Welcome to Eden

"Be the forbidden fruit. Serendipity Part VI"

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“Welcome to Eden”

That’s what the roadside sign said as we entered the city limits of a town buried deep in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas.

I’m not sure how long I was in that diner, but Domina stayed true to her word – I had twelve orgasms before I left, and when I did so, I was covered in sweat and so exhausted I had to be carried out. Granted I was carried out smiling from ear to ear, but carried out nonetheless. My whole body was humming!

I was placed nude on a luxury bus with about a dozen other naked women – all of us to exhausted to move and with the same smile on our faces, so I assumed we all had the same night. Normally this many women together equals a lot of conversation, but we all took the chance to get some sleep.

Riding through Eden it was easy to see this was an adults only community, and nudity was hard to miss because…well…everyone was.

After we stepped off the bus we were greeted by a tall, young, busty red head with a gold collar named Monica, then we were lined up next to the bus then white or pink collars were placed around our necks. We were told this is an all female community and never to speak at all until spoken to. The men here were simply ‘guests’ that had paid to get in and use women.

A rank structure was explained: Purple is royalty –  Land owners and policy makers. We’ll probably never see them. Blue is officer. Orders come from them. Yellow/gold are over seers, and they handle the nuts and bolts running of the community. While white and pink were on the same level, there was a difference: pink meant they can be used by either man or women at any time and place because they couldn’t breed, while white collars equaled breeding only. We were never to look anyone in the eyes that had a higher collar.

As we were being walked through town, I saw the point of this places existence: Sex. Sex on tap. Pink collared women were being fucked in the street, bent over park benches and in alleys by both men and women. I literally saw a man cum in an older woman, he exited her, and another man entered her. She was holding onto a lamp post on the street corner – in full public view with breasts swaying back and forth – she gave us a smile and wink as we walked past.

She said, “Welcome to Eden” before being put on all fours and having a cock shoved into her mouth. She put her hands on his hips to welcome him. Lucky bitch.

Throughout history men lead communities with the women are subservient to them, but in this place, as strange as it may sound, the women had all the power. Yes, we were being used by men for sex but women ran the town, so it was on our terms. Taking a closer look around town revealed no homeless people or signs of crime. My guess is they made so much money those problems were eliminated. One would expect to see whips, shackles and other such things designed to control sex slaves, but there was none of that. Eden, simply put, is where people wanted to be.

We were taken to a tattoo parlor to get ‘inked up’ as Monica put it. On our back right shoulder blades we got our owners initials in cursive writing. Mine was a large ‘V’with a smaller ‘g’ inside of it. After that, I had ‘Charity’ tattooed on my left breast like a name tag. Both jobs were done at the same time to be quicker. Mind you, I still had a vibrator going inside of me, so I felt no pain. 

A short hayride later and those of us possessing white collars were brought to a farm outside of town. Pinks were simply told to meander around Eden for use by adults that had paid to get in there. Eden was a sexual amusement park!

Monica led me to a horse stall inside of a barn. Taking a look around I saw that all stalls were filled with only white collared women, all in various sexual positions being used by men.

The moaning could be heard from outside the building.

All along the walls were large screen televisions, and they were blaring hard core breeding porn… no doubt to reinforce that this is what we were now.

It was part of that brainwashing Domina mentioned, and I was more than happy to go along with it. I wanted to be the women on the screens. Strike that. I was going to be the women on those screens.

Monica raised my hands over my head and tied them into position, she then snapped her fingers and pointed to the ground. I got the hint to avert my eyes from her. She raised me until my toes were slightly off the ground.

“You’re here for breeding, as such only men can use you. You will be fucked multiple times daily by professional studs. These men are young for a high sperm count, thick to get a tight seal, and are long to deposit deeper inside. It’s a technique we call, ‘flooding’. That being said, it works better if the woman wants to get pregnant. Any questions?”

Nodding I said, “Yes, who determines collar level?”

“Call me and all other gold collars, ‘Mistress.’ Blues will be addressed as ‘Lady.’ You’ll probably never see one, but purples are to be called, ‘Queen.’ White or pink is set by your Domina alone, and she is the only one you will address by that title. All other levels are determined by queens. Any more questions?” She asked as she checked the knots in the ropes over my head.

“Yes. Why would anyone want to be anything other than white or pink?” I asked with a smile.

Leaning in closely she said, “These men are going to hurt you because they’re big. Embrace the pain, it’s the only way. I know I’ve said it before but you have to want this life… all of it. Be the women on the screen and want to get pregnant. The more children you have, the longer you can stay in that white collar.”

She came around in front of me and pulled on the ropes over my head again to make sure they were secure, then kissed me on the lips. She placed her hands on my hips and held me in place.

A man approached me from behind and slid straight into my pussy. I leaned my head back and screamed. Monica wasn’t lying. He was huge. I’ve taken his size before now, but his hardness made him feel bigger. He put the head of his cock in, moved in an inch or so, then pulled back out. I’m not sure if he was teasing me or just getting the feel of me, but I liked it.

I spread my legs wider out of instinct even though I was already wet.

As he placed his hands on my hips, Monica smiled at me, kissed me on the lips, then reached behind her on the fence and held a small dildo gag up in front of my eyes.

He slowly worked in and out in small bits and said, “This whore is tight! At her age I thought she’d be loose.”

I tilted my head back and inhaled a deep breath. Monica pulled it back down, looked me in the eyes and slowly slid the gag into my mouth. It wasn’t deep enough to go into my throat, just to keep me from talking. She reached behind my head and strapped it in place.

Reaching down my body to my pussy, she rubbed my clit as stud number one worked slowly in and out of my cunt.

“I’m told you have a habit of talking…” She began. “We’re going to break you of that. Bull here doesn’t care what you have to say. I don’t care what you have to say. You’re not here to talk, you’re here to breed. I don’t give a shit about your old life. No one here does. That’s part of the beauty of this place. On some level you wanted to be just a piece of meat. A fuck toy. Take cock and make babies. Right?”

As ‘Bull’ worked in and out of me, he was hitting my vibrator and my body was humming again. My eyes rolled back in my head and I nodded in agreement with Mistress Monica.

Smiling she said, “That’s all you are now, Charity. Over the next few months we’re going to brain wash you, deprive you of sleep and food and you’re going to keep that dildo in your mouth until I know you’re not going to speak until spoken to. No one cares about your opinion. Do you understand?”

I found myself moving my hips back and forth because I wanted bull’s cock. I managed to nod nonetheless.

She moved her mouth down to my right nipple and sucked it. “That device is going to make you drool. There are cameras on you right now and we’re gathering footage – if you ever fucking want to leave us, it all gets released.”

Bull pushed all the way into me and held it there. “She won’t leave. Not this one. This pussy is tight. Smooth. Wet. She wants this, Monica. As long as she’s fucked, she’s happy.”

She rubbed my clit a little faster. “You’re going to get your wishes… you’re going to give birth and not know who the father is. You’re going to be ganged. You’re going to be fucked in public. You’re going to swallow loads. Right now though you’re going to breed, and breed and breed until you can’t.”

I tilted my head back, trying to keep the saliva in my mouth. My hips pushed back against bull.

She placed her one hand on my check and gently guided my gaze down to her eyes while rubbing my pussy slow… then fast. Hard, then soft. It was designed to keep me sexually off balance and turn me on more.

“Come on, whore… don’t hold back. Let the cameras see you for who you really are. That cock inside of you – and bull is really good at his job – that vibrator… my fingers, even this perfect body in front of you. It’s all adding up, isn’t it? You want to cum, don’t you?”

Until she said it, I didn’t know I did.

I slowly nodded a single time.

She whispered in my ear as bull picked up his pace. “Then cum. Cum hard. Scream as best you can. Kick. Struggle. Let it all out, whore. Let the cameras see who you really are.”

Even if she hadn’t have told me, I couldn’t hold it back any longer. She was right. Everything that could be done to bring me to a quick orgasm was being done – and it was working. I pulled my knees up as high as I could, and twisted my body to the right as I strained against the ropes holding my hands over my head and feet off the ground.

I bucked my body hard back against bull while trying to scream, “YES!”

I know the saliva was leaving my mouth and running down my face and body but I didn’t care. It all felt so fucking good!

Bull began pounding me, his cock taking what it wanted, pushing the walls of my cunt out of the way. He was throbbing hard, and I’m sure he was close.

Pulling her face back to look me in the eyes she asked, “Do you want more, Charity?”

I nodded as my body tried to push back against him.

“Want him to take you harder, do you?” She asked taunting me. “Like the feel of his cock?”

Nodding again, I continued to cum on his cock and her fingers. I yelled, “Please!” as best I could.

My legs kicked and she found a way to ratchet it up. She pinched my clit with her fingernails and twisted. I closed my legs and screamed in pleasure.

Bull shoved hard in and out of my body, his rough hands on my hips. “Fuck! This whore really wants it!”

Monica looked just past me to him and said, “Then give it to her. Flood her pussy with your cum.”

With my body still writhing, my breasts heaving up and down, me breathing heavily and grunting like an animal she decided to bite my right nipple.

I opened my legs and wrapped them around her, holding her close. I leaned my head back, looked up at the ceiling and just screamed in rapture.

Still pinching my clit she said, “Let it out, Charity. Be his fucking cock whore. Be just a piece of meat.”

Bull wrapped his hands around my body and put his chest against my back, with me bucking my hips hard against him and against Monica. He was throbbing. I could feel his cock pumping me full of his seed. With his face against my back, he screamed and shoved one last time – holding his cock deep. His body was convulsing against mine as mine was against his.

He waited a few more seconds to make sure he had all his seed in me, then pulled out. I heard the sound of zipping pants and assumed he was leaving.

Monica began to lower me down and let my feet touch the ground. She caressed the sides of my face with her hands and said, “Shhhhh….easy now, Charity. Easy. It’s OK. I got you. Bring it down now. Slow your heart rate. Slow your breathing. Look me in the eyes.”

I obeyed as best I could and looked into her eyes. 

Smiling she said, “You did well, Charity. I’ve never seen him behave like that. He usually just sticks it in, cums, then leaves. To him it’s an assembly line but he really liked you!”

She lowered me all the way to the ground so I could curl into a fetal position. She held me close and rocked me a little. She unfastened my gag and let me breathe. I dug my nails into her back and just held on for dear life. I’m not sure why.

She kissed me on the forehead as I struggled to form a sentence, “What… the fuck… just… happened?!”

“You’re letting go of your old life, Charity. Sex is very powerful and if done right, you can tap into a lifetime of pent up emotions and release it. Anger, joy, rage, sorrow… all of it. All the emotions you’ve had to bury throughout your life. I’ve never seen anyone do it so quickly, but that’s what happened to you.”

Pulling my head back to look her in the eyes I said, “I want more.”

Smiling she said, ‘I know, and you’ll get it. I have studs lined up outside. You’ve got twelve more today – I call it a baker’s dozen. One down, twelve to go.”

She started to pull away but I wouldn’t let her. I still had my legs and arms wrapped around her. “No! Don’t go. Just let me hold you for a while. Please. I’m shaking, Mistress.” I said as I raised my hands so she could see them.

Nodding, she replied, “OK, I wont let go until you’ve calmed down but when you do you’re going to get a few bites to eat and a lot of water, but then you go again. And again. And again. You wont rest until you’ve taken the other dozen.”

I clung to her and answered, “I want them all, Mistress.”

Smiling at me she said, “You know, I’m beginning to see why Domina Vicki bought you. You’re hungry for this!”

Looking around at the TV screens at the women being used I said, “I want to be them, Mistress.”

Slowly she kissed me gently on the lips, though not deeply. Tenderly. As if the first kiss of a lover.

“My dear, dear, sweet Charity….you already are.”

Published 3 years ago

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