“So how does it feel to be married?” asked Amy.
Nicole didn’t answer right away. Fortunately, she was speaking to Amy on the phone so her girlfriend didn’t see her disgusted expression.
“It’s great,” she lied, trying to muster a modicum of enthusiasm. “You know, stable. The house is just beautiful.”
Nicole liked the McMansion just fine. The problem was the husband that lived inside of it. She wasn’t going to lie… at least to herself. Bob was on the wrong side of fifty with a beer gut and a small dick. In exchange for becoming his trophy wife, she had obtained a level of comfort and security that most guys couldn’t offer. But no more than a couple weeks after the honeymoon, Nicole already suffered from a case of buyer’s remorse.
Fortunately, Bob had to go on an urgent business trip to Asia that would take at least a month. In the meantime, Nicole had the run of his spacious home outside Peoria. They had met, dated, and married in Chicago and she never stayed at his place before.
“Nicole?” Amy finally asked. “Are you listening?”
Nicole was soooo not listening to Amy right now. She was mourning her marriage.
“Oh, sorry,” Nicole told her friend. “What were you saying?”
Amy prattled on about so-and-so and something while Nicole found her attention straying to the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She got out of the bed where she had slept until 11 am today. Clad only in white lace panties, the former lingerie model stood before the mirror to admire herself. Nicole looked pretty amazing, not just for a forty-year-old but even for a twenty-year-old.
The hourglass brunette resembled Jacqueline Bisset in her prime but with one key difference. She had a mammoth rack. Nicole’s modeling career might have gone farther had she not been so well-endowed. Most lingerie houses didn’t manufacture bras in her cup size and that made it impossible for her to model their goods. During one shoot, the fit had been so tight that her chest literally busted out of a DD-cup bra, tearing the garment asunder. After that, she quit the fashion business and became a bartender. She met Bob at work and he became her retirement package.
“Moon to Nicole?” announced Amy in a sing-song voice. “Are you there?”
“Oh, sorry.”
“C’mon, girl. Tell me what’s going on? You’re so preoccupied.”
“OK. I’ll tell you,” she lied. Nicole had no intention of burdening her friend with the ugly truth. She barely could live with it herself. So Nicole decided to bring up something plausible but not quite as horrible.
“Listen, Amy. This is really confidential,” she whispered. “Bob never asked me to visit him in Peoria. I just found out why.”
“Spill, honey,” Amy encouraged her.
“He has a stepson from his previous marriage. Bob didn’t divorce his wife. She died.”
“That’s so sad.”
“It happened a long time ago so the kid has recovered. But he and his father do not get along. I think it’s like the usual rebellious teenager kind of stuff.”
“Gotcha. I was a teenager once too.”
“But here’s what is so crazy. Bob was supposed to introduce me to his stepson after we got married. But he had to leave town on emergency business so now I’m here and the kid’s here. We haven’t met before.”
“Hmmm. Sounds awkward.”
“No, it’s even worse. Bob told me to avoid him completely.”
“How? Don’t you live in the same house together?”
“He lives in the pool house out back. And Bob told me emphatically that I should not let him inside the main house under any circumstances.”
“What is he going to do? Raid the liquor cabinet or something?”
“I have no idea. In fact, I haven’t seen him since I got here two days ago. But I have the feeling Bob wants to kick him out soon because he just turned eighteen.”
“What’s his name?”
“Kind of a sexy name, don’t you think?”
Suddenly, Nicole heard the not-so-distant rumble of a motorcycle. The noise grew louder until the whole house seemed to vibrate.
“Hold on,” Nicole told Amy, rushing over to the window. “I’ll call you right back.”
The master bedroom overlooked the secluded backyard. Enclosed by a wrought-iron fence and tall trees, the four-acre lot contained a fire pit, gazebo, outdoor shower as well as the obligatory pool. The pool house stood at the opposite end of the yard not far from the back entrance to the property.
The motorized gate beeped and slid open. On the other side, a buff dude on a Harley revved his motor before cruising into the backyard. He coasted up the dirt path that led to the pool house. Nicole didn’t see him up close but she saw enough to form an overall impression.
The first thing she noticed was his arms as he piloted the motorcycle toward the pool house. The teen wore a black AC/DC tank top that showcased his massive guns. And with his arms held straight on the handlebars of his cycle, the triceps flexed from the back as much as his biceps did out front. His limbs were not just huge but perfectly sculpted without an ounce of fat.
Lance parked his bike in front of the pool house and dismounted. He took off his helmet and shook out his wild mane of long jet-black hair. It flowed over his shoulders halfway down his back. A guy like him could have fronted a heavy metal band. Even without a guitar or a drum kit as a prop, he possessed a natural rock star vibe or what new age-y folk might call “an aura.”
Before Nicole could take in anything more, the handsome stranger went inside.
However, two seconds later, he came out again with a can of Budweiser. He popped open the tab, chugged the beer, and hurled it over the fence. Nicole had a feeling a big pile of empty cans lay on the other side. She wasn’t wrong.
The pool house had a small patio in front. A bench press and various weights occupied most of that area. The teen picked up a few steel plates off the ground and racked them onto the barbell. Each of them weighed at least 50 or 75 pounds. Her wimp husband probably couldn’t have lifted a single plate, let alone the 400-pound load the teenage bodybuilder lay down to bench.
Nicole counted his reps. Lance lifted the weight smoothly and swiftly, without jerking or showing the slightest strain. Finally, he set the barbell back into the rack with a loud clang. A few moments later, he did another set. And another. And another. At long last, Lance got up from the bench press and wiped the sweat off his brow. Still unaware of Nicole, he tore off his tank top.
His musclebound torso was like kryptonite for her pussy. Nicole could not believe an eighteen-year-old could be so physically developed. As the teen cooled off from his weightlifting, she actually could see his sculpted pecs and abs expand and contract with each intake of breath. Even from across the vast backyard, she felt drawn to him like a magnet.
Before the teen Adonis could continue his workout, his cell phone rang. He pulled it out. Nicole couldn’t hear the conversation but her intuition told her a girl had called. Lance talked for a few minutes before hopping onto his bike and barreling out of the backyard just as quickly as he had arrived.
Nicole actually found herself panting. That’s how bad she wanted him. She finally left her surveillance post at the window and went downstairs to the living room. Another set of stairs led to Bob’s home office in the basement. Nicole already has nosed through the file cabinets where her husband kept his will, life insurance, and other financial records.
Only one drawer had been locked. The label read, “Lance.”
Nicole found a paperclip on the mahogany desk and went to work. She picked it in a jiffy.
The first binder contained his school records. He received D’s and F’s in everything but gym class. She also skimmed correspondence from the principal’s office. Because Lance showed incredible athletic promise, the administration let him play on the football team despite his being on academic probation.
Nicole pulled out a thick manila folder of disciplinary reports. Lance got cited for a variety of classic offenses: truancy; fistfights; and smoking weed in the boy’s room. Nicole could not believe he had not been expelled already. Bob definitely greased a lot of palms to keep things quiet.
The next binder must have been an inch thick. It contained various medical reports. The first document included his vital stats from a sports medicine clinic:
Name: Lance Leo
Age: 18
Race: White
Height: 6’6”
Weight: 275 lbs.
Body Fat: 6%
A lot of specific measurements of various muscles followed. Nicole didn’t know most of the terms but noted his “flexed bicep” measured a staggering 24.5 inches.
A summary report followed. It called Lance an “extreme mesomorph” who inherited an ultra-rare genetic condition known as “myostatin-related muscle hypertrophy.” Affected individuals possessed up to twice the usual amount of muscle mass in their body along with greatly increased physical strength. The clinic assured Bob that the condition did not cause medical problems and the subject appeared “intellectually normal.”
The next folder appeared to be a psychiatric evaluation. Her stepson displayed “antisocial behaviors” including “impulsivity, recklessness, and sexual deviance.” Before she read further, the room began to vibrate with the unmistakable sound of Lance’s motorcycle.
Dropping the folder, Nicole rushed up two flights of stairs. Just as she returned to her surveillance post at the bedroom window, Lance’s bike coasted back to the pool house. He wasn’t alone this time. A shapely brunette in daisy dukes and a black bikini top clung to his back on the “bitch seat.”
Nicole couldn’t see her face. She wore Lance’s helmet. He must have lent it to her because the teen had no protective headgear. Moreover, Lance rode shirtless as well. While that might not have been particularly safe, it sure looked sexy. His sun-bronzed chest gleamed under a thin sheen of sweat that further enhanced the definition of his powerful physique.
Lance and the chick hopped off the bike. He gently took off her helmet and impulsively tossed it over his shoulder. With that, the teen stud leaned down and gave her a scorching kiss. Nicole noted the vast disparity in their heights. He stood 6’6” to her 5’6”. Palming her ass, Lance lifted her off the ground so she could gaze straight into his eyes. The girl wrapped her legs around the backs of his thighs and locked her ankles tight.
They stood there like that for a long time. Lance bore her weight effortlessly as they kissed. Finally, he lifted a hand off the girl’s ass and deftly untied her bikini top. The garment wafted to the ground as the teenage sex god carried her towards the pool house. After kicking open the door, Lance threw her on the bed and climbed in.
Unfortunately, he shut the door before anything more unfolded. Lance probably didn’t see Nicole or know she was watching him. He simply closed the door out of habit. However, it could not have come at a less opportune time. Nicole officially became obsessed with her new neighbor. After a couple of minutes of staring at the boring pool house, she had no other choice than to come closer.
Nicole felt her pulse race as soon as she entered the backyard. The concept of spying didn’t bother her. The possibility of getting caught did. Nicole edged closer. She stuck the perimeter of the property so there would not be any chance of being spotted. However, the horny cougar eventually crept closer to the pool house.
Staying out of sight from the front window, she sidled right up to the side of the pool house. Nicole could hear their voices like she was in the same room with them… The moan of the girl… The creaking and squeaking of the bed… The smacking of lips as they kissed…
“Holy fuck,” gasped the girl.
“What?” asked a voice in a panty-moistening baritone.
“You’ve grown! It always was huge but it feels… like ginormous now.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while. I was only nine inches back then.”
His remark made her crack up.
“That’s rich,” she laughed “‘Only nine inches,’ he says.”
“Babe, what can I say?” he joked flirtatiously. “God blessed me with a mighty anaconda of love!”
The weight on the bed shifted again. The girl stopped laughing. She started moaning. Nicole heard more lip-smacking as they kissed.
“Do that again,” she panted.
“Do what?”
“I don’t know where you put it all, but your dick hit a spot just below my cervix.”
“Like that?” he asked in a tone that seemed disingenuous.
“Yeah,” she groaned. “Right there.”
“How about this?”
The bedframe began to creak loudly in a distinctly conjugal rhythm.
“Ahhhh God!” she cried out. “FUCK! That feels amazing”
“You like that big cock, don’t you?” her stepson growled in a voice that sounded more dominant than before. He wasn’t asking a question. The alpha stud knew damn well she loved his cock.
“I’M COMING ALREADY!!!” she cried out.
The bedroom went silent as she climaxed. Nicole somehow knew she wasn’t faking it. Women often became vocal before and after they came. But during the big ‘O’, you could hear a pin drop. The debilitating shockwave of pleasure rendered them momentarily speechless. Or, at least, that was how Nicole experienced orgasm.
The creaking stopped.
“I’ve never…,” stammered an incredulous voice. “Fuck, what did you just do to me?”
“Dunno,” Lance told her. “Guess I better do it again so you remember this time.”
The creaking resumed.
Nicole harbored no illusions about her taste in men. She dug eighteen-year-old guys. The cougar didn’t expect a relationship with them. She loved their youthful hard bodies, infectious enthusiasm, and charming inexperience. Nicole loved teasing a horny young man with a hint of cleavage or the brush of a hand against a thigh. The kid usually popped a boner in two seconds flat! And she cherished the attendant awkwardness when they realized Nicole was no wet dream. In teen-speak, this MILF was DTF with NSA!
The only thing Nicole wanted more than an inexperienced teen was an experienced teen. At eighteen and nineteen, the dude might already have had a long-term girlfriend or two and would know his way around a woman’s body. She chanced upon a couple of guys with some proficiency. But Lance belonged to a league of his own.
For a solid two hours, her studly stepson rocked this chick’s world like a Category Five hurricane. He made her come ten times in a row, smoked a doobie, and then made her come another ten times in a row. Nicole had not heard a woman get that well-fucked in her entire life.
At long last, the crash of the headboard against the wall sped up from a slow, driving beat to the percussive onslaught of a ten-ton jackhammer.
“MOTHERFUCKER!” he thundered in a stentorian voice. “I’M COMING, BABE!!!”
It was a violent and tempestuous orgasm. After listening in on his lovemaking for so long, Nicole had begun to form an impression of his personality. The teen possessed the suave and self-assured manner of a born ladykiller. He knew just what to say and do to get a woman to spread her legs for him. One might call this quality sangfroid, a breathtaking coolness displayed in the risky game of seduction. But Lance lost his cool in that moment. The climax exposed the frenzied lust that burned in his loins; that made him more beast than man; that drove him to conquer every woman that landed in his bed.
Lance’s deafening yell shook the paper-thin walls of the pool house and went on and on and on with an intensity that would have sent a lesser man into cardiac arrest. The startling outburst caused Nicole’s own heart to race. His display of animal passion enthralled her. He seemed completely at one with his primal urges.
After nearly two minutes of ferocious growls and roars, only his deep and heavy breaths sounded from the window.
“Happy Birthday, Lance!” she giggled.
“Babe, that was like a month ago.”
“Well, you took your own sweet time in texting me back.”
“Yeah, I probably did,” he confessed. “My talents are in demand.”
“Is that what you call it?” the girl asked him incredulously. “Your talents?”
“What would you call it?” he answered without hesitation before planting a loud, wet kiss on her lips. Nicole heard the weight of their bodies shift on the mattress. Then the bed began to creak again.
“Jesus, Lance!” gushed the girl. “You’re still hard as a rock!”
“Is that a talent or what?” he boasted.
“You realize how crazy this is, right? So what’s your secret? Viagra? Oysters?”
“Between you and me, a little weed never hurt,” he confessed. “But usually I just need to be with a groovy chick like you, babe.”
Lance slapped on a fresh Durex XXL and they began to fuck again.
Nicole had heard enough… for the moment at least. Her panties audibly squished with her juices as she slunk back into the big, empty house. The horny housewife had a thousand questions about the sensual extravaganza she just witnessed. The superstud that lived in her backyard was no ordinary eighteen-year-old. High school seniors did not ride Harleys or sport fuck random women.
Nicole did not have an explanation but she knew where she might find it. The night was young and the lusty cougar only had read a couple of pages of Lance’s voluminous files. She went back to Bob’s home office to continue her investigation.
Returning to his medical records, Nicole rifled through correspondence from a urologist. An office bill caught her attention. Lance had undergone a vasectomy last month, an elective procedure that seemed a bit excessive for a horny teenager. However, a printed e-mail from a psychotherapist clarified his unique circumstances:
“The patient claimed to have had over 200 sexual partners. While no one can verify his assertion, Lance displays a precocious and promiscuous disposition that makes voluntary abstinence an unrealistic goal. When asked if the office should supply him with condoms for safer sex, the patient declined by joking he already owned a stockpile of Magnum XL and Durex XXL condoms due…