Next month Jason will graduate from high school. Then three months later in August, one week before his eighteenth birthday, he will be leaving to attend SMU. At first Steve and I decided to give him a going-away party on his eighteenth birthday. However, since he would have left to attend SMU we decided to give him a graduation party. Steve thought a nice present would be to hire a young stripper to do a striptease and asked me to arrange it and to invite several of his teenage friends from the high school he is graduating from.
My name is Emma, age twenty. Steve age twenty-three is my husband and Jason is his brother.
I went to a club with strippers and talked to the management. There was one very pretty girl, barely eighteen, who seemed sweet and had an innocent look. I selected her and paid $200 for her to dance and strip for about thirty minutes at Jason’s graduation party. The other strippers were older and looked professional. I didn’t want any of them as I didn’t believe they would be as appropriate or as much fun for Jason and his friends.
Two days before the party, I got a call from the club and was informed that the girl had quit and they could send another stripper or refund the money. I told them I didn’t think any of the other strippers would be appropriate for teenage boys and to mail a refund. I told Steve and he said, “You are going to have to do it.”
“You want me to strip in front of Jason and his friends.”
“Yes! Why not? You are young and sexy. You can strip down to a bikini.”
“Okay! I’ll do it. It might be fun teasing Jason and his friends.” Jason and I have flirted and exchanged sexual innuendoes. Therefore, I knew Jason has the hots for me, and with his beguiling charm; he could tempt me to be naughty.
I decided to wear a swimsuit that covered little more than the essentials so I purchased a Brazilian bikini with the top tied with two bowties.
It didn’t leave much to the imagination but covered critical areas so I thought it would be appropriate for the striptease.
After all the teenage boys arrived, Steve put on a thirty-minute soft-porn video and, in spite of their ages, Steve gave strawberry daiquiris to Jason and his friends. By the time I made my entrance, several teens were already feeling the effects of the alcohol. However, not nearly enough to be drunk since the teens only had one strawberry daiquiri. Regardless, with the soft porn and alcohol, the teenage boys were a bit rowdy.
At the appropriate time, we had Jason sit on a chair in the center of the room. Wearing high heels and a micro miniskirt and a skimpy halter top over my Brazilian bikini, I started to dance. The miniskirt and halter top didn’t cover much more than my bikini so I was showing lots of skin to the delight, applause, and whistles of Jason and the other teenage boys.
I danced around Jason, making sexual movements that were fluid and very sensual. I kept brushing up against Jason, rubbing his shoulders, messing up his hair, and shaking my ass. I looked at Jason and said, “Oh, you want more,” and pulled the bow tie on the halter-top strap on my back. That didn’t expose much more, but it was sexually suggestive.
That got the teens into it so as I danced, the teenage boys in the room started chanting, “More, more, more.” Jason just sat there with a grin. I pulled the other bow-tie behind my back and my halter top fell to the floor. I turned around and pressed my ass up against Jason and then stepped back, dancing sexually.
The teens were really into it now and chanting, “More, more, more.” As I danced, I hooked my thumbs under the elastic band of my miniskirt, pulling it down a couple of inches. The teens kept chanting, “More, more, more,” so I pulled it further down my hips. Another inch and it would fall off my hips and onto the floor. They chanted, “More, a little more. Take it off; take it off, take it all the way off.” I pulled it down a little more and my miniskirt fell to the floor and I stepped out of it. I kicked off my heels and wearing only my Brazilian bikini, I picked my miniskirt up and tossed it to the teens and one caught it.
I continued sexily dancing and then wiggled my ass into Jason’s face. And, even though my Brazilian bikini barely covered my essentials, the rowdy boys chanted, “More, more, take more off.” That was as much as I was supposed to take off. I looked at my hubby and he only smiled before taking another sip of his drink.
My hubby wasn’t stopping me so I pulled the bow-tie behind my back. My bikini top hung loosely over my titties, showing even more, supported by only the bowtie behind my neck. The teens chanted, “Take it all the way off, take it all the way off.” I pulled the bowtie behind my neck and tossed my bikini top to the teenage boys, and they went nuts.
I danced sexily in front of the boys and then in front of Jason. “More, more; take more off,” the boys chanted. Jason was wearing a pullover shirt. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. Then, pulling him up by the hand and throwing my arms around his neck, I pressed my titties into his chest and kissed him to the delight of the boys, and they applauded with whistles and clapping.
I backed up and slowly and sexily danced out of the room. After I left the room, one of the teenage boys started slowly clapping and saying, “Encore, encore, encore.” Then all of the boys were clapping and calling me back. After a couple of minutes, it looked like they were not going to stop so I danced back into the room and their slow clapping changed to applause.
I danced in front of Jason and then I danced in front of the other teenage boys. I danced just a step away in front of them, and dancing as I turned around and around, I hooked my thumbs under the strings of my Brazilian bikini bottom, pushing it down a couple of inches. That allowed the boys to see some hair at the top of my pussy that I had already trimmed before putting on my bikini. “Show more, show more, show more,” they chanted.
I very slowly pushed the strings further down my hips until my bikini bottom was about to fall off my hips. That showed more hair and maybe the top of my pussy. “More, more, take it all the way off,” the boys chanted. The boys wanted me completely naked! I was glad hubby wasn’t stopping it because that is just what I wanted, too. And, I wasn’t about to look in his direction to see if he was shaking his head, “No.”
I pushed a little further and my bikini bottom fell off my hips and down my legs. When my bikini bottom fell to my feet, I kicked it to the boys and, whooping and whistling, they went absolutely wild. Dancing and turning, I gave the boys a good look at all of my naked body. Slowly I danced away toward Jason. Grabbing Jason’s hand, I pulled him up off his chair, threw my arms around his neck, and wiggled into his crotch as his now hard cock pressed into my belly.
I’m in the middle of my monthly cycle so I was already horny. However, with all the sexual stimulation, I was on fire with sexual urges. If Steve wasn’t home, I might have let all the horny and rowdy teenage boys fuck me. Instead, turning to the teens, I said, “That’s all boys,” and sashayed out of the room.
Jason followed and as soon as we were around the corner and out of sight of the others, Jason grabbed my hand, tightly embraced me, kissed me, and, exploring my naked body with his hands, whispered, “Emma! You are soooo goddamn sexy! I need you now; I want to fuck you.”
A good fucking by Jason is what I wanted too, so I replied, “Wait five minutes; I’ll be in the upstairs bedroom.” Then, knowing that Steve was home, I decided it was too risky, so I said to Jason, “I like living on the edge, but with my hubby in the house, that’s living too dangerously for me.”
“I’ll think of something,” Jason replied.
I put on a robe and a couple minutes later, Jason returned and said, “Daniel left with Curtis and Michael, in his car, but Austin and Liam don’t drive. Ask Steve to give them a ride home. They live in different directions so that will give us twenty minutes for me to fuck you before your hubby returns.”
“Okay, that will work,” I replied.
I told Steve. Also, I asked him to stop and buy some eggs and bacon for breakfast. That will take at least another ten minutes which will give Jason and me more time before Steve returns. Then I said to Jason, “Wait until you see Steve and the boys get into the car and drive off. I’ll be waiting in the upstairs bedroom.”
After I went upstairs, I removed and folded the bedspread. After removing my robe, I turned off the light. Totally naked I was almost shivering from sexual excitement and the thrill of being naughty because I knew, that although very slight, there was a risk of being caught if for some reason Steve suddenly returned home without first taking the boys home. I didn’t want us to get caught and I was scared that we might be, but that’s what made it sooo exciting.
Of course with all the sexual stimulation, I would have wanted Jason to fuck me anyway, but knowing that I’m doing something forbidden has really turned me on. And, I’m dripping wet after seeing how much my charming and sexy brother-in-law desires my body. He desires me and I want him to take me.
A moment later, Jason entered the upstairs bedroom and closed the door. Like some wild animal, Jason practically ripped his clothes off. I thought he was gonna fuck me whether I consented or not. I almost expected him to devour me right then and there. However, seeing my pussy, he started lapping it up giving me an orgasm. I was enjoying his tongue with a smile on my face, but Jason couldn’t wait any longer to fuck me. He quickly climbed on top of me and, as he kissed me, he plunged his hard cock all the way inside my pussy. His cock is bigger than hubby’s and I liked it. I really liked it as he fucked me through two more orgasms.
Although Steve may not agree, I didn’t cheat with Jason. It was Steve that told me I had to strip in front of Jason and his friends. Therefore, since I had hubby’s permission to take my clothes off and get us sexually excited, I had Steve’s implied consent to finish what we started.
Two months earlier, Steve and I decided we wanted a baby, so I wasn’t on birth control when Jason fucked me. And, since I’m in the middle of my cycle, I knew that I could get pregnant, but I didn’t care. Actually, since Jason is more dynamic and better-looking than Steve, I was kind of hoping that Jason and I would make a baby.
After Jason fucked me, I went back downstairs to Steve’s and my master bedroom and showered to remove any possible smell or signs of having sex. I was dried off and in my robe, five minutes before my hubby returned. During the party, Steve had two strawberry daiquiris and there was still another glass that he would drink before going to bed.
Watching me strip and dance naked in front of him and the teenage boys made hubby horny, so he fucked me before going to sleep. That pleased me because after sex my hubby sleeps like a baby and, especially after drinking three strawberry daiquiris, I knew Steve would sleep for hours. And, I really wanted Jason to fuck me again.
So, an hour after hubby fucked me and fell asleep, I went to Jason’s room and climbed into his bed. Then for the next four hours, we explored each other’s bodies, kissed, cuddled, and made love. And, Jason fucked me two more times. Sex with Jason was great, but it was more than sex; it was fun time. In fact, so much fun, that we both knew that tonight would not be the only times we has sex. It would be three months before Jason left for college so at least until then, I would continue to cheat with Jason.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Steve woke up and got dressed. During breakfast, I asked Steve if he was fine with me doing a total strip tease. Steve replied, “Oh yes! That was better than just stripping to your bikini. It was all the boys wanted and so did I.
During the next three months until Jason left for SMU, Jason and I fuck once and sometimes twice a week, and Steve never suspected. Although I really loved the fling, I decided I wouldn’t cheat on Steve anymore.
Just before Jason left for SMU, I missed my period, and after getting confirmation from a doctor, I was delighted to learn that I was pregnant. I suspected that Jason is the biological father. However, I may never know. I’m just happy to be pregnant.