Wendy’s Weekend – Part 2 – A Satisfying Solution?

"Loving wife makes a brave decsion and finds more than one big surprise awaits"

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Jamie had already gone to work when I dragged myself down to the kitchen and drank the first of many cups of strong coffee before starting my day. My implant was messing with my hormones badly; my face and chest were flushed pink, almost as if, like Sandy, I’d had a morning orgasm.

The clinic had been right; no period had materialised since my treatment had started. I was infertile; in another week I would move onto the Stage Two implants and become hyper-fertile so the timing for a first and only infidelity was perfect.

In my current condition I could have as much unprotected sex as I wanted without fear of getting pregnant, though Andy’s infertility made that impossible anyway.

It was ironic; before last night my exhausted husband and I hadn’t made love for weeks despite the increased sex drive the implants had given me. I silently prayed that his performance would improve once my fertility returned in earnest and I needed his seed on a daily basis.

All this talk of babies must have affected my mind because right then I really, desperately wanted to have a child; to be a mother; to be as happy and fulfilled as Sandy and the girls clearly were.

But having a baby was unthinkable if we were to become bankrupt.

Jamie’s conversation with the Estate Agent the previous day had been depressing; there was no prospect of selling either house anytime soon and the interest was crippling us. We were behind on all four credit cards and one of the car loans. The clock was ticking; it could only be a few weeks before one or other of our creditors called in the debt.

It was a desperate time and called for desperate measures. The thought helped me come to terms with the decision I knew I had to take and the phone call I had to make.

Just before lunch I picked up my phone and pressed the speed-dial.

“Andrew Brown,” the familiar voice at the other end of the phone announced cheerfully.


I tried to keep the wobble from my voice.

“Wendy! How lovely to hear from you!”

My tummy filled with butterflies but I told myself firmly I had no choice; this was the only way to save us financially; get Jamie his job and secure my one chance to become a mother!

“Andy, about… about what you said. I’ve… I’ve made a decision.”

“Okay,” his voice sounded as anxious as my own.

“I’ve decided…” I said, blinking back tears. “I’ve decided to … to say yes. I agree to your proposal.”

“You mean you will be my wife for the weekend?” Andy’s voice was calm and clear and allowed for no misunderstanding. “In every way?”

“Andy I…”

“Please Wendy. We both need to be clear. After all, we only have one chance that weekend; there can’t be any hesitation or reluctance; we have to convince them completely.”

“I know. I’ve thought about nothing else!”

“So you will come to Scotland with me and act as my wife, both in and out of the bedroom? Morning, noon and night?”

I gulped, my tummy churning. I felt sick as I replied.

“Yes. Yes I will.”

The relief in his voice was almost tangible.

“Oh thank Goodness! Wendy you’re an angel. Thank you so, so much. I appreciate what a difficult decision this must have been. I won’t ever forget it.”

I could feel small tears starting to run from the corner of my eyes.

“And I promise I will do exactly as I said; if the company survives, James will get his job.”

It was my turn to feel relieved and grateful.

“Are you okay, Wendy? You sounded very nervous.”

“I feel a little queasy,” I replied.

“That’s understandable. Just keep your mind on what life will be like afterwards. What all our lives will be like when the money problems are over.”

“I suppose so,” I mumbled, tears now running down my face.

“I’ll pick you up on Friday afternoon after lunch. You’d better think what to tell Jamie. Can you come up with a story?”

“I think so.”

“I’ll send you a programme of activity so you can pack the right clothes,” he said in his practical, office style voice. “Charge any new clothes you need to James’ expense account.”


“Relax, it won’t be that bad. I’m a nice guy, it’s a nice place, they’re nice people and you’re saving the company and your entire future.”

“I know but…”

“Compared with bankruptcy and destitution, having sex a few times with an old friend isn’t too bad, is it?”

He was right! Andy hadn’t put us in the dreadful financial position we were in and he was the only person offering any route out at all.

“I understand.”

“Great! I’ll pick you up from wherever suits your story best at two o’clock. Just let me know where to go.”

We said our rather awkward goodbyes. What had I just done? Had I really just agreed to spend four nights and five days as the wife of my husband’s Boss? Was I really going to have sex morning, noon and night with a man who was not my husband?

The price was high – very high but, I kept reminding myself, the reward was going to be high too – nothing less than our entire financial and family future.


The next few days passed in an agony of indecision. Sometimes I couldn’t believe what I had agreed to do, other times it seemed the only logical solution to our problems.

Sometimes I couldn’t bear even to contemplate having sex with another man, other times I became excited at the prospect of feeling sexy and desirable after so many years with only one lover, and then felt ashamed of myself for feeling that way.

As the week progressed my emotions swung wildly from exhilaration and excitement to shame and disgust but I hung on to the notion that, if we were ever to get out of our terrible financial situation, I just had to bite the bullet and do it!

By the time Friday finally came I was literally trembling with fear and unbearable anticipation. I kissed my husband goodbye early that morning before the taxi whisked him off to the airport for his flight to Boston and the conveniently arranged US trip.

An hour or so later, another taxi arrived to take me to a different airport where Andy was waiting discreetly for me in a coffee shop. The flight to Scotland was short; the two of us barely exchanging a few dozen words on the way.

I had packed according to Andy’s plan and was travelling in a dark blue business-style skirt suit with white shirt and dark tights. I looked smart but modest in case we encountered our hosts on arrival. Andy looked stylish and attractive in his designer suit and open-necked shirt.

If I really did have to have sex with a man who was not my husband, I could have done a lot worse.

When we arrived at the hotel Andy checked us in as I waited in the lobby.

“Wendy!” A friendly female voice made me spin round.

“Sandy!” I replied, receiving a motherly hug.

“Are you ready for your weekend?” she asked with a broad, knowing grin.

I blushed an even brighter pink than my implant had already induced and nodded.

“Don’t be shy, Honey; we all want you to succeed. Cheryl and I will take care of the boys; you just make sure Andy does his duty. Morning, noon and night, remember?”

“I will, Sandy. I can’t thank you enough,” I began, trying to get ‘into character’ as convincingly as I could.

“Tsch! It’s a pleasure to help a young couple,” she smiled and looked as if she really meant it. “Now remember, this weekend you two just go ahead and do what you need to do when you need to do it. Don’t worry about any silly appointments the boys try and arrange. Leave them to us; this weekend is for you!”

“I don’t know what to say!” I stammered.

“You don’t have to say anything; just do what’s necessary! Whatever deal the money boys come up with, we want you to leave here on Tuesday with a little gift from God growing inside you.” She patted my lower belly. “The Pastor’s all ready back home. God’s on our side. All that’s needed is some good, regular seeding.”

I smiled noticing to my relief Andy turning away from the reception desk.

“I’ll see you later,” Sandy smiled, waving at him then bent close to my ear and whispered. “Why not make a start now? Don’t worry about the noise; we’re in the room next door again. I fixed it specially!”


Five minutes later, the well-tipped porter had barely left the room and the door closed behind him when Andy turned to face me. I could hardly look him in the eye, my tummy was rumbling as if I had swallowed a family of ferrets but I knew what I had to do.

With Sandy’s words ‘Morning, noon and night’ going over and over in my mind, I raised my eyes to his.

“Andy?” I asked, my voice trembling.

“Mmm?” he replied, smiling pleasantly and appreciatively.

“I… I can’t bear it!”

“What’s the matter,” he asked solicitously, crossing the room and taking my hand in his. “Please don’t say you’re getting cold feet. Not when we’re so close to saving the business.”

“It’s not that…”

“Having second thoughts?”

“Yes… No… Yes… I don’t know.”

“It’s only natural,” he said softly, stroking my hand and arm. “It’s a big thing for you, I understand that. It’s big for both of us if I’m honest.”

His words and voice were soothing.

“I just… can’t bear the anticipation… and with Sandy next door listening…”

I told him about my encounter in the lobby. He smiled, stroked my hand a little more and kissed me on the cheek. I began to tremble violently. Suddenly I really couldn’t bear it any longer.

“Andy please… please… can we just do it… get it over with now, before I have a total breakdown?”

He looked astonished.

“What do you mean?”

I took a deep breath.

“I just… I just can’t bear the tension any longer. If we’re going to… to do it all weekend; if I’m going to cheat on my husband… can we just get the first time over with now?”


“Please Andy! If you don’t take me now I’m not sure I can go through with it!”

I could barely believe what I was saying. Was I really desperate to have my first ever extra-marital sex as soon as possible? Andy seemed surprised too.

“Jesus, Wendy. I thought perhaps a romantic dinner or…” he stammered.

I felt the tears beginning to flow.

“This isn’t an affair, Andy. I’m not doing this because I love you. I’m doing it because neither of us has a choice. I don’t need to be seduced; I AM going to sleep with you. I’d just like to choose when and where we start.”

“Of course! Anything you want, Wendy. Anything!“

I was shaking again and felt his arm around my shoulders. It was reassuring, caring.

“How… how would you like to do it?” he asked.

I took a deep breath. I hadn’t been expecting any of this and needed to think.

“I need to feel clean first,” I told him truthfully, but also to buy time.

“Of course; it was a long journey.”

Ten minutes later we had both showered and were facing each other nervously, wearing nothing but the hotel’s white bath robes.

“I’m… I’m not sure what to do,” I mumbled, unable to meet my soon-to-be-adulterous lover in the eye.

Andy smiled awkwardly.

“Would you like me to take the lead?”

I nodded slowly, my face pinking up with nerves and self-consciousness.

“Leave everything to me,” he said softly. “Just let me know if I do anything you don’t like.”

I nodded silently.

“And of course if there’s anything you really do want too,” he chuckled.

I smiled at his cheeky words and raised my eyes tentatively to meet his. They were warm and open and his face was soft and appealing.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Andy took a step closer to me, then another. Then he raised his fingers to stroke my cheek. I closed my eyes as his fingertips caressed my face and neck before running through my hair.

It felt reassuring; calming. He was clearly going to be a sensitive lover. I began to relax a little.

Andy’s fingers stroked my neck again then with the lightest of pressure, brought my mouth up towards his own. A moment later he had kissed me lightly on the lips.

My body tensed and my lips pressed tightly together.

“May I kiss you? It’s been a long time,” he whispered.

I nodded awkwardly, amazed at my reticence; still barely able to believe where we were and what had to take place for all our sakes.

He lowered his mouth onto mine again. This time I forced myself to respond, opening my lips slightly. Our mouths moulded to each other for a few seconds.

“That brings back memories,” Andy sighed. “Your lips always were lovely.”

A warm glow began to grow within me. His lips touched mine again and this time I let them do their work, prising open my own lips, sliding over them softly until we were finally in a real if awkward embrace.

My body was still stiff but my arms slipped automatically around his back. He forced my mouth a little wider and a long, thin tongue slipped between my lips.

Memories of time spent behind the school pavilion came flooding back; illicit kissing with boys after discos; often leading to something heavier. Slowly and instinctively I began to respond, licking Andy’s invading tongue and sucking it a deeper into my mouth.

The warm glow within me grew stronger. We kissed a little longer; it grew stronger still. My hands rose to Andy’s shoulders, I felt the touch of his palms on my robed bottom.

Then before I realised, it had all started in earnest; his mouth was on mine hard, his tongue deep inside my mouth. Perhaps subconsciously unable to take an active part in my seduction, I was totally unable or unwilling to do anything to resist it.

Andy’s hands were all over my body, from my bottom to my neck before pulling opening robe’s loosely-tied belt and slipping inside. For the first time since my marriage, I felt the touch of unfamiliar fingers on my naked body. I froze but Andy either ignored or didn’t recognise my hesitation; his surprisingly expert fingers began to explore my bare flesh, from my hips to my shoulders, from my belly button to my boobs.

It was frightening. It was unthinkable, it was incredible.

How many years had it been since an attractive man had treated me like the sexy girl I used to be?

Andy’s fingers deftly slipped the robe from my shoulders. It fell to the floor leaving me naked in front of a strange man for this first time since my marriage. Instinctively I tried to cover my boobs and pubic triangle but it was hopeless; when Andy took me by the wrists and pulled my hands away I offered no resistance.

He lowered my arms to my sides. I stood naked and exposed before him, his face almost triumphant and yet there was something about this man that reassured me.

“Wendy… Wendy…”

Andy whispered softly as his fingertips lightly passed over my exposed flesh, over my once-flat tummy, my rather rounded hips and across my slightly sagging boobs. My nipples were already hard; whether I liked it or not, I was obviously aroused. Andy’s fingers rose to them, cupping them, toying with them.

“So beautiful…”

His warm fingers gently raised my breast to meet his descending mouth; he drew my right teat between his lips, sucked it slowly into the dark cavern where his teeth gently nipped its hard nub.

I felt weak at the knees as this handsome man suckled on my breast, his hands stroking my waist, thighs and buttocks. His mouth crossed to my left teat where he sucked again, a little more firmly this time. My fingers rose; I stroked the hair on his neck then across his shoulders, my belly growing warmer and warmer.

Andy knelt before me, his face against my navel. Then his head dipped lower still until his nose pressed against my dark pubic triangle. I felt his hands on my knees, my legs opened involuntarily, his mouth moved forwards and…

“Oh Jesus!”

Andy’s tongue shot out from his mouth and passed lightning-fast over my slit. I squealed in surprise as an electric jolt of pleasure shot through me.

He did it again with a similar effect, my hips first backing wildly away from the invader, then thrusting forward for more.

His tongue shot out a third time, but now it dallied on my sensitised slit, delving deep amongst its folds, his chin pressed hard against my upper thighs.

“Mmmm, Andyyyy!”

The words were out of my mouth before I knew it, telegraphing my rapidly increasing arousal, as if the moisture seeping from my slit onto Andy’s face weren’t evidence enough.

Oral sex had barely featured in my sex life with my husband; my body was not used to the incredible sensations a man’s mouth can bring. Andy’s competent, efficient tonguing was a revelation; within seconds my knees had buckled, my hands were on his shoulders for support and I was on my back on the bed, legs spread wide, wondering how on earth I had got there.

Immediately Andy’s head was between my open thighs, his shoulders holding my knees apart as his mouth plundered my astonished vulva mercilessly, his active tongue seeking out every corner of my fast-engorging slit from its base across the folds of my inner lips to the shrouded clitoris that lay hidden at its apex.


I moaned loudly as his mouth did its expert work, unable to make coherent sense of what was happening.

In all my imaginings, I had not pictured anything like this.

The first small orgasm sent tremors through my body, clamping my thighs on the sides of Andy’s head as my body bucked against his face. A second tremor followed hot on its heels as Andy’s tongue slipped underneath the hood of my clitoris and toyed with the hard nub beneath.

No-one, not even my husband in our earliest days together made me feel like this. Within minutes of his first touch, my body had surrendered completely, totally at the mercy of this amazing man. As a third climax approached, I almost begged for release but then I felt Andy’s mouth leave my vulva.


In my confused state I didn’t know whether this was relief or an agony but then I felt him rise over me, his knees between mine, his arms either side of my shoulders.

“Are you ready?” he asked softly.

I took a deep breath, my head spinning, and nodded, waving away the last remnant of fidelity as I willingly became a fallen, unfaithful wife.

I felt his knees between mine, spreading my thighs wide before his body closed in on mine.

I felt the heat of his chest against my nipples, the faint tickle of his hairy body against my soft, smooth tummy.

Something hot and smooth brushed against my inner thigh.

Oh God! It was his erection! It really was about to happen!

For the first time since Glastonbury, I was going to let another man’s erect penis enter my body.

I had never even come close to cheating on my husband before; never even contemplated putting our relationship at risk; never doubted my place as the reliable, totally faithful wife.

And yet I was seconds away from throwing all that to the winds.

For the best reasons in the world – our entire financial and family future – I was going to commit adultery, to fornicate, to become what I would until that moment have called a whore!

However I dressed it up, however pure my motivations, I was about to have sex for money!

Andy’s hand dropped to his groin; he was directing the head of his cock towards my turgid flesh. The soft smooth head was being rubbed up and down my weeping slit.

It felt incredible.

Whatever my mind was thinking, my body wanted Andy’s cock and wanted it badly. I could smell my most private parts preparing themselves for penetration, powerful wafts of arousal rising to my nose and throat.

And if I could smell it, my soon-to-be lover most certainly could too.

The rubbing between my thighs paused. I froze; Andy had found the entrance to my core and was working the head of his cock between my inner lips. I felt my legs open even wider for him and cursed my own body for betraying me.

He paused again, his large, smooth head positioned perfectly at my entrance, waiting for the thrust that would violate my fidelity forever.

Our eyes locked for a moment, a look of surprised delight, perhaps even triumph on his face; an expression of sheer terror on mine before a wave of pure lust overwhelmed me.

“Do it!” I begged. “Please! Don’t tease me anymore! Just do it nowww!”

“Whatever you want Wendy!” he hissed. A determined look passed over his face.

His hips moved forward.

The thrust when it came was not at all what I had expected; not the hot, passionate, violent stab at my vulva I had imagined or a clumsy near miss that hit and hurt my over-sensitised clitoris.

No, Andy entered me in a single, long, slow, inexorable stroke, his erection sliding easily into my overly-lubricated passage, deeper and deeper, filling me more than I could ever remember being filled.

“Oh my God!” I croaked, my eyes open wide in astonishment.

He smiled and pressed forward harder, easing himself even deeper into my vagina until his thick base stretched my entrance tightly, his head pressed hard against my cervix, and his tight sack hung against the base of my buttocks.


I heard myself sigh, my body tight, my heart pounding as new, extraordinary sensations shook me.

Oh my God! I had done it!

For the first time since my marriage another man’s cock was deep inside me!

Andy paused, his erection buried deep; our eyes met as my body tried to adjust to the huge penetrating shaft. I could feel myself panting with surprise as this new, unfamiliar invader reached into the depths of my body, into my belly, into my chest, into my throat.

It felt very different from my husband’s; longer, thicker, touching me and stretching me in very different places – excitingly different places.

There was no way back now! I was definitely cheating on my husband. I was an unfaithful wife, a fallen woman. The damage was done!

And it felt… unbelievably good!

“I’ve dreamed about this for years!” Andy said softly, wriggling his hips and slipping a precious few millimetres deeper into me.

“Mmmm!” I moaned softly, unable to speak.

It wasn’t supposed to feel like this. I was supposed to feel ashamed, disgusted with myself. Revolted at the idea of having another man’s body inside mine.


My mind was spinning. Was this what sex was supposed to have been like all my life? We’d barely started and yet my body felt like it had never felt before.

“Wendy you’re incredible! So hot! So tight!”

I looked up into the soft face and dreamy eyes above me; feeling the shaft within me. Not just bigger but filling me so differently, tight in different places, touching me deeper inside than Jamie had ever reached.

Even Andy’s body felt different. Instead of crushing me into the mattress, he was taking most of his weight on his arms and knees leaving me free to float beneath him, anchored to his hips, impaled on what was unquestionably the most wonderful cock I had ever known.

I gasped as he drew slowly back then slid smoothly into my body again. It felt unbelievably good; I shivered in pleasure.

Oh God! It wasn’t. Supposed. To. Feel. Like. This.

He pulled back and thrust again. I bit my lip as a second shudder passed through me.

Please! Stop! No, don’t stop! It wasn’t. Supposed. To. Feel. This. Good!

What had I become?

But this question remained unanswered as Andy’s pace increased, he began to fuck me properly and my world was turned on its head!

It took less than a dozen strokes of that wonderful cock in and out of my formerly faithful body before the message from my groin reached my brain but when the message hit, it hit hard.

This was sex like I had never known! Andy was an amazing lover and I was entirely at his mercy!

Even now I can’t be sure whether it was his size, his shape, his technique, our chequered history together or a combination of all four but within seconds any feelings of guilt had been driven from my mind as my body came alive with sensation.

“Andy… Andy… Oh my God…!”

My eyes closed and my head rolling gently from side to side as this amazing man thrust his even more amazing cock in and out of my helpless body in long, slow, smooth strokes, every millimetre of his thick, knobbly shaft exciting every millimetre of my wire-tight entrance.

“Are… you… okay?” he asked without breaking his rhythm.

”Oh God Yes! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” I croaked.

What in God’s name was I saying?

Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp!

Andy’s slow pace resumed, long, lingering, plunging deep into my body… into my soul!

We had barely started but already I was glimpsing something and entirely unexpected; what sex with an expert could really be like.

And it was like nothing on earth!

Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp!
Andy’s pace quickened, then quickened further.

“Oh Anndyyyyy! You’re sooo gooodddd!”

I moaned loudly, real, body-wracking pleasure rippling through me. Andy’s incredible cock stretched my entrance tight as a wire and his shaft plumbed the depths of my inexperienced body.


The first real climax on his cock, powerful as any I had ever known, surprised me as much as his tongue had done. I gasped for breath beneath his powerful chest; his bunched biceps either side of my face keeping me pinned in place.

Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp!

His pace quickened again and my vulva came alive; waves of heat radiated out across my belly and thighs. My head was thrown back, my throat bared, lubrication poured from my vulva and the room filled with feral, disgustingly wet slapping noises.

Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp! Sssslapppp!

My resistance broke down completely; my hands flew to his sides then his hips then his shoulders and arms, raking my fingernails down his smooth skin as his hips hammered into mine, ramming his huge cock deep into my body with each stroke.

“Oh Andyyyy Fuckkkk meeee!”

What in God’s name was I saying?

“Fuck Meeee!”

His lips were on mine; they opened instantly to receive the tongue which thrust as hard into my mouth as his cock thrust into my vagina. I sucked on it, raking his broad back with my fingernails, feeling the thick base of his cock stretching me tighter and tighter.

“Wendy! Wendy!”

Andy’s voice was wobbly; his self-control was crumbling as fast as mine as we fell together into a pit of lust. His thrusting was relentless, his hips slapping noisily against my inner thighs as he fucked me harder and faster.

The orgasm that overtook me was simply overwhelming. A wall of white heat rippled out from my groin into my belly and chest, making me convulse beneath his strong body. My vagina went into spasm, grasping his shaft as tightly as if I was still a teen. I had never felt anything this powerful before.

The effect on my lover was immediate.

“NnnnNNNNGGGHHHH!” he cried aloud.

Suddenly I felt something deep within me swell, scraping along the insides of my spasming vagina.

Andy was about to cum!

“Do it! Do it! Please…”

What was I saying? Was I actually begging this man to ejaculate inside me? Was I actually begging him to inseminate me?

“I can’t… can’t hold it…”

“Don’t hold it! Do it! Cum in me! Cum in me!”

I moaned into his chest and sank my teeth into his lower arm as I climaxed again. Andy’s pace became jack-hammer fast then his rhythm broke, his face contorted, his back arched and I felt the unmistakeable throbbing and pulsing of a man’s cock ejaculating in my vagina.

“Yes! Oh fucking yes!” Andy’s voice was half choked in his throat.

“MmmmMMMM!” I could find no words of response.

“Wendyyyyy…” he croaked as his own body shook with the intensity of his ejaculation.

“Oh my Goddd!”

His cock pulsed deep within me for what felt like an eternity as his climax peaked, filling my body with his sperm before the convulsions slowly began to fade.

“Wendy Wendy Wendy!”

The wild, pumping, throbbing slowed until it was a mere twitch as his body spurted the last drops of sticky fluid into mine.


My. God!”

Eventually his erection subsided and his flaccid cock slipped from my vagina leaving me feeling abandoned and empty. Tears began to run down my cheeks.

Andy held himself still over me, his sticky, messy cock lying on my belly. His face was pink and sweaty, his eyes wide, his pupils huge. He was smiling.

“Are you okay?” his voice was concerned and anxious.

Unable to speak, I nodded slowly. He lowered his mouth and kissed me first on the forehead, then the cheek, then on my lips. He tasted salty.

“I guess the worst is over,” he smiled ironically. “At least the first is over. Was it as bad as you feared?”

I gazed up at the man who had just brought me pleasures I hadn’t known existed.

“It… it was wonderful. It’s just that… I’ve never… never…”

“Never what, Wendy?” he asked.

“Never felt like that before,” I gasped. “I’ve never… never felt anything like that!”

My already pink face blushed deeper to match the blotchy skin of my post-orgasmic breast.

“I’m so pleased. I really, really hoped you would enjoy it,” Andy beamed.

“You’re amazing…” I whispered. “Sooo good!”

“You’re pretty good yourself,” he grinned as his cock slipped messily off my tummy and he rolled alongside me on the rumpled sheet. “So tight, so hot!”

Andy gathered my spent body in his arms and held me tightly while my trembling slowly subsided. His strong, almost hairless chest smelled wonderful as I pressed my face against him, tears running freely down my cheeks.


All I could do was mumble as the man who had just given me the most intense sexual experience of my life wrapped me in his powerful arms. All thoughts of my home, my husband and our problems were driven from my mind by the overwhelming passion I felt for this amazing, wonderful man.


I lay in his arms for a long time before Andy looked at the bedside clock and sighed.

“We’d better get dressed. We’re meeting for dinner in an hour.”

I didn’t want to leave his side or his bed but there was no choice. We were there to save the business; the sex had merely been part of that.

The thought of saving the business for my husband and future family suddenly made me think of Jamie for this first time since Andy and I had kissed.

How could I behave normally again after what we had just done? Would Jamie be able to tell he was now a cuckold? Could I really get away with it? Tears of guilt began to flow.

“Wendy?” Andy sounded concerned.

“I’m okay. It’s just… I’ve never… never…

“Never cheated on your husband before?”

He finished my sentence for me. I nodded.

“You feel even worse because you enjoyed it so much?”

I nodded again.

“You’re an amazing, beautiful, sexy woman, Wendy. You’re doing this for your husband and your future. You’re not trying to hurt anyone, are you?”

I shook my head.

“So if you enjoyed it, it’s all for the good. You deserved to enjoy it, given what you’re doing for all of us. I’m just happy I was able to please you.”

Please me? I hadn’t known what pleasure was until Andy had fucked me. Even that word now had a completely different meaning for me. But Andy was still talking.

“Remember, no-one else will ever know. One short weekend and then it’s over. It’s our secret. Yours and mine.” He chuckled. “If the Christians next door were listening in, we certainly gave them something to listen to!”

I blushed again. He kissed me on the lips.

“You really promise? No-one will ever know?” I mumbled anxiously.

“Cross my heart!” he replied.


It was so hard to drag myself from my first adulterous bed, shower and dress for dinner.

Andy treated me like a Gentleman should; dressing quickly and going to the bar to bring us each a chilled glass of wine so I could dress without embarrassment. I took great care to look my best, spending time on my hair and selecting the most confidence-affirming clothes from the many I had brought.

Vivid images of what we had just done – of my first ever infidelity – kept filling my mind. To my shame, the memories of the extraordinary and unexpected pleasure were at least as powerful as any feelings of guilt.

I tried to tell myself that this was my mind trying to defend itself in the knowledge that there would be a great deal more adulterous sex before the weekend was over but my conscience told me the truth; I had just enjoyed the best fucking of my entire life!

“Wendy! You look… incredible!”

Andy literally gasped when, after a discreet knock he came back into the room and saw me in my evening clothes. A warm glow passed through me.

I had chosen a new black cocktail dress from a designer brand and charged it to my husband’s expense account as Andy had instructed. Add to this a pair of new patent heels and my best gold jewellery and I felt as well-dressed as I had ever felt.

Andy himself looked truly handsome in his usual dark suit and open-necked shirt; as we descended the stairs and walked towards the dining room, I felt proud to be on his arm.

He didn’t hint in any way our recent lovemaking throughout the whole evening, or the way I had behaved as he had taken me. We did exchange a glance or two over the table but that was all. This saved me from further tears of embarrassment and made my feelings towards him grow even stronger.

Throughout the meal my mind kept drifting back to what we had done and what might happen again soon.

Dinner was relaxed and pleasant, though I can’t remember a single thing I had to eat. Sandy was sitting across the table from me and gave me knowing looks from time to time which unnerved me still further. The evening passed quickly with the four men planning the following morning’s meetings with lawyers while the women plotted an excursion to a stately home that had featured in a recent popular television drama series.

“I see you’ve made a great start…”

Sandy’s voice startled me as I crossed the hotel foyer on my way to the ‘Ladies Room’. I turned to see my new friend and ally smiling at me knowingly.

“Sorry?” I asked unconvincingly.

“Honey you can’t fool me; your face is pink and your chest looks like you caught a rash. That must have been one hell of an orgasm you had this afternoon. I’m proud of you; if you go on like this you’ll be knocked up for sure by Monday!”

“Sandy, I…”

My mouth fell open in horror; had anyone else noticed? Did they all know I had just had the best sex of my life?

“Don’t worry,” she winked. “The boys won’t have noticed a thing; they’re too focussed on the money. It’s still our little secret. Just remember, morning, noon and night!”

And with that she entered a vacant cubicle and closed the door.


It was Tuesday morning – my last as Andy’s ‘wife’ – and we lay dozing on the rumpled, semen-stained sheet. My body ached from the efforts we had both made to get maximum benefit from what was supposed to be our last ever night together.

Our morning lovemaking had ended nearly half an hour ago but I was in no mood to break our embrace. It had been an amazing weekend; fresh air, good food; bright sunshine and as much sex in four days as I had enjoyed in the past year.

My fidelity gone, the tension between us had dissolved completely; we had fallen whole-heartedly into the role of lovers. This delighted our Christian companions who seemed to relish being part of what they believed was the creation of new life.

Andy proved to be a sensitive and proficient lover, bringing me pleasures I had barely dreamed of; stirring up new appetites I hadn’t even suspected I possessed. The prescribed ‘morning, noon and night’ copulations had quickly become completely inadequate for my increasing demands; indeed we had fucked three times during the second night alone, my new-found desire giving me the confidence to try new and imaginative things.

I cuddled up to Andy under the duvet; he was warm, strong and reassuring.

Within a few hours the magical weekend would end and I would have to go back to my old life; to my husband and job, to all the pressures and demands that real life would force upon me.

For four blissful days I had been without responsibility, totally focussed on this wonderful man who had taken care of my every need, including one big need I didn’t know I had.

Why had I ever resisted him? All I had ever needed to do was let go, surrender myself to him physically and mentally. Once I had accepted that, it had been amazing.

We had made love more times than I could count; every morning, every afternoon and throughout the night in every position I had ever heard of and many I hadn’t dreamed existed. My body was sore and exhausted but I was happy, contented and truly satisfied for the first time in my life.

I had been inseminated more times than I could remember too. Sandy and the girls were delighted with us; the money would surely be ours, the business saved, my husband’s job preserved and we would avoid bankruptcy.

We might even be able to start a family and all because I spent four days – four terribly short days – having sex with a good-looking, caring man who happened to be really good in bed too.

The man who had made this all happen was not my husband. I had become an adulteress, a harlot, a fallen woman, an unfaithful wife; in some way even a prostitute but at that moment none of it mattered.

Although deep down I knew it had all been wrong, something within me didn’t care and did not want the magic to end.

But end it must, and in only a few hours’ time.

Time to make love one last time; slowly, tenderly, lovingly.

I began to stroke Andy’s lower belly and felt the now-familiar erection rise to meet my fingers.


On our reluctant return to normality, Andy was as good as his word. I suspect if he had made the slightest attempt to get me into bed I would have eagerly gone but although our lunch dates continued, he made no attempt to sleep with me again.

To my shame I was disappointed. I had gone into the weekend reluctantly and for the best of reasons – our financial and family future. I had ended it a willing, eagerly adulterous wife who had experienced really great sex for the first time in her life and was reluctant to return to her previous, supposedly happy marriage.

I metaphorically bit my lip and told myself there was a lot more to life than sex, that I would get over my uncomfortable feelings soon, that a happy and contented life with my husband would resume and, if our plans came to fruition, a new baby would follow too.

Jamie began to relax more too with the prospect of a financial deal actually on the horizon. He mentioned a few names of US Banks but I didn’t let on that I knew where the money was really coming from or the part I had played in obtaining it.


The first of my Stage Two implants was fitted the Wednesday after my return; the implants that would make me hyper-fertile. Its effect was immediate; the pink flushes I had been experiencing for a couple of weeks grew much stronger.

My libido, which had grown out of all recognition that magical weekend, soared even higher.

This was good; now that I was about to become hyper-fertile it was imperative Jamie and I took our sex life seriously. For the next six weeks I refused to take ‘no’ for an answer and practically forced my tired husband into bed every evening and most mornings, taking care to lie on my back for at least half an hour after each insemination to give his sperm their best chance of success.

Jamie was taken aback at my high sex drive and even more surprised when he experienced some of the many exciting things I had learned in bed with Andy. After a particularly daring session one Sunday morning I was relieved to hear him blaming it all on the fertility treatment.

Sadly, even with my chemically enhanced libido, my husband’s lovemaking didn’t bring me anything like the pleasure and satisfaction Andy had given me. More than once I lay on my back in the darkness, freshly inseminated, waiting for Jamie’s sperm to do their job and wondering whether I would ever enjoy sex like that again.

But enjoyment was a side issue; the main objective was to get me pregnant so we soldiered on with determination. Morning, noon and night wasn’t possible with us both working but we came as close as we could!

And it worked! My first period never came!

Terrified of disappointment, I waited three weeks before taking a pregnancy test and even then I did it twice before letting Jamie know what I suspected. A few days later the clinic confirmed it; we had hit the jackpot first time. I was finally pregnant!

We were going to have a baby!

Andy beamed when I told him over lunch. In return, he told me that the re-financing would be finalised the following week and the business would be secure. In my vulnerable, newly-pregnant state, this was very reassuring news and I glowed when I remembered my part in it all; that by becoming his wife for the weekend I had made such a huge difference to so many people as well as to my husband.

I blushed when I realised what a difference it had made to me too.

Andy added that his move to the US would take place as soon as the deal came through.

We celebrated with a glass of champagne – half a glass in my case. I wasn’t going to risk my unborn child for a quick drink, was I?


It was Friday evening, the day after Andy had left for the US and nearly five months into my pregnancy. I had cried silently several times the night before, trying to put my emotion down to hormones but knowing well I was really weeping for the loss of my lover.

We had only had a handful of lunches or dinners together before he went away, the last of which finished in his apartment where I’m ashamed to say I practically begged him to fuck my pregnant body one last time.

Andy really delivered the goods; the extraordinary climax I reached staring into his dark, seductive eyes remained in my memory for months. To this day, I have never come close to the height of pleasure and abandon he took me to that last afternoon.

I was a lost woman!

Unsurprisingly, I was feeling very down that evening and certainly wasn’t prepared for the exultant mood in which my husband came home from work.

“Guess what?” he asked, barely able to contain his excitement.

“What?” I asked.

“Andy went back to the US yesterday, out of the blue.”

I of course knew this but didn’t say anything as Jamie continued.

“It will be good for him to get back to his family after all this time.”

That wasn’t right; my husband must have misunderstood. By ‘family’, maybe he meant Andy’s parents.

“But that’s not the point,” he continued. “The big news is that Andy’s sold the business. All of it! To a massive US Corporation.”


“It was a secret, even from me but it all went through yesterday too.”

It had been a secret from me too. My head was spinning now.

“I… I thought you said he was talking to banks,” I eventually mumbled.

“That’s what he wanted but no-one would lend to him. In the end he had to do a deal with a big US IT Corporation. He’s sold the whole empire and gone to a top job in New York in Politics.”

What was Jamie saying? This wasn’t right at all! But my husband was too excited to notice my consternation.

“But listen Wendy; I’ve got his job!” he shouted in joy. “Me! I’m the new CEO of the whole thing! Me! Isn’t it wonderful news?”

He was almost bouncing around the room.

“Isn’t Andy great? He recommended me! He could have been so bitter but… what a guy!”

He hugged me close.

“Now we can pay all our debts, we’re going to have a baby, I’ve got my dream job and I’ve got you too! To think how black things felt only a few months ago. I’m so happy!”

My confusion was almost absolute but the result seemed clear and undeniable; wonderful even.

Despite my puzzlement, I glowed within; it had all been worth it. Clearly something had gone wrong with the Christian Bank deal but, despite that, Andy had kept his promise and put my husband Jamie in charge of the whole company.

My sacrifice had been worth it.

But it hadn’t been a sacrifice at all. I had helped an old friend in a difficult situation, rescued our future and for the first time in my life, discovered what really great sex could be like.

That was just icing on the cake.

I would eventually have to find out what had happened about the Christian Bank deal but right then my husband’s sheer joy at his good fortune made it impossible for me to do anything but join in the excitement.

All the same, something inside me was unsettled.


“I’ll get it!” I called out to my husband who was working in his study.

It was three months later and I had just returned from shopping when there was a knock on the door. I put down my bags and waddled across the hallway to see who it was.

At eight months pregnant, I felt the size of a house but my loving, successful husband assured me I still looked gorgeous and still behaved as if I was.

The baby was due in a month but I had already had enough and wanted it over as soon as possible. My gynaecologist had told us the baby was advanced for his age and that we shouldn’t be surprised if he came a week or two early. This suited me fine.

I kept a small overnight bag in the hallway ‘just in case’ but officially, I still had a good four weeks of pregnant ‘bliss’ ahead of me in which to grow even larger, for my ankles to become even thicker and my clothes to grow even tighter.

When my bump was just starting to show, I had been proud to walk round with my swelling belly. It had been hard and expensive work getting pregnant and I wasn’t going to hide it. But now the novelty had worn off and I was fed up.

It was nearly nine months since my weekend of infidelity and some of those memories were fading too, even the incredible sex which had been hardest to forget.

Fortunately, there’s nothing like carrying a man’s child to bring you together and the hormones whizzing round my body helped me draw more pleasure from Jamie’s lovemaking than I had for many years. Even so, my orgasms were rare and there were still too many occasions where the face I pictured inches above my own as I approached climax wasn’t my husband’s.

I opened the door wide enough for my tummy to pass through and found a courier outside with a long, thin package addressed to me, bearing a New York postmark.

Puzzled, I checked it really had come to the right address then carried it through to the kitchen, poured myself a coffee, unpacked the shopping then sat on a straight-backed chair and began to open the mystery delivery.

To my surprise, inside were a single red rose and a long, hand-written letter.

When I saw who it was from, my heart began to thump and my tummy filled with butterflies.

As I read it, I felt my life falling apart.

‘To Wendy, my first love,

By now you will suspect that there was something ‘not quite right’ about my takeover of the business and all that happened afterwards. Your suspicions are correct and an explanation is justified.

I’m sure that over the past year you have felt helpless; that events were moving outside your control and that you and your husband were being swept along as casualties of something bigger than yourselves.

You couldn’t be more wrong, Wendy. Everything that has happened over the last year has had one single focus.


After you dumped me so cruelly at Glastonbury, I had a breakdown. I managed to hold things together long enough to pass my examinations but then I completely collapsed. It took three months in hospital and a year in therapy to learn how to live with what you had done to me. They say I might never recover fully.

My recovery began in hospital and continued afterwards by focusing on my IT skills, fine-tuning them to an impressive level. This distracted me from what you did, helped start my business and grow it into the empire it became.

Soon I met my wife; we were married and had children. I became stable, I became rich but the wounds were too deep to heal completely and my obsession with you remained strong.

Using those IT skills – not all of which were strictly legal – I was able to keep close track of you and James secretly from my new home in the US. I learned about your ambitions, your severe financial problems and of course your desire to have a family.

This was too good an opportunity to miss. I decided it was time to take action.

Buying the business James worked for made no financial sense as I’m sure he has told you. It wasn’t supposed to make financial sense Wendy; I bought it solely to put myself in a position of power over you both. I knew that its financial position was poor and my ownership couldn’t last long so once I had control, I had to act quickly.

The first stage was to get to know you again; to make friends, to convince you that I was on your side; that I was the ‘good guy’ who could get you out of your predicament; to disarm you and make you believe I held no grudges.

You cannot imagine how difficult it was pretending all was okay but I persevered however I really felt.

The second stage was to create a crisis which you and I needed to face together, and in which James could play no part. The company’s precarious financial position provided this easily; I knew whatever James told you in private would support the things I told you and convince you to support me in return.

The third stage was to put you in a situation where you genuinely believed you had no choice but to do something that would compromise you forever, but which you would believe was unavoidable – even desirable.

This was much harder.

From the moment I bought the business I knew the clock was ticking and I would have to sell soon; negotiations for the sale were taking place in secret with my US partners throughout the whole of my ownership. My UK team, especially your husband, knew nothing about this, convinced that I was simply arranging additional finance but this wasn’t true.

There was no Christian Bank, Wendy, or any other bank. All the people you met were actors employed by me to create an environment where you would willingly, eagerly go to bed with me. They were professional too, you have to admit.

I hadn’t expected you to yield so easily or to enjoy our ‘dirty weekend’ as thoroughly as you did. That was a real bonus for me – and I suspect for you too. I believe you discovered something about yourself that you never expected; your new-found love of great sex and your unsuspected prowess as a lover.

You are a very good lover, Wendy; even better than I hoped you would be. You and I are totally compatible in bed and could have had an amazing life together. All it took was the right man to awaken a side of you that was simply being wasted.

I was that man; I was always that man and after our weekend together, you know this is the truth.

What you don’t know is the other truth; the truth about my supposed infertility.

I am not infertile Wendy; quite the contrary. In fact I have an unusually high sperm count as my wife here in New York and our four kids can testify.

For an IT expert like me – or ‘sad pathetic geek’ as you called me in Glastonbury – it took only minutes to hack into the Company’s Medical system and swap the references of your husband’s sperm sample for that of my own.

It is James who is seriously infertile, not me.

In the same way, it was easy to change your prescription to a much stronger dose of fertility drug and to start it earlier than you thought. Far from suppressing your fertility, the implant you had just before our weekend made you hyper-fertile.

It was child’s play to work out when your most fertile times would be and it should come as no surprise to learn that your fertility peaked during your weekend as my wife, or perhaps I should say your weekend as my whore.

It was hard work inseminating you as often as I did during that weekend but it was very satisfying for both of us in so many ways and as you can imagine, my motivation was powerful.

My plan worked precisely as I had intended; you became pregnant at exactly the right time and the baby growing in your belly can only have one possible father – unless you have more secrets than even I know about.

Why did I wait this long to tell you? Well, if my calculations are correct then it is now far too late for a termination and you will very soon give birth to my child. I wish you a smooth and painless labour.

With a son to be proud of, James will be happy and will take care of his family well. He will no doubt go on to greater things with you his wife at his side. You will watch his rise but as you watch, you will remember that for one weekend you became a willing, eager whore; a woman prepared to prostitute herself completely, and all for money.

The result of your whoredom is that the two of you will spend the rest of your lives bringing up another man’s child. You will be rich, you will be successful, you might even be happy but you and I will always share a hidden secret.

How long that secret remains hidden depends entirely on how you bring up our child. Should anything happen of which I disapprove, the truth will immediately emerge; a simple paternity test will confirm your adultery and the shame will destroy both your marriage and James’ career.

It’s possible that video evidence will emerge too, perhaps of some of our special times together; the times when you were at your most… enthusiastic in bed? I kept that little secret till last but you can trust me; the footage is long and detailed.

There has always been a powerful bond between us Wendy, even though you never recognised it. Now the bond is stronger, deeper and will last all our lives.

Meanwhile, whenever you look into our child’s sweet face, remember me, remember Glastonbury, remember the whore you were prepared to be but most of all, remember never ever to treat anyone with such contempt again!

Perhaps now my recovery can become complete.

All my love as always,


I had heard the term ‘my blood ran cold’ many times but until that moment had not understood what it really meant. An iron-grey iciness filled my body, dulling my senses and paralysing my brain.

My hand fell automatically to my bump and my eyes filled with tears as I realised how completely I had been deceived. Andy had not just taken over my body; my mind, heart and soul had willingly followed it.

I had let him turn me from a loving, faithful wife into an adulterous slut.

I had allowed myself to be impregnated by a man who was not my husband.

I would very shortly bring another man’s child into the world and into my family.

I had become so focussed on sex I had all but begged him to fuck me one last time before he left.

Worst of all, I had enjoyed every moment of the whole degrading process.

There was no way out; there was nothing at all I could do about it!

I felt sick. Physically sick.

“Are you all right Darling?” Jamie asked as he entered the kitchen.

“Sorry Jamie, I’ve got to go…” I said as I pushed past him, ran upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door.

A moment later I was on my knees, retching into the lavatory bowl, the terrible letter clasped in my hand.

“Wendy! What’s the matter?”

Jamie called anxiously through the door as I tore the evil letter into a thousand tiny shreds then flushed them frantically down the toilet, slammed the lid down and tried to stand up.

Then something punched me hard in the belly.


“Wendy! What’s wrong?”


It happened again; the contractions had started.

“Oh my God!”

I doubled up in pain as my cuckolded husband banged on the bathroom door.

“Wendy? Wendy? What is it? Talk to me!”

Published 9 years ago

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