What Is The Nicest Thing Anyone’s Said To Me Before, During Or After Sex?

"It's not the time for conversation, but I've had some choice words..."

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Welcome back to my sexual autobiography! In this series of stories, I take questions I see posed on the Lush forums and answer them truthfully. And this poster wonders what sweet nothings have been whispered into my ear before, during and after the act!

This one is kind of three questions in one. It’s going to be a short but sweet story for two reasons. Firstly, I didn’t have to think very hard about it. Secondly, it really didn’t take very long for the guys in question to say these things. It isn’t like the nicest thing anyone has said to me during sex is a six-page monologue. There is a time for forty-minute presidential inaugural addresses, but while making love to MC1982 is not it.

The nicest thing anyone has said before sex goes to Mr. MC1982, albeit in his “I’m screwing MC1982 silly but out of wedlock, so I’m not Mr. MC1982 yet” phase.

For context, I knew Mr. MC1982 when we were kids, and we were friends. But we went our separate ways as young adults before the idea of being together really hit either of us. Later, we found ourselves back in each other’s orbit and, well, nature took its course.

About three months after we’d started dating, we had had a lovely day out. We went back to my apartment. We didn’t wait for dinner. He took his shirt off, and I mine. We lowered our trousers then stepped forward to make out in our underwear. There was quite a bit of tonsil tennis and, judging by the damp patches evident around both of our crotches, some of that saliva must have leaked out of the wrong hole or something. Anyway, he looked into my eyes and said,

“MC1982, I know this isn’t a Disney movie, so I just want to say, whatever happens, you’ll always be special to me.”

My eyes went misty. I affirmed I felt the same way. We’ve now been married, what, eight years?

After he said those words, our underpants’ work was done for the day. He entered me tenderly and began to move inside me, pausing occasionally to kiss me. That was the night I knew.

The nicest thing anyone has said to me during sex was of a very different nature. Complimenting a woman on her technique during sex is a delicate art. Lines like,

“What are you, a professional?” or “Christ, how much practice have you had? That’s amazing!” are unlikely to be well received, even if intended complimentarily. The second line is not invented, it was reported to me by a girlfriend! Believe me, she was not impressed.

A young man called Eric makes his third appearance in this series at this point. He’d ravished me in bed. He’d ravished me at work (see parts passim). We had a steamy affair at a time of life when all we wanted was steamy affairs, before the ravages of age began to urge us to marry and settle down.

So, I was in bed with Eric. Perhaps the most appropriate moment to look in on us is as my orgasm reached its zenith. He was on top of me, and I was on top of the world. He was thrusting hard and fast, but I was in quite another place. My blonde hair was spreadeagle about the pillow, my blue eyes were closed. And behind those lids, I was seeing God.

When I was myself again, I told him to pull out. He was rock hard and trembling. I pulled the condom off and wrapped my mouth around his erect penis. Gently, I began to suck it. I could feel that his cock was like an over-shaken coke can on the point of explosion. He soon asked me to go faster.

And amid the moans and ahs, Eric said, half breathless, “If I didn’t like you so much, that would be half as good. But it would still be amazing! Oh MC1982…!”

It was a compliment that, for this author at least, hit the two spots I want to be complimented on. He liked me as a person, and he was impressed with me as a sexual being. And how eloquent can a gal expect a guy to be on the point of orgasm by blowjob?!

The nicest thing anyone has said to me after sex?

On our wedding night, the man newly crowned as Mr. MC1982 shot his load explosively into my private parts. When he’d pulled out and cleaned up, we eased into each other’s arms, our heads inches apart. Our bodies melding into one. Our only clothing, two new rings. And he looked into my eyes and said,

“I love you. And I always will.”

You can’t beat that.

Published 2 years ago

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