I was a soldier and deployed often for temporary duty but never had a doubt in my mind about Sara’s faithfulness while I was gone. We had tried a lot of kinky things between the sheets but nothing with other people involved. The idea of her ever wanting something more never entered my mind.
My opinion of who she was changed significantly when one day while I was home from Army field training and she was out at the supermarket with our two year old son. I was doing laundry and decided to do something a little “extra” that I never do. I opted to fold and put away all the clothing I was washing. While putting aware some of her T-shirts I pushed aside the pile of clothes and noticed there was an envelope, so I tugged it from under the pile of clothes in the drawer. I was curious so I opened it up and “POW” I was shocked. There were Polaroid pictures ( this was the late 80s) of my beautiful wife with another mans cock in her mouth. Then there was the doggie style in the mirror shot, her stroking his cock, them french kissing in the mirror.
Inside the envelope there were about 6 very X rated shots so this made me dig around more. I found two cards and three letters also buried in the drawer. I remember my hands were shaking as I read the words he wrote her.
I know your husband is home for a few weeks but I am dieing to taste you like I did that first night at my office. I need to feel your skin next to mine as I penetrate you and make you breath in unison with me until we both climax like only we can . I’m giving you some of the pictures we took so you can pleasure yourself to them . I know you need me too. Lets plan on something wild and fun.
There was more but it was pretty much all the same type message. He was doing my wife and wants to be with her while I’m home. I was sure she wasn’t doing him , or with him while our son was with her so I had to guess when it was going to be .
I should have been mad but I was curious as hell instead. This was a very different feeling for me at 20 years old. I had to see what she was doing with my own eyes, so I opted to not say a word about what I saw. I took all the clothes out of her drawer and returned them to the basket in a pile . I placed all the items I found back in the drawer exactly as I remember finding them and did my best to act normal when she got home half and hour later. I had to rub one out before she got home because I was so stimulated and wanted to remain even and calm.
I looked for signs of when something was going to happen and nothing out of the normal for the next few days.
I called by best friend when my wife went to hang laundry outside and said , don’t ask why just call me in fifteen minutes and say we are on standby alert. He did just that at about 6:30 PM and I packed up my stuff and kissed my wife and son and said it will be at least 24 hours on this drill ( as that was the norm) and I would call her when I was was coming home. I got in the car and drove a couple miles down the road and came back to our place and watched from across the way with binoculars.
Our place was a bottom floor apartment with a concealed patio and entrance. She left and I went to work. I got the JVC camcorder out and placed it behind some items on the bookshelf in the living-room and left enough room to capture anything on the sofa or floor. It was plugged in with an 8 hour tape.
I went to the secluded patio and tipped the window blinds so I could get a view in while she would think they were closed.
I then decided to not stay in the patio- I opted to go inside and hide in the closet in our room. That way if anything went on I might get a better view. I cleared everything out and created my viewing spot.
An hour later Sara came home and was alone, no son in tow, I could tell because she arrived and went straight for the phone in the living room down the hall.
She called Brian and said, “Hey, the baby is at my sisters for the night. Do you want to come by and see me.?”
My heart was pumping , more so because I realized my position in the closet might not work because all her clothes were hanging in there. I was stuck however as she hung up and walked down the hall quickly. I had a little crack in the closet door to look out of and saw her across the room . She opened her sexy underwear drawer and pulled out a couple items. She held them up to herself in the mirror and then selected one I got her for valentines day. It was black satin with white lace trim, made to look like a maids outfit, just sexier.
She then went into the shower and I decided to switch rooms as I thought I would be in big trouble if she opened the closet and saw me sitting there. I went across the hall to my sons room and hid in his almost empty closet.
When she got out of the shower it seemed like at least an hour before I heard the doorbell ring. It woke me from an almost slumber. My heart started to pound as I heard her heels clicking on our marble floors on the way to answer the door. My mind was racing imagining her in the outfit with sexy heels on for him. What was about to happen ? I was doing all I could to control my breathing and keep my pulse rate down so I didn’t get too stimulated and make a mistake.
This was about to be a night to remember in more ways than I could have imagined.