What Is Love

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What is love, I ask myself 

Laying in darkness at night,

Is it all flowers and petals and dust

Or is it these feelings that spike?


Feelings of wholeness, serenity, pure

Wishings of touch and embrace,

Dreams of togetherness, bodies entwined 

Writhing in bed space to space.


His hands on my skin, his lips grazing mine

Flutters at the slightest of touch,

I feel every bit of me glow with this static

Already I’m losing my crutch.


Floating and drifting then falling so hard

Faster than a girl could think true,

Speeding through time, his hand holding mine

Eyes fixed on each other like glue.


Heartbeats are racing, breathing is fast

Feeling my senses alight,

Eyes open or closed, I’m not even sure

Licks, nibbles and then a slight bite.


Lost in the moment, the darkness, together

His fingers slide into my hair,

He’s taking control now, tugging with force

A dominant trance in his stare.


His hands take a spiral and slide down my front

My mind doesn’t know where it is,

Our bodies are touching, the heat is intense

And the sparks inside start to fizz.


With temperatures rising and feelings refreshed 

Seeming neither knows what to presume,

The nakedness blatant and slowing the pace

Until his horse is right at my tomb.


Rapid and ready, I wait for his thrust

Wanting and needy to feel,

Invading my womanly personal space

I welcome and open my seal.


What is love, a million things

Intensity, looks and embrace,

It’s knowing the other instinctively deep

And respect being always the case.

Published 4 years ago

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