Wild Weekend and Concert with Kelly

"Kelly and I continue a life of sexual adventures"

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It was the spring of 1980. Kelly and I were a couple of years out of high school. Scott, who you met previously, was a senior. He had been dating Gina for the past few months. She was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.

Kelly and Gina both worked part-time at a local bakery. Kelly had worked there through high school and would pick up shifts whenever she was home from college. They got along well and Kelly had taken Gina under her wing like a little sister. Gina had started the job around the same time she started dating Scott. Scott, true to his word, never said anything about Kelly giving him his first blow job back when he was a sophomore. And worried about how that news would fly with Gina, he had passed the request through me that Kelly also never mention it to Gina. That was a no problem, deal.

Being new on the job and new at having a relationship, Gina bombarded Kelly with questions and updates about virtually every aspect of her life. It would be hard to imagine there was anything going on with her that Kelly didn’t know about. And not having sisters, Gina carried on and on to her mom about how great it was to have Kelly as someone to share with and get guidance from. Wow, what they didn’t know! Needless to say, Kelly and I were having lots of sexual fun in our life, but she didn’t share any of that with the kid.

That gets us to the beginning. Gina REALLY, REALLY wanted to see a group that was performing in Madison in a few weeks at the Coliseum. Needless to say, her folks said there was no way that was going to happen. Of course, Gina went to Kelly with her woes and they eventually hatched a plan. We would all go together as two couples, get two hotel rooms with guys in one and girls in the other. Her folks bought it and plans were put in motion. The concert was on a Sunday night, but they put together a plan that got us there for Saturday night as well. A chance to see the sights and the campus, an educational field trip!

I reserved the rooms and gave the girls their confirmation number. We all agreed that we wanted to save the money and no one had a problem sharing a room, so a day before I canceled one of the rooms. We left Saturday morning so we could take it all in, which for the girls meant hitting the big mall (remember shopping malls? Those were a thing back then). Scott and I hung out until our rendezvous time. Then we got to carry handfuls of bags to my car and into the hotel.

Kelly, Scott, and I had come up with our real plan for the evening a couple of weeks ago but kept Gina out of the loop so she never had to lie to anyone about it. On the ride to Madison, we told her that we were going out to the major campus bar that night. Scott and I got booted from the room for an hour or so while the girls got dressed and primped. When we came back, they were gorgeous with beautiful hair and makeup! Clothes at that time were not sexy by today’s standards but in their heels, Chic jeans and tight shirts they looked damn good to us. And those jeans really did make girls’ asses look great!

We got to the bar. Back then if you were at a campus bar it was pretty much assumed you were a student and virtually all students were of age, so no big deal. It was on the bartenders to check ID. The rest of us planned on buying for Gina.

This place had a huge dance floor. We found a table and started drinking as it was still kind of early in the evening. After the first few beers were down Scott and I had our dancing legs on and out to the floor we all went. We were all having a pretty good time and danced for probably an hour. The floor had filled up by then and people were doing what they always do on dance floors; checking out the hot ones and doing some eye flirting.

But honestly, that’s not why I was there. This bar had the hottest foosball action in Wisconsin. I was pretty good and had been here a few times before and loved it. Scott and I said we were going to get some more drinks and check out the tables. Kelly and Gina just kept dancing away. Once we left, the Wolves worked their way in. I had no concerns as Kelly could always have whatever fun she wanted to and it was her job to babysit Gina.

Scott and I had our quarter down and were soon playing and winning way more than we lost. So, for the next hour (okay, maybe two) (okay, probably more) we were focused on getting the little white ball in the goal. I was perfecting my goalie Z-bank shot. It was my thing. Hard as hell to defend against and I was really getting it down.

Kelly and Gina were surrounded by a group of about five or six guys (maybe more?) and were having a ball. The dance floor was packed. Everyone was chest to chest or butt to butt with someone else. It was not long at all before Kelly had more hands feeling up her ass than she could keep track of. Her attitude was that she had jeans on, she liked it, they liked it, it must be good! The guys kept buying drinks, which were gulped down between songs and her and Gina were probably six or more drinks in. Then the guys were moving around, kind of taking turns, behind her rubbing their dicks onto her butt. Well, as best they could with their tight jeans of that day. Kelly liked that too. Then the Roman hands were working their way to her shirt. The guys were in tight around her. Soon a few buttons were let loose. And then a hand was inside her lace-trimmed 34F bra. She closed her eyes, enjoyed being felt up and kept dancing. The guys were kind of rotating in a circle around her taking their turns with her boobs. She’s short (5’ 2”), they were much taller so no one else on the dance floor could really see what was happening to her.

With a three-hook beast of a bra, there was no letting that hardware loose on the dance floor. Her shirt was now unbuttoned lower than her bra so they kept two hands in the cups tweaking her nipples at all times. A couple of brave guys had slid their hands down the front of her jeans. She let them play in her hair (she had a full black bush back then). When they would get close to her slit she’d slide the hand up and out. She knew her limits. If they felt how wet she was and got a finger into her slot, she’d strip and fuck them all right then and there. She wasn’t that drunk, or nuts. She wasn’t one to let just the boys have all the fun either. As they’d rub their dicks on her butt, she was giving them a reach around and rubbing their lumps for them. Soon, one of them (isn’t there always that one guy?) unzipped his fly and pulled his dick out. He wasn’t rubbing it on her ass. He was dancing right in front of her. His buds let out a war whoop! Kelly said he had a nice average looking dick so she reached out and started to stroke it. Before she realized it, all five guys had whipped their cocks out. They kept the circle tight, with one humping against her ass. She moved her hands around and stroked the other four. The circle kept rotating. The guys kept getting harder. Kelly kept getting wetter and wetter.

One guy was really dry humping her ass. Hugging her real close. He had his arms crossed over her chest with a hand in each cup pawing her huge tits. He got his mouth down to her ear. She thought he was trying to say something, which was impossible to hear over the blaring music, but she felt his hot breath in her ear. And then she heard him groan and knew what had happened. He backed up a little and disappeared. She reached back and felt a cum mess on her jeans. Her first thought was, “What a waste!” If she knew he was that close she probably would have bent over and caught it in her mouth. Just then another guy went onto her butt. He humped her for a minute, probably easier with his buddies cum for lube. She could tell when he came because he pinched her nipple way too tight. She had been stroking the guy right in front of her. He was the first guy with his cock out. She was looking into his eyes and got him there. He shot cum on her hand and a bunch fell onto the dance floor. The other two guys suddenly got shy. In an instant, she was without her circle of cock. She kept dancing. Nonchalantly buttoned a couple of buttons and quickly made her way away from the cum splat on the floor.

She was glad her jeans were dark colored, hoping it wouldn’t make the cum stains too noticeable.

So, where’s Gina?

Shit! Where’s Gina?! Kelly was making her way to the bathroom (to pee, wipe the cum off her jeans, wash the cum off her hand and blot her own soaking pussy). As she passed the front door, in walks Gina trailing behind one of the guys of the very first larger group they were dancing with. “Where did you go?” Kelly said as she grabbed Gina’s hand and headed to the restroom. It was too loud to talk in the main area.

Gina got separated from the group by this one guy. Gina said he was really good looking. And older. And really had her motor going. They were dancing tight. And “very sexy” (her words) for quite a bit. Eventually, he took her by the hand and they headed off the dance floor. Gina said she could hardly see Kelly as the guys were packed so tight around her, so she couldn’t tell her she was going. The guy took her outside. It felt nice to cool down and not have speakers trying to turn your brain to jelly. He said he wanted to go to his car for a quick smoke. “Okay,” she thought.

They get in the car and he lit up a half-smoked doobie. Gina had never smoked anything, but it wasn’t like everyone back then didn’t know about it. He taught her how to take a drag and hold it. After the joint was gone they were kissing and hugging, and then he unbuttoned her shirt, and unhooked her bra, and sucked on her tits, and pulled down his jeans, and pulled her head down to his cock, and she took it in her mouth, and she bobbed up and down on it for a couple of minutes, and he held her head down, and he blew his load in her mouth. And it all happened just that fast…

Then he zipped up, opened the car door and said he was ready to go. He headed for the front door. She was scurrying to keep up. She was trying to get her shirt buttons done up.

Kelly and Gina had stepped into a restroom stall together. Kelly was trying to help her get her bra on straight and hooked. Gina was a bit dazed at what just happened and how quickly it all happened. And it was starting to catch up to her. It was starting to head her down freak out road… Kelly said, “Hey that’s nothing. I got three guys off.” And then told her story of what happened on the dance floor. It got Gina to calm down, in a hey, we’re all here to have a good time, so relax, kind of way. She promised, of course, she wouldn’t tell either Scott or me about it. Such a nice little liar!

The girls got their crap together and came to the foosball room to find Scott and me. We were now both shit-faced and on a losing streak, so I was ready to go. All I’m going to say is this was way before MADD and it was Wisconsin. So, yes, I drove us back to the hotel without a second thought.

We were noisy and drunk and having a ball, in our minds. And probably pissing off everyone else in the hotel as we made our way up the elevator and to our room. Once we got to the room everyone peed. Everyone left the door open, no big thing, and were coming out with jeans undone because “Hurry up! I have to go too!”

We were all drunk and horny. Nothing was really said. We just all got naked and onto our respective beds and started to fuck. I had Kelly on her back with my arms hooked under her knees and her knees up by her ears. She was drunk and sloppy and wet like a swimming hole. I just kept jackhammering at her. I had good whiskey dick. I had a hard cock, but cumming?  No chance. Kelly just kept floating from one orgasm to the next. Eventually, she said her legs were going to cramp so she dropped them down to the missionary position. My cock is six inches measured across the top when fully hard. It hit, according to Kelly, “All the right places.” Tonight, it was all working. She stayed wet, I stayed hard, she kept cumming and I didn’t: A perfect fuck! I felt like Superman and that my cock of steel could go on forever.

At some point, I realized that Scott was on top of Gina, fucking her. I couldn’t really get a glimpse of her, not that it mattered. I was having the fuck of my life. And then at another point, I realized I was being watched. Kelly and I had been going at it for probably a half hour. Scott and Gina were done fucking and Gina was lying on her side watching us. Scott was on his back and I think he had fallen asleep.

I kept fucking. I was like a machine. Kelly kept cumming. And then I looked over at Gina and slowly came out of my drunken haze and actually saw her. She was cute when naked! Only five feet tall, barely 100 pounds if that? A short bobbed brunette. And then I had to stare at her boobs, probably a very small “B” cup, but – get this! – Her tits were half areola! Ginormous, dark, pink, puffy areolas. I couldn’t see any nipples, just these huge puffy ends to her tits. Her beaver looked like Kelly’s with a full head of dark pussy hair. I didn’t want to stare too hard but there was no sign of “pink” that I could see showing.

Gina caught me watching. She was staring back into my eyes. Kelly’s eyes had rolled to the back of her head long ago, so she wasn’t missing out. Being watched by a really cute girl while I was fucking away for all I was worth was a pretty big turn on. In just a couple minutes I bucked up, groaned loudly and finally busted my nut as deep into Kelly’s vagina as I could humanly push my cock. I looked back at Gina and she had a huge smile on her face. I rolled off of Kelly. She held her hand over her slot to hold my load, jumped up and went to the toilet to deposit and piss. I laid on my side with my wet cock, which was still leaking cum, aimed at Gina. It was her turn to stare. By the time Kelly came out of the bathroom, I was asleep.

The next morning no one moved until after well after nine. We were all naked. Scott was so freaked about Gina ever finding out that Kelly blew him that he couldn’t even look Kelly’s way. Maybe he thought he would bust a nut by just looking? She could tell it was bugging him, so she pulled on a T-shirt. I’m a gigolo at heart. I walked around naked and didn’t get dressed until after I took a shower. Gina did not seem bothered. We all got cleaned up, dressed and went out for a quick tour of the sights so Gina could report back at home.

Later that afternoon Scott and I were tossed from the room again so the transformation could happen! This was the disco era, getting towards the end, but tonight’s concert was a group that was still pretty huge. Pantsuits were the thing.

Kelly had platform heels with wooden soles, a five-inch tall heel, and a three-inch platform. The short chick suddenly wasn’t! Kelly’s pantsuit was a work of art. It was sapphire blue with huge wide legs that touched the floor and a halter top. No side boob cut back in those days. The sides wrapped around to form the same open V in the back. The cut in front was down to the waist. Way below her navel! “Hey, no bra!” Her huge tits were smashed together in front for truly, and I mean truly epic cleavage! “Wow!” And she had clearly been pinching her nips as they both jutted out through the sleek material. I was staring, while Scott drooled.

Then Gina came out of the bathroom to model for us. She had the very same heels as Kelly but in a smaller size. Kelly wears size eight. Gina wears six and has very cute little feet. She was also no longer a shorty. Her pantsuit was burgundy. The front was like a bib, no back at all. The bib went up high and was finished with a neck choker. Gina had no nipples, that I had seen anyway. She was also clearly braless and had that wonderful jiggle of firm young tits jutting straight out.

Going to the concert was a blast. Walking into the venue and then to our seats, guys everywhere were drooling. Even a bunch of women gave appreciative looks. Some “get it” and smile at the other gals who also “get it”. And then there are the dried-up hags who give the nasty stares. Kelly would stick her tits out even further for their men. Hah!

It was a concert where no one sat down through the whole thing. It was a blast. Singing along at the tops of our lungs. The rows were pretty steep. Turn around and you’re looking at people’s waists. No one was paying any attention to what was right in front of them. Kelly encouraged me to keep her nipples at full attention. Whether I slid a hand against her tit flesh or just tweaked them over her fabric top, I kept her nips hard for the whole show.

At one point Scott had to leave to pee. Ah, what the hell? I slipped a hand into Gina’s top from the side and felt up both of her boobs. Compared to Kelly’s huge squishy flesh mounds, Gina’s were totally different, like squeezing stress balls. Amazingly firm! She did have nipples! After a bit, her little bumps came out to play. Gina leaned over her shoulder, looked up and just smiled at me. I glanced at Kelly. She knew where my hands were and gave me a wink. I let loose soon after so Scott wouldn’t get flipped out when he got back to the seat.

Leaving the concert was much like going in. Guys drooled at Kelly’s knockers. Once we got outside and off the sidewalk into the parking lot, Kelly pulled the halter wide open and let her girls enjoy the cool night air. Her nipples were so hard I thought they might crack off. Bunches of guys saw her tits and she loved every minute of it! They would make stupid comments, trip over their feet, walk into cars. Hilarious! Gina looked at her and said, “You are so brave.” Kelly just winked at her. Kelly loved the control she had over men with her boobs.

Once we got to the car Scott undid the neck choker on Gina and her top fell down. He sucked her tits for the short ride to the hotel. Tops were back to “respectable” for the walk to the room. Well actually just through the lobby. Both tops were down or spread open in the elevator and on the walk to our room. A guy, maybe in his forties, came out of his room, probably eight rooms away just as we got to ours. I was unlocking the door and missed the show, but the girls were giggling their asses off. They shoved me as part of a pile of people into our room. Apparently, he was walking right toward them with a big smile enjoying their tit show and was just a few feet away as I finally opened our door.

Everybody was jacked about that guy catching them, the guys staring at the Coliseum, the concert, Kelly’s tits out in the parking lot, you name it. We were all re-telling the tales and laughing louder than we needed to. Again, everyone lined up to pee. The girls weren’t drunk like the night before (concert beer is damn expensive). Soon the TV was on. Folks had calmed down. Clothes started coming off and we were with our partners making out on our beds. As I pulled down my underwear I was quite impressed at the huge wet spot I’d made from pre-cum. I was revved up!

I slipped down and ate Kelly to an orgasm. As horny as she always is, it didn’t take much. I noticed that Gina was blowing Scott. I ate Kelly to a second orgasm. Then she flipped over and got on all fours for doggy style. That’s her favorite position. I used my thumbs to spread her slot and take a peek at the deep pink gash. I lined up my cock and plunged right in. That always gets her. She came loudly on the first stroke. Then we got into a rhythm and just fucked away. Scott got on Gina missionary style again. I noticed them fucking, but both of them watched Kelly and me. Scott let out a loud groan, all too quickly, and shot his load into Gina (or so I thought at the time).

Kelly and I kept fucking in that position for another ten minutes or so. She came once more. Then I pushed her down into my favorite position. She’s flat down on her tummy and I was riding her ass like a cowboy on his horse. I put my hands on the small of her back and just pumped away. It felt amazing. And it made her pussy twice as tight as her legs were tight together. I was really feeling good and knew I’d come soon.

Gina got out of bed and came and stood next to me. She put her hand on my shoulder and looked up at me and said, “I want to see you cum. Will you show me?” Do you recall she’s sixteen? And cute as a button, and naked, and has those incredible tits

I mumbled, “Yeah!” I pulled out, put my slippery dick into Kelly’s butt crack and held it down with my thumbs and stroked away. In a few minutes, I said, “I’m gonna’ cum!” I grabbed my cock and shot blasts of cum down Kelly’s back. The second shot went up and landed in her hair. The other ropes ran right down her back. The last few aftershocks puddled in the small of her back.

I finally caught my breath and looked at Gina – “Like that?”

“Yeah… ” she cooed. Well, I was feeling proud. I closed my eyes and relaxed for a moment. I felt movement. Woah! Gina leaned down and was licking my runny cum off of Kelly’s back. It caught Kelly off guard.

Once she figured it out she twisted her head around and said, “Thank you!”

Gina started up by her shoulders and just kept lapping up cum, working her way toward my cock. Eventually, she got there. She licked cum off my cock head. Then she slipped the head of my dick into her mouth and licked her tongue all around my head. She slipped my head out and the leaned over to lick some cum that had started to run down Kelly’s side. That put her boob right in my hand. And I loved feeling her up. Her little bump of a nipple was already up!

After she had Kelly totally cleaned she went back to my cock, sucked the whole thing into her mouth and cleaned me off and got the last few dribbles that had been leaking their way out. Once we were cleaned up she went and got a warm washcloth and really cleaned up my cock and Kelly’s back. She leaned down and kissed Kelly on the cheek and said, “Thank you.”

Gina went back and laid down in her bed. I climbed off Kelly and laid down facing Gina, like the night before. Kelly went to go pee.

Scott had his second wind. He rolled and tugged Gina up and fucked her doggy style. Her little tits had this shake to them, not a full jiggle, just a little shake as Scott was ramming her. I loved watching her boobs. I finally heard Gina cum. She wasn’t a screamer, but she let out an, “Oh fuck!”, slammed back into Scott, and clearly came. Then she flipped on her back. Scott scooted up and slid into her. He stayed with his torso upright. I couldn’t help myself and I went over and started sucking her boobs and tongue-lashing her little nipples.

You may recall from a previous account that Scott is the guy who came so hard in Kelly’s mouth that she said that if she hadn’t caught his load in her mouth that he “would’ve blown a hole through the roof of my car.” Later, when he jacked off watching Kelly being fucked, he did leave a big cum stain on my headliner. Turns out that Gina wasn’t on the pill. Kelly’s mom was both cool and smart. Gina’s mom was just cool. They had been using the pull out as their birth control. Seemed crazy to me. Apparently, Scott had been pulling out of her twat and blasting his load somewhere between Gina’s ass crack and the bed sheets.

I’m sucking away on Gina’s firm young titties. Scott is stroking his cock in and out of her hairy little cunt. Kelly comes out of the bathroom and decides to join in where she can. She starts fondling Scott’s nutsack. He stiffened up and thrust a little harder. I sucked and pinched a bit more. Gina cried out, “Oh fuck!” again and had a pretty big orgasm. Scott pulled out. Kelly did a reach-around and stroked his little cock with the huge mushroom head. He blasted immediately. I was still sucking on Gina through her orgasm. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. It looked like someone had stomped on an Elmer’s glue bottle! Three huge thick ropes of Scott’s thick and very white cum flew out in quick succession. They landed in straight white lines from Gina’s hair, across her face (one in her eye), across my head (one in my ear), and down Gina’s tummy, with the last of it dangling from Kelly’s hand.

The girls started to giggle. And then laugh. And pretty soon we were all laughing! And then laughing such belly laughs we could hardly catch our breath! Scott said, “Uh, sorry dude.” And then we laughed even more.

I got up and headed to the shower to un-jizz myself. Kelly got a hot washcloth and went back to get Gina cleaned up. After that, we all crashed and slept pretty good.

The next morning, I woke up and Kelly and Gina were gone. I heard the shower running. The bathroom door was closed, but I really had to pee. I knocked on the door. Kelly sang out “Who is it?”

“Me. I gotta pee.”

“Okay, but make it quick.” I go in and Kelly and Gina are in the shower stall together. Nothing nasty, just doing their business together. I did my business and went back and lay down.

A few minutes later Gina comes out with a towel wrapped around herself and says, “Kelly wants to see you in the bathroom, please.”

Odd, but okay? Kelly closes the door behind me. She says Gina wanted to talk to her in private and just walked in on her shower. “Gina wants you to fuck her,” she says. After I pondered that for a half a millisecond my cock started to get hard. “And so it’s not weird she wants me to fuck Scott.” Kelly winked as she said that. Ever since she had blown him and he watched her being fucked, it was pretty clear who’s pussy he wanted to get into. Gina was out there getting Scott up to speed. And I’m sure he was onboard even more quickly than me.

I open the door and walk out with my hard cock bobbing back and forth with each step. Gina is laying back on my bed with her knees bent up a little bit and her legs spread open. Scott is on his back stroking his dick. I get down between Gina’s knees and reached up and spread open that flower. What a beautiful little pussy! Her hair hides the fact, but she had one of those perfectly tight little peaches. Many times in the future I thought about that little pussy once every girl started shaving theirs. I thought how gorgeous her little peach would have looked shaved.

I’m trying to not make too big of a deal about how young she was, but damn! It was wonderful to eat a low-mileage little cunt. She put out maybe one-tenth of the lubricant that Kelly does. It was sweet nectar to lick out of her slot. Her clit got nice and stiff and that little button got almost twice as big once I went to town on it. I was sucking it through my teeth and tongue. Flicking the end. Licking circles around it. In minutes Gina grabbed the sheets, threw her head back and let loose an, “Oh fuck!”. Her thighs clamped my head as she came. I licked even harder. Really pushed my head down there and gave her all I had. Then it was, “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, of fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” as fast as she could go. I launched her on a second, and by definition, even bigger orgasm. Once they’re cumming, go after them even harder. The next level blows their brains out!

She wasn’t a squirter like Kelly, but I had glazed donut face. She caught her breath and grabbed my shoulders to pull me up to her. My cock loves to make girls cum. I was dripping pre-cum like a sinking ship. I pulled up to her, lined up my dick, slid in and bottomed out in one stroke. She shuddered. I had her bent up with her knees by her ears. I love that position! Gets me balls deep. What a tight snatch! Holy shit tight! Oh, my God did that feel awesome tight! My cock was thanking me for all things holy! I fucked her pretty slow. I had to get in control quick. She was about to milk the cum out of me and I can’t blow into this slot. I let her knees down a bit. I hit my zone. I was now back in charge. Resume fucking speed. Aye, aye, Captain! And we settled to a great fuck speed. After some quality fucking, she flipped over to doggie position and I stuck my cock back in her. To get girls to cum, either quantity or quality can work. Today Gina was getting quantity. After probably 200 strokes she grabbed the sheets and groaned, “Oh fuck!” and came.

I was ready too. I pulled out and started to stroke my cock aiming for her butt and back. I was ready to blow. Gina quickly flipped around to a sitting position, grabbed my cock into her mouth just as I hit my spot and I filled her mouth with my morning load (always the biggest of the day). She stayed on me milking my cock and cleaning me up all the way until I was fully limp, drained and clean. That little girl knows what she’s doing in the make a man happy department!

While all of that had gone on, Kelly had come out and ridden Scott’s cock for some time. She could tell though that cowgirl was not going to make her cum. She flipped and got on her back and pulled up her knees so they were bent. Scott got in the saddle and went at it. Kelly loved the change! She couldn’t really feel his shaft much, but in that position, his big mushroom head “flange” was scraping across her G-spot on every out stroke. That was working really, really well. Her pulse rate quickened. She was climbing the mountain. His cock head kept rubbing her silly spot. She was starting to sweat under her huge tits. Her toes were curling up. She felt the sheets. She started to grab fistfuls of the bedsheet. Her eyes rolled back. Her pussy started to run, then a small squirt. She pounded her fists, pulled her chest up. Roared, “Oh my fucking God!!” way too loudly and then blasted Scott’s chest, groin, cock, balls, and bed with an epic lady squirt! And I mean epic! I think Scott had meant to ask if he could cum inside her. His mouth opened a bit and looked like maybe there was a word or two in there. It didn’t matter. He was on auto-pilot. He rammed his fat cock head into her and blasted a bucket of Elmer’s glue so hard it probably blew its way through her cervix and into her womb.

Gina got up on her knees, pulled my head down to hers and gave me a very sweet kiss. Then she put her head to my chest, gave me a big bear hug and said, “Thank you so much for everything this weekend!”

Kelly had pulled Scott down on to her and tried to suck his tongue out of his mouth. Then she whispered in his ear, “Did you get what you wanted?” He nodded with a big smile.

In a short time, we were packed up and on the road. We yammered on about the weekend, the concert, retold the tales and talked about nearly everything. Except for the sex. That was personal and moments had been shared. At different times, each of us looked blankly out the window and replayed our own story.

When Kelly and Gina were working together, though, that was all Gina wanted to talk about. And for a couple of months. Comparing cocks, ways to fuck, how each guy is different, why their cum is different, why they taste different, why are Kelly’s boobs so huge? And on and on. Thank heavens she had Kelly to guide her through life as a teenager…








Published 8 years ago

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