I opened my eyes and heard a continual pounding in my head. Lifting my head off the pillow I felt a slight pain in my eyes and forehead. Maybe a headache was causing the noise. But, the thumping was too loud and erratic to be coming from my head. A light, “uh…uh…uh…,” came right before each noise.
I laid back down on my pillow and pulled Megan in closer to me. My one arm wrapped around her side as I cupped her breast in my other hand. She wiggled her ass and pushed it closer into my groin as I squeezed gently on her nipple. My lips kissed her shoulders up to her neck.
“Mmmmm,” Megan purred. “Starting early are you?”
“No time like the present,” I whispered in her ear.
“You might have to wait, my horny boy, I feel like a freight train ran over me. The ceiling is spinning and my stomach is not in the best of shape,” Megan said as she rolled over onto her back.
Running my fingers up her stomach to her chin, I could tell she was not doing well. Her skin was clammy, her face was pale, and her eyes were bloodshot. “Looks like someone had way too much fun last night,” I said tracing her lips with my finger.
Megan gently bit down on my finger and twirled her tongue around it a few times, then bit down hard.
“Ouch, what was that for?” I said pulling my finger away from her.
“I couldn’t resist, Jay. Sometimes, a woman has to get her shots in,” Megan said with a small smile on her face.
“If you didn’t look like you were about to get sick, I would roll you over and give you a spanking,” I said patting her stomach.
“Maybe next time, but right now, I have to use the bathroom,” Megan said as she slid off the bed and wobbled her way to the bathroom.
I slid out of bed and opened the door to the bathroom, “I am going downstairs, go back to bed. I will bring you up something to drink and maybe a bite to eat.”
I slipped on a pair of boxers and headed downstairs. As I passed the guest bedroom, the thumping I had heard earlier got louder. I stopped outside the door and listened. Low muffled sounds were coming from inside. ‘What the hell?’ I thought to myself.
Gently turning the doorknob and opening the door, I peered into the room. Snake turned his head and grinned at me as the door squeaked open. He had a nice busty, thick, curvy blond bent over doggie style and was going to town on her. His thick, long, twelve-inch cock was being rammed home into her with nice hard deep thrusts. Giving him the thumbs up, I closed the door.
As I went down the steps, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bacon wafted through the air. A muffled dog bark came from the back yard and the sound of female laughter erupted from the kitchen. My head was still foggy and I couldn’t remember what happened in the late hours of the morning or who might have come back to the house after the concert.
Her back was turned, but I recognized the long auburn hair, her friendly voice, and her legs. Oh, those legs that were blessed with firm thighs, shapely calves, and ran all the way up to her neck. I noticed she was wearing my wife’s silk robe.
But, before I could say a word, she spoke, “Good morning, Jay. Coffee is ready and breakfast will be ready in about thirty minutes. How is your girlfriend this morning? She partied her ass off last night.”
“Good morning, Alexandra. She is a bit worse for wear right now. I don’t expect her to be up and about for quite a bit of time,” I said grabbing my coffee mug and filling it with piping hot black liquid.
Alexandra, or Lexi as she was called more frequently, was the best friend of my wife and also the wife of my boss, Bob. Every guy in the office dreamed of bagging her. There was always a rumor running around the office that behind her professional appearance and demeanor, she was a party animal. She had been seen, along with several of the upper management’s wives, at several seedy clubs without her husband, but there was never proof that she cheated on Bob.
Unless of course, you ask my wife, who has picked her up at such seedy clubs in a state of drunkenness and almost complete nakedness and brought her to my house to sober up. There have been many times when I have come downstairs to find her on my couch semi-naked or stumbling around the bathroom trying to find some aspirin.
“What do you want to eat for breakfast?” Lexi asked turning her body towards me.
“I’d like your famous French toast and you as my side dish, my dear Alexandra,” I said smacking her on the ass.
We had always been flirtatious with each other, even around our spouses, but nothing ever came of it. We both knew our limits and where we stood with one another. She even told my wife she wouldn’t mind having me ravish her for a weekend, in front of her husband, Bob. Both of our spouses just laughed it off as if it were friendly banter and flirting.
“There you go again, making promises you won’t keep,” Lexi said swatting me back on the ass.
“I doubt that,” I retorted.
“Promises, promises, promises,” Lexi said back.
“So what in the hell happened last night? I don’t remember hardly anything,” I said leaning against the counter next to Lexi.
“You want the details or the highlights?” Lexi asked as she flipped the bacon.
“Just give me the highlights for now,” I said.
I turned my head to watch a ball being thrown to my dogs from the back deck. “And, who is on the back deck?”
“Mia just went out back to get some air. She is still a bit drunk and stoned,” Lexi said laughing.
“Let me guess, Doris is the one up in the bedroom getting her morning sexercise?” I said taking a drink of my coffee.
“Yeah, her and that Snake guy hit it off from the get-go. He couldn’t keep his hands off of her.”
“Ok, so what happened?” I asked again.
“Well, we ended up sitting next to each other at the concert. You didn’t notice us at first because you were too busy groping Megan, and we came in late. After everyone took a few hits off a joint, you and Megan just chilled and watched the show. She just about fell over us going to the bathroom and then, poof, she became my best friend.”
I nodded, “Now I remember, you all were wearing the groupie outfits. Black thigh-high boots, skimpy leather skirts, black tank tops with your hair all pulled back. Make-up done like true sluts. Ready to pick-up any willing participant,” I said edging closer to Lexi. “How did Bob react when you left the house?”
“Bob is away on a golf outing. And, for your information, Bob doesn’t tell me what I can and cannot wear. Or, when I can and cannot go out. Or, who I choose to go out with. Or, who I choose to fuck or where I choose to fuck them. Bob and I have an arrangement, if you haven’t noticed yet. He is a little cuck boy with a little dick. And, he knows it. Why do you think Betty is always the one picking me up at those clubs?” Lexi said with a smirk on her face.
“My, my, my, the truth comes out. You are the sexy little vixen everyone talks about at work,” I said with a smile on my face. “And, how many times have Betty, Mia, and Doris joined you on your nights out?”
Lexi smiled, “Betty is the good one, she has only gone out with me once or twice while you were out of town. Mia and Doris join me all the time. As far as I know, Betty is the only one who gets satisfied at home. And, boy, does she tell us about it during our lunch dates. You and your long, fat, thick cock; taking care of business, making her cum all the time. Her exact words by the way.”
“So, I take it Betty has cheated on me while I was out of town?” I asked matter-of-factly.
“No, she hasn’t cheated on you. She has been a drunken mess each time. But, she kept her clothes on. She is dedicated and loves only you Jay,” Lexi said as she turned around to face me.
“Good to know that my wife loves me wholeheartedly. I guess I cannot say the same since I have another woman in our bed right now. I love my wife, but seductive women like you just cause me to do adulterous things,” I said looking at Lexi in the eye.
“Your little weekend love connection will stay between us, Jay. Even Doris and Mia. We all have dirt on each other. We all like to have our fun,” Lexi said as Mia came in from the deck.
“Good, let’s keep it that way. So, what else happened last night?”
“Morning, Jay,” Mia said walking past me in a silk robe and barefoot.
The sliding door opened again and Bear walked in with the dogs in tow.
“Morning, Jay,” Bear said as he followed Mia to the coffee pot.
“Anyway,” Lexi continued, “before we were so rudely interrupted, the concert ended and we made our way down to your truck and to Bear and Snake’s bikes. We were going to take a cab home, but you fellas insisted on coming back here to party some more. So, we did. I drove you and Megan back here in your truck. Snake and Bear gave the other two a ride back here on their bikes. The rest is pretty much a blur. We drank and smoked some more weed. Bear and Mia ended up screwing on your couch. Snake and Doris made it up to the spare room. Megan passed out, you carried her to bed, and then came down here and fucked my brains out.”
I did a double-take, “Can you repeat that last item, Lexi.”
Lexi smiled and punched me in the arm, “Got you, Jay, I meant to say that you fucked the hell out of Megan, not me. But, I sure did enjoy watching you work your magic on her.”
“So, you were left out of all the fun?” I asked taking a sip of coffee.
“Well, not exactly, your other friend Trigger showed up after you went to bed. He was looking to get a piece of your girlfriend but when he saw me he changed his mind,” Lexi said bumping me with her hip.
“You are kidding me! You let Trigger have his way with you?” I said laughing.
“I wouldn’t say that. He lived up to his name. Shot off early and left in a huff. Lasted about two minutes. It’s too bad, he has a nice sized dick. If he would have stayed, I could have got him hard again and got my rocks off. His loss,” Lexi said with a wave of her hand.
“I’m sure you could go jump in with Snake and Doris, sounds like he is wearing her out,” I said patting her on the ass.
“Or you could just take care of me right now,” Lexi said unwrapping her robe and letting it fall to the floor. She stood there facing me in all of her nakedness. Her creamy white skin, perky breasts with their pointy nipples staring at me just begging to be sucked and bitten.
“Very tempting, Lexi, but you know as well as I do that if I take care of you right now, you would keep coming back for more and more and more.”
“And, what is wrong with that?” Lexi whispered in my ear while fondling my manhood.
I took in a deep breath as Lexi cupped my balls and started to squeeze them. “I don’t think I should be screwing my boss’ wife or my wife’s best friend. It just might make things complicated.”
“What if I told you that Betty and I entered into a little wager regarding you?” Lexi said as she began to stroke my manhood through my boxers. “I told her I was hoping to seduce you this weekend while she was away.”
I took a deep breath, “And what type of wager would that be?”
“If I can get you to fuck my brains out, she would have to go out with me and screw whoever I told her to. If I cannot get you to fuck my brains out, I have to be filmed while in a gang bang with whoever she chooses.”
“Sounds like a win-win for you on both sides. You get screwed by someone either way,” I said taking a sip of coffee to try and take my mind off the erection rising in my boxers.
“Funny you say that because Betty said the same thing. Especially since I brought up the bet,” Lexi said as she slid my boxers down below my knees.
“Are you trying to get Betty to cheat on me or are you that infatuated with me that you would go to extremes to try and get me?” I said as Lexi slid down my body, her lips beginning to kiss the head of my cock while her ass stuck straight up in the air.
Lexi looked up at me and licked her lips, “Both.”
“What about Megan upstairs?”
“She can join me in pleasing you, but only if she wants,” Lexi said as her mouth engulfed my shaft.
I leaned back on the counter and enjoyed my coffee while Lexi bobbed up and down on my shaft. Mia shuffled by again and took Lexi’s place at the stove, flipping the bacon and mixing the rest of the ingredients for the French toast. Lexi’s breathing became smooth and rhythmic out of her nose as the tip of my cock slid down her throat. I could already feel my balls tingling as her lips tightened around the base of my cock. Lexi’s mouth, tongue, and lips were magical and I could feel short spasms coming.
I grinned as Bear took it upon himself to size himself up to Lexi’s ass moving in mid-air. He grabbed her hips, steadied himself behind her, slid his boxers down, and slipped his cock inside of her. Mia smacked Lexi on the ass with a spatula as Bear filled her to the hilt with his stiff rod. Lexi gagged as I squirted a load of cum down her throat as her mouth slid off my cock. Another few ropes of cum hit her in the eye as she slid upwards.
“Damn it, Bear. Jay was supposed to take care of me this morning not…” Lexi gasped.
“Quiet, woman, what do you expect a man to do when there is a pretty little pussy staring him in the face? Walk by and wonder what it feels like or just give it a rut and go to it?” Bear said as he thrust deep inside of Lexi.
Lexi looked over at Mia as she put her hands on my chest, “Fuck, Mia, I would have thought you wore him out this morning.”
“Just take it like a good girl, Lexi. He wore me out and still had a raging hard-on from hell. I’ll be lucky to walk straight in three days,” Mia said smacking Lexi again with the spatula.
Bear grabbed Lexi’s hair and pulled her head back while he gave her a few deep thrusts. “Been wanting to tap this nice pussy for a while now. Hope you don’t mind, Jay? You can have her after I am done with her.”
“Have your way with her. Looks like she has to work a little harder to win that bet of hers. Or, maybe she just dreams of being the center of a gang bang?” I said draining the rest of my coffee.
I filled my coffee cup and walked out onto the patio, grabbing my phone and a smoke and relaxing as best as I could. Hearing Lexi’s moans as Bear pounded away at her caused a stir in my loins. I would have gladly fucked the hell out of Lexi right then, but the eventual consequences might be too great. Dialing her number, I called my wife to catch-up and see how things were going with the family.
“Hey, baby doll, how is everything going?” I asked my wife.
“Everything is going good. No big news here, just the same old thing. Mom and Dad are doing fine. How is the bachelor weekend going?” my wife asked.
“Not too bad, the boys backed out of the golf outing, so I haven’t done too much except for the concert last night.”
“Aw, that’s too bad, baby. I know you were looking forward to a day with the boys. How was the concert?” she added.
“Good show, met up with Snake and Bear. Partied a little bit and made it home ok,” I said taking a drag on my smoke.
A loud yelp and low moan came through the screen door and I could hear, “Damn-it Bear, you fucking cock-suck, take that thing out of my ass.”
“Was that Lexi?” my wife asked.
“Yes, Bear gave her a ride back here after the concert, she was too fucked up to drive. Mia and Doris hooked up with us at the concert as well.”
“Sounds, like he is giving her another ride,” my wife said laughingly.
“Yes,” I said laughing back, “She got what she deserved.”
“She always does. You guys going riding today?” My wife asked hesitantly.
“Haven’t thought about that yet, depends on how they feel,” I said sipping on my coffee.
“That messed up?”
“And then some,” I said laughing again and feeling the headache start in the back of my head.
“Ok, well, I guess I should let you get back to them,” she said in a shaky voice.
I could hear the questions going through her head, “Don’t worry, honey. Lexi told me about the bet and the details. Looks like you have to get a new video camera for the show.”
I heard a sigh of relief come from my wife as she hesitated for a moment. “You… You aren’t upset that I made that bet?”
I smiled knowing I had another woman in our bed, “We have always been open with each other, sweetie. I love you forever, no matter what. You know that. I cannot say I wasn’t a little upset when I heard about it. So, if you would have gone through with it, I wouldn’t have wanted to know. What you girls do on your girls’ night out is your business.”
“Oh Jay, I am sorry I made the bet. I was a little drunk when she proposed it. I… I… was just horny and…”
“It is ok, sweetie. Just be prepared for a special treat when you get home,” I said taking a drag on my smoke.
The screen door opened and Megan stepped onto the deck. I put a finger to my lips as she leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She nodded and mouthed the word ‘wife’ as she sat next to me. I nodded back in an affirmative way.
“Mmm, you going to start talking dirty to me stud. I might have to go into the other room,” my wife said giggling.
“If you want, but I don’t think the rest of the girls want to know what I do to you. They might get jealous, strip me naked, and take advantage of me.”
“We can’t have that, especially Lexi. She wants to fuck you so bad. She is infatuated with you Jay, especially after I brag about you,” my wife said in a seductive voice.
“Where are you at in the house, my sexy vixen?” I asked in a deep voice.
“In the kitchen,” my wife said softly.
“Anyone around?” I asked.
“They are both in the garden out back.”
“Switch to video chat and show me what you are wearing,” I said.
In a few seconds, I saw my wife standing in front of a window, the lawn in the background and her parents in the garden. She was wearing a sundress, her nipples were poking through the thin white fabric.
“I see you are horny already. Pinch your nipples and rub those nice tits of yours.”
Megan looked over at me and moved to a chair facing me. She slid her robe open exposing her breasts and began to pinch her nipples. I set the phone on the coffee table so I could see both my wife and Megan. Both began to pinch and pull on their nipples.
“That’s my sexy wife, pinch your nipples till they hurt. Make them feel like I am biting them.”
My wife pinched harder and pulled her nipples outward, swirling them with her fingers. Her lips puckered as she pulled them out farther and farther until her back chest arched forward. Looking over at Megan, she was only gently pulling on her nipples. I gave Megan a kick with my leg, “Harder, I want you to see tears in your eyes.” My eyes focused on Megan as she pulled and pinched harder on her nipples.
My wife’s eyes widened as she pulled harder. Her lips tightened as she let out a low whimper. Her fingers kneaded her nipples faster and I could tell she was getting closer to an orgasm. I looked over at Megan to see her hand slide between her legs and begin to rub her clit.
“That’s my girl. Now slide your dress off and let me see that beautiful body of yours.”
My wife’s head swiveled and looked back out over the lawn. I could tell she was worried about her parents seeing her through the window. Grinning, I egged her on, “Remember that time when you stripped for me when your parents were in the next room. There was no hesitation then.”
My wife smiled and slid her dress off. “Remember the shirt you stuffed in my mouth to keep me from screaming out? You and your cock still make me scream baby.” Her hand slid between her legs as she readjusted the phone to a better vantage point. “I’ve been waiting to cum for you baby. My pussy has been wet every night thinking of when I get home and you ravaging me.”
Glancing up, Megan had her legs spread and was masturbating for me. “Mmm, you are so sexy, baby. Rub that gorgeous clit of yours and show me how much you want me.” My wife spread her legs and began to masturbate for me. Slowly her fingers rubbed her clit. I watched as she buried two fingers deep inside of her wetness and then moved them in and out.
I kept one eye on Megan and one on my wife as my erection suddenly sprang to life. I put out my smoke and adjusted my phone to show my rising erection to my wife. Megan looked over at me and smiled as she buried two of her fingers inside of her.
“Let me see that gorgeous cock of yours, my sexy lover,” My wife said.
I slid off my boxers and let my cock spring free. Megan licked her lips and closed her eyes as she plunged in and out of her pussy. My wife did the same, rubbing her clit harder and faster with her other hand.
“Mmm, stroke your cock, baby. I want to see you cum while you watch me,” my wife cooed.
I began to slowly stroke my cock as I watched my wife and Megan become more aroused. I could tell my wife was getting close to climax until I heard on the phone, “Betty, honey…” It was my wife’s mother coming through the garage door and calling out for her.
Then, “Oh shit.” The phone went dead. I looked over at Megan as she continued to pleasure herself.
“I wonder if she got caught?” Megan softly said with her eyes closed.
“I guess I will find out in a bit when she calls back,” I said still stroking my cock.
Megan opened her eyes and looked at me seductively, “Are you going to just sit there or are you going to take advantage of me?”
I grinned, “Of course I will, but I prefer you on top this time.”
Megan rose and took a few steps towards me, “What else do you prefer?”
I thought a moment, “A whiskey would be nice to cure this hangover.”
Megan spun and in a minute she came out with a full glass of whiskey in her hand. She held it away from me as she positioned her dripping pussy over my cock. She took a sip and slowly slid down on my rod. With her other hand, she pushed me back on the chair and began to slowly slide back and forth. She took another sip of my whiskey.
“I prefer to watch you suffer as I tease you with this drink,” Megan said as she leaned in and kissed me. I could taste the whiskey as she rolled her tongue in my mouth. Releasing her lips from mine, she set the drink down and reached over for my pack of smokes. I watched as she lit one and took a large hit and held it in. Her hips kept slowly moving back and forth as her pussy muscles tightened around my cock.
A slow stream of smoke exited her nose as she reached over and grabbed the glass of whiskey and took another sip. I slid my hands over her breasts and squeezed her nipples. Megan took another drag on her smoke as she looked into my eyes.
“Care to give me a drink, my sexy tease?” I asked.
Megan let out a cloud of smoke as I pulled harder on her nipples. Her eyes widened as she brought the glass to my lips and tilted it forward for me to take a sip. Her hips began to move slightly faster and I could feel her getting wetter. Megan put down the smoke and put her hand on my shoulder. I took the glass from her other hand and imbibed in another drink.
Her forehead gently rested on mine as I took a hit off her smoke. “You feel so good inside of me, Jay,” Megan said in short breaths.
“I know,” I said blowing smoke away from her and taking another sip of whiskey.
Her hips started moving faster and her breathing became heavier. Suddenly her body shook and she moaned.
From inside I heard Lexi groan and let out a loud moan. A sudden smacking sound came from inside as well. Bear grunted a few times and sighed. “Damn good at rutting you are, Lexi,” I heard Bear say.
Megan was looking at me as she continued to slide on my cock faster. I gripped her hips and held her as she threw back her head. Her body shuddered several times as she let go. Grabbing my hair she pulled me in and kissed me with passion. Her tongue probed my mouth as her hips kept moving with reckless abandon. She came two more times as her teeth bit into my shoulder and I exploded inside of her womb.
After a few moments, she slowed her motions and fell onto my chest. Her lips kissing the bite marks she had just left in my shoulder. I was still semi-hard inside of her as she began to nibble on my ear lobe. As her breathing subsided to normal, she reached over and took the final sip of whiskey in the glass, “Damn fine rutting you are, Jay.”
I laughed and began to kiss her breasts and semi-hard nipples. “I can say the same about you, my dear Megan.”
The screen door slid open and out walked Lexi. She sat next to us and grabbed a smoke. We sat there in silence as she smoked and looked out over the lawn. When she was done she stubbed out her butt, “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Looks like it will be clothing optional.”