The next song that came on was pretty much the same as the first, only it was cash registers this time. They were in sync with the beat. It was fitting given where we were standing. Melinda cleared her throat.
“Is there something I can help you with, honey?” she asked.
The girl looked at me and then back to Melinda. “Aren’t you helping him?”
I stepped to the side to make room. My penis slid along the cool, glass surface of the display. “No, uh, we’re just—”
“Talking! We were just talking!” Melinda finished for me. “Come on over. What have you got?”
As the girl approached, I looked away. I peered down and casually flipped my shirt down to conceal myself. It still looked unusual but at least she couldn’t see my penis through the glass as she checked out.
“What’s your name, sweetie?” Melinda asked.
“You’re very pretty, Maria.”
The girl blushed and set her things down on the counter.
Melinda picked up a small pair of shorts and scanned them. “Oh yeah, these are definitely you. Did you try them on?”
“Yeah,” Maria said softly.
“They’re good, I mean, I like them, yeah.”
“I bet the boys will too.”
Maria looked down at her sneakers.
Melinda scanned a small top and then held it up. “What do you think, Justin?”
“Uh, no—I mean yeah, that’s good too.”
The girl blushed.
“See?” Melinda said. “You’re going to drive the boys crazy, even the cute ones like him. Do you work out?”
“Yeah, I work at a gym actually.”
“Are you a trainer? You look like a trainer,” Melinda asked, stuffing the shirt into a bag.
“I’m, you know, trying. I’m still in High School though and you have to be eighteen. I’m almost there though, only a few more months.”
Melinda perked up. “What school do you go to?”
“Bluffwatch. I’m a senior.”
“Oh! Did you hear that, Justin? A senior!”
I nodded.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Melinda asked.
“Not right now,” she said quietly.
“Good for you. And guess what? This cute young man doesn’t have a girlfriend either.”
“Melinda!” we said together.
The woman shrugged and placed another item in the bag. Then, her face lit up. “Oh, what’s this?”
Maria stepped forward. “It’s nothing! I don’t know how that got in there!” But when she tried to pluck the tiny black g-string from Melinda’s hands, Melinda stepped back and held it up.
“No, seriously!” Maria protested. “I don’t know how that got in there, it’s not mine!”
Melinda smirked. “Well, I think it’s cute. Did you try it on?”
Silence. Maria turned to me as if I was a lifelong friend of Melinda’s. Her big, dark eyes pleaded with me to do something to help relieve her embarrassment. I held out my hand and Melinda dropped the underwear into my palm.
They were damp. The color was a little darker in the spot that fit directly between her legs. When I handed them to Maria, she snatched them up and held them down by her side and out of view.
“Thank you,” she said.
“She’s right you know,” I started.
I pointed to her hand. “You know, about those.”
“What about them? They’re not mine!” she insisted.
“They’d look good on you, that’s all I mean. You don’t have to, you know, be embarrassed.”
Melinda’s scanner beeped and she tossed another shirt in the bag while poor Maria’s knuckles turned white.
“You think so?” she asked.
“Definitely. You should get them. I’m Justin by the way.” I held out my hand and the nervous Hispanic girl gingerly took it.
Her palm was wet, and her grip was weak and shaky. But she didn’t let go. She just held on, pressing her soft skin into mine. I could feel a small trickle of pre-cum seep into my shirt. My erection pressed harder into the display case.
Maria cleared her throat. “Maybe I will get them,” she decided.
“The boys will thank you,” Melinda said. “Trust me.”
“Really? They hardly notice me.”
“He noticed you,” Melinda said, pointing. “He thinks you’re pretty.”
Our hands came apart and I turned back to the empty space behind the counter. Melinda’s hat was down there and I could see her bouncing on her toes excitedly.
“Oh come on,” Melinda complained. “You are both so silly. I mean, she’s hot, right?”
“Yeah,” I croaked.
“Now, imagine her wearing this under her little uniform. I was always jealous of those short skirts the Bluffwatch girls got to wear. I bet Maria here was just looking for something to wear on her first day of school, isn’t that right?”
“Yeah—but I wouldn’t wear this with a skirt though,” Maria insisted.
Melinda smirked. “Sure, whatever you say sweetheart.”
Maria blew air from her nostrils.
The scanner beeped again before the older woman folded the underwear and then carefully placed them in a smaller, separate bag. “Would you do something for me, hon?”
“Maybe… What?”
“Let’s see you, let me get a good look. Spin in a circle for me.”
She hesitated for a moment. Color rushed into her plain face. But she did it. She very slowly twirled about on her toes as the older woman considered—as we both ogled her. I twisted my head around and followed her round, firm butt as it came toward me.
“Can you lift your arms up?” Melinda asked.
“What? Why?”
“I just want to check something, that’s all.”
The girl paused with her butt pointed toward me. She raised her arms, scraping them up her sides until they were pointing straight up toward the ceiling. Light reflected off the dark, smooth surface of her lower back as if she were made of plastic. But as she reached, her starchy pants sagged below her hips.
“Ah hah!” Melinda said. “I knew it.”
The girl turned her head, arms still raised.
“You’re no stranger to looking good.”
“What?” Maria peeped.
“Your panties, sweetie. You like flashing the boys?”
“No! You told me to do it, I didn’t do it on purpose.”
“Sure. But you know that literally any move you make you’re going to flash someone—well, dressed like that anyway.”
Maria frowned. Her cheeks puffed out like a squirrel.
“It’s cute though, I used to do the same thing.” Then, Melinda turned to me. “See? It’s hot, right?”
The thin white line of her g-string was staring back at me. I could see her narrow waist widen at her hips but still, that didn’t look like enough to keep her pants from falling. My penis twitched again. It was a larger stream this time that leaked down my belly.
Melinda turned her head and narrowed her eyes. “Justin? Are you OK? She’s cute, right?”
I nodded emphatically.
“Good, I think so too.” Her voice softened. “What’s your favorite part about her?”
Maria finished her turn. She lowered her arms, cocked her head, and waited patiently.
“Oh, uh, she’s real pretty.”
“So her face?”
“Yeah, her face.”
“Anything else?”
I swallowed. “And she has a nice body?”
That drew a smile from Melinda and another blush from Maria.
“Really?” the timid girl asked.
“Yeah, of course, I mean you’re, you know—everything Melinda said is true,” I said.
Melinda patted my arm. “There you go! See? That wasn’t so hard!”
I banged my groin into the table. The girl hadn’t adjusted her pants yet and a few strands of thin, black hair crept over the top of her thong. Maria tracked my gaze down her body to the space between her legs. She saw it and immediately hoisted her pants up.
“Oh my God!” she shrieked. “This is so embarrassing!”
I shot my face forward, back to the safety of Melinda. But that was even worse. The button on her jeans was open and a hand was tucked inside. I could see it fumbling around inside her pants, carefully concealed behind the counter. The stain on my clothes grew.
Maria’s soft voice spoke up, “God I’m so sorry, I didn’t even realize, and… And…”
“It’s OK,” Melinda said, “it’s actually kinda hot. Have you ever thought about shaving though?”
The girl coughed. She pressed her hands into her throat like she was trying to clear her airway. “Shave?”
Melinda’s eyes fluttered. The tone in her voice had gotten softer, and her volume lower. “Yeah, have you ever shaved your pussy?”
“No!” Maria insisted. “Never!”
“It’s OK. I like the way you look.”
Her round face nodded skeptically. “Really?”
“Do the boys like it?”
“I, uh—I don’t know. I’m not really like that. I mean, there was this one boy…”
The back of Melinda’s wrist collided with her zipper, forcing it down its track. Her arm dipped lower. “Oh? What did you do with him?”
Maria turned to me, then back to Melinda. Her mouth dipped open like she wanted to speak, but no words came out. Perfect white teeth lined her gums, and behind that was her small tongue trying to sound out her thoughts. Melinda casually set her other hand on the counter.
“What did you do with this boy?” she asked again.
“I, uh—he, you know—” her voice dropped “—touched me.”
“Did you like it?”
She nodded. “Yeah, I mean, of course.”
“Oh yeah? How did it happen? Where were you?”
“I’m not telling you!” Maria said defiantly.
“Come on, please?”
“No! It was, I dunno, dirty!”
Melinda’s eyes sparkled. “Now you have to tell me!”
“I didn’t even know his name, OK?” Maria confessed. But her voice softened and she reluctantly continued, “We were at a party. We’d been drinking, I mean, I barely had a sip. And I don’t think he had any. I’d never even seen him before that night.”
“Was he cute?”
Maria nodded.
“As cute as Justin?” Melinda asked.
“No,” she replied softly. “But he was still cute. It was crazy, I couldn’t think straight. He led me up to the bathroom and as soon as the door closed, we were kissing. His hands were… They were all over me.”
Melinda’s fingertips clawed into the glass counter. “What were you wearing?”
“I, uh, just a dress—a small dress. Seriously, it was so little. And he just raised it up. He put both hands on my ass and grabbed me. God, it felt so… So weird… I’d never felt like that before. I was, I dunno, I was so…”
“You were horny,” Melinda said.
My head swam. The room spun. My shirt bunched up above my erection which now slid haphazardly over the wet, greasy surface of the glass. More cum dripped out. Melinda didn’t notice.
She continued, softer, quieter, “What happened next?”
“I’m not saying! That’s the dirty part!”
“What did you do? Suck his cock?”
“No! It was… I…”
“Maria…” the older woman said in a stern voice.
“He started touching me—my pussy. And after a while, he turned me around and… And I kind of got onto the floor. He was right behind me.”
“Can you show me? Come here—come behind the counter and show me. Get yourself exactly like you were. And Justin—he can be the boy.”
Maria balled her hand into a fist. She hesitated.
“Come on. No one will see,” Melinda said. She motioned to the empty space beside her that was obscured by shelving. “See? It’s perfectly safe. You think he’s cute, right? You said so yourself.”
“Well, yeah. It’s just we… We didn’t have sex—me and that boy. He just kind of, I dunno, rubbed it on me.”
“That’s OK, sweetie. Do you want Justin to do that to you? Do you want to feel him doing the same thing?” Melinda leaned forward and beckoned Maria closer. When the girl stepped forward, Melinda added, “Did this boy have a big cock?”
Maria blushed. She eventually shook her head.
“Because Justin does.” She turned to me. “Show her. Don’t be shy.”
“This is crazy—you’re crazy!” I said.
“Oh come on, what’s the big deal?”
“I don’t even know her—or you!”
Melinda frowned. She shot a questioning look to Maria, then smiled. “She doesn’t think it’s crazy. Do you, Maria?”
“Huh? Oh, I mean… I… I guess…”
I took a deep breath.
The moment I stepped away from the counter, Maria gasped. The unusual disposition of my clothes and the wet spots bleeding through my shirt had her gaping in stunned silence.
“Go on,” Melinda continued. “Take his hand and bring him over here. Get down just like you were. OK, sweetie? Hey, what’s wrong?”
Maria wasn’t done gaping. She stammered out a few words but they were unintelligible.
“You’ve never seen a big cock before, have you?”
The girl shook her head.
“Why don’t you take his hand? Get in real close and tell him that.”
Maria blushed. “Tell him what?”
“Just tell him what you think, that’s all. It isn’t a trick question.”
She looked to the door, then back to me. Maria took my hand in hers, made a nervous grin, then spoke so quietly we could barely hear, “Your, uh… It’s really, you know, nice.”
“What makes it so nice?” Melinda asked.
Maria blew air through her nose as if this were torture. “Fine… Because it’s big—that’s why. Seriously, that other boy was like half of that.”
Melinda nodded approvingly. “Is it OK if he puts his hand down on your hip?” When Maria only offered a nod, the older woman added, “No, tell him it’s OK—and only if you really want him to.”
“I do really want him to!” Maria blurted out, then, quickly looked away. She took a breath, found her strength, and said, “You can, you know, touch me too—if you want.”
I turned to face her. We were close, just inches apart. My hand found the warm skin of her waist and settled on top of her exposed g-string. She panted. Hot air poured out from her lips. I inhaled the sweet smell of her breath and tightened my grip. Melinda eye’s narrowed.
“Is that what the boy did to you?” she asked. “How does it feel?”
Maria let out a forced laugh. “I can barely breathe,” she said.
“Because it, you know, feels good. My heart is seriously pounding so hard—do you guys not hear that?”
“No. And tell him why you feel that. Pretend I’m not even here.”
The nervous girl met my eyes and said, “I think you’re cute. And that’s why I’m… I’m feeling like this—ugh!”
“Good. Good!” Melinda said. “Now tell him what you want him to do.”
“He can—I mean, you can, you know keep touching me. You can touch my ass if you want.” She aimed a quick, confident glance at the older woman who was driving her insane. Surely that would put an end to her incessant nagging. But Melinda just shook her head.
“No, no, no,” she huffed. “Tell him what you want! Don’t you get it? Here, step closer. Get real close. Press yourself up against him—don’t be shy.”
Maria scowled. Her eyes darted down to the narrow space between us, and her sneakers inched closer. Another step. Then, another. The sticky mess on my shirt wiped across her belly. She shuddered.
“There!” Melinda said. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“No. I guess not.”
“You guess? This is what you wanted, right?”
“Well, I mean, yeah.” She paused. Just as it appeared Maria was becoming irritated, Melinda turned to me.
“Justin, how does she feel all pressed up against your big cock?”
I gulped. Maria’s big eyes blinked. Her nose brushed against mine.
“Justin?” Melinda asked again.
“She feels good.”
“No, tell her—tell her why you’re so hard.” Melinda stopped. She shook her head. “OK, how about this? Put your hands in her pants. Put them down there and squeeze her pretty ass and tell her—” her voice dropped to a whisper “—tell her you’re this hard because you want to fuck her.”
My hands punched down into her pants. My fingertips clawed into her cheeks. Maria lurched forward, and I whispered into her open mouth, “She’s right—I do want to… To…”
“To what?”
“I want to fuck you.”
Maria grunted. She squinted.
Melinda ignored the quiet moans and spoke over her. “Tell her how you want to fuck her.”
I tore into her flesh. Her body trembled. “I want to fuck you doggy style. I want you to bend over on the floor so can I pull your pants down and fuck you.”
Another grunt. This time her lips brushed over mine. Her belly squirmed along my shaft.
“Is that what you want?” I asked.
She nodded.
Melinda spoke up. Her voice was louder, sterner. “Say it—tell him what you want.”
Maria’s eyelids fluttered. “I… I…”
“Tell him!”
“I want you to… To fuck me…”
I kissed her. My lips devoured her.
“Fuck me,” she repeated. “Bend me over and fuck me.” Then, she fell silent. Her fingers hoisted my shirt up until my erection was lying flat between our bellies. She bucked into me with her hips. More cum bubbled out.
“Maria!” I shouted. “Maria! I’m going to—you have to slow down!”
She slid a hand in between us.
“Maria!” I called again.
The pretty seventeen-year-old looked me in the eye and pumped her fist.
“I’m… I’m going to cum—I’m going to cum…”
Her head swiveled around and she scanned the room. Other than Melinda writhing quietly with a hand deep in her pants, the store was empty. She turned back to me.
“It’s going to make a mess!” I warned.
I nodded emphatically with my panic-stricken face.
Her eyes widened. “Like how much of a mess?”
Just as she finished her words, a long rope of cum shot up her stomach. The white liquid stood out on her soft, brown skin. But she didn’t let go. Her knuckles tightened around my shaft.
“Maria!” I called again.
After a quick shake of the head, the girl regained her focus and met my eyes. “I’ve never let a boy do that to me before,” she said.
Another stream spilled up between us.
“I can’t stop it!”
Maria’s eyes darted back and forth. She agonized. Then, her face slipped in beside mine and she whispered, “You can be the first. Do it. You can… You can cum on me.”
My fingertips clawed into her ass and I unleashed a torrent of cum between our bodies.
“It’s OK. Cum on me,” she whispered again.
My eyelids slammed shut. My hips shot forward. Cum flooded what little space there was between us.
“Do you like it?”
I grunted. I squeezed. I unloaded everything I had onto her until my knees started to wobble and my whole body began to shake.
“Justin?” she asked again.
My eyes shot open.
“Yeah—no, that was amazing,” I huffed.
“Yeah. But I’m, you know, sorry about…” I said, then, pointed to her belly.
She was saturated all the way up to her shirt. Even that was riddled with wet spots. Maria wiped at it with her hands and then immediately regretted it. She wrenched them away after smearing it in and just making the mess worse.
I cleared my throat and looked toward Melinda. “Hey, Melinda? Do you have something she can use to, you know, clean up?”
The woman didn’t hear me. She was standing tall, her hand furiously working herself over inside her pants.
“Melinda!” I shouted.
Her eyes opened. She glanced around the room and then settled on Maria. Still, she said nothing.
“Hey, do you have some paper towels?”
She shook her head. “Keep… Keep playing with it,” she croaked.
“What?” Maria asked.
“Rub it in—touch yourself—play with his cum.”
Thick gobs dripped down her skin. She did her best to protect her pants, scooping them up with her shaky fingers.
“That’s it,” Melinda groaned. “Just like that.”
The Hispanic girl didn’t look up. She blocked a viscous gob just before it careened into her thong. Her small hand smeared it into her skin.
“Play with his cum—oh my God, that is so hot. Just like that. Keep touching yourself.”
“It’s everywhere,” Maria complained.
She was breathless, distraught, and her words almost sounded like a death rattle when Melinda squeaked out, “You look so good with that big fucking load all over you.”
That was the last thing she said. She took a step back, leaned against the wall, and closed her eyes. Then, with her hand stuffed deep into her pants, her whole body went still.
I scurried behind the counter, found a box of tissues, and did my best to make Maria decent—to make us both decent.
She stood patiently as I dabbed at her stomach. Her face stayed fixed on the entryway like she was suddenly very aware of her surroundings.
“Hurry!” she hissed.
“I’m trying!”
“Someone’s coming!”
“They’re on the other side of the mall,” I said.
“They can still see!”
I balled up several tissues and scraped them along her soft flesh. Maria’s hard, worried face scrunched up even tighter. “Seriously, relax. They’re gone, see?”
“Relax? That’s easy for you to say, you don’t have cum all over you!”
I stood up abruptly and gestured toward my shirt. Maria relented. She exhaled. Her face softened and she reached down to pluck a tissue from the box.
It didn’t take long to get cleaned up. And when we parted ways, we left without saying a word to Melinda. We just left her there, paralyzed and slouching against the wall.