That which starts in syllables
Whispers and cries
A combination of agony and ecstasy
Dream and reality
When my body is wrapped around yours
Every inch of me sensitive to the feel of you
Skin on skin
The inner me open and bare
My nectar escaping
With an ever flow of satisfaction you have erupted
When the source of my glow is you
And the hum of our own sounds envelope us
Separating us from time and place
What I tell you in the darkness…
Do not take it lightly
When those words slip past these lips
These lips that tremble
Aching to kiss every part that is you
Every part that pulsates with the force that is yours.
When my hands are splayed across your back
Holding…scraping flesh
Please know that this is a new thing
This feeling swirling and rising within me
There is nothing but you
And how I feel
Where your body meets mine
My mind is uncluttered
Life is simple
I know what I want
What I need
What I have
What I tell you in the darkness… is truth
And does not fade
In the light