Jordan slowly pulled the long thick dildo out of her. Jordan loved these few moments of privacy she had on Sundays. She felt the oozing lubricant escaping her. The dildo had a few remnants of its contents on the tip.
Jordan loved the feeling of it shooting deep inside her. It almost felt real. Almost. “Damn,” she said as she heard the familiar sound of her father’s truck pulling up. She quickly wrapped her toy into her towel. As she got up from the bed, she could feel the lubricant rolling down her leg. “Damn it!” she shouted. As usual, she had used too much. Jordan quickly grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them up. She would have to take them to the cleaners later. Jordan’s mum had got in her head that she had to do Jordan’s laundry. Jordan didn’t want to try and explain the mess inside the jeans. She threw on a shirt and made a dash for the bathroom, towel in hand.
“Jordan?” her mum called from downstairs.
“Going in the shower!” Jordan yelled back. Jordan closed the door and locked it. She stood there panting. “I really need to get my own place,” she said as she walked toward the shower.
The hot water soothed her muscles as she washed clean. She had grown her hair out since she had moved back home. She liked it this way. In the city, it was good to keep it short. The dirt of the streets and emissions from the cars made her smell horrible, even worse it made it look gray. Out here the sun and the country air did her hair right.
When she finally came out of the bathroom. She slid into her jeans and picked up a bra. “God fucking dammit!” she yelled.
“Jordan Matthews!” her mum yelled at her from down the stairs.
“Sorry,” Jordan replied. She threw on another bra that barely fit. Then rocketed down the stairs. “When does this curse end?” Jordan said as she put the broken bra in the trash.
Her mum stifled a laugh. “Well, your grandmother was still growing when your sister was born. There was a time we thought we might have to put them in a wheelbarrow in front of her.”
“Not funny, and definitely not helping,” Jordan said as she sat down.
“What’s wrong with her?” her father said as he came inside.
“Family curse bit her again,” Marge said as she fixed them both a plate for lunch.
“I think we still have the wheelbarrow,” her father smiled.
“Ha, ha,” Jordan said as she looked at them both. Secretly she loved these moments. The three of them laughing it up.
“Hopefully you find someone that likes them large,” her mother smiled as she kissed her father’s head. “I did, and so did your sister.”
“Well, Sherry is large all around,” Jordan replied as she ate.
“So were you,” her father instantly responded. “We thought you were going to be bigger than your mother.”
Jordan shot him a glance. It was right if it wasn’t for her radical change a few years back. She would have probably been more significant than her sister.
Jordan nodded. “Going to go to the bar later,” she smiled.
“How is it coming?” her father asked.
“Good,” Jordan nodded. “Just the interior and some of the decorating to be finished and we should be ready to open.”
“That’s good,” her mum smiled. “People have been talking, they can’t wait for something new.”
“Other than my relationship?” Jordan said peering over at her mother. For the past four weeks, it seemed everyone in town had something to say about Jordan’s relationship with Brandon. Even though most had accepted him within their community. The thought that they were together was something no one could get used to.
“Well,” her mother said looking over at her husband.
“Never mind,” Jordan said shaking her head. “I will see you two later.”
Jordan walked out into the crisp but hot air. She had to run to Leanne’s first, then head to the bar. No doubt the others were already there.
“Not again,” Leanne shook her head as Jordan walked again.
“Yup,” Jordan said looking at her friend with pure aggravation.
“My mother warned me about your family, the day I took over this place,” Leanne said. “She used to say your grandmother was in here nearly every month.”
“Yeah,” Jordan replied as she sat down at the counter. This place had become a second home. She even knew how to run the till. One of the customers came by as Leanne was at the computer ordering for Jordan. Jordan rang the lady up as well as the other two customers.
“I should hire you,” Leanne said. “Might be easier to order for you, also might be able to help pay for those things,” Leanne said pointing at Jordan’s chest.
“With everything going on at the bar. I don’t think I would have the time,” Jordan replied. At that moment Brandon walked in.
“Hi,” he said as he looked at Jordan.
“Hi,” Jordan replied. Immediately most of the remaining customers began to look in their direction.
“Oh, give it a break,” Leanne shouted loud enough for everyone in the store to hear. “You two can talk in the backroom if you want. Away from all these prying eyes.”
Jordan smiled and motioned for Brandon to follow. “She doesn’t have a filter, does she?” Brandon asked as they got in the backroom.
“Leanne?” Jordan replied. “As my mum puts it, she wouldn’t know when to be polite even if she was in church.”
“It’s been a while,” Brandon said. Jordan stepped closer to him.
“Too long,” She said as she kissed him. The two of them had been trying to see each other when they could. It seemed every chance they got someone, or something got in the way.
“What brings you in?” Brandon asked.
“The usual,” Jordan smiled as she looked down at her chest. “You sure you want to be with someone that might need a wheelbarrow to carry her boobs around?”
“Only if I can help push the wheelbarrow,” Brandon smiled.
“I am being serious,” Jordan replied pushing Brandon away. “It’s a family curse, and I think I made it worse.”
“First,” Brandon said pulling her back to him by her waist. He wrapped his arms around her. “There are no such things as curses, and second there is no way I am leaving because of some family genetics.”
Jordan smiled as she leaned her head back against his chest. “First,” she said as she turned around and looked up at him. “You’re wrong, there is a family curse,” she said as she tiptoed again to kiss him.
“Second?” he asked.
“The moment I can get you alone,” she looked back at the door that leads to the store floor. “Really alone, you are in trouble.”
“I might like that,” Brandon said as he followed her out.
“You guys didn’t make a mess back there, did you?” Leanne asked as they came out.
Everybody turned around. “No Mom,” Jordan sarcastically replied. She looked around at everyone. “Do you guys want us to take a picture?”
“Here you go, Brandon, tell Ethan I said hi,” Leanne said as she pushed a large brown paper bag across the counter.
Brandon nodded and waved at everyone then exited.
Jordan followed close behind.
The bar was almost finished. Jordan and the other women that had helped with the project, stood together as they looked around. The dance floor was practically finished, the DJ booth was finished. The bar was stocked and ready for opening.
“Well, ladies,” Ethan smiled. “One more week and it will be all yours.”
The ladies looked around. The place was a lot better than they had ever imagined. The wall decorations were nearly finished. “What about the first night?” Sherry asked. They had many plans for the grand opening.
“I still think we should go with Claudia’s idea,” Mary added.
To which the others nodded. Claudia’s daughter was a member of a small dance group. They had done small events such as parties. Claudia thought it would be a good idea for the group to reach a wider audience, and on the other side, it would be cheap.
Most of their money had gone into the decorations as well as the new bar stools, chairs and benches, and booths.
“Do they have any videos of themselves?” Ethan asked.
“Of course they do,” Claudia said shaking her head. “They are glued to their phones like the rest of the people their age.”
Claudia took out her phone, a few moments later she showed them a video of the five girls dancing to a song. “They will have to wear more than that if they want to be in here,” Sherry said, looking at the skimpy outfits the women were wearing.
“Definitely,” Mary agreed.
“I don’t know,” Jordan said. “Might keep some of the men glued to their seats,” she smiled as she looked over at Ethan. “What do you think Ethan?”
“Huh?” he said as he looked at the women standing in front of him.
“See,” Jordan smiled. “Some of the other women might like it too, especially when they get their husband’s home.”
“I don’t know,” Claudia said, looking down at the screen. “He might be with me, but his mind will definitely be somewhere else.”
“Who cares,” Sherry said. “We just need them to be up, and if that gets the job done, then they can wear whatever they want.”
“Sherry!” Mary laughed.
“I wasn’t the only one thinking it,” Sherry laughed. “Right, Ethan?”
“What?” Ethan said as he tilted his head to one side as he watched the women dance seductively around a few chairs.
“They are in,” Jordan nodded.
“Here you go,” Claudia said as she handed her phone over to Ethan. “If you keep scrolling down, they have other videos. Just let Cynthia know to thank me later.”
“Okay,” Ethan said as he took the phone.
Jordan packed up a few of the old bar stools from the bar into the back of the truck. The local church was going to sell them at their next auction. She locked up the bar. They still didn’t have a name for it yet.
As she drove down the road, she saw lights coming up from behind her. “Shit,” she said as she pulled over.
Rick came up to the window. “You know the speed limit,” he said as he took her I.D. and registration.
“Yeah,” Jordan said as she leaned back. She had been thinking of a name for the bar. She looked over at Rick, he had seen better days. Since the incident at the party, as well as other things, his days of being Sherriff were numbered. There were already talks around town that they could be taking his badge any day now.
“I’ll be back,” Rick said as he walked back to his truck.
“I’ll be here,” Jordan replied.
Jordan looked down at her phone as she got a text. “Can we meet tonight?” the text read, it was from Brandon.
“I wish,” Jordan replied. “Have to go to the church and the whole family is meeting at Sherry’s for dinner. Raincheck?”
“Definitely, maybe then you can tell me about this curse of yours,” Brandon replied.
There was a massive smile on Jordan’s face as Rick came back. “You know how to take care of…” he began to say before he looked down at her phone. “Still dating that ni…” he began to say before Jordan shot him a glance.
“Don’t,” Jordan said. “Don’t even think of finishing that sentence. You have enough problems going on as it is, do you really want to add to it?”
“Take the damn ticket,” Rick said throwing the papers onto Jordan’s lap. He walked back towards his truck. He took the handle of his gun and hit the tail light of Jordan’s truck. “Get your damn lights fixed.”
“Ha!” Jordan yelled out of the window. “It’s not my truck, it’s my father’s.”
“Shit!” Jordan heard Rick say as he climbed into his truck. Jordan watched him speed away.
Jordan sat back in her seat and looked at the red lights disappear. She shook her head. “Sometimes you are too much of a nice person, Jordie.”
Jordan put the truck in gear and chased after him. She flashed her lights as she got close. Slowly Rick pulled over, she pulled in behind him. “What the fuck do you want?” Rick said as he exploded out of his truck.
“Can you fix it?” Jordan asked.
“What?” Rick asked.
“Can you fix the damn light?” Jordan repeated.
“Of course, I can fix it,” Rick replied.
“Tonight?” Jordan asked.
“Yeah, why?” Rick said as he lowered his voice.
“If I go home with the light like that, he will ask how it happened. I sure as hell aren’t going to lie to him, he will know,” Jordan said.
Rick nodded. “Seeing as I called in for pulling you over, someone will put two and two together,” Rick shook his head. “I got the parts at the house.”
Jordan followed Rick to his house. He went to the back and into his shed. “Holy crap,” Jordan said as he came back with a huge crate of tail lights. “Guessing this isn’t the first time.”
“What can I say,” Rick smiled. “I have a temper.”
“No shit,” Jordan said as she leaned against his truck as he rummaged through all the lights. She looked at him and shook her head. “What the fuck is going on Rick?”
“You know the saying,” Rick said as he lined one of the lights up against the broken one. “Don’t ask a question if you don’t want the answer.”
“I’m asking,” Jordan said.
“You,” Rick said turning to look at her. “You’re the problem since you come back you have been running around this place like a hurricane. Changing shit and making people change to suit your high and mighty needs.”
Jordan smiled. “Wow, I didn’t know I had that power over people. I haven’t asked anyone to change except maybe my parents. And even they aren’t changing that much.”
“Oh really?” Rick said as he stood up. “You know what I heard the other day at the hardware store?”
Jordan shook her head. “Two people were talking about your boyfriend, not once did any of them call him any name. They actually used his real name, and they were talking about him like if he was…”
“A human?” Jordan interrupted. “Holy crap, that’s what this is about?”
“No,” Rick said shaking his head.
“It is,” Jordan laughed. “I magically made people in this town see someone for more than what they see, and it scares the fuck out of you.”
“Yes!” Rick shouted. “Things were just fine around here until Jordan Matthews comes home and has to shake things up. Wants us to change our way of thinking suddenly.”
“What else have I changed?” Jordan asked. “Are people listening to Hip-Hop? Suddenly wearing their pants to their ankles. Eating watermelon?”
“Stop it,” Rick shook his head. “You’re making a joke out of a serious conversation.”
“Fine,” Jordan said as she folded her arms. “What else am I guilty of?”
“The bar,” Rick said as he started taking out the broken light.
“You’re going to have elaborate,” Jordan said, shaking her head.
“It was fine,” Rick said, shaking his head. “Now it’s all people talk about. They keep talking about Bill and how he would be so proud.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Jordan asked.
“Bill was an asshole,” Rick turned to her. “Sure, some might think he was a good person, but let’s not forget the man was an asshole, how many times did he shoo us away from his bar, or when he shot Laney and Dave with rock salt.”
Jordan laughed. “Your father hated him,” she smiled. “Wait,” Jordan shook her head again. “Your father really hated him, not because he was an asshole, but because he hired that black guy as a cook.”
“Changing the subject,” Rick said, shaking his head.
“No,” Jordan smiled. Bill was like me. Yeah, he was an asshole, but he was only like that to certain people. You because of your father, me because my father married my mother who Bill was in love with. But to everybody else, he was just fine.”
Rick shook his head. “I just liked things the way they were,” he looked back at her as he put the new light in. “Now, everything is changing, people are changing.”
“And you blame me?” Jordan smiled.
“Yes,” Rick nodded as he finished up.
“You ever think that maybe things were changing already, and they just needed a little push?” Jordan asked.
Rick looked at her then shook his head. “Some of us like the way things are, we don’t want change.”
“Too bad,” Jordan said. She looked around. “The world is changing, it always has and it always will. You think the earliest of people wanted change? They fought it tooth and nail and just take a look around you. It changed, from living in caves and fighting for food to this,” Jordan said as she pointed at Rick’s house. “If our ancestors could see all this, they would freak the hell out and dive back into a cave never to be seen again. Life evolves, people evolve, you can either accept it or move the fuck out of the way because that huge stone wheel will run you the fuck over. I have seen it, and it’s coming whether you like it or not. It’s called technology, and it’s making this world smaller and smaller; eventually, it will come to this town and every other like it.”
Rick looked up at the stars. “My uncle has a ranch, he has been asking if I want to help him with it.”
“You should,” Jordan nodded.
“It’s far away from here, middle of nowhere,” Rick smiled.
“Sounds like a place you would like,” Jordan smiled. “But change will come, you can’t keep running forever.”
“Not forever, just long enough so that I would be too old to care,” Rick smiled.
“What about the house?” Jordan asked as she looked over at it.
“You want it?” Rick looked down at her.
“You serious?” Jordan asked.
“As a heart attack,” Rick nodded.
“Sure,” Jordan nodded.
“Come by tomorrow,” Rick said as he walked towards the door.
Jordan nodded as she got into her truck.
“Jordie?” Rick said as he turned around. “Thanks.”
“What are friends for?” Jordan said as she got in her truck.
“You’re joking,” Mike asked.
“No,” Jordan said as she smiled back at him. “We have been packing for the last four days.”
“Well,” Mike shook his head as he closed the hood of the car he was working on. “Good riddance.”
“Come on,” Jordan shook her head. “You don’t mean that.”
“The hell I don’t,” Mike snapped back. “That man has been a thorn in people’s side, since his parents passed,” Mike said as he cleaned his hands. “Talking about how things were and how we are supposed to keep things the way his parents liked them.”
Jordan lowered her head as Mike walked up to her. “You know he had Teresa at the library in tears, the day she took some of the kids to the city, in tears!” Mike shook his fist. “Then when I started up my shop and started customizing old cars that I bought he came down here on his high horse, telling me that I shouldn’t be doing customs that I should be restoring them or leaving them alone. I knocked him flat on his ass right over there,” Mike pointed to the front of the garage. “No, I mean this, and there are a lot of people in town that would back me up. Good riddance.”
Jordan nodded. “Okay,” she said as she held up her hands. She knew when to back down, and this was one of those times. “I didn’t know.”
“No,” Mike said nodding. “Of course, you didn’t. You two have a history before you left and after you came back. The boy you knew has been gone a long time. The man that he became is a piece of shit.”
As they were talking Brandon came walking up. “Great,” Jordan said shaking her head. The two of them had been arguing the past few days. Since the work on the bar was nearly finished, Ethan had no need for the hired help. The company that Brandon and the others worked for had new jobs for them in another state. Jordan had tried to convince Brandon to stay, but he kept saying things would be better for Jordan if he left.
“Hey Mike,” Brandon said as he walked towards them.
“Brandon,” Mike smiled.
“Jordie,” Brandon said quietly.
“Hey,” Jordan replied.
“I called you here because news around town says you know your way around cars,” Mike said as he walked towards a vehicle covered with black tarp.
“Danny,” Brandon smiled.
“Yup,” Mike nodded as he pulled the tarp off the car.
“Holy crap,” Brandon said as he looked at the car. “Is this a demon?”
“Uh-huh,” Mike replied.
“What happened?” Brandon asked as he looked it over. The car seemed alright except for a few scrapes and gashes along the sides. “Oh no,” Brandon said as he got to the front. “No,” he said shaking his head. He reached for the hood and pulled it up. “Motherfucker!”
“Yup,” Mike said shaking his head. “Some rich kid took his father’s toy for a joy ride, he ended up nose first in a lake.””Supposedly the rest of it is okay.”
“How the hell did you end up with it,” Brandon said slamming the hood back down. “No offense, but these things are going for…” Brandon shook his head.
“Never ask a man how he does what he does,” Mike interrupted. “I know some people that know other people and voila,” Mike said pointing to the car.
Brandon and Mike shook hands and looked at the black and red beast sitting in front of them. “Well, if you boys are finished…” Jordan said, but she saw Mike secretly shake his head.
“Too bad, though,” Mike said patting Brandon on the shoulder. As he began to cover it with the tarp. “I have no idea how to fix it, neither does anyone here. I could fix the body and do custom work, but engine work that’s not up my alley. So it will go to auction, someone will fix it.”
Jordan stifled a laugh. As she looked at Brandon’s face as it was covered up. “I can fix it,” Brandon blurted out. “I mean if we get the parts here I can definitely fix it.”
“But you’re leaving,” Jordan smiled.
“Yeah,” Mike nodded. “Something about taking the easy way out or some bullshit like that.”
Brandon caught on to what the two of them were doing. “Ah,” he smiled. “The two of you.”
“No,” Jordan smiled as she held up her hands. “Just him, I caught on afterward.”
“What do you say, the two of us get this beast back on the road again?” Mike asked as he held out his hand.
“You got it,” Brandon said as he shook hands.
Jordan smiled. “You owe me,” Mike said as he walked away.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jordan nodded. She turned to Brandon. “I think I am a little offended,” she said as she wrapped her arms around Brandon’s neck. “You will stay for a car, but not for me.”
“Well, I mean,” Brandon began to say.
“I am teasing,” Jordan laughed. “I know how you boys are with your toys, just don’t pay too much attention to its headlights and ignore mine.”
Brandon looked down at the long line of cleavage. “That would be hard to do.”
“Good,” Jordan smiled. “I have to head to the bar. Finishing touches tonight before the grand opening this weekend.”
Jordan pulled up to the bar. The other ladies were standing outside looking up at the sign. “I don’t remember deciding on the name,” she said as she got down from her truck.
“Neither did we,” Claudia said. The sign was still covered.
“Let’s see what it says,” Jordan reached for the rope attached to the gray tarp.
“No,” Sherry said shaking her head. “Ethan made us promise we would leave it up until opening.”
“He decided,” Jordan nodded.
“It only seems fair, he did most of the work, and we didn’t pay him that much,” Mary pointed out. The rest of them nodded their heads in agreement.
“Okay,” Jordan shrugged “Friday night it is then.”
“You still practicing with the girls?” Mary asked.
“Yes,” Jordan smiled. “It has been interesting, to say the least.”
“Rather you than me,” Sherry shook her head. “Between the packing and moving, then dancing with the girls and this bar. I don’t know how you are still standing.”
“Neither do I,” Jordan shrugged. The truth of the matter Jordan didn’t really know. She didn’t feel tired; her muscles didn’t ache. Jordan had kept up with the teenagers at times, even outperforming them, then she was lifting and carrying furniture out of Rick’s place into the trailer and getting her things out of storage. Rick had even commented that she lifted and carried more than he did.
“Here we are,” Jordan said, a bit excited as the ladies looked over the bar. The DJ, the bartender, and the waitresses were all in place. Jordan looked out the front window and saw the bright headlights of people parking.
“Can’t believe it,” Mary said as she stood next to Claudia.
“Believe it,” Sherry said. “You all did great. I have never seen this many people trying to get in here.”
“Let’s not keep them waiting,” Jordan smiled.
Slowly the four of them walked out into the parking lot. “Holy shit,” Sherry exclaimed as she looked at the rows of cars.
“Your husband is directing some of the other cars to park in the field across the street,” Ethan smiled.
“You’re shitting me,” Sherry said as she tiptoed to see over the parked cars. She could see the parked cars across the road and the people coming over.
“Nope,” Ethan smiled. “Don’t worry, I will make sure we get a head count, but the place is much bigger than it was before, which made the parking lot smaller.”
“All of them can get in, right?” Jordan said looking at the people.
“I would say more than likely,” Ethan nodded.
“Good,” Jordan said as she looked at everyone.
“Well, you better go talk to them,” Mary pushed Jordan forward.
“Me?” Jordan looked back at them.
The others nodded back at her.
“Fine,” Jordan nodded. She walked forward and smiled as everyone gathered around. She looked at her parents and smiled. “When I left her, I didn’t think I would miss this place. I thought I was running away and never coming back. I thought why would I miss a place that didn’t respect the person I was becoming. My parents at the time didn’t like the woman I was becoming, my friends tried to talk me out of being a rebel and causing too many waves. Then I got to the city, and I found people that thought like me, that acted like me. I felt comfortable,” Jordan wiped a tear from her face. “Then the walls came down, and they came down hard, my boyfriend of many years left me, my supposed friends didn’t care, and my money ran out. I came back with my tail not just between my legs but shoved permanently up my ass.”
People smiled. “I thought I was coming home and that I would be here for a while and then get back on my feet, but that didn’t happen. All of you took me back, with a bit of tongue lashing I would add, but well deserved. I came back to where I should have stayed in the first place. And I am sorry I left.”
“Ah come here,” Marge said as she embraced her daughter. “All is forgiven.”
“So, what does the sign say?” someone shouted.
“Good question,” Sherry smiled as she yanked the rope.
There was thunderous applause. Jordan stood in shock as she looked up at the bright blue light. There it was in the same blue light she had seen over and over again as a kid every time she passed this place. She had always wanted to go in, to take a peak around Bill’s Place. Now the sign looked down at her, Jordie’s Place.
“Bill would’ve liked this,” someone said.
“Well, what are yawl standing outside for?” Mary shouted. “Come in!”
Jordan nodded and accepted the handshakes of people as they passed her to get in. All she could do was look up at the sign. It meant a lot to her to see it. Especially after what Rick had said. “See you inside,” Brandon said as he passed her.
Jordan stood alone in the parking lot. Only a few more people trickled in. “Hi,” a voice said from behind her.
She turned around to see a shadow coming between the cars. Jordan looked at the lady as the blue light hit her. “I always hated that light,” the lady said as she looked up at it. “But then I was just a kid.”
Jordan suddenly recognized the face. “No,” the lady said as she looked at Jordan. “Don’t say it.”
“My father paid more attention to this place than he did his family,” the lady said as she looked around. “I hated this place for that and hated this town for that too.”
Jordan looked at the elderly lady. “I didn’t see it then. How could I? I was a teenager when he first opened it. I know it now. This town needs a place like this one. When it was gone, and it was gone. Even though your sister tried to keep it going, it didn’t have the right idea behind it.” The lady looked up at Jordan. “You have those eyes,” she said as she lightly touched Jordan’ face. “My father had the same eyes, they can see things and situations that the rest of us just can’t see, or that most of us don’t want to, be it because of our past, our family or our traditions. We just can’t see things as they are supposed to be. But you do, don’t you?”
Jordan didn’t know what to say. “Say nothing,” the lady smiled. “Go on in, they are waiting for you.”
Jordan nodded and walked inside. She turned around and saw the lady looking up at the bright light. “Where were you?” Sherry said as she pulled Jordan towards the bar.
“Talking to Tiffany,” Jordan replied.
“Tiffany,” Sherry said as she went back behind the bar.
“Bill’s daughter,” Jordan smiled as she nodded at a few people.
“That’s stupid,” Sherry replied as she poured a few drinks. “Tiffany’s been dead for years now.”
“No,” Jordan said shaking her head. “I was just talking to her outside…” Jordan looked through the window. No one was standing there. It had been only a few moments. Even if she had turned around and walked away. Jordan would still be able to see a shadow moving between the cars and trucks.
“Jordan,” Sherry said looking at her. “When I bought this place, Tiffany was the one that signed the deed. I watched that lady pass away in her sleep, she wanted me to buy the place and no one else. She kept saying that eventually, it will go to someone with the right…”
“Idea,” Jordan said.
“Yes,” Sherry said in the middle of pouring. “How did you know?’
“Just a guess,” Jordan smiled.
“It’s that time,” Claudia said as she approached Jordan.
“Good,” Jordan nodded. She walked towards the large dance floor. The other girls were already standing by the six chairs.
“Okay fellas, we need six volunteers,” Jordan smiled. She walked forward as she pushed two guys back. “Preferably six of you that aren’t hitched already.”
Five guys walked forward. “Now sit in the chairs and keep your hands to yourself at all times,” Jordan smiled. “Has anyone seen my guy?” she asked looking at the crowd through the dim lights. “I know he will get lost in this dark room, he is kinda dark himself.”
The crowd laughed. “He’s over here, hiding,” a woman shouted.
“Pull his ass up here,” Jordan shouted back.
Brandon finally appeared from the crowd. “There we go,” Jordan smiled. “Sit your butt down.”
Jordan took up her place behind the chair. The music began as the first lyrics hit the girls ripped off their long jean jackets revealing knotted plaid shirts and short jean shorts, with knee-high cowboy boots. The crowd roared as they began dancing around the men in their chairs.
The crowd began to sing along to the famous song. Brandon tried to keep his hands to his self as Jordan writhed and danced on his lap. Jordan loved dancing to this song even when she was a child, but loved it even more now as she split Brandon’s legs open and pushed her ass against his groin she could feel how hard he had become.
“Save a horse, ride a cowboy,” the crowd yelled.
Jordan spun around just like the other five, she now faced Brandon as she pumped her body up and down. “Wait till later, I will do this even better,” she quickly whispered. She whipped her long hair around as she got up for the finale.
The crowd roared as the women finished their dance routine. Jordan smiled and shook hands as the others gathered around her. “That was…” Ethan began to say. “No words for it, that was really good.”
“I bet most of these men are going to be talking about that for weeks,” Mary laughed.
“Good dancing,” one of the teens said as she passed Jordan. “You did even better than most of us.”
“Motivation,” Jordan said as she looked over at Brandon.
“Well look who’s here,” Claudia said as she looked at the bar.
“Shit,” Jordan said just below her breath. She looked around the building for Mike or Brandon. She hoped the two of them hadn’t seen him yet. When she saw them in the far corner with Danny playing pool, she quickly walked over to Rick. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I thought I would come check the place out,” Rick smiled. “Just because I am not Sheriff anymore doesn’t mean I can’t socialize.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Jordan said. “But…”
“Don’t worry, I won’t be long,” Rick nodded. As he looked over at Mike’s direction.
“You are barking up the wrong tree,” Jordan said in a low whisper.
“Oh, it’s the right tree alright,” Rick smiled.
“You got something to get off your chest before you tuck your tail between your legs?” Mike said as he approached.
“Someone went to the board and told them a few things that no one in this town knows except two people,” Rick smiled. “I guess someone forgot that they gave their word and even said that the word was as good as gold.”
Mike nodded. “It wasn’t me.”
Cole walked forward. “If you boys are done measuring your sticks. It was me. Figured after the stunt you pulled out there in the woods, it was about time the board knew about other secrets you been hiding.”
Rick nodded. “Figures. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves,” he shouted as loud as he could. “Coming to this place, with these people. He looked over at Mike, Cole and Brandon. I tried to keep things sane around here as it should be, as it used to be, but no …”
Mike threw a punch. “Will you shut the fuck up!”
The people gathered began to clap loudly. “No one wants to hear your mouth, now get going!” Mike said. “Or I will gladly throw you out myself.”
Rick nodded as he got up. “I will remember that.”
“Write it down, you have always had a hard time remembering things,” Mike smiled.
Rick put his badge down on the bar with a set of keys. “It’s not over,” he said as he looked at Jordan.
Mike walked him out, and the large crowd went back to what they were doing. Cole looked over at Jordan’s face.
“Want to dance?” he smiled at her.
“Thought you would never ask,” Jordan smiled.
“Okay, everyone gets your asses on the floor,” the DJ said.
“That means you too Brandon, Danny,” Mike said as he came back in.
Everyone began to line dance as the DJ played the song. “I don’t know how to…” Brandon said as he walked close to Mike.
“Just watch,” Mike said as he made room for Brandon to fall in line. Brandon slowly watched as the people moved around him.
Slowly, Brandon caught on and danced in line with them. There were smiles on everyone’s faces as they danced to many songs.
“That’s the last one,” Ethan said as he closed the door.
“My feet hurt,” Sherry said as she sat down on one of the stools.
“You sure you don’t want to clean up now?” Jordan asked.
“No!” the rest of the ladies shouted.
“Besides, I got the girls coming back at eight. I told them if they clean up they can have a performance once a week,” Claudia said as they made their way out into the parking lot.
Sherry turned off the light and walked towards her truck. “Night,” she said as she climbed inside.
“Tomorrow,” Mike pointed to Brandon.
“You’re on,” Brandon nodded.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Jordan said as she pulled on Brandon’s shirt.
“My car and back to the motel,” Brandon smiled.
“Nope,” Jordan smiled. She made her way to the truck. “Get in.”
“Where are we heading?” Brandon asked.
“My place,” Jordan smiled.
“I thought with everything that went down tonight, that would be the last place you would want to go,” Brandon said.
“Rick said what he had to say,” Jordan shrugged. “The rest of it was aimed at Mike and Cole, if he is coming back, he won’t be coming to his place. Besides Mike and Cole can take care of themselves.”
“Ah,” Brandon nodded. He was staring at Jordan’s chest as it bounced around under her tied shirt.
“You know you could untie it,” Jordan said with a smile.
“No, I can wait,” Brandon said. “I just wanted to know the supposed curse behind them.”
“Oh that,” Jordan smiled. “My mother’s family line is from Louisiana. One of my ancestors stole the heart of a married man. Supposedly the wife was into black magic or as people call it, voodoo. She cursed my ancestor stating that any child born in her line would be fat and bear the weight of all the women before them on their chests.”
Brandon stifled a laugh. “That’s it?”
“Yes,” Jordan said a bit taken back by Brandon’s reaction. “It’s a serious thing. Ever since that day any woman born in our family has been big and had huge chests. Each generation larger than the one before it.”
“You know you can break it at any time, right?” Brandon smiled.
“What? How?” Jordan asked.
“Find where the person that cast it was buried and burn their remains,” Brandon shrugged. “It will break any curses, spells or chants they ever made. If you believe in that sort of thing.”
“Fancy a drive to Louisiana?” Jordan smiled.
“You’re not serious?” Brandon asked.
“Have you seen the size of these things?” Jordan looked at him.
“Not yet,” Brandon smiled. “Do they hurt your back?”
Jordan looked over at him. “They used to, but not anymore, not since, never mind you will think I am stupid.”
“We still got a way to go,” Brandon said.
“Okay, but I warned you,” Jordan shook her head. “After my last boyfriend left me, not Rick, before Rick, actually he doesn’t even count.”
“Okay,” Brandon nodded.
“After he left me for a skinny Broadway dancer. I tried everything to lose weight; all kinds of diets, pills, exercise regiments. None of them worked I would lose a few pounds then gain twice as much back.”
Brandon nodded. “Carry on,” he said.
“A friend turned me onto this herbal place in downtown,” Jordan shrugged, “I went in there and begged the lady to give me anything that would help me lose the weight. She gave me a bottle with strange writing on it, she told me that it would last for my whole lifetime and that I should pass it on to my children and they should pass it on and so forth. She kept telling me one drop of the liquid every ten years.”
“Ten years?” Brandon shook his head. “Why ten years?”
“Let me finish,” Jordan said as she turned onto the road that led to her new place.
“Well, I tried it, and after three months nothing happened,” Jordan said as she parked the truck in the driveway. “I saw my ex with his girlfriend one night at the bar we used to go when we were together. I got mad and went home. I poured the whole thing into a cup and drank it.”
“What happened?” Brandon asked.
“Three days, nothing happened, then I started to lose weight,” Jordan said. “Not a few pounds but a lot of pounds each day. I did nothing, I didn’t work out, didn’t run. I kept losing weight, and I felt hungry all the time.” Jordan shook her head. “Then these started growing again.”
Brandon looked at her. Jordan smiled back. When she had told Rick this story on their date, he just laughed and said she was overreacting. “So you went back, right?”
“To the herbal place, you bet I did,” Jordan said. “The lady I had talked to wasn’t there, so I talked to a man that was there. He told me she should have never given me that bottle, that it was meant for warriors, to make them fit and strong. His words, not mine.”
“Did he give you something to take?” Brandon asked.
“No,” Jordan shrugged. “He wished me luck and sent me on my way.”
“Now you know everything,” Jordan sat back. “I broke the curse, and now I am being punished. Still, want to go inside with me?”
“Fit and strong huh?” Brandon smiled.
“Yes, and horny,” Jordan nodded.
“I like horny,” Brandon smiled.
They barely made it inside before they had torn into each other. Kissing and hugging. By the time they made it into the bedroom Brandon’s shirt, and pants were off. Jordan pushed him down onto the bed, kissing her way down his chest. She pulled out his dick and began stroking as she looked up at him. Her mouth hovered over it, slowly licking the tip. Jordan marveled at how thick and heavy it felt in her hands.
“Stop teasing,” Brandon smiled down at her.
“Oh, I am not teasing, just wondering how I am going to fit this all in my mouth,” Jordan said as she lowered her mouth around it. She felt the thickness of his penis filling and stretching her mouth. She had done this to many dicks in her younger years. None of them were this thick, longer, thinner, but not as thick. She bobbed her head up and down.
“Holy,” Brandon said as he looked down at her. Jordan stopped for a few moments as she tried to catch her breath. Then she went back down and got him all the way down. Slowly she snaked it back out of her throat and let it pop out of her mouth. “Damn, no one has ever done that before,” Brandon said.
“That’s what a girl likes to hear,” Jordan smiled as she breathed heavily.
“Come up here,” Brandon said as he pulled her up towards him. They kissed again, she felt his tongue inside of her mouth. He was a much better kisser than most of the men she had been with. He grabbed her tightly and pulled her shorts down. His thick hands grabbed a handful of her ass.
“I knew you liked my ass,” Jordan smiled. “How about these?” she asked as she untied her shirt. The bra barely held her giant orbs inside them. She reached behind her as she sat up. “Ready?” she asked as she looked down at him.
Brandon nodded. As he looked up at her, Jordan released the clasps letting the bra fall slowly off her. “Holy shit,” Brandon exclaimed.
“I warned you,” Jordan said as she saw his eyes widen. “Freakish isn’t the…” before she could finish he was sucking on the nipple of one and squeezing the other. “Ohh,” Jordan moaned. “They are very sensitive,” she said as he pushed her down onto the bed.
“How sensitive?” Brandon smiled as he sucked on the other nipple.
“Extremely,” Jordan moaned louder.
Brandon jumped from one boob to the other, sucking and squeezing as he went. He cupped and squeezed them, his head disappeared between them as he pushed them together. “Damn, they are huge,” he smiled.
“Honey, I passed huge months ago,” Jordan said looking over her enormous chest down at him. “But don’t stop doing that,” she urged.
Brandon knew that face, he began tweaking one of the nipples with his thumb and finger while sucking and licking the other. He ran his tongue over the nipple softly, then down under the boobs.
“Fuck yes,” Jordan screamed. Her breathing came rampant the more his tongue explored the large area of her boobs. “Okay, fuck me, please fuck me now!”
Jordan’s body heaved up and down. “No, I remember someone saying they were going to ride me?” Brandon teased.
Jordan’s face went from a pleasant smile to a fiery scowl as she sat up. Brandon laid down. “You asked for it,” Jordan said as she straddled him, she held his thick cock as she lowered herself onto it. Her eyes closed as she felt the thickness of his head pierce her entrance, she felt the shaft fill and stretch her.
Slowly, Jordan bounced on it, as she got used to the girth. She placed her two hands on his chest as she rocked back and forth. As she got all of it inside her, she could feel every pulse it made as she brought herself up and down its length. Brandon’s eyes followed her every move. He watched his dick going in and out of her. Jordan loved the surprise in his eyes.
She began bouncing faster and harder. Bringing herself from a sitting position to squatting on her feet. She used her knees to push herself up and down.
“Holy fuck,” Brandon said as he felt her body going up and down.
“I told you,” Jordan smiled. Jordan began riding his big, thick dick harder than she ever rode one before. Using her hands to keep her steady.
“Fuck,” Brandon said as he looked up at her chest as they bounced and crashed into each other. “I’m cumming,” Brandon began to say over and over.
“Not yet,” Jordan smiled. She slowed down releasing her legs from under her and leaning back. She reached back and grabbed his ankles, spreading her legs out wide. She wanted him to see his dick inside her. She rode back and forth slowly. “Cum inside me, fill me up,” she said as she pushed forward.
Jordan felt his dick pulsate as he came inside her. When he finished, she leaned forward and began kissing him.
“That was intense,” he said as he held her tightly.
“Good,” Jordan smiled. He stared at her. “What?” she smiled.
“Nothing,” Brandon said. “Can’t I just stare for a while?”
“Of course,” Jordan smiled. She was happy she had found someone like him. Not only did he make her smile, but he was also good in bed.
His hands worked their way back to her chest. His fingers made circles around her nipples. “Now, if you keep doing that, you are going to press the start button,” Jordan smiled.
“Oh really?” Brandon asked. “What happens if I do this?” He asked as he leaned forward and kissed her boob.
“Vroom,” Jordan smiled. Brandon leaned forward and began kissing and licking her nipples. Again she began to moan. She reached for his cock it was still wet from her cumming on it. It started to harden in her hand.
Slowly she began to stroke it. With each stroke, it started to get harder. Brandon stopped licking her nipples and straddled her chest. “You sure you want to do that?” Jordan smiled up at him. “If it goes in there it might not come back out,” she laughed.
“Worth the risk,” Brandon smiled. Jordan smiled as he parted her immense cleavage and laid his dick between them.
Jordan squeezed them closed over it then wrapped her arms tightly around her chest. Brandon began fucking her tits. She watched as his intensity increased. The head of his dick couldn’t be seen between them, but it didn’t stop him from fucking her breasts. He leaned forward as he pushed deeper between them.
“Fuck them harder,” Jordan encouraged him. She squeezed her arms tighter together.
“Fuck,” Brandon said as he pulled out. “Turn around,” he ordered.
Jordan quickly got on all fours as he pulled her to the edge of the bed. He pushed himself back inside her. She moaned as she felt the full feeling of his dick stretching her again. Brandon grabbed her hips and began pulling them back on him. Jordan yelped as he began fucking her hard. Her head buried down into the covers of the bed. “Oh fuck me,” she said as she twisted her head sideways. Brandon fucked her hard, then he reached forward grabbing one arm then the other and pulled them back towards him. Lifting her torso off the bed. He used her arms as leverage to pull her back on his dick.
Jordan’ eyes closed with pleasure as she was being fucked deep and hard. Brandon was like an animal possessed. He grunted with each thrust. Jordan’s words were barely audible as she was being used as his fuck toy. He let her arms go, and they fell to the side limp and sore. He leaned forward as his dick pushed deep inside her, his balls pressed against her. Brandon’s hand reached around and began squeezing and massaging her giant boobs. He was breathing heavily on her.
“I want you,” Jordan said with sweat dripping down her face. “Please cum for me,” she said. Her body was weak, her legs and thighs were on fire.
Brandon smiled as she turned around and spread her legs for him. He laid between them and pushed himself deep inside. The two of them looked into each other’s eyes as he slowly fucked her. He made a final push inside her as he came again.
Jordan locked her arms around him as he laid on top of her.
Five months had passed since Jordie’s place had opened, since that time it had become the local spot to come and relax.
“Open,” Brandon said as he slowly slid his dick out of Jordan’s cleavage. Jordan opened her mouth as she took his dick inside. She felt his warm cum shoot into her mouth and down her throat.
Jordan smiled as Brandon pulled up his pants. “You know what that top does to me?” he said as he shook his head.
Jordan pushed up her shirt and made sure the girls were in place. She loved wearing low cut tops. Her breasts were nearly over-spilling the bra, and it made it easy for Brandon to slide his dick down between them without taking her shirt off. “Why do you think I wear it?” Jordan smiled.
They both came out of the back room together. “I swear,” Sherry said shaking her head. “You two are nearly as bad as these teens.”
“Not my fault,” Brandon said holding up his hands.
“Uh-huh,” Mary nodded.
Mary had taken up helping the teens with their homework assignments. Sherry had given the local teens the times between school closing and nightfall to come to the bar. Some of them were playing pool, others were on the dance floor, but most of them were taking advantage of the only place with high-speed internet.
“Look at them,” Sherry said shaking her head. “On a sunny day like this and they have their heads glued to the internet.”
“It’s a different generation,” Brandon shrugged.
“That’s it!” Mike said as he barged in. “This town has lost its damned mind.”
Cole came walking in behind him. “He won,” Cole smiled.
“Well look at you,” Jordan smiled.
“Shut it,” Mike said, pointing his finger at Jordan. “This is all your fault. While you two were back in New York doing whatever you were doing. I am sure you put my name on the ballot.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Jordan smiled. Jordan did know what he was talking about, just before she left with Brandon to New York she had put his name in for sheriff. Brandon wanted to see the place she got the bottle, but when they got there it was gone. The site was now owned by a purse seller, who stated he had been in the same place for eight years.
Jordan, of course, scolded the man, telling him he was a liar. When he showed a deed to the place that confirmed he was leasing the area for the last eight years. Jordan called the leasing company who told her there had never been an herb store there. They even emailed her the original deeds from when the entire building with all seven shops was built. Jordan returned home dejected. If it wasn’t for Brandon, who believed her and stood by her, she would have thought she had been in a nightmare.
“So, Sheriff,” Sherry smiled.
“Don’t start with that crap,” Mike said. “I still have my training wheels on, that’s why they appointed Cole as my immediate supervisor. Until I get all the ins and outs of this job worked out.”
Brandon looked Mike up and down. “You look good in that getup.”
“I do, huh? Do you like it?” Mike asked as he looked at Brandon.
“Yeah,” Brandon smiled. “It looks good on you.”
“Good,” Mike nodded as he picked up one of the three large duffel bags he had brought in. “I am sure you would look good in it as well,” he said as he threw the bag at Brandon. “I don’t know why you are laughing,” he said to Danny, who was over at the pool table. “I got a bag here with your name on it also.”
“What?” Danny said as he walked over to the bar.
“Where’s Ethan?” Mike said looking around.
Ethan popped his head out of music booth. “What?”
“I got a bag here with your name on it,” Mike smiled.
The three men looked down at the large bags. “Congrats, you three have been deputized for the county,” Mike nodded as he skidded three badges onto the bar.
“He can’t do that,” Ethan said, looking at Cole.
“He sure can,” Cole nodded. “He fired the other three this morning. Since the background checks on you three came up clear, you’re the new deputies.”
“I couldn’t trust anyone that worked under Rick,” Mike shook his head.
“But, my shop?” Danny said.
“Please, Fred’s been running your shop for the last three years,” Sherry said, shaking her head. “I bet you couldn’t go in there and tell me where half the things are these days.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Ethan said, looking at his badge.
“Put the clothes on and get down to the office,” Mike said. “That place needs your touch,” he looked over at Danny. “When I left the office there were some people there griping about something or the other, find out what it is and what they want.”
“When you get changed, I got something to show you outside,” Mike nodded at Brandon.
Jordan looked over at Brandon. “If you look good in uniform, you might not stay in it long.”
“Hush,” Sherry said as she picked up the large mug of ice, “I will pour this over you if you don’t settle down.”
The three men walked back out of the bathroom in their uniforms. “Holy…” Sherry said as she looked at the guys coming out. “Well, I think I might need that ice bath.”
The women smiled and chuckled as the men in uniform passed them. Brandon shook his head as he walked past them. His eyes lit up as he stepped outside.
“Well?” Mike said standing beside the car they had been working on. Gone was the black and red. Now it was a light silver with green and black stripes.
“When?” Brandon said as he looked at the lights on the inside and the bumper.
“The last two days,” Mike shrugged. “Had the boys pull an all-nighter to get it done.”
Brandon looked inside at the divider between the front and back seat. “It has extra weight especially with the bumper and the rack in the back.”
“Rack?” Brandon asked as he popped the trunk. He walked to the back as the rest of the gang came outside. “Holy crap, who do you think we are going to war with?” Brandon asked as he looked at all the guns and other tools.
“Anybody and everybody,” Mike laughed. “Should see the inside of my truck.”
“Boys and their toys,” Sherry shook her head.
“Mike, you out there, Hun?” Carol said over the mic.
“Yeah, I am out by Jordie’s, what’s up?” Mike replied.
“Good, you’re close. Those boys are back, they just ran Jerald and his horses off the road,” Carol replied.
“What boys?” Mike asked.
“Some guys driving some high-speed cars have been using the old truck highway as a drag strip,” Cole said. “Rick tried to get them, but their cars are too fast.”
Mike looked at Brandon. “Way ahead of you,” Brandon smiled back as he got in the drivers seat.
“See, that’s why I picked you,” Mike nodded.
“You two head to the office. Carol tell Jerald if he and the horses are okay, stay off the road, we are heading out there now.” Mike said as he threw his truck keys at Danny. Brandon started the loud engine of the car.
The car sped to the back of the parking lot and skidded around. “Hold on,” Jordan yelled as she ran towards one of the teens coming out of the bar.
“Jordan, we don’t have time for this,” Mike yelled.
“One second,” Jordan snapped back as she snatched the black cowboy hat off the guys head. She ran back to the car and dived through the passenger window. She planted the hat on top of Brandon’s head. “Now that’s better. Go get em,” she said as she got back on her feet.
Mike shook his head as the wheels kicked up gravel and dust. It slid sideways as it got out of the parking lot and rocketed forward. Jordan and the others smiled for a few as Danny and Ethan went the other in the truck.
Jordan looked back at the bar. She finally felt like she was home. Jordan whistled her favorite tune as she walked inside. “Let’s hear it for the boy.”
The End
Or is it?