Behind the heart
We find some way
To press restart
Or is that just me
Always a possibility
I hate trying
It’s a waste of time
So is writing
Silly little rhymes
Or is it
Just me
My thoughts flood
Then they halt
Everything is gone
It isn’t my fault
Could it be
That it’s just me
Finding calm
Inside calamity
Praying to God
I will be set free
That’s just me
And when the slate
Starts a new
My mind begins
With eyes of blue
Those aren’t me
They are you
I fill with love
And warm with light
Instantly knowing
It will be alright
Deep in the dark
I found you
You survived
Through the night
Squeezing me
Holding me tight
Not just me…
You’re here too!
Today I learned
Something new
I tend to get lost
Until I find you
I am not alone
I am with you
It gets cold
When I forget
Within the chaos
Looming regret
I hurt you
I fight we
Oh my god
I push and shove
Kick and scream
Against the love
Can it be
It isn’t just me
No. You remain
You choose to stay
Trying to chase
The darkness away
Just about here
As some know me well
Is where my lyrics
Go straight to hell
Fuck the rhyming
Scheme above
I need to allow
This selfless love
To be given
Back to me now
You are the one
Only you know how
How much do I love you?
There are no words
How long do we have?
Time is absurd
To me at least
You tame the beast
I’d be lying
If I said I was dying
But my mind shakes
Until it shifts
So violently
My memory slips
I’ll often forget
Everything I know
Please hold on tight
Do not let me go
I want to promise
It won’t happen again
I can only promise
We can start over again
And probably again
My only question is
What time can we begin?
****you there…Glitter Butt….I love you so much….please remember your helmet. Thank you for being you and loving me relentlessly****