Winter Love

"Love is found on a cold winter night"

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Damn, I knew I should have had the car serviced before heading out. If I’d listened to the guy at the garage, I wouldn’t have skidded and got wedged in this god-forsaken bank of snow. He told me I needed new brakes but, oh no, I had to do everything my way instead of taking advice. Yeah, smart-ass, look where it’s got you.

I pushed my shoulder into the door, but I couldn’t open it against the pile of snow. And only now I realized that I wasn’t dressed to climb a snowbank. See, there I go again: why hadn’t I changed into warm winter clothes at work? Tell you why — because I had to look sexy to drive. Damn, Terry, you can be a real ass.

But I did know one thing: if I sat there for much longer, I’d probably freeze to death.

So, despite wearing unsuitable heels and a clinging pencil skirt, I decided to climb out of my sports car’s window. Yeah, right, a good plan, eh? One of these days I’ll learn to listen to people instead of thinking I know it all.

After firing the engine — at least that worked — I operated the down button on the electric window. Another bad idea. As the window squeaked and juddered on its way down, snow tumbled inside the car. Fuck! Boy-oh-boy, Terry, you did just great this time. 

Pushing the snow into the footwell, I started to heave myself out of the window. Good thing I’d lost a few pounds before this fabulous vacation, otherwise I wouldn’t have had a chance of getting my curvy ass through the gap. Grasping the door frame, I was able to wriggle my way up and out. But, lo-and-behold, what the hell was I thinking? Yes, you got it, I went headfirst into the snow.

Screaming like a maniac, I frantically wriggled, waving my arms and legs, struggling furiously until I managed to get upright. I was almost waist-high in snow. Shit! That’s when I also realized I needed something warmer than my soaked flimsy silk top. No panic, I’ll simply get my weekend bag from the trunk. Yeah, another winning idea. 

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I yelled. The keys were still in the car. 

Suddenly, I heard a vehicle approaching and I made a supreme effort to clamber out of the snow, yelling and waving my arms at the same time, hoping that the driver would stop. I was desperate to reach the road so they could see me. I felt like a total asshole, howling like a dervish and aware that I must look like a wrinkled sopping wet bag of Italian bread.

Somehow, with the expensive but inadequate, useless shoes in my hands, I made it to the road in time — and the car stopped. Thank you, God.

The driver was a woman and I breathlessly garbled what had happened. Luckily, she was nice enough to help a demented woman and phoned for a tow truck. Amazingly, I’d barely had time to say where I was heading and to learn that my rescuer was named Sherry and lived nearby before assistance arrived. That’s the good news. The bad? The tow-truck guy asked me what had happened and I told him about skidding — and confessed about the suspect brakes. Suspect? More like lack of brakes.

“Why the hell were you driving?” he snapped, raising his arms and slapping them back down by his sides. “Are you crazy?”

Okay, okay, I’d already admitted I was an ass. But I hated the feeling that these strangers thought I was some fucking loser. A bimbo. Stupid bloody airhead. The tears started. Oh great. On top of everything else, I’m turning into a blubbering cry baby.

Surprisingly, Sherry wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “It’s gonna be fine,” she said. “We all make mistakes. Did you know your brakes were that bad?”

“Yes, honestly, I suppose I did. The mechanics told me I needed new ones but I thought I could make it to my cabin.” I sniffled, needing to wipe my nose and eyes. ”Guess I was wrong.” 

My cheeks were warm with embarrassment and I felt more tears trickling down them when Sherry said, “Look, everything will be okay. The guy is towing your car and he’ll fix it tomorrow. Meantime, I’ll take you where you need to go.” 

“Thank you… thank you both. You’re very kind.” I took a deep breath. “Can I get my weekend bag from my car? I’ve got some warm clothes in there. Standing here half-dressed, I’m getting frostbite on my ass.”

The mechanic put my bag in Sherry’s car, gave me a business card, and told me where he was taking my vehicle.  As I watched my car being carted down the road, I thought what a piece of shit it was. See, there I go again, blaming the car instead of the real culprit: me

As Sherry and I got into her vehicle, it started snowing again. Heavy, too.

“I’m not sure we can make it to your cabin tonight. This snow is coming down pretty hard,” she said.

“Hmm, I think you’re right. Anyway, I shouldn’t ask you to risk it. You’ve been very kind and helpful.” I turned to look at her and offered a smile. “I know there’s the Ski-lodge near here. Do you think they’ll have a room?”

“Very doubtful.” She shook her head. “With the snowmobile races this weekend, the area is crowded. But you’re welcome to stay at my place.”


“Sure, you’re not a serial killer are you?” She turned her head and glared into my eyes. Then she laughed. ”Kidding, I’m just kidding.”

It was about then that I really looked at her: she was pretty, long blonde hair peeking out of the hood on her snowmobile suit, and her eyes flashed a beautiful blue. 

We drove in silence to her house. As I looked through the snow-laden treetops, it looked very quaint with lights lining the rooftop. I spotted a swing and a pair of rocking chairs on the porch. It was a beautiful place but snow was steadily falling, covering the driveway. My heels were a damn hindrance as I tried to rush into the house. I desperately needed to get warm. 

Sherry handed me a blanket, got a fire going, and went back out to retrieve my bag from the car. If I had to have these self-inflicted problems, I was surely grateful that I’d met Sherry. She returned with my things, pointed the way upstairs to the guest bedroom and bathroom and told me to take a hot shower. I was so thankful for my Good Samaritan and her friendly and generous hospitality. 

After getting warm and clean in the shower, I dried and wrapped the towel around me. My bag was on the bed in the guest bedroom and I dressed in jogger pants, sweatshirt, and warm socks. I felt so much better.

Walking downstairs, I heard soft background music coming from the living room. It was snug in there and I was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace, something I’ve always loved, when Sherry came in from the kitchen carrying glasses and a bottle of wine.

“I’m sorry, would you prefer something hot? Foolish me, I wasn’t thinking straight,” she said, setting down the wine and glasses on the table.

“No, no… wine is good, thank you so much,” I said. “Your home is so cozy. I love it. It’s beautiful, the sort of place I really love away from all the hustle and bustle of city life.”

Sherry joined me on the bearskin rug and, in the light of the crackling fire, I saw how beautiful she truly was. I’d quickly learned she was beautiful inside and now I could study her physical beauty. Having removed her bulky snowmobile suit, Sherry was revealed as a petite young woman. She looked amazing.

Over a few glasses of wine, we got to know more about each other. She’d lost a partner to another last year and didn’t feel she wanted to be part of a relationship again. I leaned over to hug her and tried to explain that, in time, her broken heart would heal.

We talked until we were both tired — and the bottle was empty. Women tend to talk better with a glass of wine or three.

As we headed for the stairs, Sherry said, ”You know, with everything going on, I never asked what brings you to our little town of Williamsburg.”

“Ah, I knew the snowmobile races were on this weekend and I wanted to see them. As a child, I had a snowmobile and rode through all the trails — some back ones that not many people know about. And, of course, I raced every year.” I shook my head. “Sorry, with all the business about my car, I didn’t think to say that I grew up here. I left many years ago and haven’t been back until now. When I heard the races were still here, I thought it would be a good time to return. I want to watch them.” I chuckled, adding, “Maybe I’ll even get a chance to ride again.”

“Oh gosh, that’s awesome. I’ve only been here a couple of years, but I love it.”

“I have a lot of good memories of this place.”

“Terry, I’m in the races tomorrow. Why don’t you ride there with me? You could show me your back trails and after I’ve raced we could go on to your cabin.” Sherry’s blue eyes gleamed as she looked at me. “That’s if you still want to stay at the cabin. Otherwise, you’re welcome to stay here with me. How does that sound?”

Before I could reply, she said, “Better yet — goodness, I wasn’t thinking again— my ex-partner’s snowmobile is still in the garage. You could use that if you still think you can ride.” 

We laughed, then I said, “Really? You would let me use it? Oh my God, it’s been so long, but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike, something you don’t forget. I would love to. I would also love to show you my cabin. It belonged to my parents and they left it to me.” An image of their faces flashed across my mind and I continued in a quieter voice. “This is the first time I’ve been back since they passed away. It would be nice to have someone with me.” 

Sherry gave me a hug before turning and walking toward her bedroom. I smiled at her: memories of a long lost love in this area sprang into my mind. Funny that; hadn’t thought about it for many years.


The next morning we were up early and off to the races. It felt good to be back on a snowmobile again. I’d forgotten what a joy it was. I showed Sherry a couple of shortcut trails to reach the races and to a little country bar where, at this time of year, nothing but snowmobiles parked out front.

The races were wonderful fun and when they let everyone run the track it was awesome. The cups of chilli and warm cider also brought back delightful memories. On top of all this, I’d met Sherry. That was a major plus and I really looked forward to spending a couple more days with her before I had to return to the city.

Although I had people taking care of my cabin — cleaning and piling up firewood, that sort of thing — I wasn’t sure about provisions. Of course, I’d phoned days earlier to let them know I was coming and again last night to say that I’d been delayed. I hoped they’d stocked it a bit but, before heading off, I bought a few essentials.

I showed Sherry more back trails and we even stopped at a tree where I’d carved the name of a boyfriend. Ah, memories.

Finally arriving at the cabin, we covered the machines in case it snowed, and walked in to find a small fire going and wine chilling. The caretakers had really made the place homely, the way I remembered it many years ago. I could still hear my parents’ laughter.

Removing boots and suits, we grabbed a bottle of wine and glasses and sat in front of the fire. It seemed our favorite place.

After a time spent joking, talking, drinking, generally getting to know one another, I looked into Sherry’s beautiful blue eyes and there was a spark. We automatically leaned in for a kiss. Our lips meshed, then we opened up for our tongues to share a beautiful waltz. Arms around each other, we hugged close, continuing to kiss for some time until I stood and pulled Sherry to her feet. 

Raising her arms, I removed her sweater and T-shirt. She did the same to me. I knew everything was right. Right time, right moment, right person. Even though we’d just met, we wanted each other.

Unhooking each other’s bra, we let them slide to the floor, and our breasts squashed as we embraced. The sensation was wonderful and four nipples hardened. We kissed again, tongues swirling, and we were alone in our own world.

Dropping to my knees, I tugged her pants down and off, wrapped my arms around her and clutched her perfect ass. Hearing her moan made me want her even more.

Pulling me in close, she sighed, “Oh yes, Terry.” 

I had to taste her, needed her like no other. I slid my fingers inside her panties and eased them down, at the same time kissing her shaven mons pubis. She widened her stance and I used my fingers to separate her pussy lips. Her beautiful pink flower opened for me and I inhaled her smell while caressing her clit with the tip of my tongue. 

Sherry’s legs were quivering so I carefully settled her onto the rug and took her love nest in my mouth. Her hips continually swayed — side to side, up and down — while I tasted her beautiful juices.

“Terry, please make me come,” she screamed.

Adding three fingers and probing deep inside, I fucked her pussy with the power of a long, thick cock. Sucking her clit into my mouth, her juices flowed and she squirted onto my face as she climaxed fast and hard, hips bouncing off the rug.

Sliding my pants down, I got on top, pressing my clit on hers. Moving back and forth, the friction drove us to a wild orgasm and I sucked on her enlarged nipples. Bitting and pulling, rubbing and squeezing, I couldn’t get enough of her as we kissed again, our tongues intertwining.

Sherry suddenly rolled me over and slipped between my thighs, holding up my legs while sucking my clit to the point where it was so fucking good it almost hurt. Then I felt fingers deep inside my pussy and a thumb in my ass. 

“Oh God… fuck me, Sherry,” I groaned.

Sherry pumped in and out, fast and furious. “Yes, fuck me,” was all I could muster. As she continued her relentless finger-fucking, I took her clit between my lips and began chewing on that beautiful pink rosebud. 

For the first time in my life, I squirted. It seemed as if everything flowed from my body and I shook, almost convulsing. Sherry lay on top, holding me tightly, as I eased down from the remarkable orgasm. I’d never felt anything like it.


It was wonderful to awaken with someone for whom I cared so much. I know it all happened quickly — but emotions don’t wait on time.

I got up, brewed coffee, and we talked before making love again in the bathroom. Washing each other from head to toe was just the beginning. We rubbed against each other and, as we sat in the big tub, our clits matched up perfectly. Up and down we went, our clits rubbing in perfect harmony for shuddering orgasms. Would I be able to leave this woman when the time comes?

We dressed and rode one snowmobile to the local bar. Holding on to her, arms around her waist, was beautiful and Sherry announced she didn’t want me to leave. But we knew I must: I had a job and an apartment in the city. 

Back at the cabin, it wasn’t long before we were both naked again. This time Sherry had a surprise for me, buckling on a strap-on and telling me to get on all fours. As I raised my ass, she eased that big cock into my wet, needy pussy. 

One thrust put it completely inside. Hands gripping my hips, she pulled me back onto every deep stroke. “Fuck me, Sherry… harder, fuck me harder,” I screamed and reached to play with my clit. “Oh, my god… Yes, Sherry, I’m coming….” 

One final hard thrust sent us both into another orgasm. When we stopped shaking, we crumpled to the floor, Sherry on my back. We stayed like that for some time, totally satisfied, drained of energy.

Eventually, Sherry withdrew the toy cock from my pussy and held me. “You know I don’t want you to go,” she whispered, stroking my hair.

“I know and I don’t want to go.“ I sighed. “But I do have a job and an apartment. I must go back and it’s not like we’re days away from each other.”

I sat up, held Sherry’s face in my hands, and gazed into her eyes. “If our relationship continues to develop, then we can talk long term, about one of us moving. Okay?”

Tears in her eyes, Sherry nodded and gave me another long emotional kiss.

It was difficult to part but we got our things together, left the cabin, and eventually picked up my car. Who’d have thought a reckless decision about my brakes would end so well?

Sherry and I said a teary farewell. But it wasn’t really goodbye; it was “See you soon…”



Published 5 years ago

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