When I was twenty-four, I left my fiancé, Travis, of almost a year for another man. In my defense, it was not completely my fault. Yes, it was wrong, and I felt guilty. I hurt my Travis but he not only introduced me to the other man; Travis encouraged me to have sex with him.
What was my fault was that after I gave in to Travis wanting me to cuckold him while he watched and then wanted to join in, I became obsessed with the other man. I became obsessed with the sex we had, and I continued to see him without Travis’s knowledge. I then fell in love with the other man as my obsession with him and the sex.
I had been dating Travis for a little over a year when we got engaged. I loved Travis. If I didn’t, I would not have said yes when he asked me to marry him. After we got engaged, I moved in with him. When I moved in with Travis, his fetish of wanting to see me have sex with another man came out, but not just any man; he wanted to see me have sex with a black man.
While I was shocked when he first suggested it, I should not have been. Travis always got turned on by my sexual past and he would ask me about the guys I had previously dated and I had sex with, especially the two black guys I had dated. The first was my second boyfriend in high school and the other one was a random, one night hookup I had in college my senior year. I found out that the next morning; the boy was only eighteen and still in high school. That was rather embarrassing, but the sex was great.
I let the black boy I hooked up with in college, a boy named Danny, use his phone to video us having sex the second time he fucked me that night. It was the first and only time I had done that. Why I let him I don’t know. The thought of it did turn me on and it was something new I had never done before, so I let him. I still had the video file saved.
It was just one of those things I never got around to deleting from my laptop and when I got a new one and transferred all my files to my new laptop, that file was one of them. I knew it was there, but I didn’t watch it or anything.
Sure, I had a sexual past, but I was not a slut. I just like sex. Just because a girl enjoys sex does not make her a slut. What man wants to date a girl who does not like sex?
I had two boyfriends in high school I had sex with, the first when I was sixteen; dated several guys when I was in college, and even had a few random hookups while in college when I was not dating someone. My junior year while on Spring Break in Cancun, I met a guy there that I partied with and hooked up with the entire time I was there. We got drunk a lot and had lots of sex.
I even came close to having my first threesome while in Cancun with the young man I hooked up with and his friend. I didn’t though because I changed my mind after the three of us were on the bed and I was kissing both of them. As I lay between them and they were touching me and taking off my bikini, I decided I didn’t want to go through with it and told them to stop.
At first, they didn’t, but I kept insisting, and to their credit, they did stop and they didn’t get mad about it. Before the friend left the hotel room so I could be alone with the other guy I had been hooking up with, I did give him a blowjob. It was the least I could do for him since I had gotten him all worked up. Plus, they were respectful and stopped when I told them no. I felt he at least deserved that.
Travis got turned on by that story as well and would ask me if I regretted not having the threesome. I was honest and told him I didn’t regret it, but thought it would have been fun. He would ask me if I would ever consider doing a threesome with him and I told him no, which was the truth. I told him I loved him and would never want to cheat on him.
I never cheated on someone I was dating, especially someone I was in love with and I was truly in love with Travis. Travis would tell me that it was not cheating if all people involved consented to it. I still thought of it as cheating.
He first started suggesting it when we were having sex. Travis would be fucking me and say things like how sexy I looked getting fucked and he would like to see me get fucked by someone else. He would ask me if I would like him to watch, tell me how sexy it would be to see me sucking another man’s cock while he fucked me, have another man fuck me while I sucked his cock, etc.
Travis would tell me to tell him how much I wanted those things as well, and I did. I did so not because I wanted to, but because it turned him on and got him off. After we were done having sex, I would cuddle with him and tell him I just said those things because it aroused him and I would never do it. He played it off as just dirty talk and I believed him.
Then Travis started bringing it up when we were not having sex. We would be watching a movie or TV show and there would be a handsome black actor on the show and Travis would comment how he bet I would like that actor to fuck me and he would watch. He brought up other hints about it other times as well and it got to the point where it became annoying and I would get mad.
I would get angry and we would argue about it and he would tell me he was just messing around and I would tell him to stop and he did. He stopped it for several weeks but would then start over again. I got so angry with him about it one night when we were having sex that I told him to stop. I then got out of bed, got my laptop, pulled up the video of the black guy from college fucking me, and showed it to him.
I watched Travis watch the video, thinking he would get jealous and stop the nonsense about seeing me getting fucked by another man and then joining in. He didn’t. He watched it and started to masturbate. I got so disgusted that I left the room and went to sleep in the guest bedroom. I was so upset and cried myself to sleep that night.
I thought, how could you love someone and want to see them having sex with someone else? Yes, I have my small fetishes or what people could call sexual taboos, but nothing like that. I liked bondage play, getting fucked rough at times, having my hair pulled, and my butt spanked while getting fucked rough.
There are several things I enjoy sexually that Travis is not into and I go without because I love him. I thought he could go without his fetish of seeing me with another man because he loved me.
I like anal sex and anal play, something Travis was not into at all. He found anything to do with anal stuff repulsive. I found anal sex awesome! I first had anal sex when I was eighteen and loved it. I loved the odd but extremely pleasurable feeling it gave me. But I was willing to go without because I loved Travis and I never asked him for anal sex, even though I would want it.
I ignored Travis as much as I could living with him for about two weeks and refused to have sex with him and we slept in separate rooms. I thought about breaking off our engagement and moving out, but I loved him and I didn’t want to leave him, and I did want to marry Travis. The tension and the walking on eggshells feeling and not having intimate moments with my fiancé was driving me crazy. I came to another decision.
I decided to see if he really wanted me to have sex with another man or if he was just bluffing because the thought of it was just the turn-on for him and not the reality. I could always say no if it came down to actually doing it and I would say no. If he really wanted me to, then I would just have to take the heartbreak and break off our relationship. I told Travis I would do it, but only after I met the man first to see how things would go from there.
The problems I brought up to Travis were who would the man be? How would we go about meeting a man who didn’t mind fucking another man’s fiancée while that said fiancée watched and joined us? I told Travis a video was out of the question and even though I was on birth control, the other man must wear a condom. He agreed to the stipulations and told me I was pretty enough for any man to want to fuck me.
I am a cute, pretty even, twenty-four-year-old Japanese girl. I am only five feet tall, but I have a cute body. At age twenty-four, when I first met Darius, I was not thin but not fat either and had cute legs with slightly thick thighs that I like the look of on me.
I do have small breasts, but I never let that bother me and I think they are cute and well formed. My boobs are tipped with cute, flesh-colored nipples and I have the left one pierced with a bar. I was going to do both, but it hurt, and decided one was good enough. I think I have a nice ass as well. It’s not fat but not skinny, has some jiggle in it, and I like how it looks.
I am happy with the way I look and my body shape and like that I am not some skinny stick figure girl. Presently at age twenty-five, I have gotten slightly chubbier, but again I like my body the way it is. I actually like being a little chubby. I think it’s sexy to be a little chubby.
I have long and thick, silky black hair that comes down to my butt that I am proud and vain about. I have magnificent hair. I have freckles across my face; under my eyes and across my nose. I think they are cute. I don’t have body type issues.
I also think I have a sexy pussy that I keep bare of any pubic hair by waxing. It is what some men who have seen it have called a “fat pussy” and I guess it is. I have a puffy vulva and my pussy lips stay hidden in the fold of my pussy slit.
While I am of Japanese heritage and was born in Okinawa, Japan, I was adopted when I was eight months old by a wonderful American couple and grew up Americanized. They spoiled me and I was pretty much a spoiled, prissy princess.
Travis seemed to have this planned out already because he said he had a man in mind. I asked how he knew this man would find me attractive. Yeah, I am pretty and have a cute body, but not all men are attracted to the same type and maybe I would not be this man’s type or maybe he didn’t like Asian girls. Just because a girl is attractive does not mean she is every man’s type.
Travis told me the man thought I was pretty and sexy because he had seen me before when Travis showed him some pictures of me. I asked which ones because I had sent my fiancé some risque photos of me in the past. They were not vulgar nudes where I exposed myself in crude ways or even showed my pussy. They were just some selfies of me half-dressed in underwear or just wearing panties. The photos didn’t even show my breasts.
He told me he showed the man those photos and other photos of me that I had taken and a few Travis had. Photos of me in different outfits I would wear on our dates or when I went out with my friends to clubs and the photos of me that previous Halloween when I dressed as a Playboy Bunny.
While I was not happy about it, not because they were nasty photos or anything, but because I didn’t like Travis showing photos of me to other men and asking them what they thought of how I looked and maybe even bragging to the other men that he was fucking such a cute, small, Asian girl. Maybe he told them about the things we did sexually as well. I didn’t care about that idea either. I didn’t say anything though and dropped the issue.
Travis told me the man’s name was Darius, and he was black and in his early thirties. They knew each other from the gym they both worked out in. I sighed and told him ok and to invite Darius to dinner one night and I would cook for us all. I told Travis to be upfront with Darius and tell him the reason he was invited for dinner, but to make sure to tell him I was not a hundred percent sure I was going to go through with it. That was a lie I told Travis; I was a hundred percent sure I was not going to go through with it.
That night, Travis and I had sex for the first time in just over two weeks. He fucked my brains out several times because he was so aroused that I agreed to satisfy his cuckold fetish. I have to say; the sex was exceptional that night even with him telling me over and over about how sexy it was going to be seeing me sucking and getting fucked by a big black cock.
I didn’t bother explaining to Travis that all black men don’t have a large penis. The first black boy I dated in high school was average size and while the black boy I made the video with had the largest penis I had ever had, he was not huge. He was about seven or maybe eight inches long and of average girth. Penis size didn’t matter to me at all and the guys I had sex and they left me completely satisfied sexually.
Two weeks later, we had Darius over for dinner and to see what would happen after. Travis assured me that Darius knew why he was invited over.
When Darius knocked on the door, I let Travis answer it. I was busy setting our small table in the dinette area of our apartment. I didn’t want to answer the door. I was scared and when I heard the knock on the door, I flinched and became more nervous and frightened and hurried into the kitchen to hide. I started to think I should not have won the outfit I had on.
I was wearing my simple tan dress that had a short hem that showed off my thighs and legs. The dress was tight and clung to my body. I liked the dress and had a white one of the same style and thought I looked good wearing them, but was regretting wearing it then. I was wearing three-inch matching heels, and under the dress, I was wearing a pair of lacy white panties and a lacy white bra that was low-cut. Travis picked out the outfit for me. I should not have let him.
I had pulled my hair back and placed it in a ponytail, again a suggestion from Travis because he liked my hair pulled back. Travis wanted me to wear more makeup than I normally do when we go out or have company over, but I told him no. I had to draw the line somewhere, and I was not going to whore up my makeup.
I looked good, and I looked sexy, and Travis told me Darius would like how I looked. I didn’t care if the other man did or didn’t like how I looked. As I heard the two of them talking, I came close to going into our bedroom and locking the door until Darius left. I began to think maybe my plan to call out Travis on his fetish and thinking maybe he was just bluffing was a huge mistake.
“Natalie, come and meet Darius,” I heard my fiancé call out.
I took a deep breath to settle my nerves and walked out of the kitchen to find the two sitting in the living room area of our small apartment. Darius was sitting on the sofa and Travis was in the recliner that didn’t match the sofa. Darius stood up when I walked out of the kitchen.
The first thing I noticed about the other man and the first thing anyone noticed about him was his size. He was huge. His size stunned me, and I stopped walking toward him for a second or two. I was so stunned by how large of a man he was.
He was well over six feet tall and I assumed at the time at least six foot five or six foot six. He later told me he was six foot six after I asked. Travis told me he met Darius at the gym, but I didn’t think much of it. My fiancé is fit and likes to work out, but he is more lean than bulky. I assumed Darius would be the same. I was wrong.
The large black man is a bodybuilder type with huge muscles but unlike a lot of the men who are body builders from what I could see of his arms bulging out of the sleeves of his polo-style shirt, he didn’t have all those bulging veins over arms. I was not particularly attracted to men built like that. I was more attracted to men with the body type my fiancé had; the leaner, muscular type like a professional swimmer.
The second thing I noticed was his skin complexion. When Travis told me that Darius was a black man, I thought he meant more about his race, not his complexion. I had pictured Darius being like the two black guys I had sex with. Both had lighter skin complexion. Darius had dark ebony skin complexion. When Travis said he was black, he was not meaning just his race.
After I took my eyes off of his body, I looked at his face and thought he was a nice-looking man but not overly handsome. Travis was better looking. My fiancé was a hottie. Darius had short cropped hair. He was dressed nice; I had to give him credit for that. He was wearing a pair of navy blue slacks and a yellow polo shirt and wore dress shoes on his feet.
When I walked to him to shake his hand that he extended, his size seemed even more overwhelming. As I mentioned, I am only five feet tall, and Darius towered over me like a giant. When I stood in front of him, my head only came up to his chest, right at the bottom of his well-defined pectoral muscles and just below his nipples.
What had my fiancé gotten me into? I thought. I was not going to go through with having sex with another man and now seeing Darius, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I was not going to. I did not agree to have sex with a black Conan the Barbarian. We would have a nice dinner and polite conversation. I would tell them this was not going to happen, excuse myself, and go to bed. The next day I would have a serious talk with Travis and if it resulted in ending our relationship, then so be it.
When I shook Darius’s hand, his large hand swallowed up my small hand. His handshake was gentle, but I knew he could crush every bone in my finger with little effort if he wanted to.
“Nice to meet you, Natalie,” he said politely in a deep voice.
“You as well,” I replied.
“Travis told me all about you,” he said and grinned.
I gave Travis a fuck you look and looked back at Darius. “I am sure he did, but he didn’t tell me much about you,” I said and smiled.
“You look very pretty and that dress is amazing on you,” the black man told me as his eyes ran up and down my body.
I blushed from the way he was looking at me and looked at Travis again. “Better than the pictures my fiancé showed you?” I asked Darius but was again giving Travis a fuck you look as I asked.
“Much better. The real thing is always better,” Darius said as he chuckled. He was not blind and could read the looks I was giving Travis.
“Well, dinner’s ready,” I said and walked back into the kitchen. I could feel both Travis and Darius’s eyes on my butt as I walked away.
I made Cornish Game hens with seasoned wild rice and green beans as sides. I am a wonderful cook. I cooked three hens, one for each of us. I ate only half of mine, and Darius and Travis ate their entire hen. Cornish Game hens are small.
I didn’t serve any wine or other alcohol for dinner. I liked wine and had no issue with drinking, but I didn’t want us to drink any alcohol and get buzzed or even drunk. While I was nervous and felt I could drink an entire bottle of wine by myself to settle my nerves, I refrained. When I drank and became tipsy, I also got horny and I didn’t want the alcohol to sway any decision made that night.
Dinner was nice, and so was the conversation. Darius was polite and charming and had a great sense of humor and his entertaining stories made me laugh despite myself and the situation. He was very charismatic and took control of the room not just because of his intimidating size but also because of his personality. Even though he would not be the type of man I was attracted to physically, I could see the appeal women may have had for him. His personality made me slightly attracted to him.
After dinner, I cleaned the kitchen while the men went into the living room. They offered to help, but I told them I could do it. There was not much to clean up since I am a neat freak and clean while I cook, so it was just rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. Plus, Travis and I lived in a small apartment and the kitchen was too small for two or three people to be crowded together.
With the kitchen clean, I gave a big sigh and decided it was time to get this over with and just see how far my fiancé was willing to go with what he wanted, or hopefully thought he wanted. I walked to the living room.
Travis was sitting on the recliner and Darius on the love seat, our only sofa. That forced me to sit next to Darius and his enormous size forced me to sit close to him on the two-seat sofa.
The conversation again was polite and again Darius took control of the conversation and the room. I started to loosen up and asked him questions to get to know him better. He was just one of those charismatic types you want to get to know better.
I found out he was thirty-two and worked for the power company as a lineman supervisor. I asked what a lineman did since I didn’t know. He was not originally from the city of Brunswick where we lived but from the small city of Waycross that was deep south in our state and bordered the swamps of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. I was not originally from Brunswick either and grew up in Savannah, but moved the seventy-odd miles south to Brunswick where Travis was from.
Darius didn’t talk anything about sex or make any sexual innuendos and didn’t flirt with me. That made me more comfortable. Not so my fiancé. Travis kept interrupting our conversation by bringing up sex and was embarrassing me.
He would say things such as tell me to tell Darius about the men I previously had sex with, the two other black guys. He even once told me to talk about some things I enjoyed sexually; especially the kinks I had when it came to sex. Darius could tell I was uncomfortable and would change the subject. I appreciated that. I also became even more attracted to the large black man because of his manners and defending me.
We both could tell Travis, who was being an asshole, was getting impatient and wanted things to progress. Darius could tell I was still nervous and scared and I think he picked up on the vibe I was giving that I was not into what my fiancé wanted.
“I would like to go and talk to Natalie in privately for a moment,” Darius told Travis.
Travis gave us a huge grin. “Not at all. I’ll give y’all a moment alone before I come join you.”
Both Travis and I misunderstood Darius’s intentions. We both thought he meant by being alone with me he was going to try to fuck me. After all, that was the purpose of why he was invited over that night.
“We…we can talk here,” I said.
Darius stood up and held out his large hand. “Don’t worry, Natalie, all I want to do is talk.”
I nodded and trusted him. I took his large hand in mine and he helped me off the love seat. The only rooms in our apartment we could be alone were the two bedrooms and the kitchen. Darius led me down the short hallway into the bedroom I shared with Travis. I looked over my shoulder at Travis and he was grinning ear to ear.
When we got to my bedroom, Darius let go of my hand and sat on the edge of the bed. I didn’t sit down and stood about four feet from the bed. I nervously looked around the room, which I had seen thousands of times, and noticed one of our dining table chairs in the room. I made an audible sigh. Apparently, Travis had moved a chair into the room so he could sit and watch what he hoped would happen.
“Sorry he’s being a jerk,” Darius said.
I looked at him and gave a faint smile. “He’s being a dick,” I told the man. Darius chuckled and nodded.
“You can come sit down. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to,” the large black man assured me.
I slowly walked over and sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. I kept my hands folded in my lap and my legs crossed at the ankles to sit ladylike. Growing up, my mother sent me to cotillions and etiquette classes until I was eighteen to learn to be a proper lady.
I loved my adoptive mother a great deal, and I also envied her. She is lovely, classy, charming and such a lady. I enjoyed the etiquette classes and cotillions and debutante balls she had me attend.
I sat close enough to the man that our legs touched and I could smell the faint scent of his masculinity. It was a pleasant smell.
“You don’t want to do this, do you?” Darius asked me as I sat on the bed staring at my feet.
I looked up at him. “You don’t think it’s weird or perverted?” I asked and didn’t answer his question.
“To most people, I am sure it is, but to others not so much. There are couples out there that enjoy this type of thing, couples who are into cuckold and watching their partner have sex with someone else,” the man told me.
“I know that,” I said defensively. “Have you ever done it before?”
“I have had a threesome with another guy and myself and a girl and more than once, and I found it enjoyable. I have also cuckolded an older man who was married to a much younger woman, and he liked seeing her get fucked by younger men. They both got off on it. They would even pay me for it.” Darius admitted without shame.
“Pay you like a hooker?” I asked and was shocked. I knew men paid women for sex, but never occurred to me that a couple would pay a man to join them.
Darius chuckled and shrugged. “Yes, and I was an eighteen-year-old private in the Marine Corps and not making a lot of money, so I figured why not? As long as it’s all consensual with everyone, there is nothing wrong with it or even enjoying it. Some women and men too I guess, get hung up on labels and think if they do things they really want to when it comes to sex, they will be labeled a slut.”
I could understand that. Travis and I had been together for just over two years and he knew a lot about my sexual past as I did his. We did kinky things together when we had sex and while he didn’t indulge in my enjoyment of anal play and anal sex; he knew about it. But I still had some secrets I never disclosed to him that I enjoyed because I didn’t want my fiancé to think I was a slut.
They were things that I knew Travis would not do. Despite the way my fiancée was acting that night and the past few months when he brought up wanting to see me get fucked by another man, Travis was a good man. He had a lot of respect for me and treated me like a lady.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked.
“Not currently. The last girl I dated we ended our relationship about five months ago.”
“Let’s just say we were not compatible,” Darius told me.
“How so?” I asked to push the issue and also to avoid any conversation that would lead to him wanting to fuck me.
Darius smiled at me. “Just did not see eye to eye on certain things I like in a relationship with a woman. She thought she could make it work, but she couldn’t”
“Why? What did the two of you not see eye to eye on?” I asked because I was now curious.
“That is not something I am going to tell you,” he told me.
I nodded and let the subject drop.
“Why…why did you agree to come over tonight?” I asked.
Darius grinned. “I am not going to lie to you, Natalie. When Travis asked me and told me why, I said yes because I think you are pretty and have a sexy little body on you,” he told me. Darius raised his arm and used his large, black hand to gently caress my cheek. I didn’t move and let him. “I agreed because I have a specific attraction to Asian girls,” he admitted.
I rolled my eyes and giggled as the man kept caressing my cheek with the back of his fingers. “A typical Asian girl fetish,” I teased.
Darius grinned. “More than a fetish,” he told me and brought his hand down to my chin and used his thumb and forefinger to raise my head.
“But how can you do this with a friend’s girlfriend or wife or whatever? Isn’t there something like a male friend code? What do you guys say, bros before hos or something?” I asked.
Darius chuckled. “Travis is not a friend of mine. I just know him from the gym. We don’t hang out together or anything like that.”
“Oh,” I muttered and looked at my feet again for a moment.
Darius was still caressing my cheek, and I looked up and looked him in his dark brown eyes and bit my lower lip, a nervous habit. “I love Travis,” I told him.
“I never thought you didn’t. If you didn’t, I don’t think you would have agreed to at least meet me tonight.”
“This…this is only going to happen tonight. Don’t…don’t expect anything more and it’s just sex,” I told Darius. “I do love him and we are getting married,” I reiterated.
He didn’t answer verbally, but moved his head closer to mine and his lips touched mine. I immediately started kissing him back, and I parted my lips to allow his tongue to enter my mouth and we were soon making out.
Darius put his hands around my waist and picked me up off the bed. The large black man sat me down on his lap and I hiked up my dress so I could straddle him and then put my arms around his neck. We started making out harder.
Darius was a great kisser. His kisses were passionate, gentle, intense, and forceful all at the same time. I started frantically tugging at his shirt to try and take it off of him as he unzipped the back of my dress. I gave a sudden yelp of pain, followed by a moan of pleasure, when the man grabbed my hair high up on my ponytail and my hair hard and forced my head back. As Darius pulled my hair, he started kissing my neck.
“You like that, don’t you,” he whispered in my ear. It was not a question.
“Yes, oh God yes,” I moaned out.
Still pulling my head back by my hair, Darius pulled his head back and ran his finger over my parted lips. “What else do you like?” he asked.
“You are just going to have to find out,” I teased and gave him an open mouth grin.
“And if I do something you don’t like?” he asked, still tracing his fingers over my lips.
“I’ll tell you to stop,” I answered and let out another gasping moan from both pleasure and pain as Darius pulled my hair harder.
“Fair enough. Should we tell Travis to come join us now?”
“Uhh…no, no…not yet,” I answered as I was panting from having my hair pulled so hard.
Darius chuckled at me, not wanting my fiancée in the room then, and he let go of my hair and gave me a shove and I fell to the floor. I whimpered at being shoved to the floor, but it didn’t hurt. I looked up at him and smiled. I liked his manhandling of me.
“Stand up and take off your dress and underwear,” the black man ordered me.
I giggled and stood up. I had no problem stripping for him and him seeing me naked. I thought I had a cute body and was not ashamed of it. Plus, he was going to fuck me so he would see me naked later.
I stood about three feet from the bed and raised one of my legs to take off my heels.
“No, keep them on,” Darius told me as he removed his shirt.
I lowered my leg and stared at his muscular, hairy chest as I took off my clothes. I was glad he didn’t shave his chest. I liked a hairy chest on a man. Once I was naked except for my heels, I stood in front of Darius with my hands at my side.
“Let your hair free,” he told me.
I took my hair out of my ponytail and shook my head, and ran my fingers through it to fluff it out.
“Come here,” Darius told me in a commanding tone. I liked it.
I walked to the man sitting on the edge of my bed and he grabbed me and pulled me to him so I was once again straddling his lap. He went to kiss me but I pushed his head back and started kissing his chest. As I kissed and licked his chest, I ran my hands over his taunt muscles. I started licking and sucking his dark brown nipples, going from one to the other. Darius let out a masculine moan.
As I kept licking and kissing his nipples, he took my breasts in his large hands and I gasped out in pleasure when he started teasing my hard nipples. I started grinding against him, rubbing my wet pussy over his lap. I squealed out from both pain and pleasure when Darius pulled on my nipple bar piercing on my left nipple and stretched it.
I get pleasure out of some pain, such as having my nipples pinched and pulled hard, my hair pulled, and my butt spanked. Darius sensed this and while he pulled my nipple bar hard, he started pinching my other nipple hard. I moaned out loudly from the sensation.
I ran my tongue up his chest to his neck and placed my lips on his ear. “I want to put it in my mouth,” I whispered in his ear. “I want to suck your cock.”
“Get on your knees,” the large man told me and let go of my nipples.
I slid off the bed and got on my knees and Darius stood up and started to unbuckle his slacks. I looked up at him as he did so and waited impatiently as he pulled down his trousers and underwear. His hard cock sprang free, and I gasped when I saw it.
I know this is where the readers want to know about the man’s size. As I mentioned, I had dated a black boy in high school and we had sex and I had hooked up with one black boy in college. I found out the myth about all black men are well endowed was not true. They were both of average length and girth.
Not that it mattered one bit to me. Every guy I dated or had sex with was on the average size and they left me completely satisfied.
When Darius’s hard cock sprang up from the waistband of his underwear, I found out that the myth about black men was true, at least for Darius. Just like the rest of his body, the man was huge! I had never seen a penis that big. I am not exaggerating when I write that it had to be ten, maybe eleven, hell, maybe even twelve inches long and the girth of it was enormous as well. Later, as Darius and I continued our affair, I playfully measured it one time, and it was just a tad less than twelve inches long. I am not exaggerating or making it up, and readers can believe me or not, but he is.
I was not intimated by his size or scared of it; It fascinated me. I reached down and put my hand on his enormous cock and my fingers would not go around it, but I do have short, pudgy fingers. I slowly moved my hand up and down his shaft as I looked at it.
His enormous cock, his scrotum, and the surrounding flesh were darker than his dark skin complexion and I found that sexy. Maybe some girls would be frightened by his size, but not me. I wanted to feel what it would be like to have such a large penis in my mouth and in my pussy. I wanted to take as much as I could in my mouth and down my throat and I wanted to know what it would feel like as it stretched my pussy open and penetrated me deeper than I ever had been penetrated. I looked up at Darius and smiled and lowered my head to his cock.
I teased the man first before I gave him a blowjob. I ran my tongue up and down his large shaft, over his huge cock head, and ran my tongue over his scrotum. Darius moaned in pleasure as I teased him. I then took his big black cock in my mouth.
I think I give great blowjobs and I like to deep-throat a man’s cock and while I knew there was no way I could deep-throat something that big I was going to try. I started by just taking about three or four inches of him in my mouth as I ran my tongue over the tip of his penis. It was certainly a mouth full, and I had to stretch my jaw wide to accommodate the man’s cock in my mouth. I placed my hands on his thighs and started bobbing my head up and down slowly. I wanted to enjoy him being in my mouth and didn’t want Darius to orgasm too quickly, so I went slowly at first.
I would suck his cock for a few moments, take him out of my mouth, lick his scrotum, and then take him back into my mouth. I repeated that a few times and then noticed that Travis was in the room. He was sitting in the chair, watching.
I guess he got impatient waiting, so he came into the room. I turned my head and looked over my shoulder at my fiancé and smiled as I wiped the saliva from my mouth. If we wanted a show, I was going to give him one.
I got off the floor, got on the bed on my knees, and positioned my body so Travis could get a better view. Darius took a handful of my hair and pulled it away from my face so Travis could see me sucking his large black cock. I started to tease the man again. I took his penis in my hand and once again started licking his shaft and scrotum.
“You were not exaggerating, Travis,” I heard Darius say. “She sure knows how to suck dick.”
I lifted my head and looked at Darius first and then Travis, who was grinning ear to ear. I was angry my fiancé had been discussing my oral sex skills with another man. Well, fuck him, I thought. He wants to see me suck a cock, I’ll show him.
I took Darius in my mouth again and started to slowly deep-throat him as best as I could. I gagged a few times but was determined to keep trying. I felt the thick cock expand my throat as I went further down on his cock. My spit got thicker as I kept trying, and I had to lift my head up and take him out of my mouth a few times, but I kept trying. I finally gave up when I gagged more and more, but could only get about six or seven inches of him down my throat.
“Put your sexy ass up here. I want to taste that pussy,” Darius told me.
As I moved to straddle the man, I looked at Travis again. He was still grinning and was now rubbing his cock through his blue jeans. My fiancé was enjoying watching me. When Darius and I started to sixty-nine, I brushed my long hair back and away from my face so Travis could see me.
I once again started sucking Darius’s cock as he started using his fingers and mouth on my pussy. As I gave the man a blowjob, I was making muffled whimpering moans of pleasure. I made a louder, muffled, gasping moan when I felt Darius’s tongue on my butthole and then felt it enter my ass. I started sucking his cock harder.
As I was sucking his cock, Darius was fingering my pussy and licking my ass, and then he placed a finger against my tight butthole and made circling motions. I lifted my head and stared at Travis as I pushed my butt against Darius’s large, black finger to let him know he could put it inside my butthole.
While I was enjoying myself and Darius was giving me a great deal of pleasure, I was still angry at Travis. Knowing how repulsed Travis was about any anal play, I wanted him to know I was getting my asshole finger fucked by Darius.
“Yes, oh God, yes, Darius, fuck my ass with your finger,” I moaned out as I was looking into Travis’s eyes.
I made a grunting moan as the man’s large finger entered my asshole. It felt great! It had been a long time since I had a man put something up my ass, and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it.
I was going to start sucking Darius’s cock again, but the man started stimulating my clit and put a second finger in my ass, and started finger fucking my butthole hard and fast. The pleasure he was giving me made it hard for me to concentrate on giving him a blowjob. I was moaning and squealing in pleasure as my fingers dug into Darius’s thighs.
It didn’t take long for Darius to make me cum. My fingers dug deeper into Darius’s black thighs as I screamed out my orgasm. I am rather loud when I get fucked and cum. After my orgasm ended, Darius pulled his fingers out of my asshole and pussy. I laid my head down on his lap and was panting for air. I gave a yelp of pain when the black man smacked my ass hard with his large hand.
Even though the smack on my butt hurt a great deal, I liked it. I got aroused from being spanked. I found the painful stinging of having my ass spanked a turn-on.
I was introduced to bondage play and mild BDSM play when I was a sophomore in college, when I was dating an older man for several months. He used to spank me with a variety of objects, and one was his leather belt. I enjoyed the belt the best. Oh, it hurt like hellfire and left welts on my ass cheeks and the back of my thighs, but it also turned me on a great deal.
I would sometimes try to get Travis to spank me and he did playfully, but nothing as intense or painful as that man. Travis didn’t like to hurt me in any way, even if I wanted it.
“Now finish what you started,” he told me.
I moved off of Darius’s large black body and looked at my fiancé again. I could tell by the look on his face and the way he was still rubbing his cock through his jeans that he was enjoying seeing me with Darius. I knew Travis would be revolted by Darius’s fingers in my ass, but he was still turned on by what he was watching.
I had to admit that having my fiance watching me with another man turned me on as well. I never thought I would be into voyeurism, but it excited me.
I moved between the black man’s large muscular spread legs, stuck my ass up for Travis to see my asshole and wet pussy, and was about to suck Darius’s cock again. Darius once again grabbed a handful of my long hair and pulled hard to force me to raise my head. I whimpered from pain but again enjoyed the sensation.
Without saying a word, Darius bought the fingers that had been in my butthole to my face and I parted my lips to allow him to stick them in my mouth.
“Stop, that’s gross,” I heard Travis tell us.
Still angry at him, I looked Travis in the eyes, took Darius’s large hand in my small one, and started licking and sucking his fingers and purposely made exaggerated moans as I did so. I had no problem going ass to mouth. I am a neat freak and practice impeccable hygiene, and I knew Travis would hate it.
As if Darius could sense I was purposely trying to disgust Travis, he chuckled. “You like that, don’t you? You like tasting your own ass?” he taunted.
“Umm, uh huh,” I answered with a mouth full of fingers.
“You didn’t tell me she was such a nasty slut,” Darius told Travis.
Travis may have told the man about me sexually, but he never would have said I was a slut. I may have painted Travis as an asshole, and he was being one, but he was not. He treated me with respect and was kind and caring and affectionate. He never referred to me as a whore or a slut or a bitch.
As for me, I enjoy that at times. It was another one of those things I gave up sexually with Travis. There were times in the past when I was being fucked rough by a guy, I got turned on by him calling me a slut or a whore or a bitch.
After Darius removed his fingers from my mouth, I started sucking his cock again. I didn’t tease him this time, but started quickly. I wanted to taste his cum. I was soon bobbing my head up and down rapidly while using both my hands on his thick shaft. I let my spit run out of my mouth to lubricate his cock. After about five minutes of sucking his cock, Darius put his muscular legs on my head and used them to push my head down.
“That’s it, girl, take all that cock.” He told me.
I started struggling to take more of him in my mouth as he forced my head down further with his legs. I started choking and gagging and I swear I could hear Travis chuckle. Darius started thrusting his hips up, forcing me to take more of him down my throat, and I gagged, choked, and coughed as his cum exploded into my mouth.
I did the best I could to swallow all of his thick, sticky cum and, with me gagging, some spewed out of my mouth and ran down my chin. Once the man’s orgasm ended, I started licking and sucking his cock and stroking it to try to coax as much cum as I could from it. When there was none left, I rose up, turned my head, and looked at Travis. As I stared into his eyes, I ran my fingers over my chin and licked them clean of another man’s cum.
“Come suck my dick, Natalie,” Travis told me as he started pulling down his blue jeans.
I shook my head and smiled. “Not yet. You said you wanted to watch me get fucked by another man, so watch,” I told him. Yes, I was still angry at Travis.
I moved and laid next to Darius, who took me into his arms, and we started kissing again as the large black man kicked off his shoes, pants, and then underwear. I placed my hand on his cock and moaned into his mouth when I found it was still erect.
“Fuck me, Darius,” I told him loud enough so my fiancé could hear me. “Fuck my tight Japanese pussy with your big black cock.”
Remembering that Darius said he had a fetish for Asian women, I purposely referred to my pussy as a Japanese pussy.