Wild in Vegas

"My first time in Vegas leads to a wild encounter."

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It all began when my roommate Lindsay and I decided we wanted to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to Las Vegas. Lindsay, a 5-foot 10 inches twenty-seven-year-old redhead, told me that since I had just turned twenty-one this year we had to go. I was super nervous about it because I’m not much of a party person, unlike Lindsay, and not very outgoing so I was unsure if I would like the party scene in Vegas but I decided it would be worth an experience so we booked a room at a hotel on Freemont street for the following month and got cheap tickets for a flight there on Friday morning and back Sunday night.

Lindsay was very outgoing and had lots of friends whereas I was a 5-foot shy skinny little girl with black hair green eyes. Lindsay told me she had a friend that was dating this guy who owned a couple of companies and had a suite in one of the higher-end hotels and was throwing a party that night. She got us an invite to the party, but we would have to rush to our hotel and get ready to make it. She talked about it like it was going to be some party with fancy rich guys and girls in expensive dresses drinking classy drinks, or in her words, “Somewhere where you meet a husband.”

“Yeah right,” I said as I rolled my eyes.

Who would possibly be interested in me? I’m a secretary at a small law firm and can’t even afford an apartment on my own. Oh well, I was super excited to just let loose and have some fun for the weekend.

We arrived at the hotel and rushed to our rooms. I changed into my slim, short, red dress that had one shoulder strap and showed the perfect amount of cleavage and threw on thigh-high boots with about a 6-inch heel to make my ass pop. My dress barely leaves anything for imagination in the ass department but who cares I was there to look and feel good.

Lindsey wore a green strapless dress that cut off right above her nipples. She looked hot. Lindsey was a DD cup while mine were only a C cup, I was always jealous of how big her boobs were, she had a slim waist, thick thighs, and an ass that bounced with every step she took.

When we were finally ready, hair and makeup done, she turned and looked me up and down as I did her.

“No way,” Lindsay said, “we are here to get laid by a rich guy who will be buying us drinks all night.”

“I’m confused, what are you talking about? This dress won’t work?” I said as I spun around.

Lindsay pushed me face-first into the wall, got on her knees, pulled my dress up over my ass, and pulled my underwear down to my ankles.

“You won’t be needing these tonight!” she said as she forced my one leg up.

I spun around to try and stop her from taking them off, but I didn’t even realize she was reaching to pick up my other leg when I spun. Her face ended up right in my snatch. What probably lasted a second felt like a minute as I felt her face linger against my pussy, she looked up at me, gave a smirk, and stuck her tongue out. In one swift move, she had my underwear off and in her hand as she licked my pussy lips and stood up. She kissed me before turning and saying, “come on slut” and headed for the door. I was officially flustered. My jaw dropped. I could feel my now wet labia, I wasn’t sure if that was from her saliva or my juices, but It left me horny and dazed. I finally gathered myself before heading to the door to start my night.   

Lindsey called a cab and we headed up to the strip for the party. We made sure to stop at one of the bars in the casino to take a couple of shots to make things easier for when we got up there. We then went to the front desk and requested access to their room before someone took us up. They needed to swipe their key card for us to get up there because the elevator entered directly into the room.

The suite was huge. It opened into a hallway that led into the kitchen/dining/sitting area. The room was bigger than my apartment. This is where a bar and food station were set up. Most everybody was out on the balcony where there was another bigger bar, loud music from a DJ in the corner, and sitting areas. I was surprised it was mostly guys with a few girls here and there. There were about fifteen people in total, but it was only 11 pm so there was always time for more to show up.

We started talking and getting drinks from very cute guys. Everyone was very nice and you could tell had money. Soon Lindsay’s friend came over and introduced us to her boyfriend and his friends. I politely nodded “hi” to all of them as they all went about their conversations. I did notice one guy glance over at me for a second look before I turned around to continue conversing with Lindsay and her friend.

Lindsay’s friend offered to give us a tour of the suite. There were two bathrooms, three bedrooms, one with a master bathroom that had a jacuzzi tub walk-in closet, and a window looking over the strip. It had granite floors and big beautiful mirrors. The place was amazing.

The party seemed to have doubled in size while we were gone because when we came back to the balcony the place was packed. She hurried off to meet back up with her boyfriend and entertain while Lindsay and I made a bee-line to the hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. We talked for a bit but Lindsay was too focused on checking out rich guys.

“Here take these,” she said as she handed me two shots.

We threw them back before she grabbed my hand and rushed me to the dance floor. I was feeling good by that time and we began dancing, grinding, and just laughing and having a good time.

Eventually, we needed a refresher and to head to the bathroom. While we were fixing our makeup, Lindsay asked, “See any prospects yet?”

“Not really, do you?” I asked with some emphasis.

“Oh, come on Reba! There are so many hot guys out there. You’re going to get some tonight and I’m going to make it my mission,” she retorted with a quick and flirty pinch of my ass.

“No that’s fine, I’m not really into that stuff you know that. I do notice you getting checked out a bunch though, I understand why you look hot!” I said as I pulled down her dress exposing her boob before giggling and covering myself expecting retaliation.

Lindsay gasped fixed herself and laughed. “No, we are both getting laid tonight come on you’ll see.” She said before putting her things away and grabbing my hand and rushing out the bathroom door dragging me behind her.

As we rushed out the door a guy was walking down the hallway, Lindsay managed to make it out the door and to the left but pulled me right into the guy, spilling his beer all over him. I immediately turned red, Lindsay and I gasped and held our hands over our mouths.

“You bitch!” he exclaimed. “What the fuck is wrong with you! Watch where you’re going! That was a full beer too, what the fuck?” he yelled wiping himself off.

I immediately felt embarrassed and start wiping him off exclaiming my apologies even though it was basically Lindsay’s fault. She stood and watched me wipe the guy off. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed towels and started cleaning his shirt and pants trying to dry him off. It took a couple of seconds for the adrenaline to break before I even noticed it was the guy who I caught checking me out before.

“Hey, we met you earlier, didn’t we?” Lindsay asked. Finally, the guy looked up and noticed who we were.  

“Yeah,” the guy said with a sigh, he was much drunker now than before. “You guys are here with Ben’s new girlfriend; you’re Lindsay and you are… I’m sorry I don’t remember you. What’s your name again?”

“Reba,” I said with a smile and outstretched arm to shake his hand. “I’m sorry about your clothes and beer, maybe I can go get you another drink to make up for it?” I asked

“That would be nice thank you, I’m Greg.” He said shaking my hand almost reluctantly before turning his attention back to his clothes. “What am I supposed to do now these clothes are expensive and I’m not walking around the rest of the night with a stain,” he asked seeming stressed out and a little drunk as I can see him slightly shifting his weight as he tried to brush himself off.

“Well, I’ll go get your drink and maybe we can figure something out,” I said before turning to go get his drink.

Lindsay and I rush to the bar. I order a beer for him and a cocktail for myself before Lindsay interrupted.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting him and I a drink?” I said confused by her question.

“He’s cute. That’s your guy for the night you’re going to let him fuck your brains out.” Lindsay said.

“I mean he is kind of cute, but I don’t think he is interested especially since I just stained his expensive clothes and ruined his night,” I said, giggling.

“No, the only thing you ruined is his chances to get anyone else. He is all yours now. Go chat him up and have a good time,” she said.

“I don’t know,” I began. “He is cute, but a one-night stand is not me! Plus, where are we going to go?”

“Here, his place, our place, it doesn’t matter! Maybe the elevator?” she said with a suggestive wink and hip bump. “Please, for me go have a good time with a hot guy, actually no,” she said before turning around.

“I’ll take two beers, six shots, and two martinis,” she said to the bartender. “Oh, and a tray to carry it!”

“Who the hell is that for?” I questioned; however, I was already anticipating her response and plan.

“Take the three beers, four shots and three martinis and go with him. But keep your phone on you so we can meet up later or tomorrow. Don’t forget brunch ten-thirty tomorrow!”

She handed me the tray, took one shot herself, forced the other down my throat, kissed me, and a little push back in his direction before going off into the crowd to do her own thing.

I couldn’t help but show a stupid smile on my face the entire walk to him. I was feeling really good, especially with that shot she gave me. My confidence was skyrocketing, and I was excited to hook up with a handsome guy. Greg was about 6 foot 5, had brown medium-length hair that flowed over and back, with a full handsome smile and very nice teeth might I add. He was in shape, I learned as I was patting him dry, and he either had a tube of something in his pocket or was packing something that could do some serious damage to my insides.

I began to focus on feeling the tube I felt as I ran my hand over his pants trying to pat him dry. I worked my way back through the crowds trying not to spill the drinks, a difficult task as I realized exactly how inebriated I was. I bobbed and weaved my way through groups of people talking. I now looked like a waitress. I came to where I left him, but he was nowhere to be found.

Shit, I thought to myself looking around thinking he is nearby, but I can’t find him in any groups or along any walls.  “What the fuck do I do now? I have all these drinks and I look really stupid just standing here.”

I rushed off to find somewhere to hide or at least hide the drinks before I went find Lindsay.

Published 3 years ago

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