deal.
John Davis was my best man at the wedding.
Mary, now wearing her wife’s ring, paid a visit to the gym from time to time, smiling at Big James. Whether she distributed playing cards to lifters or not is another story.
The End.