Carol picked her way through the debris that scattered the living room floor.
“For god’s sake, Andy, can you not tidy up a little bit at least? You’re seventeen years of age. Dave is coming round and I don’t want the flat to look like a pigsty.”
Andy rolled his eyes. His mum was obsessed with her new fella, Dave. Andy liked Dave. He had a wicked sense of humour and treated Andy like a grown-up instead of some little kid. Dave was a big guy. He worked as a security guard at the university and Andy couldn’t imagine anyone arguing with him. He was the stereotypical big black man.
Dave had been seeing Andy’s mum for about three months and they seemed to be getting serious. Dave had mentioned once he had a daughter around the same age as Andy but they went to different schools and he’d never met her.
Andy’s mum came into the living room again and seeing Andy still sprawled on the sofa, gave an exasperated screech and began tidying up. She picked a cushion up off the floor, threw it at Andy, and then looked at him. She tilted her head to one side in that pose that Andy knew something bad was about to happen.
“You like Dave, don’t you?”
This question completely threw Andy. Of all the things he expected her to say, this wasn’t one of them.
“Um, well sure… he seems sound enough… and you like him… so… umm…” Andy faltered.
“Good,” his mum smiled. “Dave’s had a problem with his flat so he’s going to move in with us for a while.”
Andy nodded. “O.K. That’s no problem.” But by the way his Mum was standing, Andy knew there was more.
“Well, his daughter, Joolz, will be moving in too.” Her manner became brisk like she was glad she’d got that over with. “So you’d better smarten yourself up with a young lady in the house.”
With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her.
Andy had never lived with anyone other than his mum. His Dad had left when he was little and it had always just been the two of them. He wondered what it’d be like with Dave and his daughter in the house. He figured his mum was right and he should try and make a good impression so he pulled himself off the sofa and gathered up the cups, plates and empty crisp wrappers and took them through to the kitchen.
“Thanks, love.” His mum tousled his ginger hair and he shrugged her hand away.
“I got to go to school. Catch you later?”
When Andy came home from football practice after school, he’d forgotten that Dave and his daughter were going to be staying with them. He wandered into the kitchen to ask his mum what was for dinner but stopped dead when he saw a stunner of a girl sitting at the kitchen table.
She was beautiful. Her skin was as black as Dave’s and when she looked up and stared at him with her big brown eyes, Andy felt like he was falling into an abyss.
“Uh, um, hi,” Andy managed to blurt out, his tongue seemed to have swollen to three times its normal size as he tried to appear cool and interesting. Instead, he just sounded like a mix of the local weirdo and the village idiot.
“Sorry, I got to go,” he apologised, turned and fled the room. Once inside his bedroom, he flung himself on the bed. ‘Fuck, fuck fuck,’ he thought. How was he going to cope with living with her under the same roof? This girl was gorgeous.
He got changed, took a few deep breaths. OK, so he was a spotty, pale-skinned ginger and she was stunning looking, but fuck it, it was his house, or his Mum’s even. He summoned up the courage to return to the kitchen. Joolz was now standing at the cooker stirring the spaghetti bolognese sauce so he got the perfect view of her tight ass as well.
She was wearing her school uniform and Andy saw she was from the other side of town. No wonder he’d never seen her before. He knew he’d have remembered her.
“Your mum and Dave have gone out.”, she informed him without turning around. “They’ll be back soon. They’ve just gone to the shops.”
Andy nodded, even though she couldn’t see him.
“So… um… I’m Andy.”
“I know. I’m guessing you know I’m Joolz?”
She turned and smiled. Andy felt his cock stirring in his jeans.
Andy blushed. “Um.. yeah.”
“Are you always this talkative?”
Andy grimaced. He was sure she was outright flirting with him, the way she stood by the hob, with her hip out and a hand on her waist.
“Um.. no,” Andy laughed and with that, the ice was broken.
Over the next couple of weeks, they fell into a nervy routine. Andy tried his best to be tidier but more and more, Joolz was featuring in his masturbation fantasies. Joolz seemed to go out of her way to flaunt herself in front of him. If she was kneeling, searching for a DVD to watch, her arse was sticking out and he could see the outline of her knickers through the leggings.
And then it happened. He was heading to the bathroom with an armful of laundry, ready to put it in the washing basket when the bathroom door opened and Joolz emerged, fresh from a shower after her athletics training.
She had a yellow towel wrapped around her, droplets of water glistened on her skin as she smiled and told him it was all his.
He opened the lid of the laundry basket but just as he let his clothes fall in, he saw the crumpled triangle of teal fabric. As his clothes landed in the basket, his brain caught up with him and he realised what he just saw. He glanced behind him. The hallway was empty. He quietly closed the door and locked it. He reached in and quickly pulled his clothes out again, then held up the prize. A pair of teal panties. He glanced at the label. Size 10. He turned them over in his hands. There was a stain on the gusset. Slowly, reverently, he raised the stained fabric to his nose and inhaled her scent.
His cock was throbbing. He slid a hand inside his trackie bottoms and gripped his cock. He rubbed quickly as her scent short-circuited his brain. He pulled his cock out. The angry red cock head poked out of his fist with every stroke. He wrapped the panties around his cock. He threw his head back and gasped as he fired load after load of cum into the teal fabric, soiling them even more.
As he slunk back into his room, he didn’t notice Joolz sneaking back into the bathroom.
That Saturday, Andy was sprawled across the sofa watching the football. He thought he was home alone.
“Do you like my outfit?”
Andy looked up with a start. Joolz was standing in front of him wearing a cream cotton vest top and a green tartan skirt but he couldn’t take his eyes off her tits. She definitely wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples looked rock hard as they poked through the top.
“Umm, you look… fine,” Andy flustered.
“Just fine?” Joolz demanded, her white teeth flashing as she smiled.
“Well, ummm… I was distracted by your nipples.”
Joolz looked down and as if suddenly noticing them for the first time, giggled.
“Oops, do you think it’s too much?”
Andy swallowed. He couldn’t tell her how he’d been fantasising about her for the past two weeks. How all those times they’d talked, all he’d wanted to do was kiss her. How he’d tried to imagine her naked, how he’d wanked into her dirty panties. And now, here she was, flaunting herself in a skimpy outfit and all he could think about was how uncomfortable his erection was making him and how he really needed to rearrange himself before he did himself an injury.
“You look perfect,” he admitted. Then, with a rush of blood to the head, blurted out, “What colour are your nipples? Are they pink like other girls or…” he trailed off, blushing furiously as he realised what he’d said.
Joolz laughed and stepped closer. She put one hand on the arm of the sofa and leant in over Andy, staring into his eyes.
“How many other girl’s nipples have you seen, Andy?”
“Loads,” Porn counted surely, Andy reasoned to himself. Then, seeing the look of disbelief on Joolz’s face, changed his mind.
“Only one,” Andy whispered hoarsely. “My ex-girlfriend. Sarah. She had pale pink ones.”
Joolz laughed and pulled her top up, exposing a pair of firm ebony boobs with dark brown, almost black, nipples.
“Fuck.” Andy stared, mesmerised. Her tits were perfect. The black nipples seemed to swell of their own accord as he stared at them.
“Do you want to touch them?”
Andy nodded, not daring to speak. He reached his hands out and cupped them both at the same time. He stroked the areolae with his thumbs, tracing the raised dimples as he watched the buds swell and harden.
Joolz closed her eyes and gave a slow hum of pleasure. Andy licked his lips, his mouth suddenly dry as parchment. He glanced at the door, expecting his mum and Dave to come charging in. he knew they were both out and wouldn’t be back for hours but still the fear hung over him.
Joolz didn’t seem the slightest bit worried. She had manoeuvred herself onto the sofa and now straddled Andy’s lap. She arched her back, spreading her legs wider and pressing her mound against Andy’s cock.
Andy pawed at her tits, his thumbs circling her nipples, strumming them as he felt her pressing against him. He knew she could feel his hard-on but she didn’t mention it. She just closed her eyes and moaned in a throaty whisper as she pawed and mauled her breasts.
“What’s your cock like? I’ve never seen a white cock before?”
Andy tried to sit upright.
“Um… well… It’s like… well, like any other cock I suppose.”
“Let me see.”
Joolz slid off Andy and now knelt in front of him. Her fingers caressed the bulge in his trackie bottoms as she reached for the waistband. He raised his ass off the sofa to help her slide the bottoms down his legs. His boxer shorts looked like a tent. The material strained tight against the rock-hard shaft.
Joolz grinned and raised an eyebrow. “You look like you are going to bust out of them.”
Andy nodded and bent forward to relieve some of the pressure, managing to get his shorts over his cock and pushed down his thighs.
Joolz ran her hands up both inner thighs, gently spreading his legs. His cock throbbed. A bead of pre-cum glistened on the head. She leant forward and flicked it into her mouth with her tongue.
Her fingers traced the veins on his cock. Andy closed his eyes for a second and groaned. Her fingers felt like velvet. His cock jerked involuntarily and he had to mentally tell himself not to cum too soon.
Joolz stared intently at his cock as she ran her fingers around the head. “It’s so many different shades.”
Her fingers squeezed the shaft and moved up and down, pulling the foreskin back and then pushing it back up over the head. Her thumb rested on the vein that pulsed along the shaft
Andy threw his head back and cursed, “Fuck.”
When he opened his eyes again, Joolz was staring at him. Once she saw he was watching, without breaking eye contact, she lowered her mouth to the head of his cock.
She kissed the head, flickered her tongue over it and when it was coated in her saliva, she wrapped her lips around it and sucked it into her mouth. She sucked him like she was a vacuum cleaner. Her cheeks puckered in and out as she sucked.
When she started to bob her head at the same time as she sucked, he arched his back and whimpered loudly. Her hand caressed his balls, the tight plums rolled between her fingers.
Andy could only make little strangled “fucks” as his breathing became more and more ragged. He panted and squirmed. “Please,” he begged. Whether it was “Please stop” or “Please, don’t stop,” Joolz neither knew nor cared. She had Andy right where she wanted. He’d be putty in her hands after this.
As she felt his cock twitch and knew he was at the point of no return, she let his cock slide out of her mouth and they both watched as spurt after spurt of hot white spunk arced its way to splatter on Joolz’s tits. The globules of white cum seemed to glow on her black skin.
Andy collapsed back on the sofa with a final whispered “Fuck.”
Joolz scooped up his cum and sucked it from her fingers before grabbing her top and covering herself up.
“If you’re a good boy, Andy, maybe next time you can find out what a black girl’s pussy looks like.”.
She gave another one of her infectious giggles and left the room, leaving Andy to straighten himself up before his mum and Dave came home.