Justin looked around nervously at the wonderous costumes and people behind them who walked from event to event at Dingaling City’s annual pride parade. This was Justin’s first time, having been raised in a conservative environment that would blush at such events, as he was doing so now.
“Okay,” thought Justin, “what first?”
He was trembling in the heat of the summer, his light blue cotton button-up was showing telltale signs of his repressed little heart in slight perspiration stains. His pale knees shook under the hemming of the tan shorts he had typically refused to wear. He hated showing his legs, feeling like only old men were supposed to have patches of missing hair from wearing dress socks. This annoyance had overridden his standard level-headedness and pushed him to shave his legs for the first time.
Being a skinny guy his legs seemed far more defined than he felt they actually were. Ankle shoes and rainbow socks completed the image he was going for, which was lost on even himself. Was he a preppy college kid, or some trust fund baby perhaps? Did he only have enough time to take an extended lunch to visit the pride parade this year? No, he wanted to make an impression on someone, but he had no clue who that someone even was.
Justin noticed a dark purple crushed velvet tent located curiously beside two buildings that he had sworn had an exit of some sort located between them previously. He wandered towards it.
There were dandies dressed in cabaret uniforms handing out Jello shots to anyone who would open their mouth and let them slide it in for them. Circus performers were doing tricks in the streets, and some were even using their circus talents to do the occasional cartwheel before returning to their ‘head’. Burly men with hairy chests and cute hats that looked like bears were walking around like Tarzan merkin-less beneath their loincloths, beating their chests, and performing feats of strength.
One police officer was sitting on his bike, knee raised in a poor attempt to hide his erection. He had on sunglasses, but Justin felt his eyes follow him towards the tent across the street.
Justin’s face was nearly as red as the tent that he was now walking into. The curtains were layered in long, thick strips, that gave off the impression of a car wash as he pushed his way through them and into the dark space within. It had the appearance of a small den, a domed curtain of the thinnest satin, appeared to dance above them unsupported. The space between it and the walled lining of the tent created an illusion that they were somehow in a void, cut off from the delights happening out in the light.
A figure was seated on the floor upon a pillow, another pillow across from them. A small circular desk hovered on the floor between them seemingly unsupported by anything. Upon it was a pack of old tarot cards, a small glass ball filled with a kind of smoke, a single pink candle that was the only light source in the dim space, and a black cloth satchel.
“Please… sit,” commanded the beautiful voice. It had sounded as though more than one person was speaking at once, a soft sing-songy voice mixed with something deep and rich that reverberated in Justin’s chest.
“Okay, but what,” he was cut off.
“Your questions will be answered,” responded the voice. “You are unsure of yourself, and are wondering what your place is here, aren’t you?”
Justin stared at the psychic. A veil of the same material as the inside lining of the tent shadowed their movements beneath. They were wearing a sleeveless robe that had been moved strategically to uncover their crossed and bare legs, a single piece on either side flowing down between the crossed legs and blocked the remaining view.
“Yeah,” was Justin’s short response.
For a moment the psychic made a noise that sounded either like a stifled laugh, or a suppressed cough.
“I’m sorry, you made me laugh,” they clarified before quickly snapping back into character. “Would you care for a full reading?”
“Yes, but can I ask a question before?”
“You just did.”
Justin chuckled, “okay, this is my first time going to a pride event. Are all of them like this? I mean this is a smaller town and this seems extremely elaborate and well planned out. Why are none of the other events like this?”
The psychic broke character again and responded flatly, “Yeah but those are straight events, they can’t account for regular kinks in event planning, how would they ever purposefully account for all our kinks without the twinks?”
They both laughed at the joke, which helped to relax Justin. He yielded control back to the psychic who proceeded with the reading.
“My name is Esmeralda, and yes, I am actually psychic. I do not believe in profiting off of these gifts, so I offer them up to those willing to freely receive. How about it Justin, are you willing to receive?”
“Wait, I don’t remember telling you my name,” he replied.
“Shhh… Now we can begin. If anything makes you uncomfortable I want you to simply say stop. At that point I’ll move back to my seat, and will only resume with your consent. Is that understood?”
Justin nodded his head, then verbally consented after realizing how caught up in the moment he was becoming.
Esmerelda made a shooing movement with their left hand and the small desk that separated them rose upward and disappeared through the veil.
“Okay, that was creepy.”
They stared at him with a piercing look as though there was nothing that could be hidden. Esmerelda sank to her knees and crawled toward Justin, eyes locked in a trance-like state.
“I need your hand,” Esmerelda cooed.
Justin reached forward, palm upwards in anticipation of the traditional reading. Eye contact was broken, migrating to the offered palm. Both hands rose to meet his, cupping it with the left hand, and tracing the lines with the right. The moment seemed to stretch for an eternity as a gentle shiver traced upwards along Justin’s spine.
“Oh my,” muttered the Madame. “Oh my, you have quite an interesting reading. May I,” they dropped his hand and reached for his other. “I thought so… You have an openness to you that intrigues me. I wonder would you mind if I, in the privacy of the tent, ask you to take off some clothing for me? I would oblige if it makes you more comfortable of course.”
Justin paused for a moment with a raised brow and finally replied, “Uh sure.”
Again Madame Esmerelda laughed before continuing, “and may I?”
They reached for his shoes as Justin agreed to be disrobed. The shoes and rainbow socks came off first, followed by the button up which of course had a white undershirt layered beneath it. That too was removed, leaving solely the tan shorts and blushing skin.
The Madame’s eye wandered over Justin’s body, scanning him thoroughly, occasionally a delicate touch was used to search for some mysterious thing or other. He didn’t mind the searching, his blushing being a reaction to such sudden immodesty, the twitch in his legs however was new. There wasn’t a time he could place where he had ever been leg-shaking turned on. Until now.
“Curious…” they muttered.
“Any revelations yet,” breathed out Justin.
“Oh loads, I just haven’t gotten this much consent at an event before so it’s incredible. There’s this thing where… well let me see a bit more,” and the touching intensified.
Esmerelda undid the top button of Justin’s shorts while using the opposing hand to slide down their robe to return the voyeuristic favor. They had tight shoulders and smooth beautiful skin, the robe stopping just at their belly button. This left a few inches above the knees, bare feet, and a lingering curiosity for what remained between the two.
Justin’s cheeks turned from a light pink to a dark red as his eyes slipped back into mesmerizing eye contact with the Madame.
“There’s a story in the sex psychic circle… a story of a chosen few. I believe you may be Vanilla,” they delivered the final line with a sincere flatness that left Justin uncertain of whether he should be offended.
“Uh… yeah I kind of knew that though.”
Esmerelda stared back at Justin as though some deep revelation had been dropped on him and he had completely missed it.
“It’s a good thing,” they continued, “I mean the possibilities for you are endless. A true Vanilla has no kink. Think of the kinks as toppings. You probably shouldn’t have it all at once all the time, but Vanilla goes with pretty much… everything,” they punctuated the ‘everything’ with raised eyebrows.
Justin looked down, then up, then back down, then back up again. “Okay.”
“Well…. to be sure I could do a final test. It’s a tad more… intimate.”
“So fucking Vanilla.”
Esmerelda slid a hand into Justin’s shorts, eyes still locked in deep contact. Feeling blindly and nimbly around they traced all around Justin’s stiff cock. The other hand slid Justin’s shorts off as he allowed them to collect at his feet in a pile with his other clothing.
For the first time, Esmerelda’s eyes closed as they bent forward to receive Justin. They pulled in slowly, the inner skin of their burning mouth intensifying the heat in Justin’s pulsating erection.
As suddenly as it began, it had ended, Esmerelda’s eyes popping open in unison with the popping noise Justin’s exit made coming from their mouth.
“Oh yeah. You are the chosen one. The true Vanilla for the year’s more… Private function. If you would like I could transport you away to a place where you can fuck and be fucked freely for as long as you can give or take it. Does this somehow magically align with your schedule?”
Justin chuckled, the reddening of his cheeks receding with his short reply, “yeah.”
Esmerelda giggled, flashing a toothy smile at Justin. “Okay, so look into my eyes and listen to my voice as you reach into my robes… if you want,” they winked.
Justin obliged, reaching an eager hand upwards along Esmerelda’s thigh. He almost felt as though the room was spinning as his hand slid the final few inches into the robe.
A strategically placed mousetrap went off on Justin’s finger with enough force to jolt him backward. Esmerelda laughed and picked up the joke mouse-pussy trap, handing it over to him. The room no longer felt like it was spinning as Justin collected himself.
Examining it quickly he noticed the novelty logo and wording on the bottom, along with the spring loader that made a snapping noise but only released a small rubber bar in place of a metal one. It shocked, but didn’t cause harm.
“All that and more await you if you are bold enough to step out that door.”
Esmerelda pointed to the street entrance that Justin had come in from. Without noticing how it happened, he found his clothes had been placed into a paper bag for him by the door. Did he dare step out like this in broad daylight?
“A small leap of faith is all, for though you may find the door the same, much like my panties, a mystery remains. If not outside, where could this same door lead to instead? A buffet, if you may, and lots and lots of head.” Esmerelda winked and gave a gentle push on Justin’s chest, nudging him towards the door.
Taking an inhale as he walked confidently to the door, he paused only to collect the bag, as he pushed the tendril-like curtains apart.
The light was certainly not the sun. Eyes adjusting from the dimness of the tent, he looked around the room to gain his bearings. It wasn’t outside at least, but he was also not alone.
Looking back for a moment he noticed the tent was located on a rotating saucer, much like the ones you may find at your mom’s house. Esmerelda had pulled a trick similar to the disappearing of the Statue of Liberty, the tent rotating towards what Justin had previously assumed was a fire exit slowly with him inside and unaware of the exit switch.
It registered to him that no one was shocked by his arrival, or by his nudity. This was quickly followed by the realization that he wasn’t the only nude person in the room.
What appeared to be a bar at one point had been converted into either an impromptu sex club or a really well hidden and unadvertised one. It curved along the edge of the building, extending to the very edge of the foundation. The floors were laminate wood and pleasantly cool compared to the summer heat outside.
Justin deposited his bag at a checkpoint into the rest of the hall. Looking further, he could tell most guests were invited well in advance. The voyeurs all wore velvet robes, similar to Esmerelda’s, that covered them from head to toe so that you couldn’t tell who was watching underneath.
Men in leather pulled along leashed up individuals in elaborate animal makeup and underwear, playing the parts and making the noises. A particularly spritely minx barked at Justin as it reared up on its knees.
An older couple was possibly having sex in a corner booth, though due to age it was hard to tell if and what was inserted or even hard.
A college couple was making out on the other side of the corner booth, oblivious to the older couple as eager hands reached down the front of one another’s pants to feel a strange cock for the first time.
An industrial fish tank along the wall behind the bar had a gaggle of women in mermaid makeup, doing undersea explorations on one another.
Three larger men with surprisingly high-pitched voices were being given orders to by a short man with a suspiciously deep voice, and catering to every diabolical one.
An orgy was happening in a large pit in the center of the hall, lit from above by yellow and red LEDs in a manner that made it look like a massive fireplace. By this makeshift fireplace, a few more burly men were holding up sticks that had little people dressed as marshmallows dangling from them, each holding polaroid cameras and raining photos down from above.
With a monotone shout he called to everyone and no one, “I am the True Vanilla!!!”
The pit moaned as hands rose up to crowd surf him along the surface and into the sweaty and writhing beast. Time ceased to exist for the next eight hours, thirty-seven minutes, and eleven seconds as the sun finally set on Dingaling City and the ecstasy of the night gave everyone a second hundredth wind.