The time is coming
There is no fear
Mind is at peace
The angels are humming
Father Time’s last chime
Hour glass now empty
Thoughts rewinding histories clock
Memory evoking our sublime
I see you waiting
Join me once again
Reach out grab hold
Fully lucid no sedating
Hold my hand now
Step on these wings
Of this wordless whisper
Carry us to the clouds
Waltzing Venus and Mars
Dancing through the heavens
Leaving this love story
Written in the stars
Blessed for fifty years
Roads happy and sad
Riding through endless emotion
Unity trumping all fears
Elegant vision Rogers Astaire
Curtains drawn true image
Closer to Pam and Tommy Lee
Sinful trollop sexual flair
You my dear snowflake
Falling down frozen born
Landing on my promises
Exploding into gratifying quakes
So many carnal trysts
Erotic moments filling thought
Kama Sutra our guide
Midnight to the morning mist
Always my golden queen
Arousing desires with aplomb
Passionate nights sexual fantasy
Covered with desires sheen
White light now showing
Darkness in full voice
Lullaby purloining a last goodbye
Heaven’s gates now aglow
Calling you my wife
Never seemed quite enough
Reunited in a spirited kiss
Eternity of humor and strife
Baby you were always
In this life and next
No title needed, you
Were, will and always be:
The love of my life