Weird Times At B.H.S. – Part 8 – Alex

"Alex finds himself in a precarious position on his first day of work at a large chain discount store."

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The first thing she told me when her family moved into the house across the street was that she was trans. She marched over wearing an absurd, pink tracksuit just as I was taking out the trash. It almost sounded like a confession or even that she was a little angry the way she just blurted it out. But that was it though.

She didn’t give me time to say anything. She didn’t even tell me her name. The strange, black-haired girl turned and marched right back across the street.

That’s how I met Jackie.

She held up a dress the size of a comforter. “Do you think this would look good on me?”

I looked at the handful of customers waiting in line at the fitting rooms. “Um, Jackie?”

“Are you even paying attention? This is important.”

The small crowd started grumbling.

I cleared my throat. “Shouldn’t we be, like, you know, helping them?”

Jackie found a sombrero in the large pile of go-backs and put it on. “What about this?”

A large woman collected her shirtless children and whisked them away—hopefully to a store that had customer service. It was a shame too. One of the kids only had one shoe.

She sighed. “Fine. Pay attention.” Jackie skipped over to the first person in line, counted their items, and directed them to a fitting room. Then, she did it again. Eventually, and after painstaking effort on her part, all the customers were busy trying on the latest and greatest fashions that Value Mart had to offer. She coolly walked over to me, dusting off her red vest. “Got it?”

“But I thought they could only bring six things into the room,” I said, pointing to the sign.

Jackie shrugged. “Six? 30? What’s the difference?”

“Am I going to get fired?”

Another shrug.

“Wait, how are you not fired?” I asked.

“Me? Me! I just got promoted. I’m a supervisor, remember? Your supervisor. They only give that to people who—”

“Who’ve been here for at least four months?”

“Five months,” she corrected. “And besides, I’m older than you.”

“By like ten seconds,” I mumbled.

Jackie moved in beside me and started to help with the folding of unwanted clothing, which as it turned out, was most clothing. If I owned that store, I would immediately eliminate the fitting rooms and their staff. Their only purpose it seemed was to highlight the disparity between what our customers presumed their bodily dimensions to be, and what they actually were. Also, it was a great place to steal clothes. We were supposed to be on the lookout for that.

“I’ve seen that guy by the way,” she began, “the one you were telling me about.”

“You and everyone else apparently,” I muttered.

“It makes sense though, you know, why he’s so popular. He’s cute. And his blonde hair!”

“I think he likes my sister.”

Jackie folded a teensie halter. Then, she folded it again.

“Jackie?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah. Well, Stephanie is, you know, she’s cute.”

“She’s my sister! What is the matter with you people…” I grumbled.

“She can make her own decisions.”

“But I thought Justin and I—ah never mind. What do I do about this?” I pointed at the top half of a bikini. “Is there supposed to be another part?”

“Yeah, someone probably stole it. Just put it in the go-back cart and let the morning people deal with it.”

When I didn’t immediately move to banish the poor bathing suit to the realm of the forsaken, Jackie tossed it over to the pile herself. She then checked her phone, sighed, and continued my training.

“We have to clean the rooms too,” she said.

“I can see why you’re always so stressed, this is a hard job.”

“I know, right?”

We rummaged through the unsorted pile and continued categorizing everything according to the department. Of course, when we were nearly through, the swimwear, nightwear, and all the other “wear” bins were still almost empty. When I found the missing piece to the bikini, the counterpart to the one we’d seen earlier, Jackie plucked it from my fingers and tossed it with the others in the large pile of uncategorized go-backs.

“We don’t want to separate them, they’re part of the same bathing suit,” she explained. Then, something caught her eye. Jackie set a small pair of panties over her tight, khaki pants and asked, “What about these? Do you think Justin would like them?”

“Probably,” I muttered.

“Really?” Jackie pushed her vest out of the way and stretched them over her crotch.

“I think he would do it with anyone. Seriously—oh did I tell you what he did with Alice?”

Her face lit up.

“Oh my God, Jackie, you’re the worst.”

She scooted in beside me at the big wooden desk and put an arm on my shoulder. “Come on! Tell me!”

“You have a problem, you’re seriously obsessed.”

“I know! I do! And the only way to make it better is to tell me all about—every single detail. Please?” she whined.

“He fingered her, OK? And he even told me about it all casually like it wasn’t important.”

“No way! Alice? Really? She’s a prude!”

I tried to snatch the pair of panties from her hand, but Jackie held on. They stretched out in front of her.

“Where was it? When?”

“In Mr. Jefferson’s class.”

Her pale, white face beamed. I almost had to shield my eyes it was so bright. “Really? Oh my God! Why didn’t you tell me?”

I lunged for the panties. They stretched, slipped from our hands, and landed under the desk. We both looked down. Something was pressing into the front of her tight khakis. It was subtle but it was there. I looked away, down under the desk.

“I’ll, uh, just get those,” I croaked.

Color invaded her pale face. It looked like she was badly burned. I stepped cautiously passed her but my incorrigible friend wasn’t through yet.

She spoke up in a softer voice as I crawled under the desk, “So what did you guys do together anyway? You just said something happened between you two. Did you, like, make out or something?”

I hesitated. “A little.”

She frowned.

“We just kind of got naked, and like, I dunno, just sort of touched ourselves,” I said, then dropped to the floor and crawled under the table. “Well, that was the first time. The second time was different.”

“Oh my God, I need to sit down,” Jackie groaned.

“What? Why?”

“It’s, oh my God, why do I have to explain this to you?” she said angrily.

I reached for the panties but just as I grabbed them, her chair scooted forward with her in it. I was trapped.

“Ow! What the hell? Jackie!” I complained.

“Shh!” she hissed. “A customer is coming.”

I crawled around to face her but found myself scowling directly into her crotch.

“How many things can I bring in there?” a man’s voice asked.

Her fingers rapped against the plastic sign. That was the first thing she’d taught me.

“What about, hmm, twelve?”

“Sure,” Jackie said.

The man laughed. He sounded young. “Well, thank you very much, Jackie. I’ll tell your boss what a great job you’re doing.”

“Oh God! Please don’t do that!”

Another laugh.

Jackie rolled her chair in closer. She sat up tall and spread her legs. “But I don’t think you’d look good in any of this cheap crap.”


“You’re just a little different than most of our customers.”

He sounded surprised. “Oh?”

The heel of one shoe started bouncing on the floor.

“How old are you, Jackie?” he asked.

“Seventeen—almost eighteen.”

“You’re really pretty.”

Her chair inched toward me. And there it was—that hint of indecency in the front of her pants was now slithering down her thigh like it was coming to get me. I froze.

The young man stepped closer to the desk. “Yeah, you’re cute.”

“You probably say that to all the girls at Value Mart,” Jackie said.

He laughed. “Jesus! No way—I mean no offense. This place is, well, you know… You just stand out, that’s all. What’s a pretty girl like you doing here?”

“I just really love my job.”

I coughed.

The toe of Jackie’s shoe rose up and kicked me in the rib. Her foot immediately went back to bouncing like it was trying to mask the lump growing down her leg. But it just got thicker.

“Are you OK?” the man asked.

“What? No—yeah, I’m fine. It’s just these clothes don’t really fit. They make us buy them from here.”

He paused, then, in a quieter tone, said, “I saw you earlier. Your clothes looked like they fit pretty good to me.”

Longer. It was close to my face—so close I had to turn my head to avoid a collision. Jackie squirmed and the table above creaked.

The boy drew closer and whispered, “Do you have a boyfriend?”


He scoffed. “A pretty girl like you? I don’t believe it.”

“The boys at school are lame.”

“I’m in college,” he bragged, “and I don’t have a girlfriend. I’ve got my own place too.”

There was a pause while Jackie considered. I knew her better than anyone, and for her to be speechless was as unnatural as seeing a whale sipping a cup of tea and reading a newspaper. She always had something to say. She shared more than I cared to hear.

But this was new. Our conversations covered relationships, sure, but never anything like this. Her thighs slowly came together and pinched me between them. I could feel the puffy tip pulsing and rattling under my chin.

“Are you sure you’re OK?” the man asked.

“Oh? What? No—yeah! I’m fine,” she said dismissively.

“Because I was just kind of wondering if you wanted to, you know…”

Another pause. Her feet wrapped around behind my butt, drawing me in closer. Jackie very suddenly smacked the table with her palm. “What!” she asked impatiently.

“I was just going to see if you wanted to go out sometime?”

She spoke faster. “No, right—of course—like a date? A date date?”

“Yeah?” he laughed.

“What did you have in mind?”

As he considered, I turned my face back toward it and closed my mouth. My lips scraped over the surface of her pants. I could see all the way down its length. I could feel her bowed shaft radiating warmth up into my face. And the sweet, fragrant smell of sweaty flesh invaded my nostrils. It twitched and I sprang back, bumping my head into the table.

“What was that?” the man asked.

“Oh, nothing—I’m just excited, that’s all.”

“Me too,” he whispered. “You’re fucking hot, Jackie.”

She pushed her hips forward and the tip peeled my lips apart.

Again I thought of how we met. I remembered how that quirky, almost breathless girl told me her secret. That was the foundation for our relationship that followed. She’d gotten into the habit of telling me everything—well, almost everything. It never went this far though, and I made sure never to pry. Jackie took a few, quick breaths.

The man’s voice continued, “I think we’d get dinner first. I know this really nice place overlooking the beach on the bluffs.”

“Uh-huh, yeah, sounds fun.”

“And after that, we’d go back to my place.”

My teeth glided over the tip. Jackie shifted in her seat and her feet tightened behind me.

“You really are excited, aren’t you?” he asked.

“I, uh, what were you saying?”

“You want to know what I think? I think you’re a bad girl.”

A small stain appeared on her khakis. It was just a dot but I knew what it was. She stomped her foot.

“Jackie?” the man asked.


“Are you a bad girl?” he repeated.


“I thought so. I had a feeling you were a slut.”

She grunted. Another spurt of pre-cum seeped out and the stain grew.

He continued, “I’d kiss you as I undressed you. As soon as we got into my apartment I’d start taking off your clothes.”

The aroma wafting upward was thick. It was strong to the point it was intoxicating. I could feel the sticky mess seeping up and clinging to my lips. Her heels drove into my ass.

“I just have to see that tight body of yours and those perfect tits.” He paused. A second ticked by. Then, another. “You like when I talk to you like that, huh?”

“I… I…”

“Then I’d take out my cock and make you suck it. I want to see your pretty little lips around it. Would you like that? You want to suck my cock?”

I could hear her fingernails scraping across the table above. Her chair slid back an inch.

“Have you ever sucked a cock before?”

“No. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I have,” she lied.

“Do you like it? Do you like being a little slut?”

Then, I felt something. It came like a soft blow to the face. Her hand was under the table with me, rubbing at her shaft. Her fingertips bumped into my nose as she pumped it—as she caressed her shaft.

“You really are a little cock slut, huh? Do you want me to cum in your mouth, or…”

I could smell it. I could feel the greasy substance on my lips as it poured out of her. Jackie’s penis jolted. Then, again. The dark, wet circumference around the tip expanded.

The man gulped. “What are you doing?”


“Are you… Are you touching yourself?”

Jackie confirmed with a quiet, barely audible grunt.

“You’re seriously touching your pussy right now? Right here?” he asked.

I gaped. I exhaled onto the back of her hand. She didn’t stop.

“I bet you’re wet, huh? I bet you have the tightest little pussy, don’t you?”

“Uh huh,” Jackie croaked.

The man laughed. “We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.”


“I’d lay you down on the floor, spread your legs, and fill you up. I’d fucking make you cum.”

She squirmed.

“Is that what you want?”

Jackie sounded out of breath. I could barely hear her whisper, “I… Uh… OK?”

“I’d make you beg for it.”

“Like… Like how?”

“Just say it.”

There was a quick, nervous, involuntary laugh.

The man pressed her. “Say it—tell me you want me to fuck you.”

Jackie gulped. She smacked her lips together. “I, uh… OK… Do it then.”

“Do what?”

“You know… Fuck me,” she peeped.

As soon as the words left her lips, the flow inside her pants picked up in earnest.

Her palm flattened and pressed hard into her cock. And I was there up close to witness it—to watch my best friend jerk off and cover herself in her own cum.

The man was quiet for a while as Jackie writhed silently in her chair. I strained my ears to listen for other customers but it was no use. No matter how hard I concentrated I couldn’t find the resolve to lift my focus from what was right there in front of me. Eventually, the twitching subsided and only a large, dark spot on her pants remained. She pulled her hand away, wiped it clean on her blouse, and then brought it back above the table.

“You can use that room right there,” she said.

“What? Can I at least get your number?”

“It’s the first one there on the left, where that lady came out. See?”

“I… I don’t understand,” he said.

“It’s that one there, seriously, how can you not see that?” Jackie said.

“Oh, OK…”

That was the last I heard of him.

Jackie scooted her chair back and looked at me. Her pretty eyes went wide as she evaluated the state of my face and the wet spot on her pants. But she said nothing.

“Jackie!” I whispered. “What the hell was that?”

She blinked.

“What the hell was that? You just… While I was… And that guy…”

Her face was white as a ghost, and for Jackie that was very white. She looked unhealthily white.

“Jackie?” I tapped her leg—her clean leg. “Jackie? Hello? Say something?”

The glazed, dull appearance in her eyes told me that she needed help.

“OK, uh, you just stay here. I’ll go find you some new clothes and help you get cleaned up, OK? Meet me in fitting room one. Got it?”

She blinked again.

“Jackie!” I shouted, then, lowered my tone. “OK, uh… Just breathe—breathe in the air.”

There was a nod.

“That’s better. Now which fitting room are we going to meet in?”

“Number one.”

The thing in her pants had relented. It was still there, still impressive, but it was retreating up her leg.

“OK, good,” I said. Then, I sprang to my feet.

I rounded the bend, blew by the large, irritated woman and her shoeless children, and sprinted across the store. The PA speaker blared. It was the same, unpleasant, monotone voice I’d heard for years as a shopper that announced the store would be closing in fifteen minutes. My heart pounded in my chest.

Someone tried to hail me, they tried to ask where the food aisle was, but I didn’t stop. I kept running. My vest blew in the wind behind me. All I could think about was getting back to that fitting room before Jackie did something stupid.

Girls’ clothes made no sense. All the sizes were wrong. They were all too small. I scooped up an entire rack of khaki pants and sprinted back. The announcement sounded a second time. The store would be closing in 12 minutes.

Breathless and sweaty, I rapped on the door with my knuckles. There was no response. I tried the handle, but it was locked. Everything seemed quiet. Everything was still.

“Jackie?” I whispered. “Are you in there? I found some clothes.”

Her voice was barely audible. “Alex?” she whispered.

“Should I just, you know, slide them under the door?”

I waited several agonizing moments, hoping that she was OK in there. I tried again. Another pause. Ten minutes until the store was closing.

Then suddenly, the latch clicked. The red sign turned green. My hand nudged the door inward. My feet followed.

I found her standing there, staring sullenly down at the mess on her pants. I dutifully turned my head in the other direction and offered her the pile of clothes. But when she didn’t take them, I plopped them down on the little bench beside her.

“Jackie? Hey, say something. Are you OK?”

She brought her worried gaze up to me. Her eyes were the size of saucers.

“Look, it’s OK. Let’s just get you into some new clothes, alright? Does that sound good?”

Jackie’s ponytail bobbed lazily behind her as she nodded.

“OK, I’ll just turn around and you can—hey, Jackie?”

My stubborn friend didn’t move, and she did nothing to acknowledge what I was saying.

“Do you, uh, need my help?” I asked.

The PA system sounded. “The store will be closing in nine minutes.”

“We have to get going!” I shrieked. “Here, I’m just going to—aw, screw it.”

I peeled her vest out of the way, dropped to one knee, and reached up with shaky hands to the cusp of her pants.

“You don’t have to,” Jackie finally said.

“What? Are you crazy? You can’t walk out there like this.”

“I know!” she hissed.

“Well, do you want my help or not?”

She thought for a moment and then reached over to secure the lock on the door. A slow, shaky nod followed.

My hands wasted no time. They clawed at the button and drew the zipper down. Black panties were just underneath, and even those were blotchy. I gulped.

“So, uh, I’ll just take these off?” I asked.

“Alex, I… I just wanted to say thank you.”

“Don’t thank me—just quit moving. We don’t have much time.”

“No,” she insisted. “I want to thank you. You’re such a good friend and… And that was so embarrassing.”

“Just uh, don’t mention it, OK?” I said as I began to peel the brown material down her long body.

She ignored me. “It’s just I don’t know what happened—I don’t know why I did that. It’s like I wasn’t myself. You probably think I’m an idiot, right?”

They slipped lower. Past her hips. Down her thighs. The overwhelming scent of her cum nearly knocked me off my already wobbly knees. But I kept going. I kept tugging until they were down around her ankles and she finally stepped out of them. Her long, limp penis dangled outside of her panties.

It had the same, pale complexion as the rest of her. But it had something extra. A bright, slick sheen coated the surface. A small amount of cum had even accumulated around the tip and dripped to the floor.

“It’s just… It’s just I’m, I dunno, bad at sex,” she continued.

“What do you mean? And hey, do you have something I can use to, you know, wipe you off?”

“I, uh—oh. Here.” Jackie motioned to her panties. “I guess you could just use these.”

There was no hesitation. I peeled those down as well until Jackie was bare from the waist down.

“What do you mean you’re bad at sex?” I asked.

“Hello? Are you kidding?” she asked angrily.

“I didn’t see anything, you know, bad.”

“I came in like two seconds! Ugh! I’m just so sensitive, and when I get, you know, worked up, it just sort of happens. I can’t control it, and I… I…”

“Hey, shh, it’s OK. And you know what? I’m the same way.”

She sniffed. “You are?”

“Yeah, I swear. The same thing happened with Justin.”

“But at least both of you wanted it—I just started doing it right in front of you and you’re my best friend! You’re like my brother!”

“I am not your brother,” I insisted. “And I don’t blame you either. I heard the way he was talking to you.” I balled up her panties and dabbed at her thigh.

Jackie flinched. Her knees wobbled and the piece of flesh hanging between her legs slapped into the back of my hand. She froze. I froze. Our eyes met.

“You have five minutes shoppers—five minutes until the doors close.”

I took a deep breath, then, another. My hand resumed. I wiped slow, gentle circles around her inner thigh, very carefully scooping up the wet mess she’d made. But time just kept ticking by. It could have been ten seconds—it could have been ten hours, but I tried to stay right there, right in that one spot so I could—I don’t know… My mind raced. It was Jackie who finally broke the silence.

“Thank you,” she said again.

“Quit saying that.” Then, without thinking, I blurted out, “Do you, you know, want me to, uh, wipe that?”

She looked down. Her eyes narrowed. But, she didn’t say anything.

“It’s no problem, I mean. I, like, wouldn’t mind—I guess.”

“Do you think I’m a freak?” she asked.

“What? No! Jesus!”

“Alex! Tell me the truth!”

“I think it’s perfect—I mean, no, I think you’re perfect, Jackie.”

“Do you mean it? You don’t think it’s weird that I have a…”

“Honestly, I wish mine was, you know…”

She reached down and peeled some hair out from my eyes. “Alex, what? What is it? What were you going to say?”

“Nothing. So, do you want me to?”

“Just go slow, it’s sensitive.”

“So I can like, touch it? That’s OK?”

Jackie nodded. Then, there was a grimace. She bit her lip. Her voice rose an octave. “Slow! Go slow! Jesus!”

“Sorry,” I said as I lifted the heavy flesh in my palm and stretched it forward. “It’s just I’m not really used to touching them yet—like someone else’s I mean.”

“Me neither,” Jackie admitted. The tight, painful expression on her face relented and disappeared. She was thoughtful for a moment. “Hey, Alex?”


“What were you going to say earlier—just a second ago? You wish you were what exactly?”

My fingers curled around it and I continued to wipe. Again it was the same spot over and over.

“Alex?” she called again.

“I just meant that you’re, you know… Well, it’s big. You’re big, Jackie.”

“It’s not that big,” she said.

I shook my head. “You’re seriously twice as big as me.”

“Alex! No way, don’t say that!”

“It’s the truth,” I said sullenly.

“I bet yours is, well, nice.” Her cheeks turned red but I was glad to see the color return.

“Maybe, but it’s still only four inches. I’ve measured, and honestly, I’m kinda sad I did. And then I see this thing.” Then, without thinking I reached up with my other hand. “I can fit two hands around it! Two!”

Jackie’s eyelids fluttered. She pursed her lips. I could feel her pulse through her shaft. It filled out right there in my hands. Jackie didn’t say anything. Five inches turned to six. More silence. Six turned to seven. Finally, she opened her eyes.

They blinked open to the sight of me on my knees with both fists smothering her. She winced.



“Do you really think it’s big?”

I nodded.

“Bigger than Justin’s?”

“I, uh, yeah. I think so.”

She wobbled. It took a moment but she managed to steady herself. “Did you like, do this with him?”

“Kind of… I mean, yeah, it started like this last night. Then, we just sort of—I mean I sort of…”

It rose. Inch by inch it rose until it was pointed straight forward. “Alex! What did you do? Did you blow him?”

I stared cross-eyed down the bridge of my nose at it and nodded. “Yeah,” I admitted quietly, “I sucked his dick.”

“Oh my God, Alex! When were you going to tell me? What did it taste like? What did it feel like? Where did he do it when he, you know, finished? Was it in your mouth?”

“No—I mean, yeah, some of it got in my mouth.”

“What do you mean some?”

“I don’t know! It was messy. It just kind of got everywhere.”

Jackie narrowed her eyes. A tinge of irritation infiltrated her voice. “And why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you tell me? Oh my God, Alex! I tell you everything. Why were you keeping this a secret?”

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Not that big of a deal? Really?” she complained. “You sucked a dick!”

I pressed my face forward. The soft, pink head bumped into my lips. Jackie went quiet. The anger disappeared.

Just as I was parting my lips, a flat, unpleasant voice squawked over the PA. “Alex and Jackie to the service desk—Alex and Jackie, please bring your organized go-backs to the service desk.”

Published 4 months ago

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