What Do I Notice When I See A Penis For The First Time?

"A field guide to the cocks I have known..."

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Welcome back to my sexual autobiography, in which I answer questions that I see on the Lush Forums for which I have a true answer!

The question is, what do you notice when you see a penis for the first time? I’d like to thank the poster for this one, as it wasn’t something I’d really thought of before. It made me think, and it involved a fun trawl through my sexual scrapbook.

I have heard that, for less confident men, the moment he first exposes his penis to a woman is a moment of considerable emotional peril. He fears ridicule. He fears being discussed and laughed at by the girlfriends of his partner. Guys, let me tell you, you have little to fear regarding size, unless yours really is tiny. It is, genuinely, what you do with it that counts.

Nine times a new sexual partner has bared his cock to share with me, and this story relates my first impressions of each. The names of the men have all been changed, for their privacy and for mine.

It’s important to note that, as each dick honed into view, I was not thinking to myself, ‘Hold that thought, I’d better write down my first impressions of this penis to share later on Lush Stories.” There were very much other things on my mind. So, inevitably, memories of events that happened twenty or more years ago have grown hazy. 

Preparing this story, I recalled the day I bent the knee and yanked down my first lover’s shorts and pants. I was at college and the blowjob I gave to Francesc that day was my first real sexual experience. I was still a virgin. His penis looked rather small at first, but I remember being impressed with how quickly it went from flaccid to rock hard. It swelled to full size very quickly and didn’t come down until he shot his load all over my hands. Along with my last, my husband’s, his is the cock I can most easily visualize in my mind’s eye. Francesc didn’t take my virginity, but he did get another chance on a later date.

Obviously, the first hard cock you see holds a novelty value that later ones lack. My second was the guy I lost my virginity with, and this is a tale I told earlier in this series, so I won’t retread old ground. Honestly, yes, I was comparing Enric’s to Francesc’s. But they really weren’t very different in terms of size and shape.

In “The Sluttiest Thing I’ve Done,” see parts passim, I recounted seeing my third and fourth penises. My third, I was delighted to get my hands on, as I’d had a crush on Eric for ages. Eric’s dick was better described as thick than long, but it stayed hard for hours.  

My fourth was the very next night and, as Jakub showed me his gear, I saw at once that it was the biggest I’d encountered yet. I did not whip out the tape measure, but I think he must have cleared seven or even eight inches. Jakub’s more than ample cock gave me a drilling I have never forgotten.

So, in fact, I’ve already written about my first four. Number five was a three-month fling with a big, sporty guy I met through a friend. I haven’t written a true story about him, but I did base a character on this guy; That’s him in “The Book in Iker’s Drawer”. I’ll call him Iker although, of course, that was not his real name.

Iker was a big man. He stood at least six foot two and was beefy and muscular. He lived for sport and working out. He was not a man I was ever going to marry, but he was an excellent fling. The first time we slept together, he carried me to the bed in his huge arms and lay me down. He got up and stood over me, in what I took to be a trick to emphasise his size. I watched him pull his t-shirt off and drop his cycling shorts…Iker’s cock was not small. It was average sized, at around five or six inches. But the truth is, his large physical frame worked against him in terms of initial impressions. His penis looked comparatively small against his big body.

Up close, I saw he had a scar on the underside of his dick, a sort of greyish lump. He told me he had suffered health problems, and the scar was from a botched catheter as a baby, which made me see his health obsession in a new light.

Iker loved sex. The man was practically obsessed. Every time we had sex he would come, take a shower, then he’d be back wanting more. He taught me positions I’d never dreamt of, and his skills were far, far above average. Iker turned this quiet, bookish, middle-class girl into a veritable nymphomaniac for a while. I never took Iker back to meet my parents, but they would have been shocked if they had known some of the things their daughter got up to with that guy!

Of course, a guy like that seldom has just one woman on the go and, in the end, that was what brought us to an abrupt halt. So, I had to look for penis number six!

I’m going to skate over number six. I’ve named him as Didac in a previous tale. He was, frankly, a piece of shit. I’m not going to stir bad memories by thinking about him, or his fucking cock.

My seventh was my second and last one-night stand, Jakub being the first. I met Dani at a work-related event, and we exchanged numbers and went on a date that ended the next morning. I might do a story about this encounter one day, but in the interests of brevity I’ll keep the focus on the big reveal. He was lying on his back, shirtless. I was, likewise, topless but clothed below the waist. I crawled up to him and undid his jeans. It flopped out, half ready to go. It was…uncircumcised! The first I’d seen, as all the others had been cut. It looked strange, I admit. I remember wondering whether he’d experience sex as satisfactorily with all that skin covering the glans.

Luckily, it turned out that after an hour or so of sex, the skin rolls back anyway. He later told me that being uncircumcised can enhance pleasure. He believed that, because the nerve endings are covered most of the time, when they are exposed, they are more alive to touch. I don’t know if this is true, but I know that Dani, and the bare glans of his penis, got the full benefits of an MC1982 blowjob at the end of a very satisfactory night of passion.    

Cock number eight for MC1982 belonged to Jonatan, a boyfriend I dated for two years and lived with for one. He was a friend of my brother, FC1979’s. My brother was very surprised; he hadn’t thought Jonatan was my type at all, at least not for a relationship.

Jonatan rode a motorbike and played soccer to a near professional standard, although an injury had put paid to his career. He was on the short side, but he was physically fit and a good, generous lover.

We got together at a wedding. Family and friends had booked up more than a dozen rooms at a single hotel. When the party broke up, Jonatan and I played a fun game of trying to walk to the same room without being seen going through the door together!  

Our clothes were half off before the door was even locked. We were fully dressed one minute and threadless the next. The first time I saw his penis, well, I noticed that it was circumcised! And longer than most, but rather thin. I’m going to return to this episode for my next ‘true’ story, so watch this space!

And my ninth was Mr. MC1982, my husband of the last eight years. We’ve been married eight years, but we’ve known each other much longer than that. We were friendly acquaintances in childhood. We went our separate ways as young adults and fortune brought us back into each other’s orbit. We didn’t even kiss until we were in our thirties, but, well, once we did there was no stopping us.

The first time I slept with Mr. MC1982, I brought him back to my apartment. We’d made out before, but not gone further. I had him wait for me on the bed while I spruced myself up in the bathroom, then I whipped my clothes off and walked out, as naked as the day I was born. He watched me approach the bed, playing it cool, but it was sexy, feeling his eyes on my body.

I climbed onto the bed and sat next to him.

“So, MC1982,” he said, “I can’t help but notice that…”

We both burst out giggling.

“How would you feel if I joined you in that state?”

“I’d like that very much!” I said firmly, with a smile.

Off came the shirt. Down came the pants. It was still light outside, so my first look at my future husband’s penis was all natural. It was a good size, I was happy to note. Not the biggest I’d seen, but in the top three.

Using a trick I’d learned from Iker, I knelt and squeezed it between my bare breasts, massaging his cock gently until it came to life…

So, to answer the question, I notice if it’s unusually big. I notice if it’s circumcised or not. I notice how quickly it goes from soft to hard. But, contrary to what the question implies, the first impression isn’t what I remember a penis for. It’s what it does for me physically, a topic I’m going to return to in the next entry to this series.

I’d be interested to know, guys, what do you notice when you see a vagina for the first time? Answers in the comment section and thank you for reading my stories!  

Published 2 years ago

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